944 resultados para research management


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Urban traffic as one of the most important challenges in modern city life needs practically effective and efficient solutions. Artificial intelligence methods have gained popularity for optimal traffic light control. In this paper, a review of most important works in the field of controlling traffic signal timing, in particular studies focusing on Q-learning, neural network, and fuzzy logic system are presented. As per existing literature, the intelligent methods show a higher performance compared to traditional controlling methods. However, a study that compares the performance of different learning methods is not published yet. In this paper, the aforementioned computational intelligence methods and a fixed-time method are implemented to set signals times and minimize total delays for an isolated intersection. These methods are developed and compared on a same platform. The intersection is treated as an intelligent agent that learns to propose an appropriate green time for each phase. The appropriate green time for all the intelligent controllers are estimated based on the received traffic information. A comprehensive comparison is made between the performance of Q-learning, neural network, and fuzzy logic system controller for two different scenarios. The three intelligent learning controllers present close performances with multiple replication orders in two scenarios. On average Q-learning has 66%, neural network 71%, and fuzzy logic has 74% higher performance compared to the fixed-time controller.


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Capability indices in both univariate and multivariate processes are extensively employed in quality control to assess the quality status of production batches before their release for operational use. It is traditionally a measure of the ratio of the allowable process spread and the actual spread. In this paper, we will adopt a bootstrap and sequential sampling procedures to determine the optimal sample size for estimating a multivariate capability index introduced by Pearns et. al. [12]. Bootstrap techniques have the distinct advantage of placing very minimum requirement on the distributions of the underlying quality characteristics, thereby rendering them more relevant under a wide variety of situations. Finally, we provide several numerical examples where the sequential sampling procedures are evaluated and compared.


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The nonlinear, noisy and outlier characteristics of electroencephalography (EEG) signals inspire the employment of fuzzy logic due to its power to handle uncertainty. This paper introduces an approach to classify motor imagery EEG signals using an interval type-2 fuzzy logic system (IT2FLS) in a combination with wavelet transformation. Wavelet coefficients are ranked based on the statistics of the receiver operating characteristic curve criterion. The most informative coefficients serve as inputs to the IT2FLS for the classification task. Two benchmark datasets, named Ia and Ib, downloaded from the brain-computer interface (BCI) competition II, are employed for the experiments. Classification performance is evaluated using accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and F-measure. Widely-used classifiers, including feedforward neural network, support vector machine, k-nearest neighbours, AdaBoost and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, are also implemented for comparisons. The wavelet-IT2FLS method considerably dominates the comparable classifiers on both datasets, and outperforms the best performance on the Ia and Ib datasets reported in the BCI competition II by 1.40% and 2.27% respectively. The proposed approach yields great accuracy and requires low computational cost, which can be applied to a real-time BCI system for motor imagery data analysis.


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Traffic congestion in urban roads is one of the biggest challenges of 21 century. Despite a myriad of research work in the last two decades, optimization of traffic signals in network level is still an open research problem. This paper for the first time employs advanced cuckoo search optimization algorithm for optimally tuning parameters of intelligent controllers. Neural Network (NN) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) are two intelligent controllers implemented in this study. For the sake of comparison, we also implement Q-learning and fixed-time controllers as benchmarks. Comprehensive simulation scenarios are designed and executed for a traffic network composed of nine four-way intersections. Obtained results for a few scenarios demonstrate the optimality of trained intelligent controllers using the cuckoo search method. The average performance of NN, ANFIS, and Q-learning controllers against the fixed-time controller are 44%, 39%, and 35%, respectively.


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Responding to an emergency alarm poses a significant risk to firefighters' health and safety, particularly to cardiovascular health, physical and psychological stress, and fatigue. These risks have been largely categorised for salaried firefighters working 'on station'. Less is known about the factors that contribute to these risks for the vast number of non-salaried personnel who serve in retained roles, often deploying from home. The present study investigated the alarm response procedure for Australian metropolitan fire fighters, identifying common and divergent sources of risk for salaried and retained staff. There were significant differences in procedure between the two workgroups and this resulted in differences in risk profile between groups. Sleep and fatigue, actual response to the alarm stimulus, work-life balance and trauma emerged as sources of risk experienced differently by salaried and retained firefighters. Key findings included reports of fatigue in both groups, but particularly in the case of retained firefighters who manage primary employment as well as their retained position. This also translated into a poor sense of work-life balance. Both groups reported light sleep, insufficient sleep or fragmented sleep as a result of alarm response. In the case of salaried firefighters, this was associated with being woken on station when other appliances are called. There were risks from physical and psychological responses to the alarm stimulus, and reports of sleep inertia when driving soon after waking. The findings of this study highlight the common and divergent risks for these workgroups, and could be used in the ongoing management of firefighters' health and safety.


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This study focuses on the central Brazilian historiography of science, focusing specifically on the life and work of a contemporaneous mathematician-physicist, and becomes part of the set of research results that investigate, organize and describe personal, intellectual and professional itineraries of Brazilian scientists and educators. The theme chosen for the study ran from seminars on Mathematics in Pará and is up to organize and describe the life history, education, professional experience and scientific production of William Mauricio Souza Marcos de La Penha (Guilherme de La Penha), considering their academic, professional and intellectual life history, so that their academic and intellectual production be spread over the Brazilian scientific and academic community. We adopted the historical research as theoretical and methodological base for the development of this study, rising arguments about the profile of Guilherme de La Penha to characterize him as a multiskill intellectual and to reveal that his thoughts about science, technology, training scientists and educators were in accordance with their writings and their professional practice in order to build a first story about the life and work of William de La Penha. In this sense, we took the theoretical aspects related to historical research, biographies, intellectual itineraries, files and inventories as sources and historical construction vehicles in order to point out the essential elements to form a profile of the transdisciplinary intellectual historians, ie a profile scientist who carries out the research, management and administration, as well as a committed educator to the on-going training and forming process. The results pointed in different directions, among which we highlight the creation of Seção Guilherme de La Penha at Universidade da Amazonia, producing several articles about the life and work of William de La Penha presented at national and international conferences and the proposal for documentary displays which could contribute to understanding the implementation of a scientific area in Pará State, an area that would not only be restricted to the production of knowledge, but more than that, it would include the spreading, which provides various means, primarily through education. Thus it was possible to ensure that La Penha has an intellectual profile that can be considered a multi-and transdisciplinary intellectual who defends the possibility of forming a scientist one and multiple, non-linear attitudes and dialogues with all other areas in order to be understood under a model scientist for the twenty-first century based on the model clearly inspired by the scientist authors with which he identified throughout their training and professional activities, like the three that stood out in their relationship science: Archimedes, Leonhard Euler and Cliford Ambrose Truesdell


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Riverine fisheries in Brazil are reviewed. There is a broad description of the environment and the fish, and arguments for the high diversity of fish fauna diversity are examined. The country is divided into five large river basins and the fisheries are described in relation to the main fish species caught, the main gear employed, and the fishing strategies. Exotic species introduction is discussed along with strategies for fish stock management. Effects of dams on resident fish stocks and consequences for the small scale fisheries are discussed and compared with the effects of pollution. -Author


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ABSTRACT: This researpch discusses the role of Articulated Action Plan (AAP) in education management and present as object of study the implications of AAP in the management of Altamira-PA education, with respect to the democratic management. The investigation seems to clarify se with the implementation of the AAP there was progress in the democratization of education management in Altamira-PA. We pointed as well as general objective: analyze the implications of AAP for educational management Altamira from 2007 to 2012. The research investigation bases made themselves with the literature of contribution on the issues of the state and education politic, the democratic management of education and Articulated Action Plan, as well as official documents available in SEMED and other sources. Having as part of a research management, considered in the analysis of the educational context dimension 1 (one) of the AAP. So in addition to statistical data on municipal education, we analyzed financial data for the transfer of federal funds, and qualitative data on the participation of research subjects (education secretaries, counselors, teachers and teaching coordination). The investigation revealed that it is still fragile the field of democratization of education in Altamira. Of the analyzed aspects contained in the AAP, including the functioning of the councils (School Boards, City Board of Education, CACS-Fundeb and CAE), providing of the position of directors and the construction of the Municipal Education Plan (MEP) show progress and setbacks regarding the democratic management: existence of all the advice of social control and monitoring; reactivation of CME but this still can not coordinate discussions on the educational politic of the municipality; little participation in the School Boards; creation of Law No. 3,085/2012 establishing the Municipal school system, but still no installation; transfers under the AAP of federal funds for schools; lack of MEP and privilege of the IAS Target Plan. Finally, it is concluded that even if the resistance fronts for the construction and consolidation of democratic management of education and there are historical in Altamira, the construction of educational politic with the participation of all is frustrated by the centrality of the decision-making power in the Government’s hands.


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The rise of new multinationals in countries like Brazil provides an opportunity to revisit and carefully construct theories of how firms internationalize, a topic on which extant theory is weak. Brazilian firms are "infant multinationals", unlike developed country firms that are "mature multinationals". They are also internationalizing in a very different global context, and can do so on the basis of different competitive advantages than multinationals that came before. Therefore, this study aims at creating subsidies for theory building about early-stage internationalization. Emerging country firms have Production competences as main competitive asset to internationalize, what reflects their competitive positioning in home markets and their entry strategy in international markets. In the case of early-entrants - Western multinationals in the 1950s and Japanese in the 1980s - the Production competence played a key role for successful internationalization. Thus, the focus of the study is the role that the Production competence plays in the internationalization of late-entrants, the emerging country multinationals. The research design considers not only the position of the headquarters but also the initiatives of the subsidiaries and the dynamic interplay between both. The paper allows a better understanding of internationalization processes and the role of Production, when firms start building their own international networks. It brings relevant insights about the paths that are being followed by emerging country multinationals, the difficulties they find, the solutions they develop. These are important inputs not only for new theory building but also for managerial practice. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we introduce two new variants of the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem (ALWABP) that allow parallelization of and collaboration between heterogeneous workers. These new approaches suppose an additional level of complexity in the Line Design and Assignment process, but also higher flexibility; which may be particularly useful in practical situations where the aim is to progressively integrate slow or limited workers in conventional assembly lines. We present linear models and heuristic procedures for these two new problems. Computational results show the efficiency of the proposed approaches and the efficacy of the studied layouts in different situations. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we propose an extension of the invariance principle for nonlinear switched systems under dwell-time switched solutions. This extension allows the derivative of an auxiliary function V, also called a Lyapunov-like function, along the solutions of the switched system to be positive on some sets. The results of this paper are useful to estimate attractors of nonlinear switched systems and corresponding basins of attraction. Uniform estimates of attractors and basin of attractions with respect to time-invariant uncertain parameters are also obtained. Results for a common Lyapunov-like function and multiple Lyapunov-like functions are given. Illustrative examples show the potential of the theoretical results in providing information on the asymptotic behavior of nonlinear dynamical switched systems. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work we introduce a relaxed version of the constant positive linear dependence constraint qualification (CPLD) that we call RCPLD. This development is inspired by a recent generalization of the constant rank constraint qualification by Minchenko and Stakhovski that was called RCRCQ. We show that RCPLD is enough to ensure the convergence of an augmented Lagrangian algorithm and that it asserts the validity of an error bound. We also provide proofs and counter-examples that show the relations of RCRCQ and RCPLD with other known constraint qualifications. In particular, RCPLD is strictly weaker than CPLD and RCRCQ, while still stronger than Abadie's constraint qualification. We also verify that the second order necessary optimality condition holds under RCRCQ.


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According to recent research carried out in the foundry sector, one of the most important concerns of the industries is to improve their production planning. A foundry production plan involves two dependent stages: (1) determining the alloys to be merged and (2) determining the lots that will be produced. The purpose of this study is to draw up plans of minimum production cost for the lot-sizing problem for small foundries. As suggested in the literature, the proposed heuristic addresses the problem stages in a hierarchical way. Firstly, the alloys are determined and, subsequently, the items that are produced from them. In this study, a knapsack problem as a tool to determine the items to be produced from furnace loading was proposed. Moreover, we proposed a genetic algorithm to explore some possible sets of alloys and to determine the production planning for a small foundry. Our method attempts to overcome the difficulties in finding good production planning presented by the method proposed in the literature. The computational experiments show that the proposed methods presented better results than the literature. Furthermore, the proposed methods do not need commercial software, which is favorable for small foundries. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The integrated production scheduling and lot-sizing problem in a flow shop environment consists of establishing production lot sizes and allocating machines to process them within a planning horizon in a production line with machines arranged in series. The problem considers that demands must be met without backlogging, the capacity of the machines must be respected, and machine setups are sequence-dependent and preserved between periods of the planning horizon. The objective is to determine a production schedule to minimise the setup, production and inventory costs. A mathematical model from the literature is presented, as well as procedures for obtaining feasible solutions. However, some of the procedures have difficulty in obtaining feasible solutions for large-sized problem instances. In addition, we address the problem using different versions of the Asynchronous Team (A-Team) approach. The procedures were compared with literature heuristics based on Mixed Integer Programming. The proposed A-Team procedures outperformed the literature heuristics, especially for large instances. The developed methodologies and the results obtained are presented.


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Ng and Kotz (1995) introduced a distribution that provides greater flexibility to extremes. We define and study a new class of distributions called the Kummer beta generalized family to extend the normal, Weibull, gamma and Gumbel distributions, among several other well-known distributions. Some special models are discussed. The ordinary moments of any distribution in the new family can be expressed as linear functions of probability weighted moments of the baseline distribution. We examine the asymptotic distributions of the extreme values. We derive the density function of the order statistics, mean absolute deviations and entropies. We use maximum likelihood estimation to fit the distributions in the new class and illustrate its potentiality with an application to a real data set.