920 resultados para research capacity building


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Includes bibliography


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From the 1970s onward, the macroeconomic context in Argentina and Brazil was characterized by drastic economic changes and instability. Numerous studies have documented the generally negative effect of this environment on the innovation capacities of the manufacturing sector. This paper, however, analyses the possible emergence of new innovation capacities in the period, bringing two important phenomena to light. First, a quite substantial number of firms, even in unstable settings, redoubled their innovation efforts. Second, these firms are mainly found in a small group of sectors associated with the countries’ static advantages or in sectors favoured by specific sectoral regimes. The findings, although exploratory, are a contribution to the debate on the development of innovative capacities in unstable macroeconomic contexts and the ability of sectors associated with the two countries’ static advantages to generate spaces of innovation and value creation.


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.--A. Introduction.--B. Summary of evaluation.


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.--A. Introduction.--B. Summary of evaluation.


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The Swiss Swiss Consultant Trust Fund (CTF) support covered the period from July to December 2007 and comprised four main tasks: (1) Analysis of historic land degradation trends in the four watersheds of Zerafshan, Surkhob, Toirsu, and Vanj; (2) Translation of standard CDE GIS training materials into Russian and Tajik to enable local government staff and other specialists to use geospatial data and tools; (3) Demonstration of geospatial tools that show land degradation trends associated with land use and vegetative cover data in the project areas, (4) Preliminary training of government staff in using appropriate data, including existing information, global datasets, inexpensive satellite imagery and other datasets and webbased visualization tools like spatial data viewers, etc. The project allowed building of local awareness of, and skills in, up-to-date, inexpensive, easy-to-use GIS technologies, data sources, and applications relevant to natural resource management and especially to sustainable land management. In addition to supporting the implementation of the World Bank technical assistance activity to build capacity in the use of geospatial tools for natural resource management, the Swiss CTF support also aimed at complementing the Bank supervision work on the ongoing Community Agriculture and Watershed Management Project (CAWMP).


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The Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) has been contracted by the World Bank Group to conduct a program on capacity development in use of geospatial tools for natural resource management in Tajikistan. The program aimed to help improving natural resource management by fostering the use of geospatial tools among governmental and non-governmental institutions in Tajikistan. For this purpose a database including a Geographic Information System (GIS) has been prepared, which combines spatial data on various sectors for case study analysis related to the Community Agriculture and Watershed Management Project (CAWMP). The inception report is based on the findings resulting from the Swiss Consultant Trust Fund (CTF) financed project, specifically on the experiences from the awareness creation and training workshop conducted in Dushanbe in November 2007 and the analysis of historical land degradation trends carried out for the four CAWMP watersheds. Furthermore, also recommendations from the inception mission of CDE to Tajikistan (5-20 August 2007) and the inception report for the Swiss CTF support were considered. The inception report for the BNWPP project (The Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership Program) discusses the following project relevant issues: (1) Preliminary list of additional data layers, types of data analysis, and audiences to be covered by BNWPP grant (2) Assessing skills and equipment already available within Tajikistan, and implications for training program and specific equipment procurement plans (3) Updated detailed schedule and plans for all activities to be financed by BNWPP grant, and (4) Proposed list of contents for the final report and web-based presentations.


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Manual used for the implementation of CDE's Geoprocessing courses in the South and East. Composed of 6 modules covering important aspects of GIS handling and implementation: 1) Introduction to GIS; 2) Management issues; 3) GIS data preparation; 4) GIS data presentation; 5) Vector data analysis; 6) Raster data analysis. At the moment the manual is designed for use with ArcGIS. Work on a manual for use with open source software is currently ongoing. This manual was successfully used during several GIS training events in Kenya and Tajikistan.


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The sustainable management of natural resources is a key issue for sustainable development of a poor, mountainous country such as Tajikistan. In order to strengthen its agricultural and infrastructural development efforts and alleviate poverty in rural areas, spatial information and analysis are of crucial importance to improve priority setting and decision making efficiency. However, poor access to geospatial data and tools, and limited capacity in their use has greatly constrained the ability of governmental institutions to effectively assess, plan, and monitor natural resources management. The Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) has thus been mandated by the World Bank Group to provide adequate technical support to the Community Agriculture and Watershed Management Project (CAWMP). This support consists of a spatial database on soil degradation trends in 4 watersheds, capacity development in and awareness creation about geographic information technology and a spatial data exchange hub for natural resources management in Tajikistan. CDE’s support has started in July 2007 and will last until December 2007 with a possible extension in 2008.


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Games that simulate complex realities to be dealt with in teams are an effective tool for fostering interactive learning processes. they link different levels of decision-making in the household, community and societal contexts. Negotiation and harmonisation of different perceptions and interests, be it within or between different households, form the basis of a common strategy for sustainable development.