887 resultados para reproductive season


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Annual patterns of breeding activity, reproductive modes, and habitat use are described for a frog community in a seasonal environment, in the southern Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected monthly between January 1995 and December 1998. A total of 24 species from four families; Bufonidae (3 species), Hylidae (10 species), Leptodactylidae (9 species), and Microhylidae (2 species) were registered. Three reproductive activity patterns are recognized among these species: continuous, explosive, and prolonged; 50% of the species were explosive breeders. Seasonal pattern of reproduction was verified for three analyzed years (1995-1997) most species reproduced during the rainy season (Nov-Jan). The reproduction was aseasonal in 1998; unexpected rains in the dry season lead to an unusual breeding activity. Five reproductive modes were noted - 62.5% of the species have the generalized aquatic mode, and 33.3% deposit eggs embedded in foam nests. Many species used the same sites for reproduction, although temporal partitioning and calling site segregation was observed. The occurrence of many species that exhibit explosive breeding early in the rainy season is common in seasonal and open environments with variable and unpredictable rainfall, as is the case in the Pantanal.


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The present study describes the reproductive biology of Scinax fuscomarginatus in a remnant of Cerrado in south-eastern Brazil. Observations were made between September 2002 and March 2004 at Estacao Ecologica de Itirapina, State of São Paulo, south-eastern Brazil. Breeding activities occurred in lentic and temporary bodies of water during the rainy season. Scinax fuscomarginatus exhibited a prolonged breeding pattern and a lek mating system. Males were smaller than females and defended individual calling areas through acoustic and physical interactions. Resident males consistently won encounters, but did not differ in size or mass from intruder males. Satellite behaviour was observed, but no female or amplected pair interception was registered. Scinax fuscomarginatus exhibited low operational sex ratios and the general reproductive mode in which eggs are laid in the water and tadpoles are aquatic. Amplexus was axillary and the eggs were deposited at the bottom of temporary ponds. Details on oocytes, egg masses, and eggs are included.


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The present study was conducted in the Serra do Japi in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. From March 2004 to January 2006 we studied the ecology and reproductive biology of two sympatric species of Aplastodiscus in three different habitats: lake, stream, and swamp. The majority of A. leucopygius males in calling activity were recorded during the rainy season and during sporadic rains in the dry season (April to September). The same was observed for A. arildae. Most courtship displays of A. leucopygius were observed mainly during the rainy period and only one courtship behaviour was observed for A. arildae during a rainy night, in December 2005. Aplastodiscus leucopygius males were found in activity in the three habitats surveyed. In contrast, males of A. arildae were found in only one habitat (stream). Spatial distribution seems to be the main mechanism of reproductive segregation between the studied species.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O comportamento reprodutivo e a ocorrência sazonal de Psecas viridipurpureus foram estudados na Estação Ecológica do Noroeste Paulista, uma pequena área de conservação na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil (49º22'50W e 20º48'36S). P. viridipurpureus ocorreu em gravatás, uma bromeliácea (Bromelia balansae, Bromeliaceae) que não acumula água de chuva. Durante a exibição de corte, o casal ocupou a região mediana das folhas de gravatás, com o macho sempre localizado em uma posição superior à da fêmea. Os machos de P. viridipurpureus apresentaram um comportamento de corte complexo, que incluiu cinco padrões motores. O comportamento de corte e a cópula ocorreram preponderantemente durante a estação chuvosa e o recrutamento de jovens entre dezembro e julho. O abrigo de P. viridipurpureus difere do padrão de Salticidae, pois as ootecas são recobertas por uma cobertura de seda plana e não são incluídas em casulos.


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Capture/recapture studies significantly increase our knowledge of the natural history of anuran amphibians. Many different methods have been employed in these studies, but a number of new techniques still require experimental validation. During two reproductive seasons in a Cerrado remnant in southeastern Brazil, we investigated the movement patterns and habitat use of the pepper frog, Leptodactylus labyrinthicus, using a spool-and-line device. This low-cost device did not appear to interfere with the activities of the frogs and allowed for constant monitoring, showing precise routes of movement and great predictability of relocations. Both sexes were active at night. During the day, males and females made use of retreat sites under vegetation or in burrows constructed by small- and medium-sized mammals. Males and females did not use standardized routes; there were no significant differences between their movements, and movements were not correlated with body size or environmental conditions. Individuals are able to move further than 100 m per day, a characteristic that may enable this species to colonize or recolonize open areas.


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The reproductive phenology of the entire climber community (96 species of lianas and 40 species of vines) in a semideciduous forest in Southeastern Brazil (22 degrees 49'45''S; 47 degrees 06'33''W and 670 m altitude) was observed from March 1988 to February 1991. Phenological observations were made weekly by walking along a 10.5 km trail in the interior and at the forest edges of the Santa Genebra Reserve (SGR). The most species-rich families of climbers were Bignoniaceae (22), Malpighiaceae (17), Sapindaceae (12) and Asteraceae (12). Flowering patterns for woody lianas and herbaceous vines differed. Lianas had two flowering peaks: a minor peak in March in the transition from wet to dry season, and a major peak in October during the transition from dry to wet season. The flowering peak for herbaceous vines was in April. Fruiting of lianas was highly seasonal, with one peak in the late dry season (July-August). Fruiting for vines was less seasonal with a slight peak in March. These differences were consistent with the predominance of wind-dispersed fruits among lianas (72% of species) versus vines (52%). Low rainfall, high leaf fall, and strong winds during the dry season favor wind dispersal. More species of vines (40%) have animal-dispersed seeds than lianas (19%), and most vines fruited during the wet season. Phenological patterns of climbers and trees and treelets at SGR differed. The life form of lianas and their system of reserve economy may allow them to reproduce during periods unfavorable to trees. Displacement of peak flowering periods of trees and climbers pollinated by bees and small generalist insects may decrease competition for pollen vectors among species of these two groups of plants. Whereas the fruiting patterns of wind-dispersed trees and climbers at SGR were similar (most species fruiting during the dry season), animal-dispersed trees and treelets fruited throughout the year while animal-dispersed climbers exhibited a pronounced peak in late wet season. The distinct phenological patterns of climbers, generally complementary to those presented by trees, resulted in constant availability of Bowers and fruits throughout the year and enhances the importance of this plant group in Neotropical forests.


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ContentsThe objective of this study is to evaluate the reproductive efficiency in donors and recipient Mangalarga Marchador mares in commercial programmes of embryo transfer (ET) and the effects of some reproductive characteristics and ET methodology on conception rates in the recipient mares. A total of 1140 flushing procedures were performed and 830 embryos (72.8%) were recovered. There were no differences between the rates of embryonic recovery in the different breeding seasons (p > 0.05) and 92.8% of the recovered embryos were 8-9 days old. There was no difference in the embryonic recovery regarding the collection order from the first to the ninth embryo collection along the breeding season, as well as among mares inseminated during the foal heat or subsequent cycles (p > 0.05). Pregnancy rates observed in the total period of all reproductive seasons at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days of pregnancy were 73.4, 69.9, 66.7 and 64.5%, respectively. Differences in pregnancy rate and early embryonic loss rates were not observed between embryos transferred immediately after collection (66.8% and 13.5%) and embryos transported at room temperature for periods of < 1 h (62.9% and 14.4%; p > 0.05). Pregnancy rates were higher when the interval between ovulations of donor and recipient mares remained between -3 and -2 days (p < 0.05), and the lowest rates were observed for intervals of -6 days (p < 0.05) with intermediary values for intervals of -1, 0 and +1 (p > 0.05). Embryonic loss rates, however, did not differ between intervals of ovulation's synchronism between donor and recipient mares (p > 0.05). This flexibilization in the ovulatory synchronism between donor and recipient mares optimizes the use of recipient mares, thus reducing costs and facilitating management of horse breeding farms.


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The present investigation examined the extracutaneous pigmentation pattern of three species of anuran amphibians, Dendropsophus nanus, Physalaemus cuvieri, and Rhinella schneideri, during the course of their breeding seasons. Pigmentation intensity in the different organs was graded on a 4-category scale, in which category 0 refers to organs without pigment and category 3 refers to intensely pigmented organs, with 2 intermediate stages of progressively stronger pigmentation. Rhinella schneideri showed testicular pigmentation, with intra-specific variation (categories 0 and 1). In P. cuvieri the pigmentation in the lungs varied in time: all the animals showed pigmentation (category 1) at the beginning of the breeding season, and as the season progressed the absence of pigments became the most common pattern. In the liver of the first animals collected, the pigment intensity was high (category 2) with many iridophores present, but in the last specimens collected no iridophores were found. The variation in D. nanus occurred in the kidneys, where animals collected at the beginning of the season did not show pigmentation. Renal veins displayed few melanocytes (category 1); animals collected at the end of the season showed more pigmentation in the kidneys (category 2), whereas in the renal veins the intensity remained the same. The changes observed in the extracutaneous pigment system in some organs, during the reproductive period, may be due to physiological alterations or may represent a species-specific characteristic.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective was to evaluate the effects of giving prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (PGF) to donor mares 48 h prior to embryo collection. Non-lactating donor mares (n = 20 estrous cycles in 10 mares), ranging from 2.5 to 10 y of age and 400 to 500 kg of body weight were used from September 2004 to February 2005 in the southern hemisphere (Brazil). Donor mares were randomly assigned in a cross-over design study. During a Treated cycle, 7.5 mg PGF was given 48 h prior to embryo collection, whereas in the Control cycle, 7.5 mg PGF was given at embryo collection. In Treated Cycles, serum progesterone concentrations decreased between the day of PGF treatment and the day of embryo collection (13.9 +/- 5.4 and 0.5 +/- 0.3 ng/mL, respectively; P < 0.05). In Treated versus Control cycles, the interovulatory interval was shorter (14.9 +/- 0.9 vs 17.5 +/- 1.1 d, P < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference between these groups for the interval from PGF to ovulation (average, 9.8 d), embryo recovery rate (average, 75%), embryo quality, uterine protein concentration, and pregnancy rate in recipient mares (average, 87% at 15 d after ovulation, with no pregnancy loss detected by 60 d). In conclusion, giving donor mares PGF 48 h prior to embryo collection reduced the average interovulatory interval by approximately 2.5 d, thereby potentially increasing the numbers of embryos that could be collected during a breeding season, with no deleterious effects on embryo recovery rate, embryo quality, or pregnancy rate in recipient mares. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.