969 resultados para regulatory volume increase


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For some years, researchers could not find a clear effect of capital adequacy on the risk profile of banks, as shareholders could increase the riskiness of the assets (qualitative effect), crowding-out the effect of reduced leverage (volume effect). Some shareholders might have the will to increase the riskiness of the assets, but they may lack the power to do so. Considering only ”powerful” shareholders, definitive conclusions were drawn but with constant ownership profile. In this paper I investigate whether there is a significant change in the type of shareholders in response to regulatory capital shocks and, if so, will the banking system be in the hands of more “desired” shareholders. I find that ownership profile responds to a regulatory shock, changing the risk appetite of the ruling power at the bank. I find more banks and the government in the ownership of undercapitalised banks and much less institutional shareholders and free float. I claim that these new shareholders may not the desired ones, given the objective of the regulatory change, as they are associated with a preference for more leverage. One possible explanation for this crowding-out effect is that regulators are trying to contain idiosyncratic risk (more linked to the riskiness of the assets) with a rule that contains systematic risk (capital adequacy). This has a distorting effect on ownership. Another insight can be drawn from the tests: supervisors should be aware of significant ownership movements that cause the crowding-out.


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Left ventricular hypertrophy following volume overload is regarded as an example of cardiac remodeling without increased fibrosis accumulation. However, infarction is associated with increased fibrosis within the noninfarcted, hypertrophied myocardium, particularly in the subendocardial regions. It is conceivable to suppose that, as also occurs postinfarction, low coronary driving pressure may also interfere with accumulation of myocardial fibrosis following aortocaval fistula. PURPOSE: To investigate the role of acute hemodynamic changes in subsequent deposition of cardiac fibrosis in response to aortocaval fistula. METHOD: Aortocaval fistula were created in 4 groups of Wistar rats that were followed over 4 and 8 weeks: aortocaval fistula 4 and aortocaval fistula 8 (10 rats each) and their respective controls (sham-operated controls - Sh), Sh4 and Sh8 (8 rats each). Hemodynamic measurements were performed 1 week after surgery. Hypertrophy and fibrosis were quantified by myocyte diameter and collagen volume fraction at the end of follow up. RESULT: Compared with Sh4 and Sh8, pulse pressure, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and +dP/dt were higher in aortocaval fistula 4 and aortocaval fistula 8, but -dP/dt was similar. Coronary driving pressure (mm Hg), used as an estimate of perfusion pressure, was lower in aortocaval fistula 8 (52.6 ± 4.1) than in Sh8 (100.8 ± 1.3), but comparable between aortocaval fistula 4 (50.0 ± 8.9) and Sh4 (84.8 ± 2.3). Myocyte diameter was greater in aortocaval fistula 8, whereas interstitial and subendocardial fibrosis were greater in aortocaval fistula 4 and aortocaval fistula 8. Coronary driving pressure correlated inversely and independently with subendocardial fibrosis (r² = .86, P <.001), whereas left ventricular systolic pressure (r² = 0.73, P = .004) and end-diastolic pressure (r² = 0.55, P = 012) correlated positively and independently with interstitial fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Coronary driving pressure falls and ventricular pressures increase early after aortocaval fistula and are associated with subsequent myocardial fibrosis deposition.


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RESUMO - Contexto: O início da crise económica em Portugal no ano de 2009 colocou o país numa grave recessão económica aliada a diversas medidas de austeridade. Como consequência assistiu-se, ao nível nacional, uma diminuição do PIB, aumento do desemprego e assim como uma série de restrições orçamentais em várias áreas, nomeadamente a da saúde. Apesar de existir inúmeros estudos que avaliaram o impacto das recessões económicas na saúde os resultados são controversos e não existe um consenso quanto a esta associação. No que se refere às doenças infeciosas o número de estudos é bastante mais reduzido. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de analisar o impacto da crise atual no volume e perfil de internamento de doentes com VIH/SIDA, de forma a complementar a escassa evidência existente neste domínio. Metodologia: Foram analisados 53,296 episódios de internamento nos hospitais do SNS entre o ano de 2001 e 2012, cujo diagnóstico principal é a infeção pelo VIH/SIDA. Considerou-se o ano de 2009 como o ano inicial da crise. Através de regressões multivariadas avaliou-se o impacto da crise no volume de doentes internados, duração de internamento, número de co-morbilidades, risco de ser admitido via urgência e risco de mortalidade no internamento. Adicionalmente repetiu-se a análise por região NUTS II de Portugal Continental (Norte, Alentejo, LVT, Centro e Algarve). Resultados: A crise não teve impacto no volume de doentes internados. No entanto, após o ano de 2009, registou-se uma diminuição de 5.6% na duração de internamento; um aumento de 1.6% no número de co-morbilidades; um aumento de 11.1% no risco de ser admitido via urgência e um aumento de 8.6% do risco de mortalidade no internamento. As análises por região permitiram verificar que as regiões mais afetadas pela crise foram a região LVT e a região Norte. Conclusão: A crise em Portugal não teve impacto na incidência de internamentos por VIH/SIDA. Porém o aumento do número de co-morbilidades, do risco de ser admitido via urgência e do risco de mortalidade no internamento parece refletir um agravamento da severidade dos casos após o ano de 2009. Adicionalmente a diminuição da duração de internamento com o efeito da crise poderá refletir tanto aumento da eficiência dos cuidados prestados ou ao contrário, uma diminuição da sua qualidade.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Economia Industrial e da Empresa


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Background:Left atrial volume (LAV) is a predictor of prognosis in patients with heart failure.Objective:We aimed to evaluate the determinants of LAV in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).Methods:Ninety patients with DCM and left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction ≤ 0.50 were included. LAV was measured with real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (eco3D). The variables evaluated were heart rate, systolic blood pressure, LV end-diastolic volume and end-systolic volume and ejection fraction (eco3D), mitral inflow E wave, tissue Doppler e´ wave, E/e´ ratio, intraventricular dyssynchrony, 3D dyssynchrony index and mitral regurgitation vena contracta. Pearson´s coefficient was used to identify the correlation of the LAV with the assessed variables. A multiple linear regression model was developed that included LAV as the dependent variable and the variables correlated with it as the predictive variables.Results:Mean age was 52 ± 11 years-old, LV ejection fraction: 31.5 ± 8.0% (16-50%) and LAV: 39.2±15.7 ml/m2. The variables that correlated with the LAV were LV end-diastolic volume (r = 0.38; p < 0.01), LV end-systolic volume (r = 0.43; p < 0.001), LV ejection fraction (r = -0.36; p < 0.01), E wave (r = 0.50; p < 0.01), E/e´ ratio (r = 0.51; p < 0.01) and mitral regurgitation (r = 0.53; p < 0.01). A multivariate analysis identified the E/e´ ratio (p = 0.02) and mitral regurgitation (p = 0.02) as the only independent variables associated with LAV increase.Conclusion:The LAV is independently determined by LV filling pressures (E/e´ ratio) and mitral regurgitation in DCM.


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A role for the gastro-intestinal tract in controlling bone remodeling is suspected since serum levels of bone remodeling markers are affected rapidly after a meal. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) represents a suitable candidate in mediating this effect. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of total inhibition of GIP signaling on trabecular bone volume, microarchitecture and quality. We used GIP receptor (GIPR) knockout mice and investigated trabecular bone volume and microarchitecture by microCT and histomorphometry. GIPR-deficient animals at 16 weeks of age presented with a significant (20%) increase in trabecular bone mass accompanied by an increase (17%) in trabecular number. In addition, the number of osteoclasts and bone formation rate was significantly reduced and augmented, respectively in these animals when compared with wild-type littermates. These modifications of trabecular bone microarchitecture are linked to a remodeling in the expression pattern of adipokines in the GIPR-deficient mice. On the other hand, despite significant enhancement in bone volume, intrinsic mechanical properties of the bone matrix was reduced as well as the distribution of bone mineral density and the ratio of mature/immature collagen cross-links. Taken together, these results indicate an increase in trabecular bone volume in GIPR KO animals associated with a reduction in bone quality.


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Current explanatory models for binge eating in binge eating disorder (BED) mostly rely onmodels for bulimianervosa (BN), although research indicates different antecedents for binge eating in BED. This studyinvestigates antecedents and maintaining factors in terms of positive mood, negative mood and tension in asample of 22 women with BED using ecological momentary assessment over a 1-week. Values for negativemood were higher and those for positive mood lower during binge days compared with non-binge days.During binge days, negative mood and tension both strongly and significantly increased and positive moodstrongly and significantly decreased at the first binge episode, followed by a slight though significant, andlonger lasting decrease (negative mood, tension) or increase (positive mood) during a 4-h observation periodfollowing binge eating. Binge eating in BED seems to be triggered by an immediate breakdown of emotionregulation. There are no indications of an accumulation of negative mood triggering binge eating followed byimmediate reinforcing mechanisms in terms of substantial and stable improvement of mood as observed inBN. These differences implicate a further specification of etiological models and could serve as a basis fordeveloping new treatment approaches for BED.


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Background: Previous studies reported an increase of mean platelet volume (MPV) in patients with acute ischemic stroke. However, its correlation with stroke severity has not been investigated. Moreover, studies on the association of MPV with functional outcome yielded inconsistent results. Methods: We included all consecutive ischemic stroke patients admitted to CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois) Neurology Service within 24 h after stroke onset who had MPV measured on admission. The association of MPV with stroke severity (NIHSS score at admission and at 24 h) and outcome (Rankin Scale score at 3 and 12 months) was analyzed in univariate analysis. The chi(2) test was performed to compare the frequency of minor strokes (NIHSS score </=4) and good functional outcome (Rankin Scale score </=2) across MPV quartiles. The ANOVA test was used to compare MPV between stroke subtypes according to the TOAST classification. Student's two-tailed unpaired t test was performed to compare MPV between lacunar and nonlacunar strokes. MPV was generated at admission by the Sysmex XE-2100 automated cell counter (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) from EDTA blood samples. Results: There was no significant difference in the frequency of minor strokes (p = 0.46) and good functional outcome (p = 0.06) across MPV quartiles. MPV was not associated with stroke severity or outcome in univariate analysis. There was no significant difference in MPV between stroke subtypes according to the TOAST classification (p = 0.173) or between lacunar and nonlacunar strokes (10.50 +/- 0.91 vs. 10.40 +/- 0.81 fl, p = 0.322). Conclusions: MPV, assessed within 24 h after ischemic stroke onset, is not associated with stroke severity or functional outcome.


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The dynamical analysis of large biological regulatory networks requires the development of scalable methods for mathematical modeling. Following the approach initially introduced by Thomas, we formalize the interactions between the components of a network in terms of discrete variables, functions, and parameters. Model simulations result in directed graphs, called state transition graphs. We are particularly interested in reachability properties and asymptotic behaviors, which correspond to terminal strongly connected components (or "attractors") in the state transition graph. A well-known problem is the exponential increase of the size of state transition graphs with the number of network components, in particular when using the biologically realistic asynchronous updating assumption. To address this problem, we have developed several complementary methods enabling the analysis of the behavior of large and complex logical models: (i) the definition of transition priority classes to simplify the dynamics; (ii) a model reduction method preserving essential dynamical properties, (iii) a novel algorithm to compact state transition graphs and directly generate compressed representations, emphasizing relevant transient and asymptotic dynamical properties. The power of an approach combining these different methods is demonstrated by applying them to a recent multilevel logical model for the network controlling CD4+ T helper cell response to antigen presentation and to a dozen cytokines. This model accounts for the differentiation of canonical Th1 and Th2 lymphocytes, as well as of inflammatory Th17 and regulatory T cells, along with many hybrid subtypes. All these methods have been implemented into the software GINsim, which enables the definition, the analysis, and the simulation of logical regulatory graphs.


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Hypertension is a serious medical problem affecting millions of people worldwide. A key protein regulating blood pressure is the Epithelial Na(+) Channel (ENaC). In accord, loss of function mutations in ENaC (PHA1) cause hypotension, whereas gain of function mutations (Liddle syndrome) result in hypertension. The region mutated in Liddle syndrome, called the PY motif (L/PPxY), serves as a binding site for the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2, a C2-WW-Hect E3 ubiquitin ligase. Nedd4-2 binds the ENaC-PY motif via it WW domains, ubiquitylates the channel and targets it for endocytosis, a process impaired in Liddle syndrome due to poor binding of the channel to Nedd4-2. This leads to accumulation of active channels at the cell surface and increased Na(+) (and fluid) absorption in the distal nephron, resulting in elevated blood volume and blood pressure. Compounds that destabilize cell surface ENaC, or enhance Nedd4-2 activity in the kidney, could potentially serve as drug targets for hypertension. In addition, recent discoveries of regulation of activation of ENaC by proteases such as furin, prostasin and elastase, which cleave the extracellular domain of this channel leading to it activation, as well as the identification of inhibitors that block the activity of these proteases, provide further avenues for drug targeting of ENaC and the control of blood pressure.


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In many experimental models, CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (nTreg) have been identifi ed as key players in promoting peripheral transplantation (Tx) tolerance. We have been focusing on therapies based on antigen-specifi c nTreg that can control effector T cells (Teff) and prevent allograft rejection. The use of nTreg in immunotherapeutic protocols for solid organ Tx is however limited by their overall low numbers as well as the low precursor frequency of alloantigen cross-reactive nTreg expected to be found in a normal individual. Moreover, although we previously described robust protocols to generate and expand antigen-specifi c nTreg in vitro, the process requires careful selection of highly pure nTreg and cumbersome ex-vivo manipulations, rendering this strategy not easily applicable in clinical solid organ Tx. In this study, we aimed to expand Treg directly in vivo and determine their suppressive function, effi cacy and stability in promoting donor-specifi c tolerance in a stringent murine Tx model. Our data suggest that IL-2-based therapies lead to a signifi cant increase of Treg in vivo. The expanded Treg suppressed Teff proliferation (albeit slightly less effi ciently than nTreg isolated from control mice) and allowed prolonged graft survival of major MHC-mismatched skin grafts in wild-type non-lymphopenic recipients. The expanded Treg alone were however not suffi cient to induce tolerance in stringent experimental conditions. Rapamycin reduced the frequency of Teff but did not impede expansion of Treg. Pro-infl ammatory stimuli hindered the expansion of Treg and resulted in an increase in the frequency of CD4+IFN-γ+ and CD4+IL17+ T cells. We propose that IL-2-based treatments would be an effi cient method for expanding functional Treg in vivo without affecting other immune cell populations, thereby favorably shifting the pool of alloreactive T cells towards regulation in response to an allograft. However, we also highlight some potential limitations of Treg expansion such as concomitant infl ammatory events.


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INTRODUCTION Hemodynamic resuscitation should be aimed at achieving not only adequate cardiac output but also sufficient mean arterial pressure (MAP) to guarantee adequate tissue perfusion pressure. Since the arterial pressure response to volume expansion (VE) depends on arterial tone, knowing whether a patient is preload-dependent provides only a partial solution to the problem. The objective of this study was to assess the ability of a functional evaluation of arterial tone by dynamic arterial elastance (Ea(dyn)), defined as the pulse pressure variation (PPV) to stroke volume variation (SVV) ratio, to predict the hemodynamic response in MAP to fluid administration in hypotensive, preload-dependent patients with acute circulatory failure. METHODS We performed a prospective clinical study in an adult medical/surgical intensive care unit in a tertiary care teaching hospital, including 25 patients with controlled mechanical ventilation who were monitored with the Vigileo(®) monitor, for whom the decision to give fluids was made because of the presence of acute circulatory failure, including arterial hypotension (MAP ≤65 mmHg or systolic arterial pressure <90 mmHg) and preserved preload responsiveness condition, defined as a SVV value ≥10%. RESULTS Before fluid infusion, Ea(dyn) was significantly different between MAP responders (MAP increase ≥15% after VE) and MAP nonresponders. VE-induced increases in MAP were strongly correlated with baseline Ea(dyn) (r(2) = 0.83; P < 0.0001). The only predictor of MAP increase was Ea(dyn) (area under the curve, 0.986 ± 0.02; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.84-1). A baseline Ea(dyn) value >0.89 predicted a MAP increase after fluid administration with a sensitivity of 93.75% (95% CI, 69.8%-99.8%) and a specificity of 100% (95% CI, 66.4%-100%). CONCLUSIONS Functional assessment of arterial tone by Ea(dyn), measured as the PVV to SVV ratio, predicted arterial pressure response after volume loading in hypotensive, preload-dependent patients under controlled mechanical ventilation.


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Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of protein tyrosine residues constitutes a major biochemical regulatory mechanism for the cell. We report a transient increase in the total tyrosine phosphorylation of the Aedes aegypti head during the first days after emergence from the pupal stage. This correlates with an initial reduction in total head protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) activity. Similarly, phosphotyrosine (pTyr)-containing bands are seen in extracts prepared from both male and female heads and are spread among a variety of structures including the antennae, proboscis and the maxillary palps combined with the proboscis. Also, mosquitoes treated with sodium orthovanadate, a classical PTP inhibitor, show reduced blood-feeding activity and higher head tyrosine phosphorylation levels. These results suggest that pTyr-mediated signalling pathways may play a role in the initial days following the emergence of the adult mosquito from the pupal stage.


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The interleukin (IL)-2R alpha chain (CD25) is expressed on regulatory T cells (Treg), which constitute more than 85% of the CD25+ T cell population in a naïve mouse. CD25 is also expressed on effector T cells in mice suffering from an acute infection by the obligate intracellular protozoan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. Lethal toxoplasmosis is accompanied by a significant loss of Treg in mice naturally susceptible to toxoplasmosis. The present study was done to explore the role of Treg cells using an anti-CD25 antibody-mediated depletion in mice naturally resistant to toxoplasmosis. Although a significant decrease in the percentage of Treg cells was observed following anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody injections, the depletion of CD25+ cells during acute toxoplasmosis did not significantly increase the mortality of Swiss OF1 mice and no significant difference was observed in the brain parasitic load between the mice in the depleted-infected and isotype-infected groups. We found no significant difference between the titres of total IgG in the sera of the mice from the two groups in the chronic phase. However, CD25+ cells depletion was followed by significantly higher levels of IL-12 in the serum of depleted mice than in that of mice injected with the isotype control antibody.


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Summary : Control of pancreatic ß-cell mass and function by gluco-incretin hormones: Identification of novel regulatory mechanisms for the treatment of diabetes The ß-cells of islets of Langerhans secrete insulin to reduce hyperglycemia. The number of pancreatic islet ß-cells and their capacity to secrete insulin is modulated in normal physiological conditions to respond to the metabolic demand of the organism. A failure of the endocrine pancreas to maintain an adequate insulin secretory capacity due to a reduced ß-cell number and function underlies the pathogenesis of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The molecular mechanisms controlling the glucose competence of mature ß-cells, i.e., the magnitude of their insulin secretion response to glucose, ß-cell replication, their differentiation from precursor cells and protection against apoptosis are poorly understood. To investigate these mechanisms, we studied the effects on ß-cells of the gluco-incretin hormones, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) which are secreted by intestinal endocrine cells after food intake. Besides acutely potentiating glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, these hormones induce ß-cell differentiation from precursor cells, stimulate mature ß-cell replication, and protect them against apoptosis. Therefore, understanding the molecular basis for gluco-incretin action may lead to the uncovering of novel ß-cell regulatory events with potential application for the treatment or prevention of diabetes. Islets from mice with inactivation of both GIP and GLP-1 receptor genes (dK0) present a defect in glucose-induced insulin secretion and are more sensitive than control islets to cytokine-induced apoptosis. To search for regulatory genes, that may control both glucose competence and protection against apoptosis, we performed comparative transcriptomic analysis of islets from control and dK0 mice. We found a strong down-regulation of the IGF1 Rexpression in dK0 islets. We demonstrated in both a mouse insulin-secreting cell line and primary islets, that GLP-1 stimulated IGF-1R expression and signaling. Importantly, GLP-1induced IGF-1R-dependent Akt phosphorylation required active secretion, indicating the presence of an autocrine activation mechanism. We further showed that activation of IGF-1R signaling was dependent on the secretion of IGF-2 and IGF-2 expression was regulated by nutrients. Finally, we demonstrated that the IGF-Z/IGF-1R autocrine loop was required for GLP-1 i) to protect ß-cells against cytokine-induced apoptosis, ii) to enhance their glucose competence and iii) to increase ß-cell proliferation. Résumé : Contrôle de la masse des cellules ß pancréatiques et de leur fonction par les hormones glucoincrétines: Identification de nouveaux mécanismes régulateurs pour le traitement du diabète Les cellules ß des îlots de Langerhans sécrètent l'insuline pour diminuer l'hyperglycémie. Le nombre de cellules ß et leur capacité à sécréter l'insuline sont modulés dans les conditions physiologiques normales pour répondre à la demande métabolique de l'organisme. Un échec du pancréas endocrine à maintenir sa capacité sécrétoire d'insuline dû à une diminution du nombre et de la fonction des cellules ß conduit au diabète de type 1 et de type 2. Les mécanismes moléculaires contrôlant la compétence au glucose des cellules ß matures, tels que, l'augmentation de la sécrétion d'insuline en réponse au glucose, la réplication des cellules ß, leur différentiation à partir de cellules précurseurs et la protection contre l'apoptose sont encore peu connus. Afin d'examiner ces mécanismes, nous avons étudié les effets sur les cellules ß des hormones gluco-incrétines, glucose-dépendent insulinotropic polypeptide (G1P) et glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) qui sont sécrétées par les cellules endocrines de l'intestin après la prise alimentaire. En plus de potentialiser la sécrétion d'insuline induite par le glucose, ces hormones induisent la différentiation de cellules ß à partir de cellules précurseurs, stimulent leur prolifération et les protègent contre l'apoptose. Par conséquent, comprendre les mécanismes d'action des gluco-incrétines permettrait de découvrir de nouveaux processus régulant les cellules ß avec d'éventuelles applications dans le traitement ou la prévention du diabète. Les îlots de souris ayant une double inactivation des gènes pour les récepteurs du GIP et du GLP-1 (dK0) présentent un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline stimulée par le glucose et une sensibilité accrue à l'apoptose induite par les cytokines. Afin de déterminer les gènes régulés, qui pourraient contrôler à la fois la compétence au glucose et la protection contre l'apoptose, nous avons effectué une analyse comparative transcriptomique sur des îlots de souris contrôles et dKO. Nous avons constaté une forte diminution de l'expression d'IGF-1R dans les îlots dKO. Nous avons démontré, à la fois dans une lignée cellulaire murine sécrétant l'insuline et dans îlots primaires, que le GLP-1 stimulait l'expression d'IGF-1R et sa voie de signalisation. Par ailleurs, la phosphorylation d'Akt dépendante d'IGF1-R induite parle GLP-1 nécessite une sécrétion active, indiquant la présence d'un mécanisme d'activation autocrine. Nous avons ensuite montré que l'activation de la voie de signalisation d'IGF-1R était dépendante de la sécrétion d'IGF-2, dont l'expression est régulée par les nutriments. Finalement, nous avons démontré que la boucle autocrine IGF-2/IGF-1R est nécessaire pour le GLP-1 i) pour protéger les cellules ß contre l'apoptose induite par les cytokines, ii) pour améliorer la compétence au glucose et iii) pour augmenter la prolifération des cellules ß. Résumé tout public : Contrôle de la masse des cellules ß pancréatiques et de leur fonction par les hormones gluco-incrétines: Identification de nouveaux mécanismes régulateurs pour le traitement du diabète Chez les mammifères, la concentration de glucose sanguine (glycémie) est régulée et maintenue à une valeur relativement constante d'environ 5 mM. Cette régulation est principalement contrôlée par 2 hormones produites par les îlots pancréatiques de Langerhans: l'insuline sécrétée par les cellules ß et le glucagon sécrété par les cellules a. A la suite d'un repas, l'augmentation de la glycémie entraîne la sécrétion d'insuline ce qui permet le stockage du glucose dans le foie, les muscles et le tissu adipeux afin de diminuer le taux de glucose circulant. Lors d'un jeûne, la diminution de la glycémie permet la sécrétion de glucagon favorisant alors la production de glucose par le foie, normalisant ainsi la glycémie. Le nombre de cellules ß et leur capacité sécrétoire s'adaptent aux variations de la demande métabolique pour assurer une normoglycémie. Une destruction complète ou partielle des cellules ß conduit respectivement au diabète de type 1 et de type 2. Bien que l'augmentation de la glycémie soit le facteur stimulant de la sécrétion d'insuline, des hormones gluco-incrétines, principalement le GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) et le GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) sont libérées par l'intestin en réponse aux nutriments (glucose, acides gras) et agissent au niveau des cellules ß, potentialisant la sécrétion d'insuline induite par le glucose, stimulant leur prolifération, induisant la différentiation de cellules précurseurs en cellules ß matures et les protègent contre la mort cellulaire (apoptose). Afin d'étudier plus en détail ces mécanismes, nous avons généré des souris déficientes pour les récepteurs du GIP et du GLP-l. Les îlots pancréatiques de ces souris présentent un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline stimulée par le glucose et une sensibilité accrue à l'apoptose par rapport aux îlots de souris contrôles. Nous avons donc cherché les gènes régulés pas ces hormones contrôlant la sécrétion d'insuline et la protection contre l'apoptose. Nous avons constaté une forte diminution de l'expression du récepteur à l'IGF-1 (IGF-1R) dans les îlots de souris déficientes pour les récepteurs des gluco-incrétines. Nous avons démontré dans un model de cellules ß en culture et d'îlots que le GLP-1 augmentait l'expression d'IGF-1R et la sécrétion de son ligand (IGF-2) permettant l'activation de la voie de signalisation. Finalement, nous avons montré que l'activation de la boucle IGF-2/IGF-1R induite par le GLP-1 était nécessaire pour la protection contre l'apoptose, l'augmentation de la sécrétion et la prolifération des cellules ß.