973 resultados para regional accessibility indicators


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Spanish document available at the Library


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This study captures the significant regional and national knowledge that has been accumulated on measuring violence against women through the interregional project "Enhancing capacities to eradicate violence against women through networking of local knowledge communities". Supported by the United Nations Development Account, this two-year project was coordinated by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), through its Division for Gender Affairs, and implemented by the five regional commissions of the United Nations, in cooperation with the United Nations Statistical Division and UN-Women. Through the project, more than 30 countries worldwide have been engaged in the development, dissemination and testing of core indicators endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission. This process has made a decisive contribution to designing and building consensus around a common methodology to measure and document violence against women. Furthermore, the inclusion of all five regions in piloting the newly-developed tools to measure violence has also ensured that these tools capture a more comprehensive and complex vision of violence as experienced by women across cultures and regions. This report presents an overview of the activities that have taken place in the five regions, and outlines the key outcomes and lessons learned. Through its activities, the interregional project has made the cumulative body of existing knowledge in terms of policies, findings, innovative practices, processes and statistical data available to policymakers, activists and women's organizations. New knowledge was also produced through national studies that examined underexplored sources of data on violence against women. National capacities to collect information on violence against women through official statistics were strengthened through targeted training activities as well as through participation in expert meetings which provided the space for an effective exchange of best practices.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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The document What kind of State? What kind of equality? analyses the progress of gender equality in the region 15 years after the approval of the Beijing Platform for Action, 10 years after the drafting of the Millennium Development Goals and 3 years after the adoption of the Quito Consensus at the tenth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, held in 2007. It also examines the achievements made and challenges faced by governments in light of the interaction between the State, the market and families as social institutions built on the foundation of policies, laws, and customs and habits which, together, establish the conditions for renewing or perpetuating gender and social hierarchies.


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En el documento ¿Qué Estado para qué igualdad? se analiza el progreso de la igualdad de género en la región tras 15 años de la aprobación de la Plataforma de Acción de Beijing, 10 años de la formulación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Mileno y 3 años de la adopción del Consenso de Quito en la décima Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe realizada en 2007. Se examinan además los logros y desafíos que enfrentan los gobiernos a la luz de la interacción entre el Estado, el mercado y las familias como instituciones sociales construidas a partir de políticas, leyes, usos y costumbres que, en conjunto, establecen las condiciones para renovar o perpetuar las jerarquías sociales y de género.


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No documento Que tipo de Estado? Que tipo de igualdade? analisa-se o progresso da igualdade de gênero na Região depois de 15 anos da aprovação da Plataforma de Ação de Beijing, 10 anos da formulação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio e 3 anos da adoção do Consenso de Quito, na décima Conferência Regional sobre a Mulher da América Latina e do Caribe realizada em 2007. Examinam-se, além disso, as conquistas e desafios que enfrentam os governos à luz da interação entre o Estado, o mercado e as famílias como instituições sociais construídas a partir de políticas, leis, usos e costumes que, em conjunto, estabelecem as condições para renovar ou perpetuar as hierarquias sociais e de gênero.


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Este documento recoge contribuciones de las ministras y autoridades de los mecanismos para el adelanto de la mujer de América Latina y el Caribe, que definieron su contenido en la cuadragésima tercera reunión de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe (Puerto España, 7 y 8 de julio de 2009), y que enviaron documentos e información para su preparación y enriquecieron su versión final con aportes y debates en dos foros virtuales. En este informe se integran los avances del Observatorio de igualdad de género de América Latina y el Caribe y se da cuenta del trabajo realizado durante sus dos primeros años de funcionamiento, con énfasis en la autonomía económica de las mujeres.


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This Manual is intended to guide individuals and institutions seeking to use the Aid for Trade Dashboard developed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean as part of the Development Project “Facilitating the Effective Integration of Developing Countries into the Global Economy through Aid for Trade Schemes”. This Dashboard presents a set of online indicators for all the countries comprising the five United Nations’ Regional Commissions which are currently participating in this Project.


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1. The member and associate member countries of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (ECLAC/CDCC) have committed to pursuing and achieving the Millennium Development Goals, a common set of goals and targets to bring all people up to minimum acceptable standards of human development by 2015. 2. However, in spite of various capacity-building initiatives, Caribbean countries continued to experience difficulties in addressing additional demands of monitoring and measuring progress created by the Millennium Development Goals and other Internationally Agreed Development Goals. Therefore, it was necessary to implement activities to ensure the further building/strengthening of institutional capabilities for generating reliable social, economic and environmental statistics among Caribbean States. 3. The ECLAC project entitled “Strengthening the Capacity of National Statistical Offices in the Caribbean Small Island Developing States to fulfil the Millennium Development Goals and other Internationally Agreed Development Goals” sought to build and strengthen institutional capabilities for generating and compiling reliable social, economic and environmental statistics in the Caribbean subregion, through the provision of technical support, as well as the conduct of training workshops for statisticians and policymakers. 4. Within the objectives of that project, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean convened a regional training workshop on the measurement of poverty in the Caribbean in Port of Spain, to build the capacity of government officials and other relevant stakeholders. 5. The overall objective of the workshop was to develop and strengthen the national technical capacity of public officials in data processing, systematization and dissemination of poverty indicators and measurement in the Caribbean subregion. The workshop further sought to review and discuss the current approaches to poverty measurement and monitoring in an effort to identify methods to ensure that monitoring and reporting of the Millennium Development Goals were conducted according to internationally agreed upon methodologies. Furthermore, the workshop also intended to review different methods of poverty measurements, including the multidimensional methodology for the measurement of poverty. 6. Participants were introduced to different methods of poverty measurements and other aggregation proposals which would enable countries to better measure progress towards Goal 1 on poverty, report on it and apply evidence-based approaches to national policymaking and planning.