953 resultados para refusal of blood


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Systemic arterial blood pressure and heart rate (f(H)) were measured in unanesthetized, unrestrained larvae and adults of the paradoxical frog, Pseudis paradoxus from São Paulo State in Brazil. Four developmental groups were used, representing the complete transition from aquatic larvae to primarily air-breathing adults. f(H) (49-66 beats/min) was not significantly affected by development, whereas mean arterial blood pressure was strongly affected, being lowest in the stage 37-39 larvae (10 mmHg), intermediate in the stage 44-45 larvae (18 mmHg), and highest in the juveniles and adults (31 and 30 mmHg, respectively). Blood pressure was not significantly correlated with body mass, which was greatest in the youngest larvae and smallest in the juveniles. In the youngest larvae studied (stages 37-39), lung ventilation was infrequent, causing a slight decrease in arterial blood pressure but no change in heart rate. Lung ventilation was more frequent in stages 44-45 larvae and nearly continuous in juveniles and adults floating at the surface. Bradycardia during both forced and voluntary diving was observed in almost every advanced larva, juvenile, and adult but in only one of four young larvae. Developmentally related changes in blood pressure were not complete until metamorphosis, whereas diving bradycardia was present at an earlier stage.


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Background: Models for the study of hematopoietic stem cells in dogs provide important information for bone marrow transplantation in humans. Recent studies have reported the importance of human umbilical cord blood (UCB) as an alternative to allogenic bone marrow for hematopoietic reconstitution. However, there are no studies on the UCB cells of dogs. Objective: the aim of this experiment was to characterize and quantify the blood cells of the umbilical cord of dogs. Methods: the blood of the umbilical cord of 20 neonatal dogs, delivered at term, with a median gestation time of 58 days, was collected with a 5-mL syringe containing EDTA. Total RBC, WBC, and platelet counts, HCT, hemoglobin (Hgb) concentration, and RBC indices were determined using an automatic cell counter. The differential leukocyte count was determined manually in blood smears stained with May-Grunwald-Giemsa. Reticulocyte percentages were determined on blood smears stained with brilliant cresyl blue and counterstained with May-Grunwald Giemsa. Results: the MCHC and numbers of RBCs, WBCs, neutrophils, and eosinophils in UCB were lower as compared with reference values for the peripheral blood of healthy neonatal and adult dogs; whereas, the MCV and reticulocyte percentages were higher. Conclusion: Erythrocyte macrocytosis and hypochromasia in UCB were consistent with marked reticulocytosis and indicative of high erythropoietic activity. The results of this study are an important first step in the characterization of UCB from neonatal dogs.


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In the peripheral blood of the roadside hawk, Buteo magnirostris, the following types of granulocytic leucocytes were identified: heterophil, eosinophil and basophil. The heterophils presented acidophilic and spindle shaped granules, the eosinophils possess spherical eosinophilic granules and the basophils showed spherical and basophilic granules. The heterophils and eosinophils presented positive cytochemical reaction to glycogen and basic polyaminoacid, while the eosinophils presented sudanophilic granules, which were also positive for myeloperoxidase. The heterophils, alone, presented positivity for acid phosphatase in some granules and immunoreactivity to TGF-β1 was observed only in the cytoplasm of the eosinophils. Electron microscopy demonstrated the heterophil granules as predominantly spindle shaped, being strongly electron-dense, while the eosinophils had numerous uniformly electron-dense spherical granules and the basophils presented three different types of granules identified according to their electron-density and the aspect of their matrix.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the validity of the velocity corresponding to the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) and critical velocity (CV) to determine the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) in soccer players. Twelve male soccer players (21.5 ± 1.0 years) performed an incremental treadmill test for the determination of OBLA. The velocity corresponding to OBLA (3.5 mM of blood lactate) was determined through linear interpolation. The subjects returned to the laboratory on 7 occasions for the determination of MLSS and CV. The MLSS was determined from 5 treadmill runs of up to 30-minute duration and defined as the highest velocity at which blood lactate did not increase by more than 1 mM between minutes 10 and 30 of the constant velocity runs. The CV was determined by 2 maximal running efforts of 1,500 and 3,000 m performed on a 400-m running track. The CV was calculated as the slope of the linear regression of distance run versus time. Analysis of variance revealed no significant differences between OBLA (13.6 ± 1.4 km·h-1) and MLSS (13.1 ± 1.2 km·h-1) and between OBLA and CV (14.4 ± 1.1 km·h-1). The CV was significantly higher than the MLSS. There was a significant correlation between MLSS and OBLA (r = 0.80), MLSS and CV (r = 0.90), and OBLA and CV (r = 0.80). We can conclude that the OBLA can be utilized in soccer players to estimate the MLSS. In this group of athletes, however, CV does not represent a sustainable steady-state exercise intensity. © 2005 National Strength & Conditioning Association.


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The localization of peroxidase activity in different cell regions is used as a criterion for the classification of the stage of maturation of mammalian mononuclear phagocytes with a positive peroxidase reaction indicating the presence of monoblasts, promonocytes, monocytes and macrophages. In this study it was evaluated the peroxidase activity of blood mononuclear phagocytes of this turtle detected at different stages of differentiation. The present observations suggest that, in turtles, the differentiation of mononuclear phagocytes occur in the blood circulation, in contrast to animals, where only are monocytes in circulating blood and macrophage differentiation occurs in other body compartments. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A swimming periodized experimental training model in rats in which different training protocols (TP) were classified in aerobic (A) and anaerobic (AN) intensity levels. The purpose of the present study was to verify if the classification of the TP used in the periodized training experimental model presented the blood lactate concentration [La] response adequate to the aerobic and anaerobic intensities levels. Twenty three male Wistar rats were divided into three groups. Two groups of swimming training (continuous, CT, n = 7, and periodized training, PET, n = 7) rats were evaluated during 5 weeks in eight different TP (TP-1 to TP-8) through the analysis of the [La] response. The third group was the sedentary control (SC, n = 9). The TP were classified in five intensity levels, three aerobic (A-1, A-2, A-3) and two anaerobic (AN-1, AN-2). Analysis of variance (ANOVA one-way, P<0.05) indicated significant differences in the [La] among the TP and among the five intensity levels. All TP of the A-2 and A-3 intensity levels differed from the A-1 and AN-1. The A-1 and AN-1 also differed among them. These findings demonstrate that the TP were classified properly at different levels of aerobic and anaerobic intensities, as based on the [La] response in a way similar to that of high performance swimming with humans. The results offer new perspectives for the study of exercise training in swimming rats at different levels intensity for performance or for health.


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This study used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to evaluate the morphology and adhesion of blood components on root surfaces instrumented by curettes, piezoelectric ultrasonic scaler and Er,Cr:YSGG laser. One hundred samples from 25 teeth were divided into 5 groups: 1) Curettes; 2) Piezoelectric ultrasonic scaler; 3) Curettes plus piezoelectric ultrasonic scaler; 4) Er,Cr:YSGG laser; 5) Curettes plus Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Ten samples from each group were used for analysis of root morphology and the other 10 were used for analysis of adhesion of blood components on root surface. The results were analyzed statistically by the Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests with a significance level of 5%. The group treated with curettes showed smoother surfaces when compared to the groups were instrumented with piezoelectric ultrasonic scaler and the Er,Cr:YSGG laser. The surfaces instrumented with piezoelectric ultrasonic scaler and Er,Cr:YSGG laser, alone or in combination with hand scaling and root planing, did not differ significantly (p>0.05) among themselves. No statistically significant differences (p>0.05) among groups were found as to the adhesion of blood components on root surface. Ultrasonic instrumentation and Er,Cr:YSGG irradiation produced rougher root surfaces than the use of curettes, but there were no differences among treatments with respect to the adhesion of blood components.