971 resultados para reduced glutathione


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O estresse oxidativo, decorrente de uma atividade física, leva a peroxidação lipídica de membranas celulares, além de danos protéicos e em ácidos nucléicos, e um dos produtos finais desta reação é o malondialdeído (MDA). A glutationa reduzida (GSH), considerada um antioxidante multifuncional, está presente no plasma e principalmente nas hemácias e tem importância pelo fato de ser um dos índices da capacidade total antioxidante do corpo após um estresse oxidativo. Com o objetivo de avaliar o estresse oxidativo em diferentes condições de treinamento físico, determinaram-se a concentração de MDA sérico e GSH eritrocitária em 45 cavalos da raça American Trotter e mestiços divididos em três grupos: G1 (sem treinamento), G2 (até 6 meses de treinamento) e G3 (treinamento há mais de 12 meses). Observou-se que o MDA teve um valor significativamente menor no grupo de animais sem treinamento físico. Não houve diferença estatística significante para GSH corrigida pela Hb e para GSH corrigida pelo VG entre os grupos analisados, mas houve uma aparente tendência a maiores valores no G2, no qual o sistema antioxidante está em fase de adaptação ao treinamento físico constante e suas consequentes injúrias. Conclui-se que a atividade física acarreta danos celulares frente ao estresse oxidativo, mas o sistema antioxidante tem papel fundamental nesta homeostasia observando uma adaptação às injúrias causadas pelos radicais livres.


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Abstract Background Exercise stress was shown to increase oxidative stress in rats. It lacks reports of increased protection afforded by dietary antioxidant supplements against ROS production during exercise stress. We evaluated the effects of vitamin E supplementation on renal non-enzymatic antioxidants in young rats submitted to exhaustive exercise stress. Methods Wistar rats were divided into three groups: 1) control group; 2) exercise stress group and; 3) exercise stress + Vitamin E group. Rats from the group 3 were treated with gavage administration of 1 mL of Vitamin E (5 mg/kg) for seven consecutive days. Animals from groups 2 and 3 were submitted to a bout of swimming exhaustive exercise stress. Kidney samples were analyzed for Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances to (TBARS) by malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH) and vitamin-E levels. Results The group treated with vitamin E and submitted to exercise stress presented the lowest levels of renal MDA (1: 0.16+0.02 mmmol/mgprot vs. 2: 0.34+0.07 mmmol/mgprot vs. 3: 0.1+0.01 mmmol/mgprot; p < 0.0001), the highest levels of renal GSH (1: 23+4 μmol/gprot vs. 2: 23+2 μmol/gprot vs. 3: 58+9 μmol/gprot; p < 0.0001) and the highest levels of renal vitamin E (1: 24+6 μM/gtissue vs. 2: 28+2 μM/gtissue vs. 3: 43+4 μM/gtissue; p < 0.001). Conclusion Vitamin E supplementation improved non-enzymatic antioxidant activity in young rats submitted to exhaustive exercise stress.


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Abstract: Background: The alkaline version of the single-cell gel (comet) assay is a useful method for quantifying DNA damage. Although some studies on chronic and acute effects of exercise on DNA damage measured by the comet assay have been performed, it is unknown if an aerobic training protocol with intensity, volume, and load clearly defined will improve performance without leading to peripheral blood cell DNA damage. In addition, the effects of overtraining on DNA damage are unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effects of aerobic training and overtraining on DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells in Swiss mice. To examine possible changes in these parameters with oxidative stress, we measured reduced glutathione (GSH) levels in total blood, and GSH levels and lipid peroxidation in muscle samples. Results: Performance evaluations (i.e., incremental load and exhaustive tests) showed significant intra and inter-group differences. The overtrained (OTR) group showed a significant increase in the percentage of DNA in the tail compared with the control (C) and trained (TR) groups. GSH levels were significantly lower in the OTR group than in the C and TR groups. The OTR group had significantly higher lipid peroxidation levels compared with the C and TR groups. Conclusions Aerobic and anaerobic performance parameters can be improved in training at maximal lactate steady state during 8 weeks without leading to DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells or to oxidative stress in skeletal muscle cells. However, overtraining induced by downhill running training sessions is associated with DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells, and with oxidative stress in skeletal muscle cells and total blood.


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Background Predominantly, studies of nanoparticle (NPs) toxicology in vitro are based upon the exposure of submerged cell cultures to particle suspensions. Such an approach however, does not reflect particle inhalation. As a more realistic simulation of such a scenario, efforts were made towards direct delivery of aerosols to air-liquid-interface cultivated cell cultures by the use of aerosol exposure systems. This study aims to provide a direct comparison of the effects of zinc oxide (ZnO) NPs when delivered as either an aerosol, or in suspension to a triple cell co-culture model of the epithelial airway barrier. To ensure dose–equivalence, ZnO-deposition was determined in each exposure scenario by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Biological endpoints being investigated after 4 or 24h incubation include cytotoxicity, total reduced glutathione, induction of antioxidative genes such as heme-oxygenase 1 (HO–1) as well as the release of the (pro)-inflammatory cytokine TNFα. Results Off-gases released as by-product of flame ZnO synthesis caused a significant decrease of total reduced GSH and induced further the release of the cytokine TNFα, demonstrating the influence of the gas phase on aerosol toxicology. No direct effects could be attributed to ZnO particles. By performing suspension exposure to avoid the factor “flame-gases”, particle specific effects become apparent. Other parameters such as LDH and HO–1 were not influenced by gaseous compounds: Following aerosol exposure, LDH levels appeared elevated at both timepoints and the HO–1 transcript correlated positively with deposited ZnO-dose. Under submerged conditions, the HO–1 induction scheme deviated for 4 and 24h and increased extracellular LDH was found following 24h exposure. Conclusion In the current study, aerosol and suspension-exposure has been compared by exposing cell cultures to equivalent amounts of ZnO. Both exposure strategies differ fundamentally in their dose–response pattern. Additional differences can be found for the factor time: In the aerosol scenario, parameters tend to their maximum already after 4h of exposure, whereas under submerged conditions, effects appear most pronounced mainly after 24h. Aerosol exposure provides information about the synergistic interplay of gaseous and particulate phase of an aerosol in the context of inhalation toxicology. Exposure to suspensions represents a valuable complementary method and allows investigations on particle-associated toxicity by excluding all gas–derived effects.


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In vivo studies support selective neuronal vulnerability to hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the developing brain. Since differences in intrinsic properties of neurons might be responsible, pure cultures containing immature neurons (6-8 days in vitro) isolated from mouse cortex and hippocampus, regions chosen for their marked vulnerability to oxidative stress, were studied under in vitro ischemic conditions-oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). Twenty-four hours of reoxygenation after 2.5 h of OGD induced significantly greater cell death in hippocampal than in cortical neurons (67.8% vs. 33.4%, P = 0.0068). The expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) protein, production of nitric oxide (NO), and reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and intracellular levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), were measured as indicators of oxidative stress. Hippocampal neurons had markedly higher nNOS expression than cortical neurons by 24 h of reoxygenation, which coincided with an increase in NO production, and significantly greater ROS accumulation. GPx activity declined significantly in hippocampal but not in cortical neurons at 4 and 24 h after OGD. The decrease in GSH level in hippocampal neurons correlated with the decline of GPx activity. Our data suggest that developing hippocampal neurons are more sensitive to OGD than cortical neurons. This finding supports our in vivo studies showing that mouse hippocampus is more vulnerable than cortex after neonatal HI. An imbalance between excess prooxidant production (increased nNOS expression, and NO and ROS production) and insufficient antioxidant defenses created by reduced GPx activity and GSH levels may, in part, explain the higher susceptibility to OGD of immature hippocampal neurons.


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Antioxidant treatment has previously been shown to be neuroprotective in experimental bacterial meningitis. To obtain quantitative evidence for oxidative stress in this disease, we measured the major brain antioxidants ascorbate and reduced glutathione, and the lipid peroxidation endproduct malondialdehyde in the cortex of infant rats infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae. Cortical levels of the two antioxidants were markedly decreased 22 h after infection, when animals were severely ill. Total pyridine nucleotide levels in the cortex were unaltered, suggesting that the loss of the two antioxidants was not due to cell necrosis. Bacterial meningitis was accompanied by a moderate, significant increase in cortical malondialdehyde. While treatment with either of the antioxidants alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone or N-acetylcysteine significantly inhibited this increase, only the former attenuated the loss of endogenous antioxidants. Cerebrospinal fluid bacterial titer, nitrite and nitrate levels, and myeloperoxidase activity at 18 h after infection were unaffected by antioxidant treatment, suggesting that they acted by mechanisms other than modulation of inflammation. The results demonstrate that bacterial meningitis is accompanied by oxidative stress in the brain parenchyma. Furthermore, increased cortical lipid peroxidation does not appear to be the result of parenchymal oxidative stress, because it was prevented by NAC, which had no effect on the loss of brain antioxidants.


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Experimental bacterial meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae in infant rats was associated with a time-dependent increase in CSF and cortical urate that was approximately 30-fold elevated at 22 h after infection compared to baseline. This increase was mirrored by a 20-fold rise in cortical xanthine oxidoreductase activity. The relative proportion of the oxidant-producing xanthine oxidase to total activity did not increase, however. Blood plasma levels of urate also increased during infection, but part of this was as a consequence of dehydration, as reflected by elevated ascorbate concentrations in the plasma. Administration of the radical scavenger alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone, previously shown to be neuroprotective in the present model, did not significantly affect either xanthine dehydrogenase or xanthine oxidase activity, and increased even further cortical accumulation of urate. Treatment with the xanthine oxidoreductase inhibitor allopurinol inhibited CSF urate levels earlier than those in blood plasma, supporting the notion that urate was produced within the brain. However, this treatment did not prevent the loss of ascorbate and reduced glutathione in the cortex and CSF. Together with data from the literature, the results strongly suggest that xanthine oxidase is not a major cause of oxidative stress in bacterial meningitis and that urate formation due to induction of xanthine oxidoreductase in the brain may in fact represent a protective response.


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Global transcriptomic and proteomic profiling platforms have yielded important insights into the complex response to ionizing radiation (IR). Nonetheless, little is known about the ways in which small cellular metabolite concentrations change in response to IR. Here, a metabolomics approach using ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to profile, over time, the hydrophilic metabolome of TK6 cells exposed to IR doses ranging from 0.5 to 8.0 Gy. Multivariate data analysis of the positive ions revealed dose- and time-dependent clustering of the irradiated cells and identified certain constituents of the water-soluble metabolome as being significantly depleted as early as 1 h after IR. Tandem mass spectrometry was used to confirm metabolite identity. Many of the depleted metabolites are associated with oxidative stress and DNA repair pathways. Included are reduced glutathione, adenosine monophosphate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and spermine. Similar measurements were performed with a transformed fibroblast cell line, BJ, and it was found that a subset of the identified TK6 metabolites were effective in IR dose discrimination. The GEDI (Gene Expression Dynamics Inspector) algorithm, which is based on self-organizing maps, was used to visualize dynamic global changes in the TK6 metabolome that resulted from IR. It revealed dose-dependent clustering of ions sharing the same trends in concentration change across radiation doses. "Radiation metabolomics," the application of metabolomic analysis to the field of radiobiology, promises to increase our understanding of cellular responses to stressors such as radiation.


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To determine the potential inhalatory risk posed by carbon nanotubes (CNTs), a tier-based approach beginning with an in vitro assessment must be adopted. The purpose of this study therefore was to compare 4 commonly used in vitro systems of the human lung (human blood monocyte-derived macrophages [MDM] and monocyte-derived dendritic cells [MDDC], 16HBE14o- epithelial cells, and a sophisticated triple cell co-culture model [TCC-C]) via assessment of the biological impact of different CNTs (single-walled CNTs [SWCNTs] and multiwalled CNTs [MWCNTs]) over 24h. No significant cytotoxicity was observed with any of the cell types tested, although a significant (p < .05), dose-dependent increase in tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α following SWCNT and MWCNT exposure at concentrations up to 0.02mg/ml to MDM, MDDC, and the TCC-C was found. The concentration of TNF-α released by the MDM and MDDC was significantly higher (p < .05) than the TCC-C. Significant increases (p < .05) in interleukin (IL)-8 were also found for both 16HBE14o- epithelial cells and the TCC-C after SWCNTs and MWCNTs exposure up to 0.02mg/ml. The TCC-C, however, elicited a significantly (p < .05) higher IL-8 release than the epithelial cells. The oxidative potential of both SWCNTs and MWCNTs (0.005-0.02mg/ml) measured by reduced glutathione (GSH) content showed a significant difference (p < .05) between each monoculture and the TCC-C. It was concluded that because only the co-culture system could assess each endpoint adequately, that, in comparison with monoculture systems, multicellular systems that take into consideration important cell type-to-cell type interactions could be used as predictive in vitro screening tools for determining the potential deleterious effects associated with CNTs.


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The metabolism of the antitumor agent 6-thioguanine (TG, NSC-752) by rat liver was studied in vitro. Livers from adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were homogenized and the "liver homogenate" was subjected to differential centrifugation to obtain the "10,000 x g pellet", the "post-mitochondrial fraction", the "cytosol fraction", and the "microsomes". The homogenity of each fraction was estimated by appropriate marker enzyme assays. To delineate the in vitro metabolism of TG by rat liver, 0.2 mM of {8-('14)C}TG was incubated with different subcellular fractions in KCl-Tris-MgCl(,2) buffer, pH 7.4 at 37(DEGREES). The metabolites formed were identified by chromatography, UV spectrometry, as well as mass spectrometry. After a 1 hr incubation, TG was metabolized by the liver homogenate, the 10,000 x g pellet and the post-mitochondrial fraction mainly to 6-thioguanosine (TGR), accompanied by varying lesser amounts of 6-thiouric acid (TUA), allantoin, guanine-6-sulfinic acid (G-SO(,2)H) and an unknown product. In comparison, the cytosal fraction converted TG almost entirely to TGR and TUA in equal amounts. The formation of TGR from TG was limited by the endogenous supply of ribose-1-phosphate. With the microsomal fraction, however, TG was metabolized significantly to G-SO(,2)H and the unknown, accompanied with some TGR. After a 5 hr incubation the metabolism of TG was changed to favor the catabolic route, yielding mostly TUA in the post-mitochondrial and cytosol fractions; but mainly allantoin in the liver homogenate fraction. The kinetic studies of TG metabolism by the subcellar fractions indicated that the formation of TGR served as a depot form of TG. The level of TGR decreased when the catabolism of TG became prominent. The oxidation of TG to GSO(,2)H mediated by the hepatic microsomes represented a new catabolic pathway of TG. This GSO(,2)H, under acidic conditions, readily decomposes to guanine and inorganic sulfate. In the presence of reduced glutathione in Tris buffer, pH 7.8 at 25(DEGREES), GSO(,2)H is adducted to glutathione chemically to form S-(2-amino-purin-6-yl) glutathione and conceivably, inorganic sulfate. Therefore, the formation of GSO(,2)H from TG might have implication in the desulfuration mechanism of TG. On the other hand, the unknown formed from TG by the action of the microsomal enzymes appeared to be a TG conjugate. However, it is neither a glutathione, a glucuronide, nor a ribose conjugate. Additionally, the deamination of TG by guanine deaminase (E.C. isolated from rat liver was also investigated. TG is a poorer substrate (Km = 4.8 x 10('-3)M) for guanine deaminase than that of guanine (Km = 4.7 x 10('-6)M) at pH 7.25, optimal pH for TG as a substrate. TG is also a competitive inhibitor of guanine for guanine deaminase, with a ki of 2.2 x 10('-4)M. ^


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The uptake of silica (Si) and gold (Au) nanoparticles (NPs) engineered for laser-tissue soldering in the brain was investigated using microglial cells and undifferentiated and differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. It is not known what effects NPs elicit once entering the brain. Cellular uptake, cytotoxicity, apoptosis, and the potential induction of oxidative stress by means of depletion of glutathione levels were determined after NP exposure at concentrations of 10(3) and 10(9)NPs/ml. Au-, silica poly (ε-caprolactone) (Si-PCL-) and silica poly-L-lactide (Si-PLLA)-NPs were taken up by all cells investigated. Aggregates and single NPs were found in membrane-surrounded vacuoles and the cytoplasm, but not in the nucleus. Both NP concentrations investigated did not result in cytotoxicity or apoptosis, but reduced glutathione (GSH) levels predominantly at 6 and 24h, but not after 12 h of NP exposure in the microglial cells. NP exposure-induced GSH depletion was concentration-dependent in both cell lines. Si-PCL-NPs induced the strongest effect of GSH depletion followed by Si-PLLA-NPs and Au-NPs. NP size seems to be an important characteristic for this effect. Overall, Au-NPs are most promising for laser-assisted vascular soldering in the brain. Further studies are necessary to further evaluate possible effects of these NPs in neuronal cells.


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Angiostatin, a potent naturally occurring inhibitor of angiogenesis and growth of tumor metastases, is generated by cancer-mediated proteolysis of plasminogen. Human prostate carcinoma cells (PC-3) release enzymatic activity that converts plasminogen to angiostatin. We have now identified two components released by PC-3 cells, urokinase (uPA) and free sulfhydryl donors (FSDs), that are sufficient for angiostatin generation. Furthermore, in a defined cell-free system, plasminogen activators [uPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), or streptokinase], in combination with one of a series of FSDs (N-acetyl-l-cysteine, d-penicillamine, captopril, l-cysteine, or reduced glutathione] generate angiostatin from plasminogen. An essential role of plasmin catalytic activity for angiostatin generation was identified by using recombinant mutant plasminogens as substrates. The wild-type recombinant plasminogen was converted to angiostatin in the setting of uPA/FSD; however, a plasminogen activation site mutant and a catalytically inactive mutant failed to generate angiostatin. Cell-free derived angiostatin inhibited angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo and suppressed the growth of Lewis lung carcinoma metastases. These findings define a direct mechanism for cancer-cell-mediated angiostatin generation and permit large-scale production of bioactive angiostatin for investigation and potential therapeutic application.


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Sulfate-assimilating organisms reduce inorganic sulfate for Cys biosynthesis. There are two leading hypotheses for the mechanism of sulfate reduction in higher plants. In one, adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) (5′-adenylylsulfate) sulfotransferase carries out reductive transfer of sulfate from APS to reduced glutathione. Alternatively, the mechanism may be similar to that in bacteria in which the enzyme, 3′-phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS) reductase, catalyzes thioredoxin (Trx)-dependent reduction of PAPS. Three classes of cDNA were cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana termed APR1, -2, and -3, that functionally complement a cysH, PAPS reductase mutant strain of Escherichia coli. The coding sequence of the APR clones is homologous with PAPS reductases from microorganisms. In addition, a carboxyl-terminal domain is homologous with members of the Trx superfamily. Further genetic analysis showed that the APR clones can functionally complement a mutant strain of E. coli lacking Trx, and an APS kinase, cysC. mutant. These results suggest that the APR enzyme may be a Trx-independent APS reductase. Cell extracts of E. coli expressing APR showed Trx-independent sulfonucleotide reductase activity with a preference for APS over PAPS as a substrate. APR-mediated APS reduction is dependent on dithiothreitol, has a pH optimum of 8.5, is stimulated by high ionic strength, and is sensitive to inactivation by 5′-adenosinemonophosphate (5′-AMP). 2′-AMP, or 3′-phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphate (PAP), a competitive inhibitor of PAPS reductase, do not affect activity. The APR enzymes may be localized in different cellular compartments as evidenced by the presence of an amino-terminal transit peptide for plastid localization in APR1 and APR3 but not APR2. Southern blot analysis confirmed that the APR clones are members of a small gene family, possibly consisting of three members.


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Thioredoxin, a ubiquitous 12-kDa regulatory disulfide protein, was found to reduce disulfide bonds of allergens (convert S—S to 2 SH) and thereby mitigate the allergenicity of commercial wheat preparations. Allergenic strength was determined by skin tests with a canine model for food allergy. Statistically significant mitigation was observed with 15 of 16 wheat-sensitive animals. The allergenicity of the protein fractions extracted from wheat flour with the indicated solvent was also assessed: the gliadins (ethanol) were the strongest allergens, followed by glutenins (acetic acid), albumins (water), and globulins (salt water). Of the gliadins, the α and β fractions were most potent, followed by the γ and ω types. Thioredoxin mitigated the allergenicity associated with the major protein fractions—i.e, the gliadins (including the α, β, and γ types) and the glutenins—but gave less consistent results with the minor fractions, the albumins and globulins. In all cases, mitigation was specific to thioredoxin that had been reduced either enzymically by NADPH and NADP–thioredoxin reductase or chemically by dithiothreitol; reduced glutathione was without significant effect. As in previous studies, thioredoxin was particularly effective in the reduction of intramolecular (intrachain) disulfide bonds. The present results demonstrate that the reduction of these disulfide bonds is accompanied by a statistically significant decrease in allergenicity of the active proteins. This decrease occurs alongside the changes identified previously—i.e., increased susceptibility to proteolysis and heat, and altered biochemical activity. The findings open the door to the testing of the thioredoxin system in the production of hypoallergenic, more-digestible foods.


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The sulfur K-edge x-ray absorption spectra for the amino acids cysteine and methionine and their corresponding oxidized forms cystine and methionine sulfoxide are presented. Distinct differences in the shape of the edge and the inflection point energy for cysteine and cystine are observed. For methionine sulfoxide the inflection point energy is 2.8 eV higher compared with methionine. Glutathione, the most abundant thiol in animal cells, also has been investigated. The x-ray absorption near-edge structure spectrum of reduced glutathione resembles that of cysteine, whereas the spectrum of oxidized glutathione resembles that of cystine. The characteristic differences between the thiol and disulfide spectra enable one to determine the redox status (thiol to disulfide ratio) in intact biological systems, such as unbroken cells, where glutathione and cyst(e)ine are the two major sulfur-containing components. The sulfur K-edge spectra for whole human blood, plasma, and erythrocytes are shown. The erythrocyte sulfur K-edge spectrum is similar to that of fully reduced glutathione. Simulation of the plasma spectrum indicated 32% thiol and 68% disulfide sulfur. The whole blood spectrum can be simulated by a combination of 46% disulfide and 54% thiol sulfur.