915 resultados para rede de suporte social, bairro social, relações de vizinhança


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O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar a gestão municipal sobre o Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC), programa assistencial previsto pela Constituição Federal de 1988 e que consiste no pagamento de 01 (um) salário mínimo mensal à pessoas com 65 anos ou mais de idade e à pessoas com deficiência incapacitante para a vida independente e para o trabalho, em que a renda per capita familiar deve ser inferior a ¼ do salário mínimo. A pesquisa empírica teve como lócus o município de Castanhal. A motivação para realização deste trabalho surgiu do fato do BPC estar inscrito na CF/ 1988 e por demandar um grande volume de recursos financeiros, mas ainda assim ser desconhecido de grande parte da população e pouco divulgado por parte do Poder Executivo. A partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e pesquisa de campo. Desta forma, o trabalho parte da discussão sobre a Política de Assistência Social no Brasil, seguido do debate sobre o Benefício de Prestação Continuada, para por fim, apresentar como o município organiza sua política de assistência social, como é realizada a gestão do BPC pelo Poder Executivo e a atuação do Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social. Ao longo deste trabalho é possível observar o baixo nível de acompanhamento dos beneficiários do BPC pela rede de Proteção Social Básica e a ausência de controle social.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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This project analyses in theory the transformations that have occurred in the information society in the range of the organizational communication, developing the internet historical trajectory as a technology of transformation. We highlight the cyber culture study as a cultural expression that emerges with the current society needs, observed by an optic that focuses on digital communication, emphasizing the digital environment as a space for information trade, in the interior premise of communication: the relationship. The organizations will be approached in the project through a channel for communication, in the digital range, besides the traditional forms. In regards to the enterprises we will study in depth the consumer of this society of consumerism, with a special look at the generation Y, deeply inserted in this virtual context, describing the current type of consumption, mainly the relations of consumption with the social medias. After this transforming process in which individuals are inserted in the digital environment we intend to focus in the corporate digital communication, analyzing the organizational digital communication in the contemporary society. We emphasize the theories of Public Relations, one of the main activities, able to do planning, to put together and execute the strategies that will be used in the social medias as a form of corporate digital communication. We explicit Twitter as a tool of the corporate digital communication, because it reaffirms the theories described throughout the research as one of the most essential social media to turn loyal the relationship between the consumer and the organization in real time, as an example is the organization “camisetaria” that became a success case in the social medias; we detail the participation of the company on Twitter and the reach of this network through it’s strategies in the corporate digital communication


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Many young people have chosen go on exchange experiences, expecting to live in a context full of diversity, to know elements in the country they are visiting and also to develop themselves personally and professionally. Organizational and cultural values can be acquired or developed through these professional exchange experiences. This paper aimed to understand the vision of young people who went on the social exchange of AIESEC related to cultural and organizational values in the experience. AIESEC is a global and nonprofit organization formed by university students, with the objective of peace and the fulfillment of the humankind needs. Thus, professional exchanges are the main tool for achieving this goal. The study analyzes the experiences of 15 exchange students as well as the point of view of five managers of the organization in order to gain a broad perspective in relation to exchange experiences to understand how young people understand the concept of culture. The interview results suggest that in labor relations, autonomy and egalitarianism are values that go together, while the harmony could be observed by the fact that the projects deal with the issue of sustainability. Furthermore, responsibility, tolerance and collective were the human values that the exchange students developed the most, indicating that experience enables openness to live the diversity and to the intercultural dialogue in order to value local cultures of the visited countries


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This monograph has as objective to study the human relations and the Public Relations in the contemporary time in witch the new technologies of the information got closer to the various existent cultures, but who make of the informative society of the global era, the expansion of the capital and of the culture of the more value. Man kind is backing away from the human relations, because the social interactions in the global world are done by objects such as the television, the internet and the telephone in witch cases the subjectivity and the human contact are traded for the informative quantity, because man kind doesn’t have anymore time to think, reflect and to exchange information. Man kind isolates itself and fills it’s subjective emptiness with the products offered by the neoliberal capitalism. The public relations in the organizations seek the human values created from a complex network of social interactions in all the heterogeneous of the organization. Through the communication the public relations tries to manage the relationships with the dialogical communication, between the public-organization, to harmonize the conflicting differences of the organizational environment. Thus, the public relations has to assume the roll of the information manager, and administrator of the human relations in this new global world, informative and that functions from the capital


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The internet as well as all technologies arising from it are transforming and changing socially and economically, the forms of relationships between people and organizations. The environment of digital mobile communication is on the rise, allowing more communication strategies in public relations to be enhanced, in order to allow effective dialogue, relationship and interaction between organizations and their stakeholders. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to analyze digital communications, especially a locative media tool that has been gaining ground in communication activities: Quick Response Code. So in addition to conceptualize and contextualize it, one tried to map out various campaigns, both national and international, who made use of the QR Code, highlighting the strategic role that this tool can have in Integrated PR planning, in order to create visibility and to establish effective and lasting relationships with the brand / organization


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The web has emerged as an important media. For the first time, people are highly connected, and users start to have lots of possibilities for expression and collaboration. Internet users contribute more and more to influence the preferences of your contact network. Organizations are beginning to discover that the power of influence networks is becoming more efficient than traditional marketing: people believe in what other people say, peers believe in peers. There is a new actor who builds preferences, who is constantly active in communication: the customer who narrates, on social networks, his experiences with a product, and makes his contacts become loyal customers or the most ardent critics of an organization. Transforming followers into disseminators is one of the biggest challenges of organizations in social media. Because of this, more and more companies have to plan communication strategies based in what customers think, desire, understand and discuss in these new places


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Este trabalho analisa aspectos do contexto das políticas públicas culturais contemporâ-neas relacionadas com as ações de mobilização que envolvem a sociedade civil. A aná-lise engloba conhecimento sobre o papel do profissional de Relações Públicas na con-tribuição da execução de políticas culturais que incentivem o protagonismo social atra-vés do Programa Cultura Viva, desenvolvido pelo Ministério da Cultura, com a imple-mentação de Pontos e Pontões de Cultura, e no âmbito de movimentos sociais indepen-dentes. Os resultados apontam a importância estratégica do Relações Públicas na expan-são das políticas públicas culturais


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This study is the result of a bibliographical research on the performance of the Third Sector in the current society. From references the study tried to locate the sprouting of the Third Sector in the international scene, whit the bankruptcy of welfare state, until its insertion in the Brazilian scene. Following this historical context, the paper of Communitarian Communication, Social Marketing and Communitarian Public Relations is discussed the importance of the communication of this Sector. Moreover, it has the effort of making one brief conceptualization and definition of the present terms. Working whit the concepts of Communitarian Communication and Communitarian Public Relations the study tried to focus the importance of creating a bond whit the development of a new educational model. Finally, the relation and the paper of the Communication in the construction of a new conception of citizenship was discussed. The hypothesis that crossed this study with respect to the potentialities of the Third Sector are considered an answer to the current social economic and political questions. Confiding, thus, a dynamic and stimulating field for the professional of Public Relations that, opposing what some studies had tries to show, are not necessarily the service of the market or private interests, but can collaborate whit its expertise to help to rescues the ethical values capable to change the life into a more solidary society


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The society of the information brings with it a lot of changes day by day of the organizations, mainly for characterizing as a flexible society, in net and ruled in technological progress. The contemporary organizations are inserted in that reality and they need be maintained in markets more and more competitive. The Private Institutions of Higher education enter in this logic for they be organizations with lucrative ends that suffer strong influence of the external and internal atmosphere. To stand out, such Institutions need to count with a strategic administration, ruled in an own strategic planning for the branch in that acts. The professional of public relationships is shown capable to develop their main functions in such complex market. For so much it needs to participate in the global planning of the Private Institutions of Higher education, at the same time in that it develops it planning of the communication, intrinsic to the global strategic planning. This way, the present study treats of the professional's of Public Relationships possible contributions, ruled in theoretical data, inside of Private Institutions of Higher education in the Brazilian current scenery


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This monograph covers the issues related to the understanding of the new organization's cenary of the globalized society, computerized, which was reflected even within organizations. In this sense, we present a reflection on the theme of segmentation of audiences, especially based on the proposition of France (2008), regarded as important within the professional activities of Public Relations. Issues related to information technology, particularly the history of the internet and social media are presented as a reflection of this new company and also as strategic tools for the establishment of a fruitful relationship with the public organizations. All topics presented will support the monograph's study objects, presenting the Brazilian DeMolay Order, focusing on the challenges faced by the management of the National Bureau 2011/2012, that through integrated actions of communication and relationships, especially the virtual environment, resulted in the growth participant's numbers in the activities proposed by the national administration


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This analysis sought to study the social history of women, education and practice of cyber-activism, which consists of the struggle for causes that benefit society as a manner of social engagement. Through thorough theoretical study it was possible to analyze the campaign, 10X10, and relate the importance of the practice of personal commitment to support causes of global interest. Thus, it is possible to ascertain the relevance of actions via the Internet, its reach, its effectiveness and method of operation, providing voice and force to altruistic causes


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This paper aims to present the contribution of Public Relations in the process of branding, using digital communication as a tool for interaction with the public, and through strategic management, building and maintaining strong and lasting relationships with consumers, resulting in building bonds of sympathy, identification, and networks engaged and loyal consumers to brands. Therefore, were performed bibliographical research covering topics such as information society, network society, the dynamics of social networks, digital media, brands, branding, marketing 3.0, Public Relations and Public Relations 2.0. Were also undertaken observations on communication actions that used digital social media, focusing on interactivity, collaboration and relationship, to better understand how organizations are realizing the importance of interaction and relationship management with the public and how they are performing this communication. At the end, some of these actions are presented as examples of the theories studied, and as a demonstration of the benefits brought to these organizations and their brands


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This study examined the practices of crowdfunding, collective vehicle of fundraising for the production of works of culture, education, social programs etc over the internet. Through the analysis of registered projects and finalized in Brazilian site funding col-laborative Catarse, we were able to list interesting points to be considered to deter-mine what lead people to cooperate or not with this kind of practice. It was noticed that the internet materialized in front of individuals as an important vehicle for social participation, enabling the concern to collaborate on projects, people and causes that have common characteristics or interests bring benefits to society


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The process of globalization resulted in a variety of new products emerging. Companies were obliged to find new ways of maintaining the attractiveness for their products to sustain their brands in the economic field. So in this scenario social accountability became an important subject for companies that want to achieve a positive image among consumers. This paper aims to explain how organizational communication is essential to create and manage social accountability in a company. Aiming to explain the relation between organizational communication and social accountability, this final project had three main purposes: establish the connection between organizational communication and social accountability, point out and discuss the main strategies in this communication field, and then propose an action plan for Raízen to solve an established problem in one of its factories