952 resultados para recycling of nutrients
The techno-economic implications of recycling the components of mixed plastics waste have been studied in a two-part investigation: (a) An economic survey of the prospects for plastics recycling, the plastics waste arisings from retailing, building, automotive, light engineering and chemical industries have been surveyed by mans of questionnaires and interviews. This was partially successful and indicated that very considerable quantities of relatively clean plastics packaging was available in major department chains and household stores. The possibility of devising collection systems for such sources, which do not lead to any extra cost, have been suggested. However, the household collection of plastics waste has been found to be uneconomic due to high cost of collection, transportation and lack of markets for the end products. (b) In a technical study of blends of PE/PP and PE/PS which are found in admixture in waste plastics, it has been shown that they exhibit poor mechanical properties due to incompatibility. Consequently reprocessing of such unsegregated blends results in products of little technological value. The inclusion of some commercial block and graft copolymers which behave as solid phase dispersants (SPES) increase the toughness of the blends (e.g. EPDM in PE/PP blend and SBS in PE/PS blend). Also, EPDM is found to be very effective for improving the toughness of single component polypropylene. However, the improved Technical properties of such blends have been accompanied by a fast rate of photo-oxidation and loss of toughness due to the presence of unsaturation in SPD's. The change in mechanical properties occurring during oven ageing and ultra-violet light accelerated weathering of these binary and ternary blends was followed by a viscoelastonetric technique (Rheovibron) over 9,, wide range of temperatures, impact resistance at room temperature (20-41'G) and changes in functional groups (i.e. carbonyl and trans-1,4-polybutadiene). Also the heat and light stability of single and mixed plastics to which thiol antioxidants were bound to SPE1 segment have been studied and compared with conventional antioxidants. The long-term performance of the mixed plastics containing SPE1 have been improved significantly by the use of conventional and bound antioxidants. It is concluded that an estimated amount of 30000 tonnes/year of plastics waste is available from department chains and household stores which can be converted to useful end products. This justifies pilot-experiments in collaboration with supermarkets, recyclers and converters by use of low cost SPD's and additives designed to make the materials more compatible.
Pyrolytic recycling of materials for electronics and automotive is attractive because of the possibility of recovery of fuel and of precious metals from printed circuit. Due to the complexity of their composition an appropriate pre-treatment has to be performed in order to limit the evolution of dangerous halogen containing compounds which strongly impair the fuel quality. An advantageous pyrolysis approach implies the attempt of mineralisation of the organic bromine to the not volatile and harmless inorganic form using strong bases such as NaOH and KOH to reduce the amount of volatile and increasing the residue. The char stability is greatly variable depending on the substrate. Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 behave in a similar manner but to a lower extent. Carbonates and reducing agent such as LiAlH have been tested as well and their ability to scavenge bromine is discussed in terms of effectiveness and mechanism.
Our goal was to quantify the coupled process of litter turnover and leaching as a source of nutrients and fixed carbon in oligotrophic, nutrient-limited wetlands. We conducted poisoned and non-poisoned incubations of leaf material from four different perennial wetland plants (Eleocharis spp., Cladium jamaicense, Rhizophora mangle and Spartina alterniflora) collected from different oligotrophic freshwater and estuarine wetland settings. Total phosphorus (TP) release from the P-limited Everglades plant species (Eleocharis spp., C. jamaicense and R. mangle) was much lower than TP release by the salt marsh plant S. alterniflora from N-limited North Inlet (SC). For most species and sampling times, total organic carbon (TOC) and TP leaching losses were much greater in poisoned than non-poisoned treatments, likely as a result of epiphytic microbial activity. Therefore, a substantial portion of the C and P leached from these wetland plant species was bio-available to microbial communities. Even the microbes associated with S. alterniflora from N-limited North Inlet showed indications of P-limitation early in the leaching process, as P was removed from the water column. Leaves of R. mangle released much more TOC per gram of litter than the other species, likely contributing to the greater waterborne [DOC] observed by others in the mangrove ecotone of Everglades National Park. Between the two freshwater Everglades plants, C. jamaicense leached nearly twice as much P than Eleocharis spp. In scaling this to the landscape level, our observed leaching losses combined with higher litter production of C. jamaicense compared to Eleocharis spp. resulted in a substantially greater P leaching from plant litter to the water column and epiphytic microbes. In conclusion, leaching of fresh plant litter can be an important autochthonous source of nutrients in freshwater and estuarine wetland ecosystems.
Nowadays the rising cost of health care and pharmaceutical products, the increase in life expectancy as well as the demand for an improved quality of life, has led to an increased concern about food intake and an emergence of new concepts of nutrition [1]. Mushrooms have been pointed out as an excellent option to include in a healthy diet, due to their nutritional value [2] associated with their bioactive properties [3]. The current study presents the chemical profile of two edible species, Leccinum molle (Ban) Ban and Leccinum vulpinum Watling, harvested in the outskirts of Bragan9a (Northeastern Portugal), regarding their content in nutrients and nonnutrients. Individual profiles of sugars and fatty acids were obtained by HPLC-RI and GC-FID, respectively. Tocopherols were analysed by HPLC-fluorescence, and the non-nutrients (i.e., phenolic and other organic acids) by HPLC-PDA. The antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts obtained from both species was assessed with different assays (e.g. reducing power, radical scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition) and their hepatotoxicity was evaluated in primary cell cultures obtained from porcine liver, PLP2. Generally, both Leccinum species revealed similar nutrient profiles, with low fat levels, fructose, mannitol and trehalose as the foremost free sugars, and higher percentages of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids in comparison with saturated fatty acids. The presence of bioactive compounds was also detected, namely phenolic (e.g., gallic, protocatechuic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids) and organic acids (e.g., citric and fumaric acids). Both species presented antioxidant properties, being L. vulpinum the species which showed the most promising results (higher contents of total phenolic acids and lower ECso values in all the performed assays). Neither of the extracts presented toxicity against the liver primary cells PLP2, up to maximal concentration tested (Giso > 400 μg/ml).
Global climate change, increasingly erratic weather and a burgeoning global population are significant threats to the sustainability of future crop production. There is an urgent need for the development of robust measures that enable crops to withstand the uncertainty of climate change whilst still producing maximum yields. Resurrection plants possess the unique ability to withstand desiccation for prolonged periods, can be restored upon watering and represent great potential for the development of stress tolerant crops. Here, we describe the remarkable stress characteristics of Tripogon loliiformis, an uncharacterised resurrection grass and close relative of the economically important cereals, rice, sorghum, and maize. We show that T. loliiformis survives extreme environmental stress by implementing autophagy to prevent Programmed Cell Death. Notably, we identified a novel role for trehalose in the regulation of autophagy in T.loliiformis. Transcriptome, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, immunoblotting and confocal microscopy analyses directly linked the accumulation of trehalose with the onset of autophagy in dehydrating and desiccated T. loliiformis shoots. These results were supported in vitro with the observation of autophagosomes in trehalose treated T. loliiformis leaves; autophagosomes were not detected in untreated samples. Presumably, once induced, autophagy promotes desiccation tolerance in T.loliiformis , by removal of cellular toxins to suppress programmed cell death and the recycling of nutrients to delay the onset of senescence. These findings illustrate how resurrection plants manipulate sugar metabolism to promote desiccation tolerance and may provide candidate genes that are potentially useful for the development of stress tolerant crops.
Suomen maatalousmaihin kertynyttä fosforia hyödynnetään tehottomasti, ja samalla muokkauskerroksen suuri fosforimäärä on alttiina huuhtoutumiselle. Arbuskelimykorritsaa (AM) hyödyntämällä on mahdollista tehostaa viljelykasvin fosforinottoa ja kasvua, ja siten vähentää fosforin huuhtoutumista. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää mykorritsan vaikutus kasvin kasvuun ja fosforinottoon karjanlantalannoituksella mineraalilannoitukseen verrattuna sekä näiden lannoitusten pitkäaikaisvaikutusta AM-sieniyhteisöihin. Jotta lannoituskäytäntöjen vaikutus mykorritsaan voitiin suhteuttaa muihin maan laatutekijöihin, näiden käytäntöjen vaikutus myös satomääriin sekä muihin maan laatumittareihin arvioitiin. Pitkäaikainen kenttäkoe perustettiin kolmelle paikkakunnalle Pohjois-Ruotsissa vuosina 1965–66. Kuusivuotinen viljelykierto koostui joko viisivuotisesta nurmesta ja ohrasta tai ohramonokulttuurista. Lannoituskäsittelyt 32-vuoden ajan olivat suositusten mukainen (NPK) ja edelliseen nähden kaksinkertainen (2NPK) mineraalilannoitus sekä karjanlantalannoitus (KL), jonka ravinnemäärä vastasi NPK -käsittelyä. Kolmen lannoituskäsittelyn vaikutusta mykorritsan tehokkuuteen kasvin kasvun ja fosforiravitsemuksen näkökulmasta tutkittiin astiakokeissa. Mykorritsasieniyhteisöjen toiminnallisten erojen selvittämiseksi tehtiin takaisin- ja ristiinsiirrostuskoe. (5 v-%) steriloitua maanäytettä NPK- ja KL -käsittelyistä siirrostettiin käsittelemättömiin maanäytteisiin, jotka olivat samoista lannoituskäsittelyistä. Mykorritsan positiivinen vaikutus kasvin kasvuun ja fosforiravitsemukseen oli suurin kun käytettiin karjanlantaa. NPK ja 2NPK -käsittelyiden välillä ei havaittu eroja. Takaisin- ja ristiinsiirrostuskokeessa ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja. Nurmi- ja ohrasadot olivat suurimmat kun mineraalilannoitetta annettiin suosituksiin nähden kaksinkertainen määrä. Satomäärät olivat yhtä suuret tai suuremmat kun käytettiin karjanlantaa NPK –lannoituksen sijaan. Karjanlantakäsittely lisäsi maaperän kokonaishiili- ja kokonaistyppipitoisuutta verrattuna NPK -käsittelyyn, joka sisälsi saman määrän ravinteita. Samalla huuhtoutumiselle altis liukoisen fosforin pitoisuus säilyi alhaisella tasolla. Karjanlanta edisti mykorritsan toimintaedellytyksiä, ja siksi mykorritsasta saatua hyötyä fosforinotossa ja kasvuvaikutuksena mineraalilannoitteisiin verrattuna, mutta se ei vaikuttanut mykorritsasieniyhteisön toiminnallisiin ominaisuuksiin. Karjanlantalannoitus paransi mitattuja maan ominaisuuksia kokonaisuudessaan, eikä se vähentänyt satoja.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As propriedades químicas do solo variam com a cultura e manejo utilizados. O trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar as propriedades químicas de solo sob reflorestamento ciliar após 20 anos de plantio em área de Cerrado localizada na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, FEPE/UNESP, da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira. Foi realizada a análise química do solo (P, matéria orgânica (MO), pH, K, Ca, Mg, H+Al, Al e S) em 33 módulos, com três repetições em duas profundidades (0,0 - 0,20 e 0,20 - 0,40 m), com delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema hierárquico. Os resultados indicaram que as propriedades químicas do solo sob o reflorestamento ciliar são semelhantes às propriedades do solo sem perturbação antrópica dessa região. As espécies plantadas no reflorestamento ciliar estão contribuindo com a deposição de material orgânico suficiente para que haja reciclagem de nutrientes, mantendo as propriedades químicas do solo em boas condições para que ocorra o estabelecimento da mata ciliar.
O uso agrícola de resíduos orgânicos, de origem agrícola, urbana ou industrial, é uma interessante alternativa de disposição, permitindo a reciclagem de nutrientes (NPK) nos ecossistemas. Este trabalho avaliou o efeito da aplicação de lodo de esgoto como fonte de N e de vinhaça como fonte de K comparado ao uso de fontes minerais desses nutrientes sobre a produtividade e variáveis agroindustriais da cana-de-açúcar, por dois anos consecutivos (cana-planta e cana-soca). O experimento foi conduzido em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico típico, em Pontal - SP, e a variedade de cana-de-açúcar avaliada foi a SP 81-3250. Utilizou-se de esquema fatorial 3x2x2+1, ou seja, três tipos de resíduos (lodo de esgoto + KCl; vinhaça + uréia, e lodo de esgoto + vinhaça); dois modos de aplicação (na linha de plantio ou em área total); duas doses (100 e 200% do N e K necessários à cultura) e um tratamento adicional com adubação mineral, sendo os tratamentos distribuídos na área em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Foram avaliadas a produtividade e as variáveis agroindustriais (°brix, pol no caldo, fibra, pureza, pol na cana, AR e ATR). As produtividades de colmo e de açúcar para cana-planta foram mantidas quando N e K foram fornecidos pelo lodo de esgoto e vinhaça, respectivamente. A cana-soca apresentou maior produtividade de colmo e de açúcar quando foram utilizados os resíduos separadamente, complementados com fontes minerais. Quanto ao modo de aplicação, não foram observadas diferenças significativas para as variáveis analisadas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective was to evaluate the potential use of poultry litter, compared to mineral fertilization, productivity, features bromatologic and absorption of nutrients from a pasture of Brachiaria decumbens. The experimental area was installed in oxisoil in Uberlandia-MG. The design was randomized blocks with four replicates and the treatments used: control (without application of organic or mineral source), mineral fertilizer (60, 75 and 100 kg ha(-1), P K, respectively); organic fertilization with poultry litter at rates of 3,125, 6,250, 9,375 and 12,500 kg ha(-1). There were two cuts of the aerial part of Brachiaria decumbens, both at 60 days after treatment. We evaluated the yield of DM and the levels of CP, NDF, ADF, lignin, macro and micronutrients in shoots of grass. The results showed that application of poultry litter increased the productivity of DM and the levels of CP, N, P, K and Zn in Brachiaria decumbens. The poultry litter can be used as supplementary source of nutrients, the mineral fertilizer. The use of poultry litter not increased over the levels of S, Ca and Mg in Brachiaria decumbens.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA