148 resultados para recompensas
O desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Gestão da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho (SGSST) ganha um significado cada vez mais importante no desempenho das empresas, pois, por meio deles, é possível obter a promoção da saúde e satisfação dos trabalhadores e a redução dos riscos de acidentes. No entanto, para que um SGSST obtenha bons resultados, as empresas precisam estar atentas às dificuldades comumente encontradas durante o seu processo de implantação, procurando solucioná-las de maneira antecipada e estruturada. Pelo exposto, este trabalho tem como principal objetivo apresentar diretrizes, baseadas no referencial teórico e nos resultados dos estudos de caso realizados, para implantação de SGSSTs em empresas fabricantes de baterias automotivas. Para o seu desenvolvimento adotou-se o método de pesquisa qualitativa a partir da realização de dois estudos de caso em empresas fabricantes de baterias automotivas localizadas na cidade de Bauru. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram entrevistas semiestruturadas, análise de documentos e observação in loco. Ao final do artigo, são propostas diretrizes relacionadas aos seguintes elementos: alta direção, estratégia organizacional, cultura organizacional, departamento de Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho (SST), técnicos de SST, recursos humanos, treinamento, equipes multidisciplinares, comunicação interna, resistência à mudança, indicadores de desempenho, ferramentas gerenciais para solução de problemas de SST, gestão de projetos, recompensas e incentivos, e integração do sistema.
The cooperative behavior is no longer a dilemma for the theory of evolution, since there are models that explain the evolution of this behavior by means of natural selection at the individual level. However, there have been few studies on the proximal factors that interfere with cooperative behavior. In the study of the influence of cognition on cooperation, many authors have been interested in situations in which individuals decide whether to act cooperatively and select partners with different qualities to cooperate. Of the factors studied, we highlight the need for understanding the apparatus and communication between partners to the occurrence of cooperation. Recently, highlight is the proposal that the ability to cooperate would be greater in species with cooperative breeding system. Thus, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is a New World monkey which stands as a valuable species for this type of study because it presents cooperative actions in nature, such as sharing food and protection of the community territory. Our experiment investigated whether common marmosets unrelated females (n = 6) were able to cooperate using an electrical and a mechanical apparatus, if this cooperation is a byproduct of individual actions or involve social attention, if it occurs inter-individual variation in the use of devices and formation of roles (producer / scrounger) in dyads. We use the number of rewards obtained by animals (Ratio of Correct Pulls) as indicators of cooperation and glances for partners (Ratio of Correct Glances) as indicators of social attention and communication. The results indicate that the type of apparatus was not a constraint for the occurrence of cooperation between the marmosets, but still has not been verified formation of roles in the dyads. The performance of animals in the two devices showed a large variation in the learning time, not having relationship with the performance in the tests phase. In both devices the level of social glances at control phases were casually correlated with any other phase, but the data showed that there was not social attention, that is, the monkeys realized that they gave food to the partners, but the partners did
The ability to predict future rewards or threats is crucial for survival. Recent studies have addressed future event prediction by the hippocampus. Hippocampal neurons exhibit robust selectivity for spatial location. Thus, the activity of hippocampal neurons represents a cognitive map of space during navigation as well as during planning and recall. Spatial selectivity allows the hippocampus to be involved in the formation of spatial and episodic memories, including the sequential ordering of events. On the other hand, the discovery of reverberatory activity in multiple forebrain areas during slow wave and REM sleep underscored the role of sleep on the consolidation of recently acquired memory traces. To this date, there are no studies addressing whether neuronal activity in the hippocampus during sleep can predict regular environmental shifts. The aim of the present study was to investigate the activity of neuronal populations in the hippocampus during sleep sessions intercalated by spatial exploration periods, in which the location of reward changed in a predictable way. To this end, we performed the chronic implantation of 32-channel multielectrode arrays in the CA1 regions of the hippocampus in three male rats of the Wistar strain. In order to activate different neuronal subgroups at each cycle of the task, we exposed the animals to four spatial exploration sessions in a 4-arm elevated maze in which reward was delivered in a single arm per session. Reward location changed regularly at every session in a clockwise manner, traversing all the arms at the end of the daily recordings. Animals were recorded from 2-12 consecutive days. During spatial exploration of the 4-arm elevated maze, 67,5% of the recorded neurons showed firing rate differences across the maze arms. Furthermore, an average of 42% of the neurons showed increased correlation (R>0.3) between neuronal pairs in each arm. This allowed us to sort representative neuronal subgroups for each maze arm, and to analyze the activity of these subgroups across sleep sessions. We found that neuronal subgroups sorted by firing rate differences during spatial exploration sustained these differences across sleep sessions. This was not the case with neuronal subgroups sorted according to synchrony (correlation). In addition, the correlation levels between sleep sessions and waking patterns sampled in each arm were larger for the entire population of neurons than for the rate or synchrony subgroups. Neuronal activity during sleep of the entire neuronal population or subgroups did not show different correlations among the four arm mazes. On the other hand, we verified that neuronal activity during pre-exploration sleep sessions was significantly more similar to the activity patterns of the target arm than neuronal activity during pre-exploration sleep sessions. In other words, neuronal activity during sleep that precedes the task reflects more strongly the location of reward than neuronal activity during sleep that follows the task. Our results suggest that neuronal activity during sleep can predict regular environmental changes
The new Evolutionary Psychology (E. P.) paradigm has been trying to understand how the human beings make their decisions over time regarding the most diverse variables, always bearing in mind that such a cognitive process is due to a complex natural selection process that occurred millions of years ago. One of the main topics discussed by this new paradigm is the issue of parental investment, i.e., the care the parents provide to an offspring at the expense of the investment into a new one. The present work sought to integrate these two topics, trying to understand how some variables modulate the process of decision making in a sample of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte state. It was investigated the hypothesis that the presence of both parents, along the individual development, could signal a more favorable environment, providing clues to the individual that he could assume a competitive position at the socio-biological market. His decisions, therefore, could be guided by long-term investments with aims to obtain more robust rewards. On the contrary, those who has suffered for some moment the absence of one the parents could develop theirselves in a not so competitive way, starting to choose immediate benefits - but lesser ones -, since the future would be less predictable due to their worse development conditions. This study involved 152 individuals from three higher education institutions, one of them being public and the others being private ones. In the results found, there was no difference between children of coupled parents and children of deceased or divorced parents concerning discount rates. The levels of hopelessness did not affect the discount rates of children of single parents when compared to children of coupled parents. Not having one of the parents because of divorce made the child to tend to present lower scores in the domain of social relations of WHOQOL - Bref, whilst the absence of the father by death made the scores lower in the domain of environment. The results indicate that loosing one of the parents along the development influences the individual's quality of life perception, but the measurement method of future discounting rates by means of financial choices is not sensitive to this variation
The discrimination learning is assessed through instrumental tasks in which the individual is rewarded for choosing one item over another. Thus, in concurrent visual discrimination of objects the animal must learn that only one of the objects will be rewarded. The concurrent visual discrimination is relatively simple, and already been observed Callithrix jacchus is able to accomplish this task. As yet wasn't seen the influence of the qualitative aspects of the rewards, in the performance of concurrent visual discrimination of objects in nonhuman primates, and as in most tests are used isolated animals, the present study had two stages: at first we had as objective to analyze the influence of the caloric value of the reward on the performance in concurrent visual discrimination of objects in isolated animals; in the second, we had the intention analyze performance of C. jacchus in realization of discrimination task in different social contexts, as well as, analyze the influence of previous experience in task performance. In the first stage (Study 1), the animals were not able to discriminate foods that presented small caloric differences . This incapacity in discriminates the rewards was responsible by generating randomness in task of concurrent visual discrimination of objects. In the second stage (Study 2), observed that, independent of social context in which the task was presented, the performance both of the experienced animals as the inexperienced animals tended to randomness. In the first case, is likely that the pattern of responses of the experienced animals is a reflection of their own performance when they were observed in isolation. In the second case, in turn, the randomness was probably due to the small number of sessions. Although present a pattern of performance similar to inexperienced individuals, we verify that the experienced animals monopolize the food consumption when they were in the presence of inexperienced individuals. This was a consequence of the experienced animals have presented lower latency the approximation of apparatus and, consequently, obtain more food. In turn, the inexperienced animals, when were in the presence of experienced, had to adopt alternative strategies to obtain food. Thus, C. jacchus is able to use the previous information he had about the task of solving their own benefit.
Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that induces behavioral changes in rodents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of infection by T. gondii during the chronic phase in working memory and impulsivity in rodents as well as the effect of antipsychotics to reverse any behavioral changes resulting from infection. Female Wistar rats (n = 40) were infected with 25 cysts of the strain ME-49 T. gondii after 4 months the animals were subjected to behavioral tests: tolerance to delay gratification, in which the animal must choose between two rewards, a smaller and more immediate, but delayed and the test of spontaneous alternation, in which the animal must use spatial cues to remember previously visited arms. Antipsychotic drugs were intraperitoneally administered during the testing of the behavioral experiments, the antipsychotic is haloperidol (1.5 mg / kg) administered 60 min before the start of the session and the antipsychotic clozapine (2.5 mg / kg) 30 min before. Animals infected with the parasite did not show operating deficits of memory, and motor impairment did not develop, however motor impairment was observed only in animals treated with haloperidol. It was found that administration of clozapine and haloperidol increased the percentage of alternation in infected and control groups in task switching espontânea.Não no distinction between control animals and infected the test of tolerance to delay gratification in relation to the percentage of choices greatest reward, during the pre-training and training, in which there is a delay of 15 s to access the great reward, however it was observed that infected animals prefer the greatest reward, when there is a delay of 30 s when compared to control group. The administration of clozapine possible that infected animals chose the greatest reward in the delay of 30 seconds during the test. These data suggest that infected mice do not exhibit deficits in working memory and that clozapine has therapeutic efficacy in improving cognitive performance of mice infected
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
A preocupação relacionada à socialização econômica da criança e a possível influência das práticas parentais neste processo têm fomentado pesquisas que contribuem para o entendimento de contextos culturais e sociais, ampliando a capacidade de compreensão dos comportamentos parentais e do desenvolvimento infantil. Conforme a literatura, os pais são os principais agentes de socialização para a alfabetização econômica das crianças. Mediante a prática de dar mesada a compreensão econômica dos filhos aumenta e por meio de recompensas e sanções, os pais instalam nos filhos suas crenças sobre economia. Apesar de este ser um tema vastamente estudado em outros países, no Brasil as pesquisas são poucas e abrangem apenas a classe média, desconsiderando a grande participação da pessoa da classe baixa na economia e na formação de futuros consumidores. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar as crenças e práticas dos pais sobre a mesada. Fizeram parte da pesquisa 32 pais de renda média e baixa, com filhos entre 6 e 16 anos. Foi utilizada a técnica de grupo focal, mediante um guia de temas constituído por questões relevantes da literatura, como conceito e propósito da mesada, dentre outros. As discussões foram gravadas, transcritas e submetidas à análise dos dados, mediante um programa de computador para análise de dados textual denominado Alceste, versão 4.5, criado por Marx Reinert. Os resultados apontaram cinco classes que foram organizadas em três eixos temáticos. Nas classes associadas com o processo de utilização da mesada, encontrou-se uma busca dos pais de justificar o uso da mesada como estratégia educativa, ora servindo como instrumento de recompensa, ora como instrumento que fomenta maus hábitos. Foi identificado também que além da função educativa a mesada teve uma função socializadora, de integração e status social. Os conteúdos do tema história familiar acerca do orçamento mostraram relatos dos pais bastante distintos, em que ora remetiam a uma história familiar, principalmente a dos próprios pais, ora ao processo de negociação, na relação conjugal, do orçamento e dos gastos. Os pais discutiram assuntos relacionados a quem deve controlar as finanças da casa (homem ou mulher) e também se os filhos precisam saber como acontece o orçamento familiar. Verificou-se no terceiro eixo a existência de alguns fatores relacionados a componentes da definição de Mesada, como freqüência e regularidade, valor e necessidade dos filhos. As respostas também envolveram a quantia de dinheiro que se deve dar aos filhos e a justificativa dos pais para pararem de dar mesada aos filhos.
Applicability of management theories to developing organizationations and structured process for managing change and create an environment for innovation and adaptation. The study skills resources focus described information science area and your essencial function building a knowledge society. The work process administration involves organizational environment. When working to resolve conflict, it is important to solve parties in personal conflict for success of the organization. For theory of human relations, informal groups influence in the archive workplace. Thus the aim of this paper is to proposed analyse the influence human relations theory for the process archive management. That methodology will follow the recommendation archive university case study. The data analysis for the current case study follows focus group. The conduct the case study was guided by three phases: Motivational elements, the individual and influence behavior, integration of the formal and informal organization. Employees May Be the Key to Success for O rganizations and develop the conclusions and recommendations portray motivation and a good working environment stood out the factors that employees develop skills and competencies. Organizational behavior that is present in forms of rewards, recognition, social man and informal groups. The nature of research contribute to the process archive management. Development and suggested that the findings of the analysis are applied to a larger structure of archive organization, as well as public archive case study.
This research aims to show how children can learn the meaning of forgiveness in order to build their autonomy and moral . Research is essential to support teachers to work morale within the classroom with their students , so that conflicts a re minimized or even eliminated . Through Piagetian clinical method was observed and interviewed students from the first year of elementary school , trying to identify those who can take a perspective other than you r own . All this in order to inve stigate the possibility of these becoming autonomous and can measure th e consequences of their actions . To develop the moral and intellectual autonomy of the students , Piaget (1994 ) shows the importance of children to act properly by choice , not by pres sure punishments or rewards , and that they have the correct answers , not because someone showed you , but because found . Through research , we found that students are able to forgive, but often requiring that the colleague is also punished in some way. Fo r in fact the children act autonomously it is necessary that the school provides situations where they can experience the cooperation , reciprocity, mutual respect , and thus gradually build their autonomy
Ce travail est consacré sur la perspective dialogique d'étude d'un type de texte assez bien populaire sur les médias numériques; appelés par chaîne, il s'agit des messages qui sont transmises par e-mail de façon très rapide et de large propagation parmi ses usagers. La recherche a par objective principal analyser les discours véhiculés par les appelés chaînes, en abordant ses thèmes plus recourants, liées aux concepts de dialogue et genre, présents sur les travaux du Circule de Bakhtine. Par constitution du corpus ils sont allés sélectionnées des chaînes transmises par e-mail entre les années de 2009 et 2011. Dans l'analyse du matériel collecté on a découvert des différences plus généralistes que nous ont permis sa organisation en trois différents grands thèmes: religieuse, relations et utilité publique. Les chaînes composées par la thématique religieuse amènent une mode d’interpellation assez très incisif, direct et explicite à son destinataire, pour qu'il puisse renvoyer le message reçu à des autres destinataires. Il s'agit d'un appel, souvent, coactif et menaçant, avec le but aussi de persuader le destinataire à adhérer au discours religieux contenu dans le message. Le discours religieux des chaînes est configuré d'une façon de défi, ou test, pour lesquelles il y a une promesse de récompense. Le deuxième type de chaîne analysé explore le thème des relations homme/femme et interpelle son destinataire d'une façon suggestionné et non coercitive