991 resultados para recall


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The effect of mental reinstatement on children's recall is unclear. One factor that may impact its effectiveness is the degree to which interviewers prompt children during an interview. We examined whether interviewers’ degree of narrative prompting moderated the effect of mental context reinstatement during children's recall of a staged event. Younger and older children were interviewed 7–10 days after the event. Half were told to mentally reinstate the context and half were not. In a fully crossed design, half also received extended narrative prompting during the interview and half did not. We predicted that extensive narrative prompting should reduce any observable benefit of mental reinstatement, especially for older children. However, mental reinstatement had no beneficial effect on recall performance. It is possible that methodological differences, low statistical power, and a small effect size may have reduced the observable benefit of mental reinstatement in comparison to other studies. Overall, the findings of this study suggest that until further research can clearly define the parameters in which mental reinstatement is useful, and therefore produce findings with greater consistency across studies, there is little support for its use in investigative interviews with child witnesses.


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This study is the first multi-year examination of the relative influence of the four main variables said to influence sponsorship recall. Sponsor recall data were collected from season ticket holders (STHs) of 10 professional sports teams, over periods ranging from 3 to 5 years per team. Across those teams and over that time, 309 sponsor–team relationships were examined, and sponsor recall data from over 117,000 individual STHs were collected. Sponsorship length and level were shown to have the strongest impact on recall, followed by relatedness and prominence. These variables affected both the recall of current sponsors and the decay rates of residual recall following the end of a sponsorship. The average rates of sponsor recall growth and decline have been derived from these data, giving managers a tool by which to benchmark sport sponsorship recall performance.


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The aim of this experiment was to examine the effectiveness of two techniques in enhancing children's recall of an event that they experienced approximately a week earlier. Younger (5–6 years) and older (8–9 years) children were interviewed about a magic show event in one of three conditions. Before recalling the event, some children were instructed to mentally reinstate the context of the event (MCR group), others were asked to draw the context of the event (DCR group), and others received no reinstatement instructions (NCR). Results showed that these instructions had no impact on children's free recall or responses to open-ended prompts. However, reinstatement instructions impacted children's responses to suggestive questions: those in the DCR group gave more accurate responses than those in the NCR group. These findings provide preliminary support for the use of drawing as a potentially protective exercise that lessens the impact of biased questions with child witnesses.


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This study seeks to determine the possible interactions between listening proficiency and the state of strategic self-awareness; second, and more importantly, to investigate the effects of learned strategies on listening comprehension and recall; and finally to describe the most common real-time listening comprehension problems faced by EFL learners and to compare the differences between learners with different listening abilities. After ten training sessions, an assessment was made to see whether or not well-learned strategies could provide students with ample opportunity to practice the comprehension and recall processes. The analyses of the data revealed the causes of ineffective low-level processing and provided insights to solve the problems of parsing. Moreover, the study reveals that explicit instruction of cognitive and metacognitive strategies is needed if a syllabus wishes to help learners improve their listening comprehension and become more-proficient at directing their own learning and development as L2 listeners.


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Media fragmentation and proliferation, in concert with declining television advertising efficacy, has engendered interest in developing more effective ways to reach consumers – particularly non-users of a brand. This study explores the effect of active product placement in computer games on both brand attitude (Abrand) and recall. Findings suggest that exposure to a particular brand in a computer game can increase Abrand among consumers whose pre-existing attitude towards the brand in question is fairly low. It was concluded that product placement within computer games is an effective means of fostering high spontaneous brand recall and even of influencing consumers less positively predisposed towards a brand (analogous to non-users). These findings have promising managerial implications for firms looking to grow their customer base through acquisition and conversion.


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A variety of electronic displays available for home use creates opportunities for intelligent applications. This paper presents a semi-passive photo reviewing tool for consolidating memories of experiences utilizing personal picture libraries. A form of spaced repetition algorithm is used to create visual journeys which link photos together around a user-chosen central theme. Systematically reviewing images from positive personal experiences can be useful to remember significant events, as well as to balance out stressful events in our lives. The design exploits existing digital home displays and aims to improve usage of media collections


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In this illustrative case study we examine the three forensic interviews of a girl who experienced repeated sexual abuse from ages 7 to 11. She disclosed the abuse after watching a serialized television show that contained a storyline similar to her own experience. This triggered an investigation that ended in successful prosecution of the offender. Because this case involved abuse that was repeated on a weekly basis for 4 years we thus investigated the degree to which the child's narrative reflected specific episodes or generic accounts, and both the interviewer's and child's attempts to elicit and provide, respectively, specific details across the 3 interviews collected in a 1 month period. Across the 3 interviews, the child's account was largely generic, yet on a number of occasions she provided details specific to individual incidents (episodic leads) that could have been probed further. As predicted: earlier interviews were characterized more by episodic than generic prompts and the reverse was true for the third interview; the child often responded using the same style of language (episodic or generic) as the interviewer; and open questions yielded narrative information. We discuss the importance of adopting children's words to specify occurrences, and the potential benefits of permitting generic recall in investigative interviews on children's ability to provide episodic leads. Despite the fact that the testimony was characterized by generic information about what usually happened, rather than specific episodic details about individual occurrences, this case resulted in successful prosecution.


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Objectives. To compare 12-month falls recall with falls reported prospectively on daily falls calendars in a clinical trial of women aged ≥70 years. Methods. 2,096 community-dwelling women at high risk of falls and/or fracture completed a daily falls calendar and standardised interviews when falls were recorded, for 12 months. Data were compared to a 12-month falls recall question that categorised falls status as “no falls,” “a few times,” “several,” and “regular” falls. Results. 898 (43%) participants reported a fall on daily falls calendars of whom 692 (77%) recalled fall(s) at 12 months. Participants who did not recall a fall were older (median 79.3 years versus 77.8 years, ). Smaller proportions of fallers who sustained an injury or accessed health care failed to recall a fall (all ). Among participants who recalled “no fall,” 85% reported zero falls on daily calendars. Few women selected falls categories of “several times” or “regular” (4.1% and 0.4%, resp.) and the sensitivity of these categories was low (30% to 33%). Simply categorising participants into fallers or nonfallers had 77% sensitivity and 94% specificity. Conclusion. For studies where intensive ascertainment of falls is not feasible, 12-month falls recall questions with fewer responses may be an acceptable alternative.


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BACKGROUND: In Australia, sport is saturated by the promotion of junk food, alcohol and gambling products. This is particularly evident on player jerseys. The effect of this advertising on children, who are exposed to these messages while watching sport, has not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this research study was to investigate: (1) the extent to which children implicitly recalled shirt sponsors with the correct sporting team; (2) whether children associated some types of sponsors with certain sporting codes more than others; and (3) whether age of the children influenced the correct recall of sponsoring brands and teams. METHOD: This experimental study conducted in New South Wales, Australia used projective techniques to measure the implicit recall of team sponsorship relationships of 85 children aged 5-12 years. Participants were asked to arrange two sets of magnets - one which contained sporting teams and one which contained brand logos - in the manner deemed most appropriate by them. Children were not given any prompts relating to sporting sponsorship relationships. RESULTS: Three quarters (77 %) of the children were able to identify at least one correct shirt sponsor. Children associated alcohol and gambling brands more highly with the more popular sporting code, the National Rugby League compared to the Australian Football League sporting code. Results showed that age had an effect on number of shirt sponsors correctly recalled with 9-12 year olds being significantly more likely than 5-8 year olds to correctly identify team sponsors. CONCLUSIONS: Given children's ability to implicitly recall shirt sponsors in a sporting context, Australian sporting codes should examine their current sponsorship relationships to reduce the number of unhealthy commodity shirt sponsors. While there is some regulation that protects children from the marketing of unhealthy commodity products, these findings suggest that children are still exposed to and recall these sponsorship relationships. Results suggest that the promotion of unhealthy commodity products during sporting matches is contributing to increased awareness amongst children of unhealthy commodity brands. Further investigation is required to examine the extent and impact of marketing initiatives during televised sporting matches on children.


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BACKGROUND: While it is common for an economic evaluation of health care to rely on trial participants for self-reported health service utilisation, there is variability in the accuracy of this data due to potential recall bias. The aim of this study was to quantify the level of recall bias in self-reported primary health care general practitioner (GP) visits following inpatient rehabilitation over a 12 month period.

METHODS: This report is a secondary analysis from a larger randomised control trial of an economic evaluation of additional Saturday inpatient rehabilitation. Participants were adults who had been discharged into the community following admission to an acute general rehabilitation hospital. Participants were asked to recall primary health care visits, including community GP visits, via a telephone questionnaire which was administered at 6 and 12 months following discharge from inpatient rehabilitation. Participants were asked to recall health service utilisation over each preceding 6 month period. The self-reported data were compared to equivalent claims data from the national insurer, over the same period.

RESULTS: 751 participants (75% of the full trial) with a mean age of 74 years (SD 13) were included in this analysis. Over the 12 month period following discharge from rehabilitation there was an under-reporting of 14% in self-reported health service utilisation for GP visits compared to national insurer claims data over the same period. From 0 to 6 months following discharge from rehabilitation, there was an over-reporting of self-reported GP visits of 35% and from 7 to 12 months there was an under-reporting of self-reported GP visits of 36%, compared to national insurer claims data over the same period. 46% of patients reported the same or one number difference in self-reported GP visits between the 0 to 6 and the 7 to 12 month periods.

CONCLUSION: Based on these findings we recommend that an economic evaluation alongside a clinical trial for an elderly adult rehabilitation population include a sensitivity analysis that inflates self-reported GP visits by 16% over 12 months. However caution is required when utilising self-reported GP visits as the data may contain periods of both over and under reporting. Where general practitioner visits are expected to vary significantly between intervention and control groups we recommend that administrative data be included in the trial to accurately capture resources for an economic evaluation.


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Neste projeto busca-se identificar as reações dos consumidores brasileiros ao recall de produtos. No exterior recall é prática mais antiga enquanto que no Brasil é um procedimento recente, mas que vem ganhando crescente importância nos últimos anos. De fato, esse alerta, que um determinado lote da produção não saiu de fábrica como o planejado, feito pelos fabricantes a um grupo de compradores de seus produtos, vem ocorrendo com mais freqüência e particularmente no setor automobilístico. Todavia, é bem possível que muitos consumidores ainda não conheçam esse procedimento e nem saibam que estão sujeitos a imprevistos como o de adquirir um produto que, mesmo tendo passado pelos testes de qualidade do fabricante, possa estar sendo objeto de um chamado desse tipo, pois algo diferente do que era esperado foi encontrado no produto: ele não passou por alguma sabatina posterior de testes do fabricante ou até mesmo de sua matriz no exterior! O objetivo do estudo é o de identificar as reações do consumidor frente ao recall de produtos e os impactos que possa estar criando para ele.


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Este estudo analisa o comportamento do consumidor brasileiro frente ao recall de veículos automotivos. O processo de compra, uso e descarte dos automóveis que sofreram o chamamento é analisado sob a ótica da teoria da reatância psicológica, originária da psicologia e que visa explanar a reação de indivíduos a limitações em sua liberdade. O objetivo do estudo é dimensionar a reatância psicológica individual e verificar a percepção dos consumidores ao recall de veículos automotivos, através dos indicativos de valor percebido e a qualidade no relacionamento percebida pelo indivíduo. A resultante do processo foi o comportamento de compra pós recall. Os maiores beneficiários deste estudo serão os próprios consumidores bem como as montadoras de veículos, os órgãos de defesa dos consumidores e entidades jurídicas interessadas neste tema. A originalidade de avaliar as implicações deste acontecimento sob a ótica do consumidor é uma contribuição deste estudo, pois o recall ainda não foi estudado sob este ponto de vista anteriormente no Brasil, apesar do constante escrutínio do tema na mídia. O estudo tem início com um histórico do recall nos Estados Unidos da América e no Brasil. Em seguida, foi elaborada uma revisão de conhecimento reunindo os principais conceitos apresentados anteriormente e foi proposto um esquema unindo as variáveis. Em seguida, foram elaboradas na cidade de São Paulo duas pesquisas: uma qualitativa, exploratória a fim de examinar o processo de compra e pensamentos sobre o recall e outra quantitativa a fim de traduzir as escalas para o dimensionamento das variáveis: (a) reatância psicológica (o questionário para o dimensionamento da reatância psicológica de Merz (1983), (b) o valor percebido pelo consumidor (dimensionado através da escala PERVAL de Sweeney e Soutar (2001) e (c) a qualidade percebida no relacionamento entre consumidor e organização de Roberts et al (2003) e apresentar as relações existentes entre elas. Os resultados indicam que o consumidor não passa ileso pelo recall. Ele cria uma memória e sabedoria das conseqüências do chamamento. Duas perspectivas do consumidor frente ao recall foram identificadas: uma visão negativa, mais reatante, que aparentemente fica mais preocupada com o incômodo que o processo todo causa do que com uma potencial ameaça a sua segurança e mais propensa a mudar de fornecedor; e outra visão positiva, pouco reatante e que considera o processo como uma atitude responsável, que transmite credibilidade e confiança do fabricante, esta por sua vez mais propensa a permanecer na marca.


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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso busca expor e estudar as etapas, características e aspectos entre o procedimento de recall (também denominado chamamento) de automóveis brasileiro e o procedimento de recall de automóveis norte-americano, país pioneiro na procedimentalização do chamamento de automóveis, a fim de comparar as diferenças percebidas entre cada um destes modelos e em que medidas estas se justificam, analisando o porquê de tais diferenças, bem como o que poderia ser aprimorado em cada um dos modelos.


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Purpose: To analyze the results of recall absent schoolchildren to eye health projects. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Visual screening was performed in schoolchildren attending 1st to 4th grades at public schools, from 7 to 10 years-old, to select and forward to complete ophthalmic evaluation. The projects were performed during weekends, at a public school, in the same municipality. Free transportation, food and eyeglasses were offered. A second opportunity of examination was offered to the students who were absent from the first call, with the same facilities. Results: 51,509 schoolchildren had their vision tested, 14,651 (28.4%) were referred for ophthalmic examination. Of these, 8,683 (59.3%) attended the first call, 2,228 (37.3%) attended the recall and 25.5% of parents did not take their children to ophthalmic examination. The need for eyeglasses for children who attended the examination was 23.8% and 32.0% in the first opportunity and recall, respectively. The recall increased the coverage in 15.2% (59.3% to 74.5%). Conclusion: An expressive number of parents (25.5%) did not bring their children to be examined, even at a second opportunity of exam. The facilities offered: access, free examination, transportation and glasses. Children who were absent in the first opportunity and appeared at recall had a greater need for eyeglasses. Recall increased the coverage in 15.2% (59.3% to 74.5%) and it is not recommended when financial resources are limited.