954 resultados para r-Value


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The rapid globalization of markets has resulted in further acceleration of the worldwide convergence of accounting standards, including the development of high-quality and globally consistent accounting standards for both domestic and cross-border financial reporting. Prior studies report that earnings value relevance of U.S. companies is decreasing, and the decline is partially attributable to the immediate expensing of intangibles, like research and development (R&D). Being one of the areas of divergence, accounting for R&D was highlighted as one of the seven short-term convergence projects by the FASB and IASB. Australia's adoption of IFRS in 2005 presents an empirical setting to evaluate the value relevance of different accounting treatments for R&D, and ultimately assist financial accounting standard setters in the U.S. and abroad in finding an appropriate accounting treatment for R&D.


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In this thesis the impact of R&D expenditures on firm market value and stock returns is examined. This is performed in a sample of European listed firms for the period 2000-2009. I apply different linear and GMM econometric estimations for testing the impact of R&D on market prices and construct country portfolios based on firms’ R&D expenditure to market capitalization ratio for studying the effect of R&D on stock returns. The results confirm that more innovative firms have a better market valuation,investors consider R&D as an asset that produces long-term benefits for corporations. The impact of R&D on firm value differs across countries. It is significantly modulated by the financial and legal environment where firms operate. Other firm and industry characteristics seem to play a determinant role when investors value R&D. First, only larger firms with lower financial leverage that operate in highly innovative sectors decide to disclose their R&D investment. Second, the markets assign a premium to small firms, which operate in hi-tech sectors compared to larger enterprises for low-tech industries. On the other hand, I provide empirical evidence indicating that generally highly R&D-intensive firms may enhance mispricing problems related to firm valuation. As R&D contributes to the estimation of future stock returns, portfolios that comprise high R&D-intensive stocks may earn significant excess returns compared to the less innovative after controlling for size and book-to-market risk. Further, the most innovative firms are generally more risky in terms of stock volatility but not systematically more risky than low-tech firms. Firms that operate in Continental Europe suffer more mispricing compared to Anglo-Saxon peers but the former are less volatile, other things being equal. The sectors where firms operate are determinant even for the impact of R&D on stock returns; this effect is much stronger in hi-tech industries.


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PURPOSE Our main objective was to prospectively determine the prognostic value of [(18)F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) after two cycles of rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone given every 14 days (R-CHOP-14) under standardized treatment and PET evaluation criteria. PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients with any stage of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma were treated with six cycles of R-CHOP-14 followed by two cycles of rituximab. PET/CT examinations were performed at baseline, after two cycles (and after four cycles if the patient was PET-positive after two cycles), and at the end of treatment. PET/CT examinations were evaluated locally and by central review. The primary end point was event-free survival at 2 years (2-year EFS). RESULTS Median age of the 138 evaluable patients was 58.5 years with a WHO performance status of 0, 1, or 2 in 56%, 36%, or 8% of the patients, respectively. By local assessment, 83 PET/CT scans (60%) were reported as positive and 55 (40%) as negative after two cycles of R-CHOP-14. Two-year EFS was significantly shorter for PET-positive compared with PET-negative patients (48% v 74%; P = .004). Overall survival at 2 years was not significantly different, with 88% for PET-positive versus 91% for PET-negative patients (P = .46). By using central review and the Deauville criteria, 2-year EFS was 41% versus 76% (P < .001) for patients who had interim PET/CT scans after two cycles of R-CHOP-14 and 24% versus 72% (P < .001) for patients who had PET/CT scans at the end of treatment. CONCLUSION Our results confirmed that an interim PET/CT scan has limited prognostic value in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma homogeneously treated with six cycles of R-CHOP-14 in a large prospective trial. At this point, interim PET/CT scanning is not ready for clinical use to guide treatment decisions in individual patients.


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This paper analyses market valuations of UK companies using a new data set of their R&D and IP activities (1989–2002). In contrast to previous studies, the analysis is conducted at the sectoral-level, where the sectors are based on the technological classification originating from Pavitt [Pavitt, K., 1984. Sectoral patterns of technical change. Research Policy 13, 343–373]. The first main result is that the valuation of R&D varies substantially across these sectors. Another important result is that, on average, firms that receive only UK patents tend to have no significant market premium. In direct contrast, patenting through the European Patent Office does raise market value, as does the registration of trade marks in the UK for most sectors. To explore these variations the paper links competitive conditions with the market valuation of innovation. Using profit persistence as a measure of competitive pressure, we find that the sectors that are the most competitive have the lowest market valuation of R&D. Furthermore, within the most competitive sector (‘science based’ manufacturing), firms with larger market shares (an inverse indicator of competitive pressure) also have higher R&D valuations, as well as some positive return to UK patents. We conclude that this evidence supports Schumpeter by finding higher returns to innovation in less than fully competitive markets and contradicts Arrow [Arrow, K., 1962. Economic welfare and the allocation of resources for invention. In: Nelson, R. (Ed.), The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity. Princeton University Press, Princeton], who argued that, with the existence of IP rights, competitive market structure provides higher incentives to innovate.


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This paper considers the value of innovation to large Australian firms. Specifically, we investigate how R&D and intellectual property activity influences the market value of firms, using a Tobin’s q approach. R&D data are available for the period 1994–96 and data on patent, trade mark and design applications for 1996. The findings suggest that R&D and patent activity are positively and significantly associated with market value. The results also suggest that private returns to R&D in Australia are low by international standards.


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The paper applies the GVC framework to analyse the organisational and geographical reconfiguration of the global R&D function of leading US and European pharmaceutical MNCs. Though pharmaceutical MNCs have been outsourcing clinical trial activities since the mid-1990s, the outsourcing of discovery research tasks is a phenomenon of the 2000s (Ramirez 2013). Moreover, in the context of a crisis of R&D productivity and increasing pressure from shareholders, a number of US and European pharmaceutical MNCs are breaking up their R&D function in an attempt to increase flexibility and reduce risk as well as costs and are thereby restructuring the global architecture of their R&D function. This break-up, or unbundling (Sako 2006), of the R&D function is particularly interesting given the prevalence of market failure in innovation (Howells et al 2008), the non-modular nature of the R&D process in this industry (Pisano 2006) and the strategic important of this activity to the core competence and long-term competitive advantage of firms in this sector. The focus of this paper is on the outsourcing of R&D activities to Chinese and Indian independently-owned contract research organisations (CROs) and the way these firms are becoming integrated as service providers into the global R&D function (or R&D value chain) of pharmaceutical MNCs. Above all the paper is concerned with the development of capabilities of CROs from these two countries and the dynamics of upgrading in GVCs in knowledge-intensive functions. The paper therefore discusses the role of both knowledge flows within global pharmaceutical R&D value chains as well as national innovation systems on the development of capabilities of Chinese and Indian CROs. Our analysis is based on data from semi-structured interviews collected from senior R&D managers from a sample of ten US and European pharmaceutical MNCs and owners and senior R&D managers from five Chinese and five Indian CROs who are providing research services to MNCs in this industry. We discuss the emergence of R&D outsourcing in this industry and the nature and mechanisms of knowledge flows within R&D value chains. The embeddedness of CROS in the national innovation systems of their home countries is also discussed.


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Mind ez ideig a gyakorlatban kevéssé aknázták ki azt a lehetőséget, hogy a természeti tőke pénzbeli értékelése számszerű, egzakt információt nyújthat a döntéshozóknak. A szerzők a zajvédelmi intézkedések példáján keresztül tekintik át a természeti tőkejavak közgazdasági értékelésében rejlő lehetőségeket. Ismertetik a költség-haszon elemzés környezeti javakkal bővített formájának előnyeit, majd az általában elhanyagolt, a nem piaci javak által nyújtott haszon közgazdasági értékelésére alkalmas eljárásokat, külön kitérve a zajterhelés területére. Nagy hangsúlyt helyeznek a haszonfelmérések átvitelének széles körben alkalmazható módszereire. Bemutatják az általuk gyakorlatban végzett kutatás során szerzett tapasztalatokat, különös tekintettel arra, hogy a haszonértékelések átvitele hogyan járulhat hozzá a természeti tőkejavakkal kapcsolatos döntések során a társadalmi haszon maximalizálásához. _____ The paper offers an overview of the economic valuation of transportation-induced noise and cost-benefit analysis of noise-control measures and actions. Although economic valuation can provide hard, monetized data for decision-makers, it is relatively underused in practice. The study focuses on benefit-transfer methodology, where values obtained in previous cases are used as the basis for current evaluation. A specific application of benefit transfer is presented by a recent pilot project in Hungary, whereby a tool was developed for LGOs, enabling them to make preliminary assessments of the benefits of potential noise-control measures and rank possible options. This can help to optimize the benefits to society using limited resources.


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A tanulmány a mikroökonómia eszközrendszerét és a hazai gépjárműpiac 2013-as adatait segítségül hívva egy új módszert mutat be az ármeghatározás területén. A kutatás központi kérdése az, hogy hol található az a pont, amikor a fogyasztó elégedett a kínált minőséggel és árral – lehetőleg megfelelő időben – és a vállalat is elégedett a megszerzett profittal. A tanulmányban tehát az ármeghatározás során központi szerepet játszik a minőség és az idő, mint értékteremtő funkció. Az elemzés egyik legfőbb következtetése, hogy a profitmaximumból levezetett optimális ár a minőség és az idő különböző paraméterei mellett meghatározható. A módszer segítségével a vállalatok közgazdasági eszközrendszer segítségével kapnak egy új szemléletet működési paramétereik és egyben versenyprioritásaik (ár, költség, minőségszint, idő) felállításához. _____ The study points to a new method for determining price with the tools of microeconomics and data of the Hungarian car market. The focus of the research is on where to find the point where the consumer is satisfied with the quality and price offered – preferably right time – and the company is satisfied with the profit achieved. In this study, therefore, in setting prices plays a central role the quality and time as a value-added feature. One of the main conclusions of the analysis is that the optimal price can be determined by various parameters of the quality and time. The method of using the economic tools help companies get a new perspective and to set up their optimal operating parameters (price, cost, quality level, time).


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Student understanding of decimal number is poor (e.g., Baturo, 1998; Behr, Harel, Post & Lesh, 1992). This paper reports on a study which set out to determine the cognitive complexities inherent in decimal-number numeration and what teaching experiences need to be provided in order to facilitate an understanding of decimal-number numeration. The study gave rise to a theoretical model which incorporated three levels of knowledge. Interview tasks were developed from the model to probe 45 students’ understanding of these levels, and intervention episodes undertaken to help students construct the baseline knowledge of position and order (Level 1 knowledge) and an understanding of multiplicative structure (Level 3 knowledge). This paper describes the two interventions and reports on the results which suggest that helping students construct appropriate mental models is an efficient and effective teaching strategy.


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As part of a larger literature focused on identifying and relating the antecedents and consequences of diffusing organizational practices/ideas, recent research has debated the international adoption of a shareholder-value-orientation (SVO). The debate has financial economists characterizing the adoption of an SVO as performance-enhancing and thus inevitable, with behavioral scientists disputing both claims, invoking institutional differences. This study seeks to provide some resolution to the debate (and advance current understanding on the diffusion of practices/ideas) by developing a socio-political perspective that links the antecedents and consequences of an SVO. In particular, we introduce the notion of misaligned elites and misfitted practices in our analysis of how and why differences in the technical and cultural preferences of major owners will influence a firm’s adoption and (un)successful implementation of an SVO among the largest 100 corporations in the Netherlands from 1992-2006. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our perspective and our findings for future research on corporate governance and the diffusion of organizational practices/ideas.


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A total histological grade does not necessarily distinguish between different manifestations of cartilage damage or degeneration. An accurate and reliable histological assessment method is required to separate normal and pathological tissue within a joint during treatment of degenerative joint conditions and to sub-classify the latter in meaningful ways. The Modified Mankin method may be adaptable for this purpose. We investigated how much detail may be lost by assigning one composite score/grade to represent different degenerative components of the osteoarthritic condition. We used four ovine injury models (sham surgery, anterior cruciate ligament/medial collateral ligament instability, simulated anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and meniscal removal) to induce different degrees and potentially 'types' (mechanisms) of osteoarthritis. Articular cartilage was systematically harvested, prepared for histological examination and graded in a blinded fashion using a Modified Mankin grading method. Results showed that the possible permutations of cartilage damage were significant and far more varied than the current intended use that histological grading systems allow. Of 1352 cartilage specimens graded, 234 different manifestations of potential histological damage were observed across 23 potential individual grades of the Modified Mankin grading method. The results presented here show that current composite histological grading may contain additional information that could potentially discern different stages or mechanisms of cartilage damage and degeneration in a sheep model. This approach may be applicable to other grading systems.


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Process bus networks are the next stage in the evolution of substation design, bringing digital technology to the high voltage switchyard. Benefits of process buses include facilitating the use of Non-Conventional Instrument Transformers, improved disturbance recording and phasor measurement and the removal of costly, and potentially hazardous, copper cabling from substation switchyards and control rooms. This paper examines the role a process bus plays in an IEC 61850 based Substation Automation System. Measurements taken from a process bus substation are used to develop an understanding of the network characteristics of "whole of substation" process buses. The concept of "coherent transmission" is presented and the impact of this on Ethernet switches is examined. Experiments based on substation observations are used to investigate in detail the behavior of Ethernet switches with sampled value traffic. Test methods that can be used to assess the adequacy of a network are proposed, and examples of the application and interpretation of these tests are provided. Once sampled value frames are queued by an Ethernet switch the additional delay incurred by subsequent switches is minimal, and this allows their use in switchyards to further reduce communications cabling, without significantly impacting operation. The performance and reliability of a process bus network operating with close to the theoretical maximum number of digital sampling units (merging units or electronic instrument transformers) was investigated with networking equipment from several vendors, and has been demonstrated to be acceptable.


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This presentation put forward six propositions regarding the value and character of community wellbeing, in particular the economic contribution of social and community programs and initiatives. The six propositions are: 1. Community wellbeing is a useful umbrella concept 2. Everyone benefits from public programs 3. There is an economic as well as social cost of not responding well 4. Local government is key in fostering community wellbeing 5. Good practice involves bringing together a number of perspectives and levers, including social and cultural initiatives 6. Engaging with the community around wellbeing offers an opportunity to enhance the political process


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Chemical treatments of kaolins to produce nanocrystalline or "X-ray amorphous", stable aluminosilicates with variable - but reproducible - types of micro- and meso-porosity have been developed. These materials show cation exchange capacities and surface area values significantly higher (ranging from 10x to 100x) than kaolin and show good acid resistance to pH~3.0. The combination of these properties offers strong potential for many new applications of kaolin-derived materials in large worldwide markets such as environmental remediation and catalysis. Kaolin amorphous derivative (KAD) is well-suited to removal of many toxic metals down to ppb range from acid mine drainage. Engineering development trials of the KAD manufacturing process and the utilisation of KAD in polluted waters such as acid mine drainage indicates that scale-up from bench-scale is not a barrier to market entry.