996 resultados para quantum fields


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We suggest a theoretical scheme for the simulation of quantum random walks on a line using beam splitters, phase shifters, and photodetectors. Our model enables us to simulate a quantum random walk using of the wave nature of classical light fields. Furthermore, the proposed setup allows the analysis of the effects of decoherence. The transition from a pure mean-photon-number distribution to a classical one is studied varying the decoherence parameters.


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Entanglement is an important ingredient for quantum information processing. We discuss some sources of entanglement, namely a beam splitter and a thermal field. For the generation of entangled continuous-variable states, we consider a beam splitter and find some conditions for input fields to see entanglement in the output. While a beam splitter is a unitary device to generate an entangled state for a bipartite continuous-variable system, a thermal field is shown to mediate entanglement of two qubits.


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A long-lived coherent state and nonlinear interaction have been experimentally demonstrated for the vibrational mode of a trapped ion. We propose an implementation of quantum computation using coherent states of the vibrational modes of trapped ions. Differently from earlier experiments, we consider a far-off resonance for the interaction between external fields and the ion in a bidimensional trap. By appropriate choices of the detunings between the external fields, the adiabatic elimination of the ionic excited level from the Hamiltonian of the system allows for beam splitting between orthogonal vibrational modes, production of coherent states, and nonlinear interactions of various kinds. In particular, this model enables the generation of the four coherent Bell states. Furthermore, all the necessary operations for quantum computation, such as preparation of qubits and one-qubit and controlled two-qubit operations, are possible. The detection of the state of a vibrational mode in a Bell state is made possible by the combination of resonant and off-resonant interactions between the ion and some external fields. We show that our read-out scheme provides highly efficient discrimination between all the four Bell states. We extend this to a quantum register composed of many individually trapped ions. In this case, operations on two remote qubits are possible through a cavity mode. We emphasize that our remote-qubit operation scheme does not require a high-quality factor resonator: the cavity field acts as a catalyst for the gate operation.


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A key element in the architecture of a quantum-information processing network is a reliable physical interface between fields and qubits. We study a process of entanglement transfer engineering, where two remote qubits respectively interact with an entangled two-mode continuous-variable (CV) field. We quantify the entanglement induced in the qubit state at the expenses of the loss of entanglement in the CV system. We discuss the range of mixed entangled states which can be obtained with this setup. Furthermore, we suggest a protocol to determine the residual entangling power of the light fields inferring, thus, the entanglement left in the field modes which, after the interaction, are no longer in a Gaussian state. Two different setups are proposed: a cavity-QED system and an interface between superconducting qubits and field modes. We address in detail the practical difficulties inherent in these two proposals, showing that the latter is promising in many aspects.


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In a recent Letter to the Editor (J Rao, D Delande and K T Taylor 2001 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 L391-9) we made a brief first report of our quantal and classical calculations for the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields at constant scaled energy and constant scaled electric field strength. A principal point of that communication was our statement that each and every peak in the Fourier transform of the scaled quantum photo-excitation spectrum for scaled energy value epsilon = -0.586 538 871028 43 and scaled electric value (f) over tilde = 0.068 537 846 207 618 71 could be identified with a scaled action value of a found and mapped-out closed orbit up to a scaled action of 20. In this follow-up paper, besides presenting full details of our quantum and classical methods, we set out the scaled action values of all 317 closed orbits involved, together with the geometries of many.


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We propose schemes for entanglement concentration and purification for qubit systems encoded in flying atomic pairs. We use cavity-quantum electrodynamics as an illustrative setting within which our proposals can be implemented. Maximally entangled pure states of qubits can be produced as a result of our protocols. In particular, the concentration protocol yields Bell states with the largest achievable theoretical probability while the purification scheme produces arbitrarily pure Bell states. The requirements for the implementation of these protocols are modest, within the state of the art, and we address all necessary steps in two specific setups based on experimentally mature microwave technology.


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We study state engineering through bilinear interactions between two remote qubits and two-mode Gaussian light fields. The attainable two-qubit states span the entire physically allowed region in the entanglement-versus-global-purity plane. Two-mode Gaussian states with maximal entanglement at fixed global and marginal entropies produce maximally entangled two-qubit states in the corresponding entropic diagram. We show that a small set of parameters characterizing extremally entangled two-mode Gaussian states is sufficient to control the engineering of extremally entangled two-qubit states, which can be realized in realistic matter-light scenarios.


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A reduced-density-operator description is developed for coherent optical phenomena in many-electron atomic systems, utilizing a Liouville-space, multiple-mode Floquet–Fourier representation. The Liouville-space formulation provides a natural generalization of the ordinary Hilbert-space (Hamiltonian) R-matrix-Floquet method, which has been developed for multi-photon transitions and laser-assisted electron–atom collision processes. In these applications, the R-matrix-Floquet method has been demonstrated to be capable of providing an accurate representation of the complex, multi-level structure of many-electron atomic systems in bound, continuum, and autoionizing states. The ordinary Hilbert-space (Hamiltonian) formulation of the R-matrix-Floquet method has been implemented in highly developed computer programs, which can provide a non-perturbative treatment of the interaction of a classical, multiple-mode electromagnetic field with a quantum system. This quantum system may correspond to a many-electron, bound atomic system and a single continuum electron. However, including pseudo-states in the expansion of the many-electron atomic wave function can provide a representation of multiple continuum electrons. The 'dressed' many-electron atomic states thereby obtained can be used in a realistic non-perturbative evaluation of the transition probabilities for an extensive class of atomic collision and radiation processes in the presence of intense electromagnetic fields. In order to incorporate environmental relaxation and decoherence phenomena, we propose to utilize the ordinary Hilbert-space (Hamiltonian) R-matrix-Floquet method as a starting-point for a Liouville-space (reduced-density-operator) formulation. To illustrate how the Liouville-space R-matrix-Floquet formulation can be implemented for coherent atomic radiative processes, we discuss applications to electromagnetically induced transparency, as well as to related pump–probe optical phenomena, and also to the unified description of radiative and dielectronic recombination in electron–ion beam interactions and high-temperature plasmas.


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We investigate an optical quantum memory scheme with V-type three-level atoms based on the controlled reversible inhomogeneous broadening (CRIB) technique. We theoretically show the possibility to store and retrieve a weak light pulse interacting with the two optical transitions of the system. This scheme implements a quantum memory for a polarization qubit - a single photon in an arbitrary polarization state - without the need of two spatially separated two-level media, thus offering the advantage of experimental compactness overcoming the limitations due to mismatching and unequal efficiencies that can arise in spatially separated memories. The effects of a relative phase change between the atomic levels, as well as of phase noise due to, for example, the presence of spurious electric and magnetic fields are analyzed.


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Birefringence is one of the fascinating properties of the vacuum of quantum electrodynamics (QED) in strong electromagnetic fields. The scattering of linearly polarized incident probe photons into a perpendicularly polarized mode provides a distinct signature of the optical activity of the quantum vacuum and thus offers an excellent opportunity for a precision test of nonlinear QED. Precision tests require accurate predictions and thus a theoretical framework that is capable of taking the detailed experimental geometry into account. We derive analytical solutions for vacuum birefringence which include the spatio-temporal field structure of a strong optical pump laser field and an x-ray probe. We show that the angular distribution of the scattered photons depends strongly on the interaction geometry and find that scattering of the perpendicularly polarized scattered photons out of the cone of the incident probe x-ray beam is the key to making the phenomenon experimentally accessible with the current generation of FEL/high-field laser facilities.


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We show that for collisions of electrons with a high-intensity laser, discrete photon emissions introduce a transverse beam spread that is distinct from that due to classical (or beam shape) effects. Via numerical simulations, we show that this quantum induced transverse momentum gain of the electron is manifest in collisions with a realistic laser pulse of intensity within reach of current technology, and we propose it as a measurable signature of strong-field quantum electrodynamics.


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Dans cette thèse l’ancienne question philosophique “tout événement a-t-il une cause ?” sera examinée à la lumière de la mécanique quantique et de la théorie des probabilités. Aussi bien en physique qu’en philosophie des sciences la position orthodoxe maintient que le monde physique est indéterministe. Au niveau fondamental de la réalité physique – au niveau quantique – les événements se passeraient sans causes, mais par chance, par hasard ‘irréductible’. Le théorème physique le plus précis qui mène à cette conclusion est le théorème de Bell. Ici les prémisses de ce théorème seront réexaminées. Il sera rappelé que d’autres solutions au théorème que l’indéterminisme sont envisageables, dont certaines sont connues mais négligées, comme le ‘superdéterminisme’. Mais il sera argué que d’autres solutions compatibles avec le déterminisme existent, notamment en étudiant des systèmes physiques modèles. Une des conclusions générales de cette thèse est que l’interprétation du théorème de Bell et de la mécanique quantique dépend crucialement des prémisses philosophiques desquelles on part. Par exemple, au sein de la vision d’un Spinoza, le monde quantique peut bien être compris comme étant déterministe. Mais il est argué qu’aussi un déterminisme nettement moins radical que celui de Spinoza n’est pas éliminé par les expériences physiques. Si cela est vrai, le débat ‘déterminisme – indéterminisme’ n’est pas décidé au laboratoire : il reste philosophique et ouvert – contrairement à ce que l’on pense souvent. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse un modèle pour l’interprétation de la probabilité sera proposé. Une étude conceptuelle de la notion de probabilité indique que l’hypothèse du déterminisme aide à mieux comprendre ce que c’est qu’un ‘système probabiliste’. Il semble que le déterminisme peut répondre à certaines questions pour lesquelles l’indéterminisme n’a pas de réponses. Pour cette raison nous conclurons que la conjecture de Laplace – à savoir que la théorie des probabilités présuppose une réalité déterministe sous-jacente – garde toute sa légitimité. Dans cette thèse aussi bien les méthodes de la philosophie que de la physique seront utilisées. Il apparaît que les deux domaines sont ici solidement reliés, et qu’ils offrent un vaste potentiel de fertilisation croisée – donc bidirectionnelle.


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Nano structured noble metals have very important applications in diverse fields as photovoltaics, catalysis, electronic and magnetic devices, etc. Here, we report the application of dual beam thermal lens technique for the determination of the effect of silver sol on the absolute fluorescence quantum yield (FQY) of the laser dye rhodamine 6G. A 532 nm radiation from a diode pumped solid state laser was used as the excitation source. It has been observed that the presence of silver sol decreases the fluorescence quantum efficiency. This is expected to have a very important consequence in enhancing Raman scattering which is an important spectrochemical tool that provides information on molecular structures. We have also observed that the presence of silver sol can enhance the thermal lens signal which makes the detection of the signal easier at any concentration.


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We have carried out a systematic analysis of the transverse dipole spin response of a large-size quantum dot within time-dependent current density functional theory. Results for magnetic fields corresponding to integer filling factors are reported, as well as a comparison with the longitudinal dipole spin response. As in the two-dimensional electron gas, the spin response at high-spin magnetization is dominated by a low-energy transverse mode.