933 resultados para quality cost


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The goals of this project were to implement several stabilization methods for preventing or mitigating freeze-thaw damage to granular surfaced roads and identify the most effective and economical methods for the soil and climate conditions of Iowa. Several methods and technologies identified as potentially suitable for Iowa were selected from an extensive analysis of existing literature provided with Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) Project TR-632. Using the selected methods, demonstration sections were constructed in Hamilton County on a heavily traveled two-mile section of granular surfaced road that required frequent maintenance during previous thawing periods. Construction procedures and costs of the demonstration sections were documented, and subsequent maintenance requirements were tabulated through two seasonal freeze-thaw periods. Extensive laboratory and field tests were performed prior to construction, as well as before and after the two seasonal freeze-thaw periods, to monitor the performance of the demonstration sections. A weather station was installed at the project site and temperature sensors were embedded in the subgrade to monitor ground temperatures up to a depth of 5 ft and determine the duration and depths of ground freezing and thawing. An economic analysis was performed using the documented construction and maintenance costs, and the estimated cumulative costs per square yard were projected over a 20-year timeframe to determine break-even periods relative to the cost of continuing current maintenance practices. Overall, the sections with biaxial geogrid or macadam base courses had the best observed freeze-thaw performance in this study. These two stabilization methods have larger initial costs and longer break-even periods than aggregate columns, but counties should also weigh the benefits of improved ride quality and savings that these solutions can provide as excellent foundations for future paving or surface upgrades.


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Objective. Collaborative quality improvement programs have been successfully used to manage chronic diseases in adults and acute lung complications in premature infants. Their effectiveness to improve pain management in acute care hospitals is currently unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a collaborative quality improvement program implemented at hospital level could improve pain management and overall pain relief. Design.To assess the effectiveness of the program, we performed a before-after trial comparing patient's self-reported pain management and experience before and after program implementation. We included all adult patients hospitalized for more than 24 hours and discharged either to their home or to a nursing facility, between March 1, 2001 and March 31, 2001 (before program implementation) and between September 15, 2005 and October 15, 2005 (after program implementation). Setting.A teaching hospital of 2,096 beds in Geneva, Switzerland. Patients.All adult patients hospitalized for more than 24 hours and discharged between 1 to 31 March 2001 (before program) and 15 September to 15 October 2005 (after program implementation). Interventions.Implementation of a collaborative quality improvement program using multifaceted interventions (staff education, opinion leaders, patient education, audit, and feedback) to improve pain management at hospital level. Outcome Measures.Patient-reported pain experience, pain management, and overall hospital experience based on the Picker Patient Experience questionnaire, perceived health (SF-36 Health survey). Results.After implementation of the program only 2.3% of the patients reported having no pain relief during their hospital stay (vs 4.5% in 2001, P = 0.05). Among nonsurgical patients, improvements were observed for pain assessment (42.3% vs 27.9% of the patients had pain intensity measured with a visual analog scale, P = 0.012), pain management (staff did everything they could to help in 78.9% vs 67.9% of cases P = 0.003), and pain relief (70.4% vs 57.3% of patients reported full pain relief P = 0.008). In surgical patients, pain assessment also improved (53.7.3% vs 37.6%) as well as pain treatment. More patients received treatments to relieve pain regularly or intermittently after program implementation (95.1% vs 91.9% P = 0.046). Conclusion.Implementation of a collaborative quality improvement program at hospital level improved both pain management and pain relief in patients. Further studies are needed to determine the overall cost-effectiveness of such programs.


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Background: Breast cancer (BC) causes more deaths than any other cancer among women in Catalonia. Early detection has contributed to the observed decline in BC mortality. However, there is debate on the optimal screening strategy. We performed an economic evaluation of 20 screening strategies taking into account the cost over time of screening and subsequent medical costs, including diagnostic confirmation, initial treatment, follow-up and advanced care. Methods: We used a probabilistic model to estimate the effect and costs over time of each scenario. The effect was measured as years of life (YL), quality-adjusted life years (QALY), and lives extended (LE). Costs of screening and treatment were obtained from the Early Detection Program and hospital databases of the IMAS-Hospital del Mar in Barcelona. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was used to compare the relative costs and outcomes of different scenarios. Results: Strategies that start at ages 40 or 45 and end at 69 predominate when the effect is measured as YL or QALYs. Biennial strategies 50-69, 45-69 or annual 45-69, 40-69 and 40-74 were selected as cost-effective for both effect measures (YL or QALYs). The ICER increases considerably when moving from biennial to annual scenarios. Moving from no screening to biennial 50-69 years represented an ICER of 4,469€ per QALY. Conclusions: A reduced number of screening strategies have been selected for consideration by researchers, decision makers and policy planners. Mathematical models are useful to assess the impact and costs of BC screening in a specific geographical area.


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Työn tavoitteena on luoda yleinen informaatioinfrastruktuuri autoteollisuuden valmistuskustannusten arviointiin. Nykyään tämä kustannusarviointi on laajassa käytössä oleva menetelmä. Se mahdollistaa tuotekustannusten hallitsemisen, mikä lisää autovalmistajien kilpailukykyä. Kustannusarvioinnissa tarvitaan laadukasta tietoa, mutta suoritetussa tutkimuksessa paljastui, että useat seikat haittaavat tätä arviointia. Erityisesti resurssien vähyys, tiedonhankinta ja tiedon luotettavuuden varmentaminen aiheuttavat ongelmia. Nämä seikat ovat johtaneet kokemusperäisen asiantuntemuksen laajaan käyttöön, minkä johdosta erityisesti kokemattomilla kustannusarvioijilla on vaikeuksia ymmärtää kustannusarvioiden tietovaatimuksia. Tämän johdosta tutkimus tuo esiin kokeneiden kustannusarvioijien käyttämiä tietoja ja tietolähteitä päämääränä lisätä kustannusarvioiden ymmärtämistä. Informaatioinfrastruktuuri, joka sisältää tarvittavan tiedon järkevien ja luotettavien kustannusarvioiden luontiin, perustuu tutkimuksen tuloksiin. Infrastruktuuri määrittelee tarvittavan kustannustiedon ja niiden mahdolliset tietolähteet. Lisäksi se selvittää miksi tieto on tarpeellista ja miten tiedon oikeellisuus pitäisi varmentaa. Infrastruktuuria käytetään yhdessä yleisen kustannusarvioprosessimallin kanssa. Tämä integrointi johtaa tarkempiin ja selkeämpiin kustannusarvioihin autoteollisuudessa.


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Kansainvälisen kaupan kiristyessä yrityksien kyky täyttää asiakasketjunsa lailliset, sosiaaliset ja toiminnalliset asiakastarpeet tulee punnituksi. Globaalisuuden lisääntyessä asiakasketju voi sisältää toimintoja samanaikaisesti yli sadassa maassa. Jotta asiakasketjun tarpeet voidaan sisällyttää tuotteeseen tehokkaasti yhä useammat yritykset ovat siirtyneet käyttämään Quality Function Deployment nimistä projektijohto- ja laatutyökalua. Quality Function Deployment työkalu auttaa yritystä muuntamaan sisäisten ja ulkoisten asiakkaittensa tarpeet, tuotefunktioiksi ja tuotespesifikaatioiksi. Näin tehdessä voidaan uuden tuotteen kehitysaikaa ja hintaa alentaa merkittävästi suunnittelmalla tuote alunalkaen paremmin. QFD:tä on käytetty useissa yrityksissä Aasiassa, Pohjois-Amerikassa ja Euroopassa, sen kehittämisen jälkeen Japanissa 1960 luvulla. Tämä diplomityö antaa teoreettisen ja käytännön kuvauksen siitä miten QFD:tä kannatta käyttää ja mitä sen avulla voidaan saavuttaa vastaten kysymykseen "miten minä, ja yritykseni hyötyy jos käytän QFD:tä".


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The objective of the thesis was to create a framework that can be used to define a manufacturing strategy taking advantage of the product life cycle method, which enables PQP enhancements. The starting point was to study synkron implementation of cost leadership and differentiation strategies in different stages of the life cycles. It was soon observed that Porter’s strategies were too generic for the complex and dynamic environment where customer needs deviate market and product specifically. Therefore, the strategy formulation process is based on the Terry Hill’s order-winner and qualifier concepts. The manufacturing strategy formulation is initiated with the definition of order-winning and qualifying criteria. From these criteria there can be shaped product specific proposals for action and production site specific key manufacturing tasks that they need to answer in order to meet customers and markets needs. As a future research it is suggested that the process of capturing order-winners and qualifiers should be developed so that the process would be simple and streamlined at Wallac Oy. In addition, defined strategy process should be integrated to the PerkinElmer’s SGS process. SGS (Strategic Goal Setting) is one of the PerkinElmer’s core management processes. Full Text: Null


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää kustannustehokkaita keinoja uuteaineiden vähentämiseksi koivusulfaattimassasta. Uuteaineet voivat aiheuttaa ongelmia muodostaessaan saostumia prosessilaitteisiin. Saostumat aiheuttavat tukkeumia ja mittaushäiriöitä, mutta irrotessaan ne myös huonontavat sellun laatua. Lopputuotteeseen joutuessaan ne voivat lisäksi aiheuttaa haju- ja makuhaittoja, joilla on erityistä merkitystä esimerkiksi valmistettaessa elintarvikekartonkeja. Tämä työ tehtiin Stora Enson sellutehtaalla, Enocell Oy:llä, Uimaharjussa. Teoriaosassa käsiteltiin uuteaineiden koostumusta ja niiden aiheuttamia ongelmia sellu– ja paperitehtaissa. Lisäksi koottiin aikaisempien tehdaskokeiden fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia keinoja vähentää koivu-uutetta. Tarkastelualueina olivat puunkäsittely, keitto, pesemö ja valkaisu. Kokeellisessa osassa suoritettiin esikokeita laboratorio- ja tehdasmittakaavassa, jotta saavutettaisiin käytännöllistä tietoa itse lopuksi tehtävää tehdasmittakaavan koetta varten. Laboratoriokokeissa tutkittiin mm. keiton kappaluvun, lisäaineiden ja hartsisaippuan vaikutusta koivu-uutteeseen. Lisäksi suoritettiin myös happo- (A) ja peretikkahappovaiheen (Paa) laboratoriokokeet. Tehdasmittakaavassa tarkasteltiin mm. keiton kappaluvun, pesemön lämpötilan, A-vaiheen, valkaisun peroksidi- ja Paa-vaiheen vaikutusta koivu-uutteeseen. Uutteenpoistotehokkuutta eri menetelmien välillä vertailtiin niin määrällisesti kuin rahallisesti. Uutteenpoistotehokkuudella mitattuna vertailuvaihe oli tehokkain pesemön loppuvaiheessa ja valkaisun alkuvaiheessa. Pesemön loppuvaiheessa uutteenpoistoreduktiot olivat noin 30 % ja valkaisun alkuvaiheessa 40 %. Peroksidivaihe oli tehokkain käytettynä valkaisun loppuvaiheessa noin 40 % reduktiolla. Kustannustehokkuudella mitattuna tehokkaimmaksi osoittautui A-vaihe yhdessä peroksidivaiheen kanssa. Säästöt vertailujaksoon verrattuna olivat noin 0.3 €/ADt. Lisäksi kyseinen yhdistelmä osoittautui hyväksi keinoksi säilyttää uutetaso alle maksimirajan kuitulinja 2:lla, kun kuitulinjalla 1 tuotettiin samanaikaisesti armeeraussellua.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Trace elements (TE) are involved in the immune and antioxidant defences which are of particular importance during critical illness. Determining plasma TE levels is costly. The present quality control study aimed at assessing the economic impact of a computer reminded blood sampling versus a risk guided on-demand monitoring of plasma concentrations of selenium, copper, and zinc. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 2 cohorts of patients admitted during 6 months periods in 2006 and 2009 to the ICU of a University hospital. INCLUSION CRITERIA: to receive intravenous micronutrient supplements and/or to have a TE sampling during ICU stay. The TE samplings were triggered by computerized reminder in 2006 versus guided by nutritionists in 2009. RESULTS: During the 2 periods 636 patients met the inclusion criteria out of 2406 consecutive admissions, representing 29.7% and 24.9% respectively of the periods' admissions. The 2009 patients had higher SAPS2 scores (p = 0.02) and lower BMI compared to 2006 (p = 0.007). The number of laboratory determinations was drastically reduced in 2009, particularly during the first week, despite the higher severity of the cohort, resulting in à 55% cost reduction. CONCLUSIONS: The monitoring of TE concentrations guided by a nutritionist resulted in a reduction of the sampling frequency, and targeting on the sickest high risk patients, requiring a nutritional prescription adaptation. This control leads to cost reduction compared to an automated sampling prescription.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää koivun kasteluvarastoinnin kannattavuus selluteollisuudessa. Lisäksi tutkittiin, kuinka kastelu vaikuttaa puuaineeseen varastoinnin aikana ja kuinka koivun kasteluvarastointi vaikuttaa puun kuorintaan ja haketukseen, keitettävyyteen, vaalenevuuteen sekä sellun laatuun. Enocellin puukentälle rakennettiin kasteluvarasto, jossa varastoitiin 40,000 m3sob koivua. Kastelu oli päällä huhtikuusta lokakuuhun asti. Kastelun vaikutusta puuaineen muutoksiin arvioitiin lahotutkimusten avulla. Tehdaskoeajoissa verrattiin tuoretta, kasteluvarastoitua ja kuivavarastoitua koivua. Puuaines säilyi lähes muuttumattomana yhden kesän kasteluvarastoinnissa. Kastellulla koivulla terveen puun osuus oli yli 85 % kesän lopussa, kun se oli alle 20 % kuivavarastoidulla koivulla. Kuorinnan puuhäviö laskee selvästi kastelukoivulla ja myös hakkeen laatu oli parempaa kuin kuivavarastoidulla koivulla. Kastelukoivulla hakkeen kuoripitoisuus oli vain 0.13 %. Kuoren kuiva-aine oli 12 prosenttiyksikköä alhaisempi kuin kuivalla koivulla, mutta kuoren lämpöarvossa ero oli vain 1 €/ADt. Varastointimenetelmällä ei ollut vaikutusta hakkeen keitettävyyteen, mutta tuoreella puulla keitettävyys oli parempi kuin varastoidulla puulla. Sellun asetoniuutepitoisuus oli samalla tasolla tuoreella ja kastellulla puulla. Kuivalla syyspuulla uutetaso oli korkeampi, vaikka hartsisaippuan annostusta nostettiin 10 kg/ADt. Betulinolitaso oli kastellulla puulla erittäin alhainen puun hyvän kuoriutuvuuden vuoksi. Kastellun ja tuoreen puun vaalenevuus oli parempi kuin kuivalla puulla. Aktiivikloorin kulutus oli 3 – 4 kg/ADt alhaisempi kuin kuivalla syyspuulla. Puun varastoinnilla ei ollut vaikutusta sellun laatuun. Koivun kasteluvarastoinnin kannattavuus on erittäin hyvä. Tuotantokustannukset määritettiin tuoreelle, kastellulle, kierrätetylle sekä kuivalle koivulle. Kasteluvarastointi laskee tuotantokustannuksia noin 10 €/ADt verrattuna kierrätettyyn koivuun. Kuivavarastoidun puun käyttö nostaa tuotantokustannuksia noin 5 €/ADt verrattuna kastelukoivuun. Kierrätetyn ja kuivavarastoidun puun kustannusero johtuu kierrätyskustannuksista. Kasteluvarastolle, jota käytettiin kesällä 2004, takaisinmaksuaika on vain 0.4 vuotta. Jos tavoiteltu takaisinmaksuaika olisi kaksi vuotta, niin perusinvestointi 80,000 m3sob varastolle voisi maksaa noin 370 k€.


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Background: Non-adherence to antidepressants generates higher costs for the treatment of depression. Little is known about the cost-effectiveness of pharmacist's interventions aimed at improving adherence to antidepressants. The study aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a community pharmacist intervention in comparison with usual care in depressed patients initiating treatment with antidepressants in primary care. Methods: Patients were recruited by general practitioners and randomized to community pharmacist intervention (87) that received an educational intervention and usual care (92). Adherence to antidepressants, clinical symptoms, Quality-Adjusted Life-Years (QALYs), use of healthcare services and productivity losses were measured at baseline, 3 and 6 months. Results: There were no significant differences between groups in costs or effects. From a societal perspective, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) for the community pharmacist intervention compared with usual care was 1,866 for extra adherent patient and 9,872 per extra QALY. In terms of remission of depressive symptoms, the usual care dominated the community pharmacist intervention. If willingness to pay (WTP) is 30,000 per extra adherent patient, remission of symptoms or QALYs, the probability of the community pharmacist intervention being cost-effective was 0.71, 0.46 and 0.75, respectively (societal perspective). From a healthcare perspective, the probability of the community pharmacist intervention being cost-effective in terms of adherence, QALYs and remission was of 0.71, 0.76 and 0.46, respectively, if WTP is 30,000. Conclusion: A brief community pharmacist intervention addressed to depressed patients initiating antidepressant treatment showed a probability of being cost-effective of 0.71 and 0.75 in terms of improvement of adherence and QALYs, respectively, when compared to usual care. Regular implementation of the community pharmacist intervention is not recommended.


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The article discusses the development of WEBDATANET established in 2011 which aims to create a multidisciplinary network of web-based data collection experts in Europe. Topics include the presence of 190 experts in 30 European countries and abroad, the establishment of web-based teaching and discussion platforms and working groups and task forces. Also discussed is the scope of the research carried by WEBDATANET. In light of the growing importance of web-based data in the social and behavioral sciences, WEBDATANET was established in 2011 as a COST Action (IS 1004) to create a multidisciplinary network of web-based data collection experts: (web) survey methodologists, psychologists, sociologists, linguists, economists, Internet scientists, media and public opinion researchers. The aim was to accumulate and synthesize knowledge regarding methodological issues of web-based data collection (surveys, experiments, tests, non-reactive data, and mobile Internet research), and foster its scientific usage in a broader community.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the methodological characteristics of cost-effectiveness evaluations carried out in Spain, since 1990, which include LYG as an outcome to measure the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. METHODS: A systematic review of published studies was conducted describing their characteristics and methodological quality. We analyse the cost per LYG results in relation with a commonly accepted Spanish cost-effectiveness threshold and the possible relation with the cost per quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained when they both were calculated for the same economic evaluation. RESULTS: A total of 62 economic evaluations fulfilled the selection criteria, 24 of them including the cost per QALY gained result as well. The methodological quality of the studies was good (55%) or very good (26%). A total of 124 cost per LYG results were obtained with a mean ratio of 49,529 and a median of 11,490 (standard deviation of 183,080). Since 2003, a commonly accepted Spanish threshold has been referenced by 66% of studies. A significant correlation was found between the cost per LYG and cost per QALY gained results (0.89 Spearman-Rho, 0.91 Pearson). CONCLUSIONS: There is an increasing interest for economic health care evaluations in Spain, and the quality of the studies is also improving. Although a commonly accepted threshold exists, further information is needed for decision-making as well as to identify the relationship between the costs per LYG and per QALY gained.


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Chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD) is the leading cause of late nonrelapse mortality (transplant-related mortality) after hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Given that there are a wide range of treatment options for cGvHD, assessment of the associated costs and efficacy can help clinicians and health care providers allocate health care resources more efficiently. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) compared with rituximab (Rmb) and with imatinib (Imt) in patients with cGvHD at 5 years from the perspective of the Spanish National Health System. METHODS: The model assessed the incremental cost-effectiveness/utility ratio of ECP versus Rmb or Imt for 1000 hypothetical patients by using microsimulation cost-effectiveness techniques. Model probabilities were obtained from the literature. Treatment pathways and adverse events were evaluated taking clinical opinion and published reports into consideration. Local data on costs (2010 Euros) and health care resources utilization were validated by the clinical authors. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were used to assess the robustness of the model. RESULTS: The greater efficacy of ECP resulted in a gain of 0.011 to 0.024 quality-adjusted life-year in the first year and 0.062 to 0.094 at year 5 compared with Rmb or Imt. The results showed that the higher acquisition cost of ECP versus Imt was compensated for at 9 months by greater efficacy; this higher cost was partially compensated for ( 517) by year 5 versus Rmb. After 9 months, ECP was dominant (cheaper and more effective) compared with Imt. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of ECP versus Rmb was 29,646 per life-year gained and 24,442 per quality-adjusted life-year gained at year 2.5. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis confirmed the results. The main study limitation was that to assess relative treatment effects, only small studies were available for indirect comparison. CONCLUSION: ECP as a third-line therapy for cGvHD is a more cost-effective strategy than Rmb or Imt.


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Objectives: The aim of the study was to combine clinical results from the European Cohort of the REVERSE study and costs associated with the addition of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) to optimal medical therapy (OMT) in patients with mild symptomatic (NYHA I-II) or asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction and markers of cardiac dyssynchrony in Spain. Methods: A Markov model was developed with CRT + OMT (CRT-ON) versus OMT only (CRT-OFF) based on a retrospective cost-effectiveness analysis. Raw data was derived from literature and expert opinion, reflecting clinical and economic consequences of patient"s management in Spain. Time horizon was 10 years. Both costs (euro 2010) and effects were discounted at 3 percent per annum. Results: CRT-ON showed higher total costs than CRT-OFF; however, CRT reduced the length of hospitalization in ICU by 94 percent (0.006 versus 0.091 days) and general ward in by 34 percent (0.705 versus 1.076 days). Surviving CRT-ON patients (88.2 percent versus 77.5 percent) remained in better functional class longer, and they achieved an improvement of 0.9 life years (LYGs) and 0.77 years quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). CRT-ON proved to be cost-effective after 6 years, except for the 7th year due to battery depletion. At 10 years, the results were 18,431 per LYG and 21,500 per QALY gained. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed CRT-ON was cost-effective in 75.4 percent of the cases at 10 years. Conclusions: The use of CRT added to OMT represents an efficient use of resources in patients suffering from heart failure in NYHA functional classes I and II.


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In this article, the results of a modified SERVQUAL questionnaire (Parasuraman et al., 1991) are reported. The modifications consisted in substituting questionnaire items particularly suited to a specific service (banking) and context (county of Girona, Spain) for the original rather general and abstract items. These modifications led to more interpretable factors which accounted for a higher percentage of item variance. The data were submitted to various structural equation models which made it possible to conclude that the questionnaire contains items with a high measurement quality with respect to five identified dimensions of service quality which differ from those specified by Parasuraman et al. And are specific to the banking service. The two dimensions relating to the behaviour of employees have the greatest predictive power on overall quality and satisfaction ratings, which enables managers to use a low-cost reduced version of the questionnaire to monitor quality on a regular basis. It was also found that satisfaction and overall quality were perfectly correlated thus showing that customers do not perceive these concepts as being distinct