328 resultados para quadrature


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The demand for optical bandwidth continues to increase year on year and is being driven primarily by entertainment services and video streaming to the home. Current photonic systems are coping with this demand by increasing data rates through faster modulation techniques, spectrally efficient transmission systems and by increasing the number of modulated optical channels per fibre strand. Such photonic systems are large and power hungry due to the high number of discrete components required in their operation. Photonic integration offers excellent potential for combining otherwise discrete system components together on a single device to provide robust, power efficient and cost effective solutions. In particular, the design of optical modulators has been an area of immense interest in recent times. Not only has research been aimed at developing modulators with faster data rates, but there has also a push towards making modulators as compact as possible. Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZM) have proven to be highly successful in many optical communication applications. However, due to the relatively weak electro-optic effect on which they are based, they remain large with typical device lengths of 4 to 7 mm while requiring a travelling wave structure for high-speed operation. Nested MZMs have been extensively used in the generation of advanced modulation formats, where multi-symbol transmission can be used to increase data rates at a given modulation frequency. Such nested structures have high losses and require both complex fabrication and packaging. In recent times, it has been shown that Electro-absorption modulators (EAMs) can be used in a specific arrangement to generate Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation. EAM based QPSK modulators have increased potential for integration and can be made significantly more compact than MZM based modulators. Such modulator designs suffer from losses in excess of 40 dB, which limits their use in practical applications. The work in this thesis has focused on how these losses can be reduced by using photonic integration. In particular, the integration of multiple lasers with the modulator structure was considered as an excellent means of reducing fibre coupling losses while maximising the optical power on chip. A significant difficultly when using multiple integrated lasers in such an arrangement was to ensure coherence between the integrated lasers. The work investigated in this thesis demonstrates for the first time how optical injection locking between discrete lasers on a single photonic integrated circuit (PIC) can be used in the generation of coherent optical signals. This was done by first considering the monolithic integration of lasers and optical couplers to form an on chip optical power splitter, before then examining the behaviour of a mutually coupled system of integrated lasers. By operating the system in a highly asymmetric coupling regime, a stable phase locking region was found between the integrated lasers. It was then shown that in this stable phase locked region the optical outputs of each laser were coherent with each other and phase locked to a common master laser.


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High volumes of data traffic along with bandwidth hungry applications, such as cloud computing and video on demand, is driving the core optical communication links closer and closer to their maximum capacity. The research community has clearly identifying the coming approach of the nonlinear Shannon limit for standard single mode fibre [1,2]. It is in this context that the work on modulation formats, contained in Chapter 3 of this thesis, was undertaken. The work investigates the proposed energy-efficient four-dimensional modulation formats. The work begins by studying a new visualisation technique for four dimensional modulation formats, akin to constellation diagrams. The work then carries out one of the first implementations of one such modulation format, polarisation-switched quadrature phase-shift keying (PS-QPSK). This thesis also studies two potential next-generation fibres, few-mode and hollow-core photonic band-gap fibre. Chapter 4 studies ways to experimentally quantify the nonlinearities in few-mode fibre and assess the potential benefits and limitations of such fibres. It carries out detailed experiments to measure the effects of stimulated Brillouin scattering, self-phase modulation and four-wave mixing and compares the results to numerical models, along with capacity limit calculations. Chapter 5 investigates hollow-core photonic band-gap fibre, where such fibres are predicted to have a low-loss minima at a wavelength of 2μm. To benefit from this potential low loss window requires the development of telecoms grade subsystems and components. The chapter will outline some of the development and characterisation of these components. The world's first wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) subsystem directly implemented at 2μm is presented along with WDM transmission over hollow-core photonic band-gap fibre at 2μm. References: [1]P. P. Mitra, J. B. Stark, Nature, 411, 1027-1030, 2001 [2] A. D. Ellis et al., JLT, 28, 423-433, 2010.


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This thesis details an experimental and simulation investigation of some novel all-optical signal processing techniques for future optical communication networks. These all-optical techniques include modulation format conversion, phase discrimination and clock recovery. The methods detailed in this thesis use the nonlinearities associated with semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) to manipulate signals in the optical domain. Chapter 1 provides an introduction into the work detailed in this thesis, discusses the increased demand for capacity in today’s optical fibre networks and finally explains why all-optical signal processing may be of interest for future optical networks. Chapter 2 discusses the relevant background information required to fully understand the all-optical techniques demonstrated in this thesis. Chapter 3 details some pump-probe measurement techniques used to calculate the gain and phase recovery times of a long SOA. A remarkably fast gain recovery is observed and the wavelength dependent nature of this recovery is investigated. Chapter 4 discusses the experimental demonstration of an all-optical modulation conversion technique which can convert on-off- keyed data into either duobinary or alternative mark inversion. In Chapter 5 a novel phase sensitive frequency conversion scheme capable of extracting the two orthogonal components of a quadrature phase modulated signal into two separate frequencies is demonstrated. Chapter 6 investigates a novel all-optical clock recovery technique for phase modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing superchannels and finally Chapter 7 provides a brief conclusion.


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The parallelization of existing/industrial electromagnetic software using the bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) computation model is presented. The software employs the finite element method with a preconditioned conjugate gradient-type solution for the resulting linear systems of equations. A geometric mesh-partitioning approach is applied within the BSP framework for the assembly and solution phases of the finite element computation. This is combined with a nongeometric, data-driven parallel quadrature procedure for the evaluation of right-hand-side terms in applications involving coil fields. A similar parallel decomposition is applied to the parallel calculation of electron beam trajectories required for the design of tube devices. The BSP parallelization approach adopted is fully portable, conceptually simple, and cost-effective, and it can be applied to a wide range of finite element applications not necessarily related to electromagnetics.


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We investigate entanglement properties of a recently introduced class of macroscopic quantum superpositions in two-mode mixed states. One of the tools we use in order to infer the entanglement in this non-Gaussian class of states is the power to entangle a qubit system. Our study reveals features which are hidden in a standard approach to entanglement investigation based on the uncertainty principle of the quadrature variables. We briefly describe the experimental setup corresponding to our theoretical scenario and a suitable modification of the protocol which makes our proposal realizable within the current experimental capabilities.


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The problem of recognising targets in non-overlapping clutter using nonlinear N-ary phase filters is addressed. Using mathematical analysis, expressions were derived for an N-ary phase filter and the intensity variance of an optical correlator output. The N-ary phase filter was shown to consist of an infinite sum of harmonic terms whose periodicity was determined by N. For the intensity variance, it was found that under certain conditions the variance was minimised due to a hitherto undiscovered phase quadrature effect. Comparison showed that optimal real filters produced greater SNR values than the continuous phase versions as a consequence of this effect.


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Introduction: The quadrifilar helix antenna (QHA) is used widely for terrestrial [1] and space communication systems [2], where it is necessary to generate a circularly polarised cardioid-shaped radiation pattern with a high front-to-back ratio and low cross-polarisation. The radiating structure comprises four helical conductors which are excited in phase quadrature at the feed point, which is usually located at the centre of the top radials. The physical size of the quadrifilar antenna can be reduced by dielectric loading [3] or by meandering the printed linear elements [4]. However, in the former arrangement dielectric absorption reduces the radiation efficiency of the antenna, and the latter technique is not suitable for constructing free standing wire structures, which are normally used for spacecraft payloads in the VHF and UHF bands [2]. This Letter shows that a significant reduction in the axial length of a 1/2 turn half-wavelength QHA can be achieved by modifying the geometry of the helices in the region around the midpoint where a current null exists. Simulated and experimental results at L band are used to show that a size reduction of up to 15% is possible without significantly degrading the pattern shape and the bandwidth.


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In this paper, we verify a new phase conjugating architecture suitable for deployment as (lie core building block in retrodirective antenna arrays, which can be scaled to any number of elements in a modular way without impacting on complexity. Our solution is based on a modified in-phase and quadrature modulator architecture, which completely resolves four major shortcomings of the conventional mixer-based approach currently used for the synthesis of phase conjugated energy derived from a sampled incoming wavefront. 1) The architecture presented removes the need for a local oscillator running at twice the RF signal frequency to be conjugated. 2) It maintains a constant transmit power even if receive power goes as low as -120 dBm. 3) All unwanted re-transmit signal products are suppressed by at least 40 dB. 4) The issue of poor RF-IF leakage prevalent in mixer-based phase-conjugation solutions is completely mitigated. The circuit has also been shown to have high conjugation accuracy (better than +/-1 degrees at -60-dBm input). Near theoretically perfect experimental monostatic and bistatic results are presented for a ten-element retrodirective array constructed using the new phase conjugation architecture.


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The generation of an entangled coherent state is one of the most important ingredients of quantum information processing using coherent states. Recently, numerous schemes to achieve this task have been proposed. In order to generate travelling-wave entangled coherent states, cross-phase-modulation, optimized by optical Kerr effect enhancement in a dense medium in an electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) regime, seems to be very promising. In this scenario, we propose a fully quantized model of a double-EIT scheme recently proposed [D. Petrosyan and G. Kurizki, Phys. Rev. A 65, 33 833 (2002)]: the quantization step is performed adopting a fully Hamiltonian approach. This allows us to write effective equations of motion for two interacting quantum fields of light that show how the dynamics of one field depends on the photon-number operator of the other. The preparation of a Schrodinger cat state, which is a superposition of two distinct coherent states, is briefly exposed. This is based on nonlinear interaction via double EIT of two light fields (initially prepared in coherent states) and on a detection step performed using a 50:50 beam splitter and two photodetectors. In order to show the entanglement of an entangled coherent state, we suggest to measure the joint quadrature variance of the field. We show that the entangled coherent states satisfy the sufficient condition for entanglement based on quadrature variance measurement. We also show how robust our scheme is against a low detection efficiency of homodyne detectors.


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Small salient-pole machines, in the range 30 kVA to 2 MVA, are often used in distributed generators, which in turn are likely to form the major constituent of power generation in power system islanding schemes or microgrids. In addition to power system faults, such as short-circuits, islanding contains an inherent risk of out-of-synchronism re-closure onto the main power system. To understand more fully the effect of these phenomena on a small salient-pole alternator, the armature and field currents from tests conducted on a 31.5 kVA machine are analysed. This study demonstrates that by resolving the voltage difference between the machine terminals and bus into direct and quadrature axis components, interesting properties of the transient currents are revealed. The presence of saliency and short time-constants cause intriguing differences between machine events such as out-of-phase synchronisations and sudden three-phase short-circuits.


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A newly introduced inverse class-E power amplifier (PA) was designed, simulated, fabricated, and characterized. The PA operated at 2.26 GHz and delivered 20.4-dBm output power with peak drain efficiency (DE) of 65% and power gain of 12 dB. Broadband performance was achieved across a 300-Mitz bandwidth with DE of better than 50% and 1-dB output-power flatness. The concept of enhanced injection predistortion with a capability to selectively suppress unwanted sub-frequency components and hence suitable for memory effects minimization is described coupled with a new technique that facilitates an accurate measurement of the phase of the third-order intermodulation (IM3) products. A robust iterative computational algorithm proposed in this paper dispenses with the need for manual tuning of amplitude and phase of the IM3 injected signals as commonly employed in the previous publications. The constructed inverse class-E PA was subjected to a nonconstant envelope 16 quadrature amplitude modulation signal and was linearized using combined lookup table (LUT) and enhanced injection technique from which superior properties from each technique can be simultaneously adopted. The proposed method resulted in 0.7% measured error vector magnitude (in rms) and 34-dB adjacent channel leakage power ratio improvement, which was 10 dB better than that achieved using the LUT predistortion alone.


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A simple V-band radio IQ receiver architecture based around a six-port monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) is presented. The receiver assembly is designed to cover the 57-65 GHz broadband wireless communication system frequency allocation. The receiver that has an integral 10 dB microstrip antenna consumes 120 mW of dc power and occupies an area of 23 mm x 16 mm. The receiver can be used in heterodyne or in homodyne mode and has the capacity to demodulate quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), binary phase shift keying (BPSK)/quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK)/offset quadrature phase shift keying (OQPSK). At 60 GHz the receiver can operate over 10 m range for transmitter effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 20 dBm.


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The development of high performance, low computational complexity detection algorithms is a key challenge for real-time Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communication system design. The Fixed-Complexity Sphere Decoder (FSD) algorithm is one of the most promising approaches, enabling quasi-ML decoding accuracy and high performance implementation due to its deterministic, highly parallel structure. However, it suffers from exponential growth in computational complexity as the number of MIMO transmit antennas increases, critically limiting its scalability to larger MIMO system topologies. In this paper, we present a solution to this problem by applying a novel cutting protocol to the decoding tree of a real-valued FSD algorithm. The new Real-valued Fixed-Complexity Sphere Decoder (RFSD) algorithm derived achieves similar quasi-ML decoding performance as FSD, but with an average 70% reduction in computational complexity, as we demonstrate from both theoretical and implementation perspectives for Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)-MIMO systems.


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Directional modulation (DM) is a recently introduced technique for secure wireless transmission using direct physical layer wave-front manipulation. This paper provides a bit error rate (BER)-based DM array synthesis method. It is shown for the first time that the standard constellation mappings in In-phase and Quadrature (IQ) space to a pre-specified BER can be exactly achieved along a given specified spatial direction. Different receiver capabilities are investigated and different assessment metrics for each case are discussed. The approach is validated for a 1 × 4 element dipole array operating at 1 GHz.


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This paper investigates the characteristics of the complex received signal in body area networks for two environments at the opposite ends of the multipath spectrum at 2.45 GHz. Important attributes of the complex channel such as the Gaussianity of the quadrature components and power imbalance, which form the basis of many popular fading models, are investigated. It is found that in anechoic environments the assumption of Gaussian distributed quadrature components will not always yield a satisfactory fit. Using a complex received signal model which considers a non-isotropic scattered signal contribution along with the presence of an optional dominant signal component, we use an autocorrelation function originally derived for mobile-to-mobile communications to model the temporal behavior of a range of dynamic body area network channels with considerable success. In reverberant environments, it was observed that the real part of the complex autocorrelation function for body area network channels decayed slightly quicker than that expected in traditional land mobile channels. © 2013 IEEE.