987 resultados para protein restriction


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The Vpu accessory protein promotes HIV-1 release by counteracting Tetherin/BST-2, an interferon-regulated restriction factor, which retains virions at the cell-surface. Recent reports proposed beta-TrCP-dependent proteasomal and/or endo-lysosomal degradation of Tetherin as potential mechanisms by which Vpu could down-regulate Tetherin cell-surface expression and antagonize this restriction. In all of these studies, Tetherin degradation did not, however, entirely account for Vpu anti-Tetherin activity. Here, we show that Vpu can promote HIV-1 release without detectably affecting Tetherin steady-state levels or turnover, suggesting that Tetherin degradation may not be necessary and/or sufficient for Vpu anti-Tetherin activity. Even though Vpu did not enhance Tetherin internalization from the plasma membrane (PM), it did significantly slow-down the overall transport of the protein towards the cell-surface. Accordingly, Vpu expression caused a specific removal of cell-surface Tetherin and a re-localization of the residual pool of Tetherin in a perinuclear compartment that co-stained with the TGN marker TGN46 and Vpu itself. This re-localization of Tetherin was also observed with a Vpu mutant unable to recruit beta-TrCP, suggesting that this activity is taking place independently from beta-TrCP-mediated trafficking and/or degradation processes. We also show that Vpu co-immunoprecipitates with Tetherin and that this interaction involves the transmembrane domains of the two proteins. Importantly, this association was found to be critical for reducing cell-surface Tetherin expression, re-localizing the restriction factor in the TGN and promoting HIV-1 release. Overall, our results suggest that association of Vpu to Tetherin affects the outward trafficking and/or recycling of the restriction factor from the TGN and as a result promotes its sequestration away from the PM where productive HIV-1 assembly takes place. This mechanism of antagonism that results in TGN trapping is likely to be augmented by beta-TrCP-dependent degradation, underlining the need for complementary and perhaps synergistic strategies to effectively counteract the powerful restrictive effects of human Tetherin.


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Une diète faible en sodium donnée à des rates lors de la dernière semaine de gestation induit une diminution de l’expansion volumique, du diamètre des artères utérines et du poids des placentas comparativement à des rates témoins. Ces perturbations suggèrent une diminution de la perfusion placentaire affectant l’apport foetal en nutriments. Les ratons naissent avec une restriction de croissance intra-utérine (RCIU). Chez le foetus, le substrat énergétique cardiaque principal est le glucose via la glycolyse. À la naissance, la source principale d’énergie est l’utilisation des acides gras par la β-oxydation. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que dans ce modèle de RCIU, le coeur foetal répond à la diminution d’apport nutritionnel due à une atteinte maternelle en adaptant son métabolisme énergétique cardiaque à la baisse. Les rates gestantes (témoins et recevant la diète faible en sodium) sont sacrifiées au jour 22 de gestation (sur 23). Les coeurs foetaux sont prélevés afin de caractériser les protéines dites « limitantes » in vitro des voies de la glycolyse et de la β-oxydation. Les expressions protéiques de GLUT1, GLUT4, HK1, HK2, CPT2, CPT1β, cytochrome c, PFK1, PKM1/2, mesurées par immunobuvardage de type Western, sont similaires entre les coeurs des foetus RCIU et témoins, mâles et femelles. L’expression protéique de CPT1α est diminuée dans les coeurs des femelles RCIU seulement. Il n’existe aucune différence significative entre les différents groupes quant à l’activité enzymatique de PKM1/2. Nos résultats dressent un profil métabolique général suggérant que le sexe du foetus peut avoir un effet sur la réponse cardiaque foetale à une atteinte du volume sanguin maternel causée par la diète restreinte en sodium. Ce profil métabolique semble démontrer une atteinte du catabolisme des lipides. Afin de bien caractériser cette réponse du mécanisme énergétique, l’activité enzymatique des autres enzymes principales de la glycolyse (HK1, HK2, PFK1), le flux intra-mitochondrial d’acyl CoA à travers les CPTs ainsi que la quantité totale d’acétyl CoA devront être quantifiés.


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La restriction de croissance intrautérine (RCIU) est associée à l’apparition de maladies à l’âge adulte et le phénotype de la condition pathologique peut être différent selon le sexe. Notre laboratoire a développé un modèle de RCIU chez le rat en administrant une diète faible en sodium lors du dernier tiers de la gestation entraînant une réduction de l’expansion volémique maternelle et de la perfusion utéroplacentaire. L'activité rénine et la concentration d'aldostérone plasmatique sont augmentées chez la mère et les foetus RCIU. Antérieurement, notre laboratoire a démontré une augmentation de l’expression génique et protéique rénale de la Na+-K+-ATPase-α1 uniquement chez les foetus femelles RCIU. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que la diminution du volume circulant chez la rate gestante entraîne une augmentation et une expression différentielle, selon le sexe, des éléments de la cascade de signalisation du récepteur des minéralocorticoïdes (MR) dans les reins de foetus RCIU. L’expression des gènes est réalisée par qRT-PCR et celle des protéines par immunobuvardage de type Western. Bien que les résultats démontrent que la transcription génique de SGK1, α-ENaC et GILZ soit augmentée dans les reins de foetus RCIU, l’expression protéique de SGK1, pSGK1(Thr 256) et α-ENaC est similaire à celle des témoins. La protéine GILZ est indétectable. Pour CNKSR3, aucune différence de l’ARNm ou de la protéine n’a été observée entre les deux groupes. Par contre, même si l’expression génique du MR n’est pas différente, l’expression protéique est diminuée chez les RCIU. Aucun effet du sexe n’a été observé. En conclusion, l’augmentation d'aldostérone plasmatique chez les foetus ayant subi une RCIU stimule la transcription des gènes associés à la voie de réabsorption sodique, mais la quantité protéique demeure inchangée. Ceci suggère qu’il peut avoir des mécanismes de régulation post-transcriptionnelle ou une dégradation accélérée des protéines. Malgré la pertinence du sexe dans le développement de maladies, le sexe n’influence pas l’expression des composantes de la voie de rétention sodique chez le foetus. Il serait important de suivre cette voie en fonction de l’âge et de corréler les expressions génique et protéique avec l’apparition de maladies.


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Il est désormais accepté qu'un environnement foetal défavorable prédispose à des maladies chroniques qui surviennent à l'âge adulte. Il a été démontré dans notre laboratoire qu'une diminution de perfusion placentaire induit une redistribution du débit sanguin vers le coeur chez le foetus ainsi qu’une restriction de croissance intrautérine. De plus, un remodelage et une diminution de la contractilité des cardiomyocytes ont été observés chez les femelles devenues adultes. En période périnatale, l’utilisation des acides gras comme substrat énergétique devient plus importante que celle du glucose au niveau des cardiomyocytes. Considérant qu'un mécanisme s'est mis en place in utero, nous émettons l’hypothèse que le transfert de la voie de l’utilisation du glucose vers l’utilisation des acides gras se fait plus tôt chez les foetus en restriction de croissance. L’objectif de cette étude est de mesurer, dans les coeurs foetaux, les constituants du métabolisme des acides gras, soit le transporteur principal des acides gras, la carnitine palmitoyltransférase‒1‒alpha, ainsi que ses protéines associées soit l’acyl‒CoenzymeA synthétase‒1 et le canal anionique voltage‒dépendant de type 1. Nous mesurerons l’activité du cytochrome c oxydase et le nombre de mitochondries. L’influence du sexe et la condition foetale (restriction de croissance intrautérine vs contrôle) seront comparés. Nous avons observé que l’expression protéique de la carnitine palmitoytransférase‒1α et de l’acyl‒CoenzymeA synthétase‒1 est significativement augmentée, mais pas celle du canal anionique voltage‒dépendant de type 1, dans les coeurs de foetus en restriction de croissance intrautérine femelles. Le nombre et l’activité des mitochondries est semblable dans tous les groupes. Ces résultats suggèrent que la condition foetale et le sexe altèrent la quantité du transporteur des acides gras, la carnitine palmitoytransférase‒1α, au niveau traductionnel sans toutefois affecter l’activité du cytochrome c oxydase et le nombre de mitochondries. À long terme, nos études permettront de mieux comprendre les conséquences et causes de la RCIU afin d’en permettre la prévention.


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The yncE gene of Escherichia coli encodes a predicted periplasmic protein of unknown function. The gene is de-repressed under iron restriction through the action of the global iron regulator Fur. This suggests a role in iron acquisition, which is supported by the presence of the adjacent yncD gene encoding a potential TonB-dependent outer-membrane transporter. Here, the preliminary crystallographic structure of YncE is reported, revealing that it consists of a seven-bladed beta-propeller which resembles the corresponding domain of the `surface-layer protein' of Methanosarcina mazei. A full structure determination is under way in order to provide insight into the function of this protein.


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Food restriction has a great impact on skeletal muscle mass by inducing muscle protein breakdown to provide substrates for energy production through gluconeogenesis. Genetic models of hyper-muscularity interfere with the normal balance between protein synthesis and breakdown which eventually results in extreme muscle growth. Mutations or deletions in the myostatin gene result in extreme muscle mass. Here we evaluated the impact of food restriction for a period of 5 weeks on skeletal muscle size (i.e., fibre cross-sectional area), fibre type composition and contractile properties (i.e., tetanic and specific force) in myostatin null mice. We found that this hyper-muscular model was more susceptible to catabolic processes than wild type mice. The mechanism of skeletal muscle mass loss was examined and our data shows that the myostatin null mice placed on a low calorie diet maintained the activity of molecules involved in protein synthesis and did not up-regulate the expression of genes pivotal in ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. However, we did find an increase in the expression of genes associated with autophagy. Surprisingly, the reduction on muscle size was followed by improved tetanic and specific force in the null mice compared to wild type mice. These data provide evidence that food restriction may revert the hyper-muscular phenotype of the myostatin null mouse restoring muscle function.


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In addition to the expression of recombinant proteins, baculoviruses have been developed as a platform for the display of complex eukaryotic proteins on the surface of virus particles or infected insect cells. Surface display has been used extensively for antigen presentation and targeted gene delivery but is also a candidate for the display of protein libraries for molecular screening. However, although baculovirus gene libraries can be efficiently expressed and displayed on the surface of insect cells, target gene selection is inefficient probably due to super-infection which gives rise to cells expressing more than one protein. In this report baculovirus superinfection of Sf9 cells has been investigated by the use of two recombinant multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus carrying green or red fluorescent proteins under the control of both early and late promoters (vAcBacGFP and vAcBacDsRed). The reporter gene expression was detected 8 hours after the infection of vAcBacGFP and cells in early and late phases of infection could be distinguished by the fluorescence intensity of the expressed protein. Simultaneous infection with vAcBacGFP and vAcBacDsRed viruses each at 0.5 MOI resulted in 80% of infected cells coexpressing the two fluorescent proteins at 48 hours post infection (hpi), and subsequent infection with the two viruses resulted in similar co-infection rate. Most Sf9 cells were re-infectable within the first several hours post infection, but the reinfection rate then decreased to a very low level by 16 hpi. Our data demonstrate that Sf9 cells were easily super-infectable during baculovirus infection, and super-infection could occur simultaneously at the time of the primary infection or subsequently during secondary infection by progeny viruses. The efficiency of super-infection may explain the difficulties of baculovirus display library screening but would benefit the production of complex proteins requiring co-expression of multiple polypeptides.


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BACKGROUND: this study examined the association of -866G/A, Ala55Val, 45bpI/D, and -55C/T polymorphisms at the uncoupling protein (UCP) 3-2 loci with type 2 diabetes in Asian Indians. METHODS: a case-control study was performed among 1,406 unrelated subjects (487 with type 2 diabetes and 919 normal glucose-tolerant [NGT]), chosen from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study, an ongoing population-based study in Southern India. The polymorphisms were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and direct sequencing. Haplotype frequencies were estimated using an expectation-maximization algorithm. Linkage disequilibrium was estimated from the estimates of haplotypic frequencies. RESULTS: the genotype (P = 0.00006) and the allele (P = 0.00007) frequencies of Ala55Val of the UCP2 gene showed a significant protective effect against the development of type 2 diabetes. The odds ratios (adjusted for age, sex, and body mass index) for diabetes for individuals carrying Ala/Val was 0.72, and that for individuals carrying Val/Val was 0.37. Homeostasis insulin resistance model assessment and 2-h plasma glucose were significantly lower among Val-allele carriers compared to the Ala/Ala genotype within the NGT group. The genotype (P = 0.02) and the allele (P = 0.002) frequencies of -55C/T of the UCP3 gene showed a significant protective effect against the development of diabetes. The odds ratio for diabetes for individuals carrying CT was 0.79, and that for individuals carrying TT was 0.61. The haplotype analyses further confirmed the association of Ala55Val with diabetes, where the haplotypes carrying the Ala allele were significantly higher in the cases compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Ala55Val and -55C/T polymorphisms at the UCP3-2 loci are associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes in Asian Indians.


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The Hypertrophic Heart Rat (HHR) displays spontaneous cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in association with an apparent reduction in myocyte number in adulthood. This suggests the possibility of reduced hyperplasia or increased apoptosis during early cardiac development. The angiotensin AT1 and AT2 receptor subtypes have been implicated in both cellular growth and apoptosis, but the precise mechanisms are unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between cardiac AngII receptor expression levels and neonatal cardiomyocyte growth and apoptotic responses in the HHR compared with the Normal Heart Rat (NHR) control strain. Cardiac tissues were freshly harvested from male HHR and NHR at several developmental stages (p2 and 4, 6, 8, 12wks). HHR cardiac weight indices were considerably smaller than NHR at day 2 (4.330.19 vs 5.010.08 mg/g), but ‘caught-up’ to NHR by 4 weeks (5.100.15 vs 5.160.11 mg/g). By 12 weeks, HHR hearts were 27% larger than NHR. Tissue AT1A and AT2 mRNA expression levels were quantified by real-time RT-PCR. Relative to NHR, HHR neonatal hearts exhibited a 4.6-fold higher AT2/AT1 mRNA expression ratio. Cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes were infected with AT1A and/or AT2 receptor-expressing adenoviruses to achieve a physiological level of receptor expression (150 fmol receptor protein/mg total cell protein). In addition, to emulate receptor expression in neonatal HHR hearts, cells were co-infected with AT1A and AT2 receptors at a 4:1 ratio. Apoptosis incidence was studied by morphological analysis after 72 hours exposure to 0.1 M AngII. When infected with the AT1A receptor alone, a higher proportion of HHR myocytes appeared apoptotic than NHR (22.7 4.1% vs 1.1 0.6%, P 0.001). This implies that intrinsic differences predispose HHR cells to accentuated AT1-mediated apoptosis. Interestingly, the bax-1/bcl-2 mRNA expression ratio was significantly higher (50%) in HHR neonatal hearts. When cells were co-infected with AT1A and AT2 receptors, evidence of apoptosis in HHR cells virtually disappeared (0.4 0.1%). These findings suggest a novel capacity of AT2 receptors to counteract accentuated AT1A receptor-induced apoptosis in the HHR in early cardiac growth.


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Caloric restriction (CR) has been widely accepted as a mechanism explaining increased lifespan (LS) in organisms subjected to dietary restriction (DR), but recent studies investigating the role of nutrients have challenged the role of CR in extending longevity. Fuelling this debate is the difficulty in experimentally disentangling CR and nutrient effects due to compensatory feeding (CF) behaviour. We quantified CF by measuring the volume of solution imbibed and determined how calories and nutrients influenced LS and fecundity in unmated females of the Queensland fruit fly, Bactocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae). We restricted flies to one of 28 diets varying in carbohydrate:protein (C:P) ratios and concentrations. On imbalanced diets, flies overcame dietary dilutions, consuming similar caloric intakes for most dilutions. The response surface for LS revealed that increasing C:P ratio while keeping calories constant extended LS, with the maximum LS along C:P ratio of 21:1. In general, LS was reduced as caloric intake decreased. Lifetime egg production was maximized at a C:P ratio of 3:1. When given a choice of separate sucrose and yeast solutions, each at one of five concentrations (yielding 25 choice treatments), flies regulated their nutrient intake to match C:P ratio of 3:1. Our results (i) demonstrate that CF can overcome dietary dilutions; (ii) reveal difficulties with methods presenting fixed amounts of liquid diet; (iii) illustrate the need to measure intake to account for CF in DR studies and (iv) highlight nutrients rather than CR as a dominant influence on LS.


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While physical activity, energy restriction and weight loss are the cornerstone of type 2 diabetes management, less emphasis is placed on optimizing skeletal muscle mass. As muscle is the largest mass of insulin-sensitive tissue and the predominant reservoir for glucose disposal, there is a need to develop safe and effective evidence-based, lifestyle management strategies that optimize muscle mass as well as improve glycaemic control and cardiometabolic risk factors in people with this disease, particularly older adults who experience accelerated muscle loss.


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Individuals born after intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) are at an increased risk of developing diabetes in their adult life. IUGR impairs β-cell function and reduces β-cell mass, thereby diminishing insulin secretion. IUGR also induces insulin resistance, with impaired insulin signaling in muscle in adult humans who were small for gestational age (SGA) and in rodent models of IUGR. There is epidemiological evidence in humans that exercise in adults can reduce the risk of metabolic disease following IUGR. However, it is not clear whether adult IUGR individuals benefit to the same extent from exercise as do normal-birth-weight individuals, as our rat studies suggest less of a benefit in those born IUGR. Importantly, however, there is some evidence from studies in rats that exercise in early life might be able to reverse or reprogram the long-term metabolic effects of IUGR. Studies are needed to address gaps in current knowledge, including determining the mechanisms involved in the reprogramming effects of early exercise in rats, whether exercise early in life or in adulthood has similar beneficial metabolic effects in larger animal models in which insulin resistance develops after IUGR. Human studies are also needed to determine whether exercise training improves insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity to the same extent in IUGR adults as in control populations. Such investigations will have implications for customizing the recommended level and timing of exercise to improve metabolic health after IUGR.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Six hundred and forty one-day-old Cobb male broilers were used to evaluate ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) expression in the mucosa of the small intestine. Birds were submitted to early feed restriction from 7 to 14 days of age. The provided feed was supplemented with glutamine. A completely randomized design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement was used (with or without glutamine, with or without feed restriction). Restricted-fed birds were fed at 30% the amount of the ad libitum fed group from 7 to 14 days of age. Glutamine was added at the level of 1% in the diet supplied from 1 to 28 days of age. Protein concentration in the small intestine mucosa was determined, and ODC expression at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of age was evaluated by dot blotting. ODC was present in the mucosa of broilers, and the presence of glutamine in the diet increased ODC activation. Glutamine prevented mucosa atrophy by stimulating protein synthesis, and was effective against the effects of feed restriction. Dot blotting can be used to quantify ODC expression in the intestinal mucosa of broilers.