703 resultados para professional tennis


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The Working Group recommends that the grade of Health Care Assistant/Maternity Health Care Assistant be introduced as a member of the healthcare team to assist and support the nursing and midwifery function. Chapter two of the report explores the complementary roles of health care assistants and nurses and midwives. Chapter three examines issues related to delegation and integration of the health care assistant to the care team. Chapter four makes recommendations related to the education and training of health care assistants. The Working Groupâ?Ts recommendations are underpinned by a comprehensive literature review Download the Report here


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This report aims to provide a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the situation. The three categories of professionals covered are Chartered Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech and Language Therapists Download the Report here


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This report focuses on the activities of the Nursing Advisors throughout the year 2000, within the framework of the Business Plan formulated by the Nursing Policy Division, and in relation to other professional activities in which they have been involved. Download the Report here


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This factsheet for health professionals contains information on E. coli O157, a strain of bacteria that can cause severe disease in humans. Information on prevention is included.


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This study verifies whether cochlear implants helps deaf adults to maintain or develop their professional occupations. Sixty-seven patients received a questionnaire concerning their professional activities before and after implantation. At the time of implantation 34 were professionally active. After the implantation 29 remained active, 4 of them reporting positive developments in their careers. Five patients became inactive. The previously inactive patients remained inactive. There was no difference in auditory performances between professionally active or inactive patients. Cochlear implants enable most implanted adults to maintain and even progress in their professions. However, deafness still represents an obstacle to social integration as inactive patients who searched for a job were rejected after the job interviews.


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Aquest document detalla, desglossant la informació en diferents capítols, les tasques que s'han fet per a construir un sistema d'informació geogràfica (SIG) de carreteres emprant el producte Geomedia Professional 5.2 d'Intergraph: què és un SIG, per a què serveix, quins usos pot tenir i què el diferencia d'altres productes semblants com ara un programari de disseny assistit per ordinador (CAD) o un sistema de teledetecció, nocions de cartografia, formats d'intercanvi d'informació geogràfica, etc.


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SETTING: A 950 bed teaching hospital in Switzerland. AIM: To describe the result of a contact investigation among health care workers (HCW) and patients after exposure to a physician with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in a hospital setting using standard tuberculin skin tests (TST) and Interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA). METHOD: HCW with a negative or unknown TST at hiring had a TST two weeks after the last contact with the index case (T0), repeated six weeks later if negative (T6). All exposed HCW had a T-SPOT.TB at T0 and T6. Exposed patients had a TST six weeks after the last contact, and a T-SPOT.TB if the TST was positive. RESULTS: Among 101 HCW, 17/73 (22%) had a positive TST at T0. TST was repeated in 50 at T6 and converted from negative to positive in eight (16%). Twelve HCW had a positive T-SPOT.TB at T0 and ten converted from negative to positive at T6. Seven HCW with a positive T-SPOT.TB reverted to negative at T6 or at later controls, most of them with test values close to the cut-off. Among 27 exposed patients tested at six weeks, ten had a positive TST, five of them confirmed by a positive T-SPOT.TB. CONCLUSIONS: HCW tested twice after exposure to a case of smear-positive pulmonary TB demonstrated a possible conversion in 10% with T-SPOT and 16% with TST. Some T-SPOT.TB reverted from positive to negative during the follow-up, mostly tests with a value close to the cut-off. Due to the variability of the test results, it seems advisable to repeat the test with values close to the cut-off before diagnosing the presence of a tuberculous infection.


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El ventall de camps on s'apliquen els SIG creix cada dia, essent un dels terrenys amb més possibilitats d'expansió actualment. En aquest treball es donen les bases, tant teòriques com pràctiques, per poder introduir-se en aquest món.


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Recently published guidelines��in the UK��relating to sight tests among people with dementia go some of the way to addressing the specific needs of this group. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of improving the provision of eye care services and optimising the visual health of this group.A��study, published by the Thomas Pocklington Trust,��which examines this subject - The development of professional guidelines for the eye examination of people with dementia - was presented at the first ever national “Dementia and Sight Loss conference” in London (1st December) - a forum where 100 dementia and sight loss professionals met to discuss ways to tackle the challenge of concurrent dementia and sight loss. The study, by researchers at the University of Bradford Schools of Optometry and Health Studies, reviewed procedures for sight tests and eye examinations among those with dementia. It found that policy and practice were hampered by a serious lack of basic research into concurrent dementia and sight loss and prompted recommendations which could lead to improved procedures, tools and techniques.Recommendations prompted by the study outline seven steps towards improving policy and practice:Conduct a systematic study of the availability and uptake of sight tests among people with dementia. Set up a website for people with dementia and their carers with information on how dementia affects eye health, and the importance of eye examinations. Develop education and training for optometrists and care home staff. Compile a list of optometrists experienced in providing eye care for people with dementia. Develop a template for recording the results of eye examinations in people with dementia – something which can be endorsed by professional bodies and made available to care homes. Measure the effectiveness of eye care, such as sight tests and cataract removals, on the quality of life of people with dementia. Research clinical testing methods so that guidelines can be strengthened. Measuring contrast sensitivity, for example, in someone with dementia could be vital as an inability to judge contrasts can make daily tasks impossible.To access the discussion paper please follow this link: The development of professional guidelines for the eye examination of people with dementia ��


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To examine the time course of alteration in neural process (spinal loop properties) during prolonged tennis playing, 12 competitive players performed a series of neuromuscular tests every 30 min during a 3-h match protocol. Muscle activation (twitch interpolation) and normalized EMG activity were assessed during maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of plantar flexors. Spinal reflexes and M-waves were evoked at rest (i.e., H(max) and M(max) , respectively) and during MVC (i.e., H(sup) , V-wave, M(sup) , respectively). MVC torque declined significantly (P<0.001) across the match protocol, due to decrease (P<0.001) in muscle activation and in normalized EMG activity. The impairment in MVC was significantly correlated (r=0.77; P<0.05) with the decline in muscle activation. H(max) /M(max) (P<0.001), H(sup) /M(sup) (P<0.01) and V/M(sup) (P<0.05) ratios were depressed with fatigue and decreased by ∼80%, 46% and 61% at the end of exercise, respectively. Simultaneously, peak twitch torque and M-wave amplitude were significantly (P<0.01) altered with exercise, suggesting peripheral alterations. During prolonged tennis playing, the compromised voluntary strength capacity is linked to a reduced neural input to the working muscles. This central activation deficit partly results from a modulation in spinal loop properties.


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El present document detalla, desglossant la informació en diferents capítols, les tasques realitzades per a la construcció d'un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) de carreteres utilitzant el producte GEOMEDIA PROFESSIONAL 5.2 de INTERGRAPH.


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This paper aims at presenting the stakes related to the access to protected land in the United States and to its conservation, through the analysis of the professional practice of U.S. mountain guides. From a methodological standpoint, this research is based both on a theoretical analysis grounded in the field of environmental economics and on an empirical study. The authors' starting point is Garrett Hardin's paper, "The Tragedy of the Commons" (Science, 1968), even if it introduces some confusion on the notion of common goods. So as to avoid this confusion, the authors use two theoretical tools pertaining to a typology of common goods and the different property rights that can be applied in National Parks. Finally, they apply this framework to the observations made on the field in Colorado in July 2009.


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En aquest treball es realitza una introducció als sistemes d'informació geogràfica (SIG) tant des del punt de vista teòric com des d'un punt de vista pràctic.


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En aquest treball de fi de carrera s'estudia en què consisteix en SIG i les seves característiques, en concret es realitza l'estudi d'un SIG comercial, GEOMEDIA PROFESSIONAL 5.2 D'aquest producte es presenta el problema de sincronització de les etiquetes amb les entitats que etiqueten, i es planteja una solució a aquest problema, mitjançant el desenvolupament d'una aplicació implementada amb MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 6.0