884 resultados para process query language


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Invariantes del pensamiento en los arquitectos de Madrid. Primera década del siglo XXI. Una historia de transmisión oral es una Tesis Doctoral que parte de la elaboración de un archivo documental inédito, archivo que aglutina los testimonios de los más importantes arquitectos de Madrid presentes durante los primeros diez años del siglo XXI. Estos testimonios se recogen ordenadamente a modo de conversaciones transcritas, reflexiones puntuales y audios. La incorporación de los audios al trabajo documental permite comprobar a futuros investigadores, de manera directa, la certeza de las conclusiones o, incluso, establecer interpretaciones distintas. Los documentos sonoros son el germen de este trabajo. La Tesis Doctoral ordena e interpreta los testimonios en su apartado de ANÁLISIS/ DESARROLLO permitiendo entender a través de constantes demostraciones un hilo conductor del pensamiento en los arquitectos de Madrid. Se trata de una Tesis Doctoral que se entiende como un documento vivo, abierto y que gracias a su carácter inédito descubre matices y reflexiones de los arquitectos nunca antes recogidos en otros trabajos. Se ha conseguido reunir y ordenar por primera vez la voz y el pensamiento de los más importantes arquitectos de Madrid, muchos de ellos ya fallecidos. Se ha establecido un árbol genealógico ordenado y completo de los arquitectos de referencia indiscutibles desde el año 1939. Se ha conseguido reunir en un solo documento a los arquitectos y personajes más citados y recurrentes en el discurso de los arquitectos de Madrid, pudiendo constatar así sus referentes culturales más utilizados. Se ha descubierto y argumentado un pensamiento común dividido en cuatro conceptos: Oportunidad, Orden, Compromiso y Contención. Se produce una aproximación al arquitecto y a su pensamiento de la manera más natural y espontánea. Las grabaciones nos permitirán introducirnos, sin imposturas, no solo en el fondo, sino también en la forma de lo que se comunica, en el cómo. Una vez seleccionados los documentos sonoros más adecuados para el objetivo de este trabajo se ha procedido a su transcripción al papel. En este proceso se depura el lenguaje y se liman defectos de forma, al mismo tiempo se resumen las conversaciones y se recogen solo los comentarios más interesantes. En el proceso de transcripción, así como en la elección de las preguntas, existe una labor editorial, la aplicación de un criterio a la hora de seleccionar, resumir, corregir, completar, etc. Para abordar las conversaciones se ha recurrido a la bibliografía de referencia de cada uno de los arquitectos. Una vez transcritas las entrevistas, se establece una valoración crítica, una aproximación teórica al tema principal de la conversación. Bien puede tratarse de una reflexión sobre el arquitecto y su trabajo o sobre algunas de las opiniones o temas vertidos durante la charla. Para situar a cada uno de los arquitectos que se citan, se ha establecido un apartado genealógico completo donde cada uno se coloca en su lugar correspondiente conforme a sus apariciones en los textos principales de la historiografía reciente desde Carlos Flores hasta el año 2010. Esta Tesis Doctoral es un testigo de la diversidad de pensamientos y actitudes así como de las coincidencias. Las conversaciones mantenidas, las reflexiones y las opiniones vertidas al respecto han tocado reiteradamente muchos temas que aparecerán ordenados en el ANÁLISIS/DESARROLLO y en el apartado DESCRIPTORES. A partir de estos y otros temas genéricos, los pensamientos se aglutinan en torno a cuatro puntos que resumen las actitudes y los planteamientos conceptuales más recurrentes y coincidentes. Estos cuatro puntos definen de una manera concreta al arquitecto de Madrid. Oportunidad, Orden, Compromiso y Contención. Identidad generada a través de una historia de transmisión oral, desde los arquitectos de las primeras generaciones de posguerra hasta hoy. ABSTRACT Invariable thought in the architects of Madrid. First decade of the XXI century. A history of oral transmission is a Doctoral Thesis that starts with the development of a new documentary file, a file which brings together the testimonies of the most important architects of Madrid present during the first ten years of this century. These testimonies include conversations, punctual reflections and audio bites. Incorporating audio allows future researchers to check certain conclusions directly or even to have different interpretations. Sound bites are the seed of this work. This Doctoral Thesis orders and interprets the testimonies in the ANALYSIS / DEVELOPMENT section, through which a common thread of thought in Madrid architects can be ascertained. This doctoral thesis is meant as a living, open document, which, thanks to its unprecedented nature, discovers nuances and reflections of architects that had never been collected in previous studies. It has brought together and sorted for the first time the voice and thoughts of the most important architects of Madrid, many of them already deceased. It has established an orderly and comprehensive reference guide to the most important architects since 1939. It has brought together in one document the most cited and recurring architects and characters in the discourse of the architects of Madrid, which enables us to observe the cultural references they used the most. We have discovered and put forward a common thought divided into four concepts: Opportunity, Order, Commitment and Containment. The architect and his thoughts are revealed as naturally and spontaneously as possible. The recordings allow us to ascertain, without impositions, not only the substance but also the form of what is communicated. After selecting the most appropriate sound bites for the purpose of this work, we have proceeded to transcribe them to paper. In this process the language has been purified and formal defects have been dealt with, and at the same time the conversations have been summarized and only the most interesting comments have been kept. The transcription process and the choice of questions entails editorial work, applying a criterion when selecting, summarizing, amending, supplementing, etc. To address the conversations, the bibliographic reference of each of the architects has been used. Once the interviews have been transcribed, a critical appraisal and a theoretical approach to the main topic of conversation are established. It may be a reflection on the architect and his work or some of the views or issues discussed during the talk. In order to place each of the cited architects, a complete family tree has been devised in which each architect is situated according to his appearances in the main text of recent historiography, from Carlos Flores until 2010. This Doctoral Thesis is a witness to the diversity of thoughts, attitudes and coincidences. The conversations, reflections and opinions expressed in this regard have repeatedly touched many issues that will be sorted in the ANALYSIS/DEVELOPMENT and the KEYWORDS section. From these and other generic issues, thoughts coalesce around four points which summarize the attitudes and the most recurrent and similar conceptual approaches. These four points define the architect of Madrid in a concrete way. Opportunity, order, engagement and containment. An identity generated by a history of oral transmission, from the architects of the first post-war generations until today.


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SQL (Structured Query Language) is one of the essential topics in foundation databases courses in higher education. Due to its apparent simple syntax, learning to use the full power of SQL can be a very difficult activity. In this paper, we introduce SQLator, which is a web-based interactive tool for learning SQL. SQLator's key function is the evaluate function, which allows a user to evaluate the correctness of his/her query formulation. The evaluate engine is based on complex heuristic algorithms. The tool also provides instructors the facility to create and populate database schemas with an associated pool of SQL queries. Currently it hosts two databases with a query pool of 300+ across the two databases. The pool is divided into 3 categories according to query complexity. The SQLator user can perform unlimited executions and evaluations on query formulations and/or view the solutions. The SQLator evaluate function has a high rate of success in evaluating the user's statement as correct (or incorrect) corresponding to the question. We will present in this paper, the basic architecture and functions of SQLator. We will further discuss the value of SQLator as an educational technology and report on educational outcomes based on studies conducted at the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland.


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The Meta-Object Facility (MOF) provides a standardized framework for object-oriented models. An instance of a MOF model contains objects and links whose interfaces are entirely derived from that model. Information contained in these objects can be accessed directly, however, in order to realize the Model-Driven Architecture@trade; (MDA), we must have a mechanism for representing and evaluating structured queries on these instances. The MOF Query Language (MQL) is a language that extends the UML's Object Constraint Language (OCL) to provide more expressive power, such as higher-order queries, parametric polymorphism and argument polymorphism. Not only do these features allow more powerful queries, but they also encourage a greater degree of modularization and re-use, resulting in faster prototyping and facilitating automated integrity analysis. This paper presents an overview of the motivations for developing MQL and also discusses its abstract syntax, presented as a MOF model, and its semantics


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Many emerging applications benefit from the extraction of geospatial data specified at different resolutions for viewing purposes. Data must also be topologically accurate and up-to-date as it often represents real-world changing phenomena. Current multiresolution schemes use complex opaque data types, which limit the capacity for in-database object manipulation. By using z-values and B+trees to support multiresolution retrieval, objects are fragmented in such a way that updates to objects or object parts are executed using standard SQL (Structured Query Language) statements as opposed to procedural functions. Our approach is compared to a current model, using complex data types indexed under a 3D (three-dimensional) R-tree, and shows better performance for retrieval over realistic window sizes and data loads. Updates with the R-tree are slower and preclude the feasibility of its use in time-critical applications whereas, predictably, projecting the issue to a one-dimensional index allows constant updates using z-values to be implemented more efficiently.


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This paper presents our Semantic Web portal infrastructure, which focuses on how to enhance knowledge access in traditional Web portals by gathering and exploiting semantic metadata. Special attention is paid to three important issues that affect the performance of knowledge access: i) high quality metadata acquisition, which concerns how to ensure high quality while gathering semantic metadata from heterogeneous data sources; ii) semantic search, which addresses how to meet the information querying needs of ordinary end users who are not necessarily familiar with the problem domain or the supported query language; and iii) semantic browsing, which concerns how to help users understand and explore the problem domain.


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The using of the upsurge of semantics web technologies gives a possibility for an increasing of the flexibility, extensibility and consistency of the existent industrial standards for modeling of web services. In the paper the types of semantic description of web services and the degree of their realization in BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services) respectively on the abstract and executable level are treated. The methods for using of BPEL4WS for the purposes of semantic web services in the direction of their semi-automatic integration are suggested.


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INFRAWEBS project [INFRAWEBS] considers usage of semantics for the complete lifecycle of Semantic Web processes, which represent complex interactions between Semantic Web Services. One of the main initiatives in the Semantic Web is WSMO framework, aiming at describing the various aspects related to Semantic Web Services in order to enable the automation of Web Service discovery, composition, interoperation and invocation. In the paper the conceptual architecture for BPEL-based INFRAWEBS editor is proposed that is intended to construct a part of WSMO descriptions of the Semantic Web Services. The semantic description of Web Services has to cover Data, Functional, Execution and QoS semantics. The representation of Functional semantics can be achieved by adding the service functionality to the process description. The architecture relies on a functional (operational) semantics of the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) and uses abstract state machine (ASM) paradigm. This allows describing the dynamic properties of the process descriptions in terms of partially ordered transition rules and transforming them to WSMO framework.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): D.0, D.2.11.


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The paper discusses the Europeana Creative project which aims to facilitate re-use of cultural heritage metadata and content by the creative industries. The paper focuses on the contribution of Ontotext to the project activities. The Europeana Data Model (EDM) is further discussed as a new proposal for structuring the data that Europeana will ingest, manage and publish. The advantages of using EDM instead of the current ESE metadata set are highlighted. Finally, Ontotext’s EDM Endpoint is presented, based on OWLIM semantic repository and SPARQL query language. A user-friendly RDF view is presented in order to illustrate the possibilities of Forest - an extensible modular user interface framework for creating linked data and semantic web applications.


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Query processing is a commonly performed procedure and a vital and integral part of information processing. It is therefore important and necessary for information processing applications to continuously improve the accessibility of data sources as well as the ability to perform queries on those data sources. ^ It is well known that the relational database model and the Structured Query Language (SQL) are currently the most popular tools to implement and query databases. However, a certain level of expertise is needed to use SQL and to access relational databases. This study presents a semantic modeling approach that enables the average user to access and query existing relational databases without the concern of the database's structure or technicalities. This method includes an algorithm to represent relational database schemas in a more semantically rich way. The result of which is a semantic view of the relational database. The user performs queries using an adapted version of SQL, namely Semantic SQL. This method substantially reduces the size and complexity of queries. Additionally, it shortens the database application development cycle and improves maintenance and reliability by reducing the size of application programs. Furthermore, a Semantic Wrapper tool illustrating the semantic wrapping method is presented. ^ I further extend the use of this semantic wrapping method to heterogeneous database management. Relational, object-oriented databases and the Internet data sources are considered to be part of the heterogeneous database environment. Semantic schemas resulting from the algorithm presented in the method were employed to describe the structure of these data sources in a uniform way. Semantic SQL was utilized to query various data sources. As a result, this method provides users with the ability to access and perform queries on heterogeneous database systems in a more innate way. ^


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Distributed applications are exposed as reusable components that are dynamically discovered and integrated to create new applications. These new applications, in the form of aggregate services, are vulnerable to failure due to the autonomous and distributed nature of their integrated components. This vulnerability creates the need for adaptability in aggregate services. The need for adaptation is accentuated for complex long-running applications as is found in scientific Grid computing, where distributed computing nodes may participate to solve computation and data-intensive problems. Such applications integrate services for coordinated problem solving in areas such as Bioinformatics. For such applications, when a constituent service fails, the application fails, even though there are other nodes that can substitute for the failed service. This concern is not addressed in the specification of high-level composition languages such as that of the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). We propose an approach to transparently autonomizing existing BPEL processes in order to make them modifiable at runtime and more resilient to the failures in their execution environment. By transparent introduction of adaptive behavior, adaptation preserves the original business logic of the aggregate service and does not tangle the code for adaptive behavior with that of the aggregate service. The major contributions of this dissertation are: first, we assessed the effectiveness of BPEL language support in developing adaptive mechanisms. As a result, we identified the strengths and limitations of BPEL and came up with strategies to address those limitations. Second, we developed a technique to enhance existing BPEL processes transparently in order to support dynamic adaptation. We proposed a framework which uses transparent shaping and generative programming to make BPEL processes adaptive. Third, we developed a technique to dynamically discover and bind to substitute services. Our technique was evaluated and the result showed that dynamic utilization of components improves the flexibility of adaptive BPEL processes. Fourth, we developed an extensible policy-based technique to specify how to handle exceptional behavior. We developed a generic component that introduces adaptive behavior for multiple BPEL processes. Fifth, we identify ways to apply our work to facilitate adaptability in composite Grid services.


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Graph-structured databases are widely prevalent, and the problem of effective search and retrieval from such graphs has been receiving much attention recently. For example, the Web can be naturally viewed as a graph. Likewise, a relational database can be viewed as a graph where tuples are modeled as vertices connected via foreign-key relationships. Keyword search querying has emerged as one of the most effective paradigms for information discovery, especially over HTML documents in the World Wide Web. One of the key advantages of keyword search querying is its simplicity—users do not have to learn a complex query language, and can issue queries without any prior knowledge about the structure of the underlying data. The purpose of this dissertation was to develop techniques for user-friendly, high quality and efficient searching of graph structured databases. Several ranked search methods on data graphs have been studied in the recent years. Given a top-k keyword search query on a graph and some ranking criteria, a keyword proximity search finds the top-k answers where each answer is a substructure of the graph containing all query keywords, which illustrates the relationship between the keyword present in the graph. We applied keyword proximity search on the web and the page graph of web documents to find top-k answers that satisfy user’s information need and increase user satisfaction. Another effective ranking mechanism applied on data graphs is the authority flow based ranking mechanism. Given a top- k keyword search query on a graph, an authority-flow based search finds the top-k answers where each answer is a node in the graph ranked according to its relevance and importance to the query. We developed techniques that improved the authority flow based search on data graphs by creating a framework to explain and reformulate them taking in to consideration user preferences and feedback. We also applied the proposed graph search techniques for Information Discovery over biological databases. Our algorithms were experimentally evaluated for performance and quality. The quality of our method was compared to current approaches by using user surveys.


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Over the past five years, XML has been embraced by both the research and industrial community due to its promising prospects as a new data representation and exchange format on the Internet. The widespread popularity of XML creates an increasing need to store XML data in persistent storage systems and to enable sophisticated XML queries over the data. The currently available approaches to addressing the XML storage and retrieval issue have the limitations of either being not mature enough (e.g. native approaches) or causing inflexibility, a lot of fragmentation and excessive join operations (e.g. non-native approaches such as the relational database approach). ^ In this dissertation, I studied the issue of storing and retrieving XML data using the Semantic Binary Object-Oriented Database System (Sem-ODB) to leverage the advanced Sem-ODB technology with the emerging XML data model. First, a meta-schema based approach was implemented to address the data model mismatch issue that is inherent in the non-native approaches. The meta-schema based approach captures the meta-data of both Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and Sem-ODB Semantic Schemas, thus enables a dynamic and flexible mapping scheme. Second, a formal framework was presented to ensure precise and concise mappings. In this framework, both schemas and the conversions between them are formally defined and described. Third, after major features of an XML query language, XQuery, were analyzed, a high-level XQuery to Semantic SQL (Sem-SQL) query translation scheme was described. This translation scheme takes advantage of the navigation-oriented query paradigm of the Sem-SQL, thus avoids the excessive join problem of relational approaches. Finally, the modeling capability of the Semantic Binary Object-Oriented Data Model (Sem-ODM) was explored from the perspective of conceptually modeling an XML Schema using a Semantic Schema. ^ It was revealed that the advanced features of the Sem-ODB, such as multi-valued attributes, surrogates, the navigation-oriented query paradigm, among others, are indeed beneficial in coping with the XML storage and retrieval issue using a non-XML approach. Furthermore, extensions to the Sem-ODB to make it work more effectively with XML data were also proposed. ^


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Le mouvement derridien de la différance marque la rupture avec l'affirmation de la métaphysique de la présence, avec l'autorité du signifié transcendantal. Dans cet univers mouvant de signifiants qui se renvoient perpétuellement les uns aux autres, la logique d'univocité se disloque. La "présence" n'est que fantomatique, s'esquissant au sein d'une chaîne ininterrompue de signifiants et se laissant toujours creuser par la marque d'un irréductible manque. Face au logocentrisme, corollaire de l'affirmation de la présence, l'écriture se veut siège et articulation de la trace, d'une origine qui ne peut être que raturée, véhicule d'une irrémédiable fêlure. La volet littéraire de la déconstruction a pour but de mettre en évidence le fonctionnement de l'"indécidabilité" du discours, soit une certaine ambivalence dans la signification qui caractérise tout texte. L'objectif principal de la présente recherche est de fournir une compréhension plus approfondie de la déconstruction en insistant sur l'ancrage langagier de tout texte. Le discours philosophique n'échappe ainsi pas au mécanisme différentiel du langage et de la dérive métaphorique. La parenté entre la perspective déconstructiviste derridienne et la conception mallarméenne du langage poétique semble frappante. La mise en oeuvre, par Mallarmé, d'une dislocation de l'espace textuel, son minutieux "creusement" du vers après renoncement à toute quête d'"Idéal", la mise en relief du leurre de l'appropriation langagière, voilà qui trouve un écho particulier dans les thèses derridiennes. La "mimésis" platonicienne se voit au travers du prisme de la "mimique" mallarméenne. La déconstruction poursuit son travail de "luxation" de l'oreille philosophique, insérant les philosophèmes dans la matrice langagière, les livrant ainsi au hasard du cheminement textuel et les confrontant à l'aporie. La philosophie n'a alors d'autre choix que d'abandonner ses prétentions transcendantales. La marche de la "différance" instaure une inexorable distance qui prive le sujet de tout rapport direct avec une origine assurée et lui ôte toute possibilité de maîtrise sur le monde. Au travers de la langue, se profile la question de l'altérité, de la relation dissymétrique qui nous lie à cet "autre", ce "tout-autre" qui nous fonde et nous constitue. L'accueil inconditionnel de cette altérité nous mènera à l'étude de la "religion", la déconstruction se tournant vers le "religieux" tout en effectuant un "retournement" habile de tout credo essentialiste.


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Der Zugang zu Datenbanken über die universelle Abfragesprache SQL stellt für Nicht-Spezialisten eine große Herausforderung dar. Als eine benutzerfreundliche Alternative wurden daher seit den 1970er-Jahren unterschiedliche visuelle Abfragesprachen (Visual Query Languages, kurz VQLs) für klassische PCs erforscht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, eine generische VQL zu entwickeln und zu erproben, die eine gestenbasierte Exploration von Datenbanken auf Schema- und Instanzdatenebene für mobile Endgeräte, insbesondere Tablets, ermöglicht. Dafür werden verschiedene Darstellungsformen, Abfragestrategien und visuelle Hints für Fremdschlüsselbeziehungen untersucht, die den Benutzer bei der Navigation durch die Daten unterstützen. Im Rahmen einer Anforderungsanalyse erwies sich die Visualisierung der Daten und Beziehungen mittels einer platzsparenden geschachtelten NF2-Darstellung als besonders vorteilhaft. Zur Steuerung der Datenbankexploration wird eine geeignete Gestensprache, bestehend aus Stroke-, Multitouch- und Mid-Air-Gesten, vorgestellt. Das Gesamtkonzept aus Darstellung und Gestensteuerung wurde anhand des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten GBXT-Prototyps auf seine reale Umsetzbarkeit hin, als plattformunabhängige Single-Page-Application für verschiedene mobile Endgeräte mittels JavaScript und HTML5/CSS3 untersucht.