967 resultados para pro-life movement


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A Rede Cegonha foi uma iniciativa pública governamental instituída em 2011 com o foco na atenção à saúde materna e infantil. Surgiu enquanto uma promessa de campanha e foi constituída oficialmente no mandato de Dilma Rousseff que a caracterizaria como uma corrente de cuidados especiais. O processo de constituição desta agenda política foi perpassado por controvérsias que evidenciavam diferenças sobre o que seria uma agenda pública de saúde voltada para as mulheres, além de divergências sobre o como se construir uma política de saúde na área da mulher. Assim, em torno destas controvérsias a própria concepção de saúde da mulher e saúde reprodutiva estavam em debate. A perspectiva de configuração da política é compreendida dinamicamente, desnaturalizando a própria concepção de Estado, abandonando o pressuposto de sua universalidade. Assim, observar a dinâmica de constituição da Rede Cegonha, entendendo-a enquanto um processo aberto. De outro modo, as controvérsias também funcionaram como uma entrada no estudo da própria política, funcionando como um forjar estranho. Os adversários contribuem para a desconstrução de verdades, assim, práticas e crenças são colocadas em análise. Para esta finalidade alguns procedimentos metodológicos foram escolhidos. O primeiro deles foi a pesquisa em dois blogs que se destacaram por acolher e divulgar opiniões sobre a Rede Cegonha. Também foram realizadas entrevistas a atores-chave e realizada leituras de documentos oficiais da política. A trajetória de constituição da política é narrada em dois pontos. O primeiro construído a partir da fala daqueles que contribuíram na sua formulação e/ou execução da política. O segundo a partir de uma fala que a confronta. Ambas apresentações serão cotejadas pelos documentos públicos oficiais. O processo de constituição da Rede Cegonha foi perpassado por controvérsias sobre diferentes concepções de políticas de saúde reprodutiva. Novos sujeitos políticos se articularam a partir destas controvérsias, tal seja, movimentos pro-vida, movimentos pela humanização do parto, blogueiras maternistas, movimentos feministas se posicionaram neste processo.


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Abortion is a contentious subject for any nation and this is no less true of Northern Ireland (NI). Despite being part of the United Kingdom, NI has never enacted the Abortion Act 1967 and the reasons given are our historically conservative attitudes and beliefs. In April 2013 the latest in a series of draft guidelines entitled ‘The Limited Circumstances for a Lawful Termination of Pregnancy in Northern Ireland’ was issued by the Department of Health NI to clarify aspects of earlier versions that were revoked following challenges by pro-life groups on their accuracy and application. That draft guidelines exist at all is down to pressure placed on the Department of Health NI by the fpaNI through the NI Courts.


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This book draws on interview material with more than 100 evangelicals. We ask why do people born into the same religious community turn out so differently? We tell the stories of pro-life DUP picketers, liberal peace-campaigning ministers, housewives afraid of the devil, students deconstructing their faith and atheists mortified by their religious past. We explore why people have chosen to go in one religious direction or another, and how their religious journeys have unfolded.


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In this thesis, I explore how the folk-rock music of Ani DiFranco has influenced the activist commitments, sensibilities, and activities of reproductive rights activists. My interest in the relation of popular music to social movements is informed by the work of Simon Frith (1987, 1996a, 1996b), Rob Rosenthal (2001), and Ann Savage (2003). Frith argues that popular music is an important contributor to personal identity and the ways that listeners see the world. Savage (2003) writes that fans develop a unique relationship with feminist/political music, and Rosenthal (2001) argues that popular music can be an important factor in building social movements. I use these arguments to ask what the influence of Ani DiFranco's music has been for reproductive rights activists who are her fans. I conducted in-depth interviews with ten reproductive rights activists who are fans of Ani DiFranco's music. All ten are women in their twenties and thirties living in Ontario or New York. Each has been listening to DiFranco's music for between two and fifteen years, and has considered herself a reproductive rights activist for between eighteen months and twenty years. I examine these women's narratives of their relationships with Ani DiFranco's music and their activist experience through the interconnected lenses of identity, consciousness, and practice. Listening to Ani DiFranco's music affects the fluid ways these women understand their identities as women, as feminists, and in solidarity with others. I draw on Freire's (1970) understanding of conscientization to consider the role that Ani's music has played in heightening women's awareness about reproductive rights issues. The feeling of solidarity with other (both real and perceived) activist fans gives them more confidence that they can make a difference in overcoming social injustice. They believe that Ani's music encourages productive anger, which in turn fuels their passion to take action to make change. Women use Ani's music deliberately for energy and encouragement in their continued activism, and find that it continues to resonate with their evolving identities as women, feminists, and activists. My study builds on those of Rosenthal (2001) and Savage (2003) by focusing on one artist and activists in one social movement. The characteristics of Ani DiFranco, her fan base, and the reproductive rights movement allow new understanding of the ways that female fans who are members of a female-dominated feminist movement interact with the music of a popular independent female artist.


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Cet essai fut écrit sur le mode de la promenade, d’une promenade accompagnée par les voix, des voix. Parmi elles, celle de Colette, de certains de ses personnages, celles contenues en moi. L’écriture a été libre, a tenté de l’être au moins, en se séparant de l’idée qu’un but précis, qu’une destination finale devait être atteinte. Il s’agissait de me laisser guider par l’errance des mots, par le rythme que prend la plume quand elle pense. De Colette, je ne dis rien, ou presque. Mon but étant de l’entendre, c’est en tant que lectrice que j’ai pris place dans cette réflexion, lectrice amoureuse, c’est-à-dire, guidée par l’En-Amour, conçu comme personnage conceptuel. C’est donc de ce point de vue que les textes ont été abordés, afin de laisser place à la vie, à la mouvance, à ce qui grouille dans l’œuvre colettienne. De cette manière, il me semblait possible d’entrer réellement en relation avec les personnages, mais aussi avec la représentation que je me faisais de l’auteure. Il me fallait garder la poésie de l’écriture de Colette, y entrelacer la mienne et tenter ainsi de donner des mots à une sorte de silencieuse oralité. Et le chemin s’est poursuivi, jusqu’à une vérité relative, vérité de l’En-Amour, donnée et mise en forme par les récits colettiens et leurs sous-entendus. De cette façon, je voyais la possibilité de redonner foi et valeur au(x) discours amoureux comme potentiel(s) de vérité.


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Avec la participation de 38 Montréalais d'origine congolaise, dont 21 femmes et 17 hommes


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Imitation is an important form of social behavior, and research has aimed to discover and explain the neural and kinematic aspects of imitation. However, much of this research has featured single participants imitating in response to pre-recorded video stimuli. This is in spite of findings that show reduced neural activation to video vs. real life movement stimuli, particularly in the motor cortex. We investigated the degree to which video stimuli may affect the imitation process using a novel motion tracking paradigm with high spatial and temporal resolution. We recorded 14 positions on the hands, arms, and heads of two individuals in an imitation experiment. One individual freely moved within given parameters (moving balls across a series of pegs) and a second participant imitated. This task was performed with either simple (one ball) or complex (three balls) movement difficulty, and either face-to-face or via a live video projection. After an exploratory analysis, three dependent variables were chosen for examination: 3D grip position, joint angles in the arm, and grip aperture. A cross-correlation and multivariate analysis revealed that object-directed imitation task accuracy (as represented by grip position) was reduced in video compared to face-to-face feedback, and in complex compared to simple difficulty. This was most prevalent in the left-right and forward-back motions, relevant to the imitator sitting face-to-face with the actor or with a live projected video of the same actor. The results suggest that for tasks which require object-directed imitation, video stimuli may not be an ecologically valid way to present task materials. However, no similar effects were found in the joint angle and grip aperture variables, suggesting that there are limits to the influence of video stimuli on imitation. The implications of these results are discussed with regards to previous findings, and with suggestions for future experimentation.


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The puppet theater is the theme of this dissertation, with a particular treatment of Memory, Toy and Jokes, focused especially on a Calungueira, maker of dolls, Ieda Maria Medeiros da Silva, known by Dadi. Currently with 71 years old, Dadi resides in Carnauba dos Dantas / RN and not only restricted to "get" the dolls to play, to enact stories by various characters. Build the dolls, dresses, give life, movement. In Rio Grande do Norte, the Puppet Theater, named "João Redondo," is measured by a historically male character of tradition, represented by some masters who have died or by their pupils, or even by the players who have no lineage of masters in their families but learned from several of them and, gradually, were included in this playful universe. Dadi passes this potiguar genealogy and going to suggesting a variety of transgressions, beyond, with its inventiveness, both in their presentations and in her life, which I did elect her and choose as a singular object in the course of my inquiries. In this study, I use the theoretical and methodological framework of social sciences, in particular the references coming from studies of culture, such as approaches of memory and tradition of authors such as Maurice Halbwachs and Paul Zumthor, among others. The field work was systematized, prioritizing the observation participant and permanent dialogue. I used different strategies for registration, as semi-open interviews, documentary video, audio narratives, photographic and videographic record, giving the work a current relevance to the dialogue with various elements, expanding the initial project, which turned into research for the dissertation


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The World Health Organization estimates there are about 585,000 maternal deaths each year, with 98% of the maternal deaths in developing countries. Access to family planning methods is one method to decrease maternal mortality and morbidity. ^ The U.S. was the leader in providing financial and technical assistance to developing countries to enable women to have this access. The election of Ronald Regan changed the course of U.S. support; abortion became a central factor in the political decision-making with regards to the financial support of international family planning. ^ One factor that may sway policy-makers' decisions is the influence of ideological interest groups, Political Action Committees funding of candidates in relation to votes on bills that impacted on financial support of international family planning and the amount spent by these groups on lobbyist was reviewed. Pro-choice funding of candidates was greater for the four of the fives votes supporting family planning. Pro-Choice lobbyist spending was $185,000 vs. $8,184,000 spent by Pro-Life ideological groups. ^


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.