199 resultados para privação
A Lei nº 11.343 de 23 de agosto de 2006 (Lei de Drogas) instituiu o Sistema Nacional de Políticas Públicas sobre Drogas e criou as diretrizes para a política de drogas brasileira. Dentre o conjunto de medidas trazidas pela lei em seu dispositivo criminal está a criação de um tipo penal específico de cultivo de plantas para produção de drogas para consumo pessoal (art. 28, §1º). O plantio para consumo recebe o mesmo tratamento jurídico-penal que o porte para consumo (art. 28), sendo previstas sanções alternativas à privação de liberdade. O §2º do art. 28 da Lei de Drogas estabelece os critérios que as autoridades competentes do sistema de justiça criminal deverão considerar na tipificação penal das situações de cultivo. Este trabalho se debruça sobre a tipificação penal de situações de cultivo de canábis em acórdãos do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. A problemática de pesquisa aqui desenvolvida discute especificamente quais são os argumentos e como eles são apresentados nas decisões para justificar a determinação de que uma situação de cultivo é para fins de tráfico ou de consumo pessoal. O trabalho busca identificar como os critérios do §2º do art. 28 da Lei de Drogas são apresentados na fundamentação de decisões judiciais em que se discute na esfera criminal se uma situação de cultivo é para “consumo pessoal” ou “destinada a terceiros”. Uma pergunta central norteia a pesquisa realizada: quais os elementos e de que forma eles são utilizados nas decisões analisadas para tipificação do plantio para consumo pessoal (art. 28, §1º, da Lei de Drogas) e do plantio destinado a fornecer drogas a terceiros (art. 33, §1º, II)? Para enfrentar a problemática de pesquisa utilizamos a ferramenta de busca de acórdãos disponibilizada no sítio eletrônico do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. Foram analisados 135 acórdãos do TJSP que enfrentam diretamente a controvérsia relativa à tipificação penal de situações de cultivo de canábis. Os acórdãos foram proferidos entre os anos de 1998 e 2014 e foram selecionados segundo os critérios especificados no capítulo metodológico da dissertação. Os resultados quantitativos da pesquisa dizem respeito às informações gerais dos processos, elementos de prova mencionados nos acórdãos, características das situações de cultivo e fundamentação da tipificação penal. A discussão qualitativa sobre os resultados da pesquisa é promovida em quatro frentes: (i) interpretação e valoração da quantidade de drogas; (ii) antecedentes criminais, circunstâncias da prisão e do agente; (iii) materiais de venda e outros elementos relevantes na tipificação penal; e (iv) características do conjunto probatório. As questões discutidas nestas frentes circunscrevem o problema de pesquisa e é a partir delas que é feita a análise apresentada neste trabalho. Esperamos conseguir contribuir para melhor compreensão (i) da determinação da finalidade do cultivo e (ii) das implicações jurídicas que decorrem da opção legislativa pela não utilização de critérios quantitativos na definição dos crimes de tráfico de drogas e plantio para consumo.
O presente trabalho é o estudo da poesia de Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902-1987) através de uma análise da sua arte poética publicada entre Alguma Poesia (1930) e Farewell (1999). De um projecto de escrita que implicaria inevitavelmente as relações entre a poesia e a realidade, explora-se o conceito metapoético que pode insinuar a privação de contacto entre a poesia e o real empírico. Num primeiro momento, após uma sucinta referência à tradição da poesia sobre a poesia, chega-se à noção de um preconceito contra a metapoesia no século XX e define-se um ponto de partida para a análise propriamente dita da poética drummondiana. Num segundo capitulo, as noções de poeta, poema ou verso, ou melhor, de poesia, são estudadas nas suas particularidades, concomitantemente com a estruturação da arte poética de Drummond. Por fim, a auto-reflexividade é analisada na relação que estabelece entre a metapoesia e a ekphrasis. É neste movimento de auto-reflexão e transformação que assiste a capacidade drummondiana de revelar através da metapoesia não só a sua posição perante as palavras, mas também perante as coisas.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de resposta compensatória no desempenho produtivo de juvenis de tilápia do Nilo Oreochromis niloticus, linhagem GIFT, submetidos a diferentes estratégias alimentares. Foram utilizados 135 juvenis de tilápia, distribuídos em nove tanques de polietileno de 100L cada. As estratégias testadas foram: grupo controle (alimentado todo dia), grupo alimentado por cinco dias seguidos de dois dias de restrição de alimento (5A/2R) e grupo alimentado por quatro dias seguidos de três dias de restrição de alimento (4A/3R). Foram avaliados parâmetros físico-químicos da água e de desempenho produtivo. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. A qualidade de água, o fator de condição e a conversão alimentar não foram influenciados pela estratégia alimentar. O grupo alimentado com a estratégia 5A/2R apresentou peso final, ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento específico semelhantes ao grupo continuamente alimentado (7,8 e 9,2g; 6,4 e 7,8g e 2,7 e 3,0% dia-1, para peso final, ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento especifico, respectivamente). A estratégia 4A/3R apresentou os piores resultados de desempenho produtivo, e a estratégia 5A/2R pode ser usada na alimentação de juvenis de tilápia do Nilo sem prejuízo ao desempenho produtivo, possibilitando inclusive redução de até 22,5% na quantidade de alimento ofertada.
O zinco é um micronutriente fundamental para as funções vitais de qualquer organismo vivo e sua deficiência em humanos pode causar alterações na expressão gênica, crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil, e proteção antioxidante. Devido à sua importância, as concentrações corporais de zinco são estritamente controladas por processos homeostáticos complexos. Este controle reflete no fato da deficiência grave de zinco ser detectada apenas após privação crônica. Embora se estime que a deficiência leve seja comum, os métodos existentes para avaliação individual do estado corporal de zinco são limitados e pouco eficazes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o zinco sérico basal e os parâmetros farmacocinéticos na determinação do estado corporal de zinco em crianças, estabelecendo relação entre esses índices. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (CEP-HUOL) e 129 crianças, eutróficas e aparentemente saudáveis, entre 6 e 9 anos de idade, foram avaliadas antes e após a suplementação oral de zinco (5 mg Zn/dia) durante 3 meses. No início e fim do período houve a administração venosa de zinco (0,06537 mg de Zn/kg de peso) em 40 destas crianças para avaliação dos parâmetros farmacocinéticos por meio de três diferentes fórmulas de clearance de zinco. Os limites do CI (95%) para o zinco sérico basal variaram entre 0,94 1,00 e 0,91 0,98 μg/mL em meninas e meninos, respectivamente. Em relação aos parâmetros farmacocinéticos, a fórmula específica para um compartimento apresentou correlação positiva com o zinco sérico após a suplementação e foi efetiva em detectar mudanças no estado corporal de zinco
This paper presents some reflections on the social world of young female transgression. The context corresponds to those ones that obey social and educational measures in The Padre João Maria Education Centre (CEDUC), in Natal- RN. This behavior, according to the Statute of Children and Young (ECA, 1990), is defined as "conduct described as crime or misdemeanor." Our goal is to discuss aspects of the contexts in which young women are interacting with the universe of total institutional control mechanisms. Through the socio-anthropological analysis of the ethnographic practice in field research, it was necessary to question the concept of misuse engaged in the practice of penalties awarded to young women in the context of private freedom. So was built a frame relating the representations of the relations of gender, generation, the practice of violence and crime from the look on CEDUC/ Padre João Maria Education Centre
This study critically examines the effects of public policies, implemented by Fundação Estadual da Criança e do Adolescente (FUNDAC/RN), along with adolescents of both sexes, perpetrators of illegal acts in compliance by court order, by socio-educative measures , identifying the contradictions that permeate the understanding and treatment of issue. The aim is to investigate the chances that youths have by living in Centro Educacional Pitimbu and Centro Educacional Padre. João Maria (CEDUC), to become subjects in the exercise of their citizenship. The methodology adopted is the verbal history of life (MEIHY, 2005) of youths that had life experiences in these institutions from 2002 to 2005, allowing researchers to access directly to investigated individuals, through the place where they currently reside, and enabling the reconstitution of their life story, from semi-structured interviews. The young people s statements interviewed were grouped and analyzed from the following categories of analysis: the egress and family, the school and egress, the community and egress, the egress and work, the egress and CEDUC, the egress and experience infringement. The results indicate that, despite the advances in Brazilian legislation for the sector, the actions promoted by these institutions generally would have produced innocuous and stigmatized consequences. Moreover, they show in essence that they carry on their inner contradictions which fundamentally correspond to the interests of the dominant system and a society which uses mechanisms of social policy, in addition to favoring the control and repression. And thus, while such actions remain unable to produce important changes in the conditions of existence of young people who meet by social deprivation of liberty, it is possible to say that the chances are minimal so that they become autonomous subjects in a society that, preferring their punishment, denies them, stubbornly, access to their basic rights. In theory, the researcher dialogues with authors as Foucault, Goffman, Bourdieu, Offe, Bauman, Boaventura Santos, Takeuti, Germano, Ariès, Wacquant, among others
Dois eqüinos da raça Brasileira de Hipismo, machos, quatro anos de idade, apresentando sinais de poliúria-polidipsia, foram submetidos a completa avaliação clínica e a exames de sangue e urina. Não foram observadas alterações clínicas, hematológicas ou bioquímicas, a não ser um decréscimo na gravidade específica da urina de ambos os animais (1,009 e 1,008). Realizou-se um teste de privação de água de 24 horas e durante esse período a gravidade especifica da urina subiu gradualmente até atingir a normalidade (1,028 e 1,026, respectivamente). O comportamento anormal ocorreu por confinamento excessivo. Os resultados clínicos e de laboratório e o teste de privação de água indicam o diagnóstico de polidipsia psicogênica.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The nurses in the hemodialysis has an important role in the nursing process implementation, in the context of a theoretical referential. Among the nursing theories, highlights the Roy´s adaptations model, who considers a person as an holistic adaptive system that aims to adapt customers to different living conditions. Thus, it is believed that the Roy´s nursing process will guide nursing care to patients on dialysis. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the nursing diagnosis present in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis based on the theoretical model of Roy and NANDA-International. Descriptive and cros-sectional study, performed at a dialysis center in a city in northeastern Brazil. Sample of 178 patients and consecutive sampling by convenience. Data collection ocurred from October/2011 until February/2012, through interview and physical examination forms. Data analysis was initiated by clinical reasoning, diagnosis judgment and similarity relation. Then, the data were entered into SPSS program, 16.0 version, generating descriptive statistics. The project was approved by the Ethics Research Committee (protocol nº 115/11) with a Presentation Certificate for Ethics Appreciation (in 0139.0.051.000-111) and was funded by the Universal edict MCT / CNPq 14/2010. The results revealed that most patients were male (52.2%), married (62.9%) and residents in the Natal´s metropolitan region (54.5%). The mean age was 46.6 years and the years of study, 8,5. Regarding nursing diagnosis obtained an average of 6.6, especially: Risk of Infection (100%), excessive fluid volume (99.4%) and hypothermia (61.8%). On the other hand the adaptive problems average was 6.4, and the most common: intracellular fluid retention (99.4%); Hyperkalemia (64.6%); Hypothermia (61.8%) and edema (53.9%). Were established 20 similarity relations between the NANDA-International nursing diagnosis and adaptive problems of Roy, namely: risk of falls / injury risk and potential for injury, impaired physical mobility and walking mobility and / or restricted coordination, dressing self-care deficit and loss of self-care ability; hypothermia and hypothermia; impaired skin integrity and impaired skin integrity; excessive fluid volume and intracellular fluid retention / Hyperkalemia / Hypocalcemia / edema; imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements and Nutrition less than the body's needs; constipation and constipation, acute pain and acute pain, chronic pain and chronic pain, sensorial perception disturbed: visual, tactile and auditory disabilities and a primary sense: sight, hearing and tactile; sleep deprivation and insomnia, fatigue and intolerance to activities; ineffective self health and fails in the role; sexual dysfunction and sexual dysfunction; situational low self-esteem and low self-esteem, and diarrhea and diarrhea. We conclude that there is similarity between the typologies and was required a model´s analysis, because they present different ways to establish the nursing diagnosis. Moreover, the nursing process use, under the context of a theory and a classification system, subsidizes the care and contributes to the strengthening of nursing science
In adolescents, who tend to sleep and wake-up later, the school schedule in the morning is associated with sleep advancement and shortening besides bedtime and wake-up time irregularity between week and weekend days. As a result, there is an increase in daytime sleepiness and a drop in cognitive performance that interfer in students performance in classroom. These consequences reinforce the need to evaluate alternatives that help the adolescent to adapt their sleep needs to the time of start of classes in the morning. Accordingly, the general aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a sleep program education and sunlight exposure in early morning on sleep-wake cycle (SWC) and daytime sleepiness of adolescents. The students chronotype were evaluated by the Horne-Ostberg questionnaire and the health and usual sleep habits by "the health and the sleep questionnaire. The SWC patterns were assessed by sleep log, the daytime sleepiness by Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) and the alertness by the Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT). These parameters were compared before and after a sleep education program and before and during the sunlight exposure. The sleep program was effective in increasing sleep knowledge of adolescents, in promoting a reduction of bedtime and wake-up time irregularity and increasing the sleep duration in school days. The sunlight exposure effect was evaluated in the return to classes after vacation due to the difference in sleep patterns between school and vacation days. During the intervention week it was observed an advance of sleep schedules, an increase on sleep duration and alertness at the end of the morning. Assessed separately, sleep education and sunlight exposure should contribute to minimize adolescents partial sleep deprivation, but daytime sleepiness effect must be better investigated. These strategies should be used jointly by school members to improve health and performance of their students
The sleep onset and offset delay at adolescence in relation to childhood. Besides biological causes, some external factors as academic obligations and socialization contributes, increasing the burden of school and socialization. However, morning school schedules reduce sleep duration. Besides light strong effect, studies in humans have indicated that exercise influence circadian synchronization. To evaluate the effect of the morning exercise under sunlight on sleep-wake cycle (SWC) of adolescents, 160 high school students (11th year) were exposed to the following conditions: lesson in usual classroom (Group C), lesson in swimming pool exposed to sunlight (Group E), half of them carrying through physical activity (EE) and the other resting (EL). Each experimental group met two stages: assessment of SWC 1 week before and 1 week during the intervention, which was held in Monday and Wednesday between 7:45 and 8:30 am. In the baseline, there were applied the questionnaires "Health and Sleep" and cronotype evaluation (H & O). In addition, students were evaluated before and during the intervention by "Sleep Diary", "Karolinska Sleepiness Scale" (KSS), Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) and actimetry. During the intervention, there was a delay in wake-up time on the weekend and a trend to greater sleep duration on week for the three groups. At the weekend, only the groups EE and EL increased sleep duration. There was no difference in bedtime, irregularity of sleep schedules and nap variables. The sleepiness showed a circadian pattern characterized by higher alertness levels at 11:30 am and sleepiness levels at bedtime and wake-up time on week. On weekends there were higher levels of alertness in these times. In the days of intervention, there was an increase of sleepiness at 11:30 am for groups EL and EE, which may have been caused by a relaxing effect of contact with the water of the pool. In addition, the group EE showed higher alert levels at 14:30 pm on Monday and at 8:30 am in the Wednesday, possibly caused by exercise arousal effect. The reaction time assessed through the TPV did not vary between the stages. The sleep quality improved in the three groups in the second stage, making impossible the evaluation of intervention effect. However, the sleep quality increased on Monday and Tuesday only on the group EE. From the results, it is suggested that the intervention promoted effects on the sleepiness at some day hours. In other SWC variables there were no effects, possibly due to a large SWC irregularity on weekends. Thus, the evaluation of higher weekly frequency EF is necessary, since only two days were insufficient to promote greater effect on adolescents SWC
In the school environment is fundamental the knowledge about the sleep-wake cycle (SWC), because we find children and adolescents with excessive sleepiness and learning difficulties. Furthermore, teachers with high demand and with different work schedule, which may contribute to changes in SWC. The aim of this study was to describe the SWC of high school teachers in Natal/RN. Habits and knowledge about sleep, chronotype, SWC, daytime sleepiness, sleep quality and job satisfaction were described in 98 high school teachers from public and private school. These parameters were compared according to the characteristics of work, family structure and gender. Data collection was performed with the use of questionnaires in two stages: 1) "health and sleep" (general characterization of sleep habits), Horne & Ostberg questionnaire (characterization of chronotype), Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the Index of Pittsburg Sleep Quality, 2) The sleep diary for 14 days. From the results, we observe that the teachers woke up and went to bed earlier in the week and showed a reduction of time in bed around 42min comparing to weekend. This reduction in time in bed during the week was accompanied by an increase in nap duration on weekend. In addition the teachers woke up earlier on Saturdays than on Sundays, probably due to housework and leisure. The teachers' knowledge about sleep was low in relation to individual differences and effect of alcoholic beverages on sleep, and high in the consequences of sleep deprivation. The differences found in comparisons on the characteristics of work, family structure and gender were punctual, except concerning the work schedule. The teacher who started work in the morning and finished in the night, woke up earlier, went to bed later and had less time in bed, when compared to teachers who work only in two shifts. In addition, teachers with late chronotypes who begin the work in the morning had a greater irregularity in the wake up time compared to teachers with earlier and intermediate chronotypes. Half of teachers have excessive sleepiness, which was positive correlated with work dissatisfaction. In general, teachers showed IPSQ averages equivalent to poor sleep quality and the women showed worst averages. From the results, it is suggested that the SWC of teachers varies according to work schedule, leading to irregularity and partial sleep deprivation in the week, although these responses vary according to chronotype. These changes are accompanied by excessive daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality. However, it is necessary to expand the sample to clarify the influence of variables related to work, family structure and gender together
The lost of phase relationship between rhythms and behaviour can, and often do, undesirable consequences. The purpose os study was to ascertain the effect of circadian desynchronization in T22 about metabolism of wistar rats. The subjects consisted of 24 animals separated in two groups: control (n=12) T24 with 8 weeks of aged and experimental group (n=12) T22, also with 8 weeks of aged. Both the groups were subject to register of locomotor actitivity, body temperature, body weight and food intake in all the experiment. And more, both the groups were subject to food deprivation, running in treadmill and forced swimming. The results show rhythm of locomotor activity and body temperature desynchronized. Dont exist diference in body weight between both the groups (T24 = 386,75±40,78g e T22 380,83±44,28g) . However, the food intake was different between the phases, light and dark, in intergroup and intragroup. The body temperature was not different in food deprivation. The same ocurred for running in treadmill and forced swimming. Since similar alterations occur in shift workers, it is proposed that the experimental paradigm presented in this manuscript is a useful model of shift work. That is, alterations in activity/rest cycles and consummatory behavior can affect the health of organism
This study aims to understand as the children who show expressive behaviors of antisocial trends at Núcleo de Ação Social da Praia do Meio in Natal-RN city, linked to Secretaria Municipal do Trabalho e Assistência Social-SEMIT, which experience the relation with the social educator in role of caregiver. This matter was investigated within an interpretation and approach qualitative view of the social phenomena, using the Thematic Analysis technique of drawings and stories which express the relation with the caregiver gotten in sessions of playful interactions between child and researcher in order to understand the child experiences with the social educator. The used theoretical referential is by D. W. Winnicott who associates the social trend to a failure of environment in child holding. The subjects expressed the need of a firm and protective environment and they look for this in NASPM educators. Moreover, they show as solitude and vulnerability take part their lives due to the lack of emotional holding on family that favors the involvement with violent groups. But, it is worth pointing out that the children value the Nucleus environment when has offered them a safe holding which can be positive the established linking with it. Such conclusion points out to the possibility, recognized theoretically, that exists from these children to resume the way of healthy development