964 resultados para prison camps


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Expanding on research first presented in the Iowa Board of Parole FY99 Annual Report, this report presents recidivism data on offenders released from Iowa prisons during State FY1996 (July 1, 1995 – June 30, 1996). The figures presented here differ from those included in last year’s report due to four changes in the study. First, this year’s research includes data on those released from work release facilities, who were inadvertently omitted last year. In addition, the current figures include an additional year of tracking, as a second round of “rapsheets” was obtained to detect recidivism occurring within the last year.2 Also enhancing this year’s report is the availability of national recidivism data through the Interstate Identification Index (III). Further, while last year’s data looked only at the first new offense following release, this year’s study examines the most serious new conviction, resulting in higher felony recidivism rates. One note of caution should be voiced concerning the use of out-of-state records. A review of these records suggests very incomplete disposition reporting in III from some other states. In examining these records, it was not unusual to find a string of serious arrests with no dispositions noted. It was tempting in these situations to conclude that there must have been a conviction at some point, but we have resisted that urge when presenting figures on new convictions. This report is not intended to be an all-encompassing review of recidivism. Rather, it is meant to provide an illustration of the types of recidivism data available on prison releases in Iowa. Readers interested in other analyses of the data are urged to contact CJJP with suggestions and requests.


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Résumé : La délinquance des étrangers se situe depuis quelques années au milieu de beaucoup de débats politiques. En même temps, la récidive constitue l'un des sujets d'étude classiques de la criminologie. Cette recherche combine ces deux phénomènes en s'intéressant aux causes de la délinquance et de l'éventuelle récidive d'un échantillon d'étrangers incarcérés en Suisse. Le cadre théorique repose sur une revue approfondie de la littérature scientifique sur la délinquance des étrangers ainsi que sur les facteurs influençant la récidive. Ces revues ont conduit à l'élaboration d'une série d'hypothèses qui ont été testées dans la partie empirique du travail. Cette dernière comprend l'étude des 500 dossiers des étrangers libérés des Etablissements pénitentiaires de la Plaine de l'Orbe (EPO, canton de Vaud, Suisse) entre 1995 et 1999, ainsi que le suivi de ces personnes, avec l'aide des données fournies par l'Office fédéral de la statistique, afin d'établir si elles avaient récidivé durant les cinq années postérieures à leur libération. Elle comprend également l'analyse de 125 entretiens conduits auprès des détenus des EPO entre 2005 et 2006 dont le but était d'établir, entre autres, leur perception subjective sur les causes de la délinquance et de la récidive. Les résultats indiquent un taux de récidive d'environ 30%. En outre, ils corroborent l'influence sur la récidive des facteurs identifiés par les recherches précédentes bien que, vu les particularités de l'échantillon étudié, certains de ces facteurs -tel que l'âge à la première condamnation ou l'âge à la sortie de prison-, présentent des divergences. En outre, l'analyse des entretiens a permis l'élaboration d'une nouvelle classification des causes de la récidive. Finalement, la recherche permet une connaissance plus approfondie des causes de l'implication dans la délinquance de la population de référence. The delinquency of the foreigners: criminality, recidivism and the factors that influence to the return to prison Abstract : The foreigners' delinquency is today in the middle of political debates. Moreover, recidivism is one of the classical subjects studied in criminology. The present research combines these two phenomena by studying the causes of foreigners' delinquency and recidivism. With the purpose of doing this research, a theoretical framework on the criminality of foreigners has been established through an extensive review of research literature on this subject as well as on the factors influencing recidivism. These reviews have allowed the establishment of a series of hypotheses that have been tested in the empirical part of the study. This empirical research includes the study of 500 cases of all foreigners released from the Penitentiary Establishment of the Plaine de l'Orbe (EPO, in the Vaud region) between 1995 and 1999. This population was then followed-up by means of data provided by the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics in order to know whether they had recidivated during the five years following their release. The empirical study also includes the analysis of interviews conducted with 125 inmates of EPO between 2005 and 2006 to determine what are, in the opinion of the inmates interviewed, the causes of recidivism and the causes of crime. The results show a recidivism rate of approximately 30%. Furthermore, the factors which, according to research analyzed, influence recidivism, have also been related to the recidivism of our sample. However, due to the fact that the sample studied consists of foreigners, some factors, such as age of the first conviction or age of release of prison, show some differences with respect to the literature. Finally, the information obtained from the interviews has allowed the establishment of a new classification on the causes of recidivism, and to get a deeper knowledge of the causes of crime involvement of the population studied.


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Report on Iowa State Prison Industries – Farms for the year ended June 30, 2013


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In prison, the health professional has to take the sanitary needs of a temporary of chronically vulnerable population. His practice has to meet laws and recommendations, as well as the field reality and its numerous constraints. This puts him in a "shared vulnerability and stigmatization". He attempts to maintain or restore a health status in a deteriorating environment, at least psychologically. He is in the penitentiary world's eye which he depends upon in many ways to achieve his mandate. His activity is scarcely known and recognised by his peers from whom he can be very out of touch. To ensure a humanistic, efficient and equivalent-of-care practice, the health professional must rely on sound knowledge of general healthcare, ethics, deontology and medical laws. Basic and continuous training is a mainspring, like networking and development of federal recommendations.


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Audit report of Iowa State Prison Industries for the year ended June 30, 2014


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This issue review examines the prison system fiscal year 2010 budget, including receipts and expenditures, average annual costs, personnel and inmate assaults.


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Collection : L'Assiette au Beurre ; 26