961 resultados para print media


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News reporting, in channels such as broadcast and print media, on obesity as an issue has increased dramatically in the last decade. A qualitative study, in which we used in-depth interviews and thematic analysis, was undertaken to explore 142 obese individuals’ perceptions of, and responses to, news reporting about obesity. Participants believed that news reporting on obesity focused on personal responsibility and blame, and portrayed obese people as “freaks.” They described being portrayed as “enemies” of society who were rarely given a voice or identity in such news coverage unless they were seen to be succeeding at weight loss. They were also critical of the simplistic coverage of obesity, which was in contrast with their personal experiences of obesity as complex and difficult to address. Participants believed that obesity news reporting added to the discrimination they experienced. We consider how this news reporting may act as a form of “synoptical” social control, working in tandem with wider public health panoptical surveillance of obesity.


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Ava Gardner’s famous line about Melbourne being the right place to film a story about the end of the world was part of the spectacle created by the print media to capitalise on her presence here to film, On the Beach in 1959. Gardner’s refusal to appear in public created different responses from the Australian print media the most interesting of which was Melbourne’s The Truth. With the help of a fledgling paparazzi, Truth used Gardner’s non-appearance to create a fictitious image of her which was mediated to create extremes of public opinion in order to generate sales. This paper examines The Truth ’s response to Gardner in the context of the creation and manipulation of public spectacle.


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The elections for governor in 2006 with its victory Marcelo Déda Workers Party (PT), were a landmark in the state of Sergipe, for the first time, called progressive fronts (an alliance of parties formed mostly by origin of the left) broke the hegemony of two political groups, Franco and the Alves, whose direction was in force for over 30 years. This study proceeds on the assumption that the print media has certain standards of conduct in covering the election period. Therefore, this study seeks to quantify, classify and compare data from three newspapers more representative of the State of Sergipe (Cinform, Cidade Journal and Correio de Sergipe) to analyze the behavior of these journals, such as private apparatus of hegemony in election coverage 2006. It also uses the concept of hegemony Gramsci and theories of journalism framing (Entman and Porto) and agenda setting (McCombs and Shaw) to identify these patterns


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This thesis is the result of an extensive research on print media discourse on the inclusion of disabled people in society. Articles published in the newspapers Diário de Natal/O Poti and Tribuna do Norte from 1992 to 2002 have been analyzed. Beginning with the very same questions that moved Moscovici (1978) in his classic study La Psychalyse son image et son public , according to which the media play a predominant role in the formation and propagation of social representations as well as in the construction of human behaviors, we have chosen this mass media as our investigation field. Understanding the importance of the communication theory, we intend to associate it to the social representation theory, since communication, as an aspiration, relates to the fundamentals of all humanity (WOLTON, 2004, p. 56). Moreover, means of communication represent an important space for symbolic production and representational process, allowing the analysis of the circulating discourses on social inclusion and disability. Based on these questions, we have determined social representations present in print media on the subject to be our study object. This objective was elected due to the fact that the thematic of disability and inclusion is scarcely and sporadically found in journalistic speech. The research questions have been: which is the representation of disabled people s condition in print media? What changes have occurred during the analyzed period and which was the role played by print media in this process? The research corpus was composed of newspaper articles about various aspects concerning disability and of free word association by reporters. We have analysed: 1) graphical language promoted by the picture of the substances propagated in the period from 1992 a 2002; 2) free word association experiments carried out with reporters of both newspapers; and 3) texts published from 1996 to 1997 using the high-tech program ALCESTE (Contextual Lexical Analysis of a Set of Segments of Texts). The results revealed that the print media in Natal/RN refer to the topic in a discontinuous way, and depend on specific events to highlight disabled people s fight for their rights. Social inclusion is still a great challenge for these people in all levels. We believe that this incapacity to overcome all kinds of obstacles is established in a dialectic relation between society and the media: society remains silent (the manifestation of interest for the cause only attracts some people s or groups attention) and the media, which selects which information is to be broadcasted, gives no evidence to the issue. This representation may be noticed in the infrequency in which articles about the subject are published, as well as in the emphasis to sports, a more important issue for the media. An implication of this study is that a new perspective is opened for analysis and reflection: the Paralympics games as both an inclusive and a segregating social phenomenon. It would be beautiful to have all of us together!


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The proposal of this research is to analyze the convergence between fashion and communication shown on the materiality of the print media, and how the language from the supporter influences on the production of sense by the target market. Made real in the research corpus comprised of six ffw>>mag! magazines from the year 2011. The applied conceptual mechanism tries to investigate the production of sense from the physical attributes before interpreting the message s content, to do so, the Materiality of Communication is used, which offers an investigative apparatus of the media in its material shape, and those as influences in the communicative acts and processes. Methodologically, we adopt the Peircean Semiotics Theory, for its study focus on the analysis of the possible processes of production of sense. Through Semiotics we achieve the interpretative levels that allow us to clarify the questionings that come from the research s objectives, identifying and tracing the cognitive and intelligibility schemes bound to the media speeches of materiality. The analysis coordinated to the concepts and theories employed in this study point to a confirmation that the materiality of the reviewed media communicates to the readers in the same intensity as its content, provides a preview of the content and notifies the intentions of the publication. In the commercial way, characterizing the target audience it craves, and also in the conceptual way, demonstrating the ideas it wants to communicate. Where the convergence between communication and fashion unfolds as the materiality of the media by the choice of the materials and finishing options, and mainly by the selection and manipulation of technical images and colors from the cycles of fashion


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho investiga os discursos da mídia impressa (jornal), acerca da violência escolar em Belém do Pará, no período de 2001 a 2010. Ante tal iniciativa, aponta-se como questão norteadora do estudo, saber: Qual o(s) significado(s) e sentido(s) de violência escolar produzidos nos discursos do jornal impresso “O Liberal” em Belém, no período de 2001- 2010? Com o objetivo de: a) investigar quais os significados e sentidos produzidos pelo jornal impresso “O Liberal”, em Belém, no período de 2001-2010; (b) identificar qual a recorrência de matérias sobre violência escolar no jornal impresso “O Liberal” em Belém, no período de 2001-2010; (c) verificar que discursos são materializados no jornal impresso “O Liberal” em Belém, no período de 2001-2010, sobre a violência escolar, e por fim, (d) identificar a relação das imagens fotográficas com a construção discursiva do jornal impresso de “O Liberal”, em Belém, no período de 2001-2010, sobre violência escolar. E, uma vez partindo dos pressupostos da pesquisa documental, o corpus da pesquisa exploratória constitui-se de duzentos e sessenta (260) peças jornalísticas, levantadas junto à Biblioteca Pública Arthur Vianna (CENTUR). A partir desse corpus de 260 peças jornalísticas, consideramos vinte (20) peças jornalísticas, para compor o corpus de análise dessa dissertação, que se destaca por seu tratamento explícito e nomeado da violência escolar. A análise dar-se-á à luz da teoria/análise do discurso bakhtiniano; para a qual, todo discurso está impregnado de intenções ideológicas, o que dá significado e sentido às mensagens da mídia. O exame dos achados nos proporcionou concluir que, o número de publicações de peças com teor explícito na abordagem da violência escolar é muito pequeno em relação ao período estudado. Constatou-se também que o jornal “O Liberal” possui um posicionamento acerca da violência escolar que busca consolidar sempre que a aborda por meio da apropriação de falas testemunhais e do discurso científico. Verificou-se ainda que, a teia discursiva das matérias jornalísticas analisadas conjuga basicamente dez elementos quase sempre reiteráveis, sobre os quais compõe sentidos e apreciações que extrapolam significações dicionarizadas; em cuja trama, a imagem funciona como partícipe do movimento enunciativo que, da mesma forma evidencia a figura do aluno como principal ator das ocorrências violentas na escola e do fenômeno como caso de polícia e recursos de segurança. Neste sentido, espera-se poder contribuir para uma apreciação crítica da mídia em suas dimensões próprias de construção dos debates públicos; assim como para uma compreensão da violência escolar no âmbito da sua veiculação.


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Neste estudo realizou-se a análise do perfil dos homens autores de violência cometida contra a mulher a partir de notícias sobre violência identificadas no jornal O Liberal, do Estado do Pará, sugerindo possíveis estratégias de enfermagem para o enfretamento do problema. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo exploratório de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa utilizando-se o método estatístico e análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2011). Foi desenvolvido na Fundação Cultural do Pará Tancredo Neves (CENTUR), onde se observou 2.190 exemplares do jornal O Liberal, destes analisou-se 211 notícias sobre violência conjugal no Estado do Pará, das quais, 85 foram publicadas no período de 01 de Janeiro de 2004 a 31 de Julho de 2006 (antes da Lei Maria da Penha), e 126 foram publicadas de 01 de Agosto de 2006 a 31 de Dezembro de 2008 (Após a criação da Lei Maria da Penha). Na abordagem quantitativa, verificou-se que os homens que cometem violência contra a mulher são seus companheiros com 25,88% (antes da Lei Maria da Penha) e 48,41% (depois da Lei Maria da Penha); têm idade entre 23 e 33 anos com 27,06% (antes da Lei Maria da Penha) e 23,81% (depois da Lei Maria da Penha); exercem atividades informais ou de nível pouco especializado, como agricultor 2,35% (antes da Lei Maria da Penha) e pedreiro com 6,35% (após a Lei Maria da Penha). Apresentam antecedentes criminais por agressão física (3,53%) correspondente aos anos anteriores à criação da Lei Maria da Penha e tráfico de drogas com um percentual de 3,97%, referente aos anos que sucedem a Lei Maria da Penha. As discussões com taxas de 24,71% (antes da Lei Maria da Penha) e 27,78% (após a Lei Maria da Penha) representam o principal fator para agressão e/ou morte da mulher. A violência física é a mais significativa com percentuais de 89,4% (antes da criação da lei Maria da Penha) e 77,78% (após a criação da Lei). Na abordagem qualitativa foram identificadas cinco categorias temáticas: A violência contra a mulher como um fenômeno complexo; A construção da identidade do homem autor da violência cometida contra a mulher; Principais fatores que levam os homens a cometerem violência contra as parceiras; Aplicabilidade da Lei nº 11.340/2006 segundo o jornal O Liberal; Formas de referenciar os autores da violência. Por conseguinte, a prevenção da violência contra a mulher não depende exclusivamente do seu empoderamento, mas deve incluir transformações por parte do autor da violência. Dessa forma, o enfermeiro tem papel fundamental no cuidado a este homem, pois ao conjugar esforços com outros profissionais encontra suporte para atuar no processo de educação em saúde junto aos autores de violência e suas famílias.


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Este artigo pretende colaborar para a reflexão acerca da relação entre corpo, mídia e feminilidades, buscando pontuar alguns elementos no sentido de iluminar a maneira como a mídia interfere, contemporaneamente, nesta relação, sobretudo no caso da construção da identidade feminina, com a colocação de estilos de feminilidade que se inscrevem num determinado padrão corporal. Para tanto, apresenta uma breve discussão bibliográfica relativa aos temas mídia, identidade, discurso e poder, tomando como recortes empíricos alguns exemplos da mídia impressa voltada ao segmento feminino no Brasil e a Boneca Bárbie.


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Currently, a lot of visual information present in all media is form vehemently, for example, in print media and interfaces used for publicity in conjunction with informational design. This visual information has great influence in the life of human beings, since the vision of these individuals is the most used sense. Studies on visual identity have not explored this issue in a satisfactory manner, favoring thus the subject of this small development projects in the area. It is noted the need for analyzes to enable implementation principles of project, making them accessible to the comprehension of most individuals. This study aimed to propose an evaluation of visual identities, which were analyzed by means of visual concepts of usability, design methodologies and Gestalt. We contacted design firms specialized in visual identity projects, places where interviews were conducted to collect the brands allowed for analysis. The results point to a frequent demand for the employment of visual usability principles, design methodologies and Gestalt design in visual identities.


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The society went through several transformations, especially technological. With the democratization of the Internet and social media, forms of relationships have turned up in between brand and consumer. Thus, marketing availed human characteristics in order to meet and interact with the consumer. So many print magazines have created profiles on Facebook and Twitter with the primary intent of disseminating original content and become a channel of dialogue with the reader. This research aims to reflect on the role of journalist as brand managers and social media acting as a magazine brand strength ening strategy. The research will examine the Todateen magazine, teen magazine focused on class C, and their profiles from Facebook and Twitter as a way to expand the relationship with the reader, to humanize the brand and strengthen the identity of the magazine. The methodologies used are exploratory and analytical to, first, discuss the issues: magazine journalism, media convergence, web journalism, social media, corporate communications, branding and marketing, and then analyze the Todateen case, describing the print media, the website, Twitter and Facebook


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)