924 resultados para precipitation and temperature


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This study investigates the extent of the affect [sic] of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation on South American streamflow. The response of South American precipitation and temperature to the extreme phases of ENSO (El Niño and La Niña events) is well documented; but the response of South American hydrology has been barely studied. Such paucity of research contrasts sharply with that available on the response of North American streamflow to ENSO events.


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Salinity and temperature in the sea surface of the Jaffna Lagoon were observed from August 1967 to July 1968. Peak surface temperatures were recorded during April and the lowest temperature recorded was in December. The seasonal variations of surface temperature closely followed a similar pattern in all locations of the lagoon. Salinity values in the lagoon surface were very high during the period from May to August and were relatively low during the period from October to December. Monsoon, rainfall, exchange of water between the lagoon and the sea and within the lagoon, and the currents in the Palk Bay might have been the factors which influenced the salinity structure of the surface waters of the lagoon during this period.


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Turbulent wedges induced by a 3D surface roughness placed in a laminar boundary layer over a flat plate were visualised for the first time using both shear-sensitive and temperature-sensitive liquid crystals. The experiments were carried out at three different levels of favourable pressure gradients. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the spreading angles of the turbulent wedges indicated by their associated surface shear stresses and heat transfer characteristics and hence obtain further insight about the difference in the behaviour of transitional momentum and thermal boundary layers when a streamwise pressure gradient exists. It was shown that under a zero pressure gradient the spreading angles indicated by the two types of liquid crystals are the same, but the difference increases as the level of favourable pressure gradient increases. The result from the present study could have an important implication to the transition modelling of thermal boundary layers over gas turbine blades.


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The larval development of the semiterrestrial sesarmid mangrove crab Neosarmarium trispinosum was studied under laboratory conditions at salinities 0-35%o and constant temperatures of 20-30°C. The larval development consists of five zoeal stages and a megalopa. Larvae survived to the first crab stage at salinities between 15 and 35%o with different percentages. At 0, 5 and 10%o, the larvae died within 12-18 hours without moulting to subsequent stages. The highest survival rate was recorded at 20-25%o and 25-30°C with shortest development duration to the first crab stage ranging from 24-28 days. At the highest salinity (35%o), survival rate was gradually decreased with increasing development duration. There were significant differences (Pand recruit to the mangrove swamp at the megalopa stage, where they spend the rest of their lives.


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P. monodon larvae were studied for the effects of temperature, ammonia, and nitrite on survival. Toxicity levels of nitrite were found to vary with larval stage. Larvae could tolerate ammonia up to about 10 ppm, with the effect more clearly shown by the zoea stage. Survival and growth were not significantly affected by temperature, although moulting was enhanced at temperatures higher than 29 C. Larvae of P. monodon have lower tolerance toward nitrite and ammonia compared to postlarvae. Although high survival was obtained at low levels of nitrite and ammonia, it is still necessary to know their effects on metabolism, in order to examine possible biochemical parameters for diagnosing sublethal toxicity or stress.


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We studied seasonal variation in the activity budget of a habituated group of Nomascus concolor jingdongensis at Mt. Wuliang, Central Yunnan, China from March 2005 to April 2006 via scan sampling at 5-min intervals. The study site is near the northern extreme of the distribution of hylobatids, at high altitude with extreme seasonality of temperature and rainfall. During the day, feeding manifested a bimodal pattern of high activity levels in mid-morning and mid-afternoon, whereas resting reached a peak at midday, with proportionally less time used for traveling. Annually, the group spent an average of 40.0% of the time resting, 35.1% feeding, 19.9% traveling, 2.6% singing, 1.2% playing, and 1.3% in other activities. The proportion of time allocated to activities showed significant monthly variations and was influenced by the diet and temperature. Gibbons increased traveling and playing time and decreased feeding time when they ate more fruit, and they decreased traveling, singing, and playing time and increased feeding time when they ate more leaves. Moreover, when the temperature was low, the gibbons decreased time traveling and increased time resting. In summary, black-crested gibbons employed high-effort activities when they ate more fruit and energy-conservation patterns when they ate more leaves and in low temperature. Behavioral data from the site are particularly useful in understanding gibbon behavioral adaptations to different sets of ecological conditions.


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We use polarization-resolved and temperature-dependent photoluminescence of single zincblende (ZB) (cubic) and wurtzite (WZ) (hexagonal) InP nanowires to probe differences in selection rules and bandgaps between these two semiconductor nanostructures. The WZ nanowires exhibit a bandgap 80 meV higher in energy than the ZB nanowires. The temperature dependence of the PL is similar but not identical for the WZ and ZB nanowires. We find that ZB nanowires exhibit strong polarization parallel to the nanowire axis, while the WZ nanowires exhibit polarized emission perpendicular to the nanowire axis. This behavior is interpreted in terms of the different selection rules for WZ and ZB crystal structures. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper reports on an extensive analysis of the electroluminescence characteristics of InGaN-based LEDs with color-coded structure, i.e., with a triple quantum well structure in which each quantum well has a different indium content. The analysis is based on combined electroluminescence measurements and two-dimensional simulations, carried out at different current and temperature levels. Results indicate that (i) the efficiency of each of the quantum wells strongly depends on device operating conditions (current and temperature); (ii) at low current and temperature levels, only the quantum well closer to the p-side has a significant emission; (iii) emission from the other quantum wells is favored at high current levels. The role of carrier injection, hole mobility, carrier density and non-radiative recombination in determining the relative intensity of the quantum wells is discussed in the text. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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Natural levels of solar UVR were shown to break and alter the spiral structure of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Nordst.) Gomont during winter. However, this phenomenon was not observed during summer at temperatures of similar to 30 degrees C. Since little has been documented on the interactive effects of solar UV radiation (UVR; 280-400 nm) and temperature on cyanobacteria, the morphology, photosynthesis, and DNA damage of A. platensis were examined using two radiation treatments (PAR [400-700 nm] and PAB [PAR + UV-A + UV-B: 280-700]), three temperatures (15, 22, and 30 degrees C), and three biomass concentrations (100, 160, and 240 mg dwt [dry weight] . L-1). UVR caused a breakage of the spiral structure at 15 degrees C and 22 degrees C, but not at 30 degrees C. High PAR levels also induced a significant breakage at 15 degrees C and 22 degrees C, but only at low biomass densities, and to lesser extent when compared with the PAB treatment. A. platensis was able to alter its spiral structure by increasing helix tightness at the highest temperature tested. The photochemical efficiency was depressed to undetectable levels at 15 degrees C but was relatively high at 30 degrees C even under the treatment with UVR in 8 h. At 30 degrees C, UVR led to 93%-97% less DNA damage when compared with 15 degrees C after 8 h of exposure. UV-absorbing compounds were determined as negligible at all light and temperature combinations. The possible mechanisms for the temperature-dependent effects of UVR on this organism are discussed in this paper.


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Dark respiration (nonphotorespiratory mitochondrial CO2 release) in the light (R-L) of the intertidal macroalga Ulva lactuca (Chorophyta) during emersion was investigated with respect to its response to variations in temperature and desiccation. R-L was estimated by CO2 gas-exchange analysis using the Kok effect method, whereas dark respiration in darkness (R-D) was determined from CO2 release at zero light. Rates of R, were significantly and consistently lower than those of R-D in emersed U. lactuca across all the temperature and desiccation levels measured. This demonstrated that dark respiration was partially depressed in the light, with the percentage inhibition ranging from 32 to 62%. Desiccation exerted a negative effect on R-L and R-D at a high temperature, 33 degrees C, whereas it had much less effect on respiration at low and moderate temperatures, 23 and 28 degrees C. In general, R-L and R-D increased with increasing temperature in U. lactuca during all stages of emersion but responded less positively to temperature change with increasing desiccation. Additionally, the Q(10) value (i.e. the proportional increase of respiration for each 10 degrees C rise in temperature) for R-L calculated over the temperature range of 23 to 33 degrees C was significantly higher than that for R-D in U. lactuca during the initial stages of emersion. Respiratory carbon loss as a percentage of gross photosynthetic carbon gain increased with increasing temperature and/or desiccation but was significantly reduced when estimated using R-L rather than R-D. It is suggested that measurements of R-L and how it changes in a variable environment are as important as estimates of R-D and photosynthesis in determining simultaneous balance between photosynthetic carbon uptake and respiratory carbon loss and in modeling the net daily carbon gain for an intertidal macroalga.