972 resultados para power production
A universalização do fornecimento de energia elétrica é uma meta ainda distante de ser alcançada na Amazônia brasileira, em face dos obstáculos geográficos, da dispersão de seus habitantes, da indefinição de tecnologias adequadas, além dos aspectos econômicos, em que pese ações governamentais, traduzidas no Programa Luz para Todos - PLpT, criado em 2003, cuja meta é atender a totalidade dos consumidores rurais até 2010, e a determinação da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica –ANEEL, responsável no Brasil pela regulação do setor elétrico, da obrigatoriedade da universalização até 2015. Este trabalho descreve pesquisa realizada no rio Madeira, na Amazônia brasileira, em que a geração de energia elétrica para atendimento de comunidades e pequenas cidades ao longo do rio, contribuindo para a universalização, pode ser viabilizada usando como fonte renovável inédita a biomassa lenhosa depositada no fundo do rio, decorrente de processos naturais, cuja retirada faz parte da rotina do Ministério dos Transportes, por obrigação legal, para viabilizar segurança na navegação. Como etapa inicial foram realizadas revisões bibliográficas para dar suporte à fundamentação teórica acerca de sistema elétrico brasileiro, universalização de acesso à energia elétrica, fontes renováveis na Amazônia, tecnologias para geração de eletricidade usando biomassa como fonte, subsídios no setor elétrico do Brasil, o rio Madeira, suas características e importância, além de ferramentas de análise de investimento. Em seguida, foram coletadas informações junto à AHIMOC, órgão responsável pela hidrovia do Madeira, quanto aos dados quantitativos e qualitativos da retirada de biomassa lenhosa do leito desse rio, bem como trabalhos de coleta in locu de amostras dessa biomassa para posterior análise de suas características físico-químicas em laboratório da UFAM. De posse dessas informações procedeu-se a avaliação de potencial de geração de energia elétrica da biomassa, assim como de rotas tecnológicas para tal. Os resultados obtidos das biomassas coletadas serviram como balizadores para confirmação de valores constantes na literatura e foram usados posteriormente na avaliação de potencial de geração de energia elétrica com identificação de rotas tecnológicas para tal. Etapa posterior contemplou a obtenção junto à concessionária de identificação e caracterização de potenciais mercados consumidores localizados na calha do Rio Madeira. Uma vez caracterizada a biomassa disponível, as possíveis rotas tecnológicas e os potenciais mercados consumidores, foram avaliados os aspectos tecnológicos, econômicos, ambientais, sociais e legais envolvidos. O estudo conclui pela competitividade do sistema de gaseificação, podendo contribuir para a universalização do acesso a eletricidade, cuja viabilização depende de adoção de política pública neste sentido, a partir de ações entre os Ministérios dos Transportes, de Minas e Energia e do Meio Ambiente. Conclui, também, pelo potencial de atração de capital privado, o que contribuiria para a redução de gastos públicos. Trabalhos futuros quanto à replicabilidade do estudo em áreas com fenômeno semelhante, bem como de oportunidades de uso de outras biomassas apresentam-se viáveis.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Cogeneration may be defined as the simultaneous production of electric power and useful heat from the burning of a single fuel. This technique of combined heat and power production has been applied in both the industrial and tertiary sectors. It has been mainly used because of its overall efficiency, and the guarantee of electricity with a low level of environmental impact. The compact cogeneration systems using internal combustion engine as prime movers are thoroughly applied because of the good relationship among cost and benefit obtained in such devices. The cogeneration system of this study consists of an internal combustion engine using natural gas or biogas as fuel, combined with two heat exchangers and an absorption chiller utilising water-ammonia as working mixture. This work presents an energetic and economic comparison between natural gas and biogas as fuel used for the system proposed. The results are useful to identify the feasible applications for this system, such as residential sector in isolated areas, hotels, universities etc. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bertuzzi, R, Bueno, S, Pasqua, LA, Acquesta, FM, Batista, MB, Roschel, H, Kiss, MAPDM, Serrao, JC, Tricoli, V, and Ugrinowitsch, C. Bioenergetics and neuromuscular determinants of the time to exhaustion at velocity corresponding to (V) over dotO(2)max in recreational long-distance runners. J Strength Cond Res 26(8): 2096-2102, 2012-The purpose of this study was to investigate the main bioenergetics and neuromuscular determinants of the time to exhaustion (T-lim) at the velocity corresponding to maximal oxygen uptake in recreational long-distance runners. Twenty runners performed the following tests on 5 different days: (a) maximal incremental treadmill test, (b) 2 submaximal tests to determine running economy and vertical stiffness, (c) exhaustive test to measured the T-lim, (d) maximum dynamic strength test, and (e) muscle power production test. Aerobic and anaerobic energy contributions during the T-lim test were also estimated. The stepwise multiple regression method selected 3 independent variables to explain T-lim variance. Total energy production explained 84.1% of the shared variance (p = 0.001), whereas peak oxygen uptake ((V) over dotO(2)peak) measured during T-lim and lower limb muscle power ability accounted for the additional 10% of the shared variance (p = 0.014). These data suggest that the total energy production, (V) over dotO(2)peak, and lower limb muscle power ability are the main physiological and neuromuscular determinants of T-lim in recreational long-distance runners.
Trigeneration systems have been used with advantage in the last years in distributed electricity generation systems as a function of a growth of natural gas pipeline network distribution system, tax incentives, and energy regulation policies. Typically, a trigeneration system is used to produce electrical power simultaneously with supplying heating and cooling load by recovering the combustion products thermal power content that otherwise would be driven to atmosphere. Concerning that, two small scale trigeneration plants have been tested for overall efficiency evaluation and operational comparison. The first system is based on a 30 kW (ISO) natural gas powered microturbine, and the second one uses a 26 kW natural gas powered internal combustion engine coupled to an electrical generator as a prime mover. The stack gases from both machines were directed to a 17.6 kW ammonia-water absorption refrigeration chiller for producing chilled water first and next to a water heat recovery boiler in order to produce hot water. Experimental results are presented along with relevant system operational parameters for appropriate operation including natural gas consumption, net electrical and thermal power production, i.e., hot and cold water production rates, primary energy saving index, and the energy utilization factor over total and partial electrical load operational conditions. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[EN] Information about anaerobic energy production and mechanical efficiency that occurs over time during short-lasting maximal exercise is scarce and controversial. Bilateral leg press is an interesting muscle contraction model to estimate anaerobic energy production and mechanical efficiency during maximal exercise because it largely differs from the models used until now. This study examined the changes in muscle metabolite concentration and power output production during the first and the second half of a set of 10 repetitions to failure (10RM) of bilateral leg press exercise. On two separate days, muscle biopsies were obtained from vastus lateralis prior and immediately after a set of 5 or a set of 10 repetitions. During the second set of 5 repetitions, mean power production decreased by 19% and the average ATP utilisation accounted for by phosphagen decreased from 54% to 19%, whereas ATP utilisation from anaerobic glycolysis increased from 46 to 81%. Changes in contraction time and power output were correlated to the changes in muscle Phosphocreatine (PCr; r = -0.76; P<0.01) and lactate (r = -0.91; P<0.01), respectively, and were accompanied by parallel decreases (P<0.01-0.05) in muscle energy charge (0.6%), muscle ATP/ADP (8%) and ATP/AMP (19%) ratios, as well as by increases in ADP content (7%). The estimated average rate of ATP utilisation from anaerobic sources during the final 5 repetitions fell to 83% whereas total anaerobic ATP production increased by 9% due to a 30% longer average duration of exercise (18.4 +/- 4.0 vs 14.2 +/- 2.1 s). These data indicate that during a set of 10RM of bilateral leg press exercise there is a decrease in power output which is associated with a decrease in the contribution of PCr and/or an increase in muscle lactate. The higher energy cost per repetition during the second 5 repetitions is suggestive of decreased mechanical efficiency.
Con questo studio si è volto effettuare un confronto tra la generazione di energia termica a partire da cippato e da pellet, con particolare riferimento agli aspetti di carattere ambientale ed economico conseguenti la produzione delle due differenti tipologie di combustibile. In particolare, si sono ipotizzate due filire, una di produzione del cippato, una del pellet, e per ciascuna di esse si è condotta un'Analisi del Ciclo di Vita, allo scopo di mettere in luce, da un lato le fasi del processo maggiormente critiche, dall'altro gli impatti sulla salute umana, sugli ecosistemi, sul consumo di energia e risorse. Quest'analisi si è tradotta in un confronto degli impatti generati dalle due filiere al fine di valutare a quale delle due corrisponda il minore. E' stato infine effettuato un breve accenno di valutazione economica per stimare quale tipologia di impianto, a cippato o a pellet, a parità di energia prodotta, risulti più conveniente.
This dissertation deals with the development of a project concerning a demonstration in the scope of the Supply Chain 6 of the Internet of Energy (IoE) project: the Remote Monitoring Emulator, which bears my personal contribution in several sections. IoE is a project of international relevance, that means to establish an interoperability standard as regards the electric power production and utilization infrastructure, using Smart Space platforms. The future perspectives of IoE have to do with a platform for electrical power trade-of, the Smart Grid, whose energy is produced by decentralized renewable sources and whose services are exploited primarily according to the Internet of Things philosophy. The main consumers of this kind of smart technology will be Smart Houses (that is to say, buildings controlled by an autonomous system for electrical energy management that is interoperable with the Smart Grid) and Electric Mobility, that is a smart and automated management regarding movement and, overall, recharging of electrical vehicles. It is precisely in the latter case study that the project Remote Monitoring Emulator takes place. It consists in the development of a simulated platform for the management of an electrical vehicle recharging in a city. My personal contribution to this project lies in development and modeling of the simulation platform, of its counterpart in a mobile application and implementation of a city service prototype. This platform shall, ultimately, make up a demonstrator system exploiting the same device which a real user, inside his vehicle, would use. The main requirements that this platform shall satisfy will be interoperability, expandability and relevance to standards, as it needs to communicate with other development groups and to effectively respond to internal changes that can affect IoE.
The thesis analyses the hydrodynamic induced by an array of Wave energy Converters (WECs), under an experimental and numerical point of view. WECs can be considered an innovative solution able to contribute to the green energy supply and –at the same time– to protect the rear coastal area under marine spatial planning considerations. This research activity essentially rises due to this combined concept. The WEC under exam is a floating device belonging to the Wave Activated Bodies (WAB) class. Experimental data were performed at Aalborg University in different scales and layouts, and the performance of the models was analysed under a variety of irregular wave attacks. The numerical simulations performed with the codes MIKE 21 BW and ANSYS-AQWA. Experimental results were also used to calibrate the numerical parameters and/or to directly been compared to numerical results, in order to extend the experimental database. Results of the research activity are summarized in terms of device performance and guidelines for a future wave farm installation. The device length should be “tuned” based on the local climate conditions. The wave transmission behind the devices is pretty high, suggesting that the tested layout should be considered as a module of a wave farm installation. Indications on the minimum inter-distance among the devices are provided. Furthermore, a CALM mooring system leads to lower wave transmission and also larger power production than a spread mooring. The two numerical codes have different potentialities. The hydrodynamics around single and multiple devices is obtained with MIKE 21 BW, while wave loads and motions for a single moored device are derived from ANSYS-AQWA. Combining the experimental and numerical it is suggested –for both coastal protection and energy production– to adopt a staggered layout, which will maximise the devices density and minimize the marine space required for the installation.
Motivation Thanks for a scholarship offered by ALma Mater Studiorum I could stay in Denmark for six months during which I could do physical tests on the device Gyro PTO at the Departmet of Civil Engineering of Aalborg University. Aim The goal of my thesis is an hydraulic evaluation of the device: Gyro PTO, a gyroscopic device for conversion of mechanical energy in ocean surface waves to electrical energy. The principle of the system is the application of the gyroscopic moment of flywheels equipped on a swing float excited by waves. The laboratory activities were carried out by: Morten Kramer, Jan Olsen, Irene Guaraldi, Morten Thøtt, Nikolaj Holk. The main purpose of the tests was to investigate the power absorption performance in irregular waves, but testing also included performance measures in regular waves and simple tests to get knowledge about characteristics of the device, which could facilitate the possibility of performing numerical simulations and optimizations. Methodology To generate the waves and measure the performance of the device a workstation was created in the laboratory. The workstation consist of four computers in each of wich there was a different program. Programs have been used : Awasys6, LabView, Wave lab, Motive optitrack, Matlab, Autocad Main Results Thanks to the obtained data with the tank testing was possible to make the process of wave analisys. We obtained significant wave height and period through a script Matlab and then the values of power produced, and energy efficiency of the device for two types of waves: regular and irregular. We also got results as: physical size, weight, inertia moments, hydrostatics, eigen periods, mooring stiffness, friction, hydrodynamic coefficients etc. We obtained significant parameters related to the prototype in the laboratory after which we scale up the results obtained for two future applications: one in Nissun Brending and in the North Sea. Conclusions The main conclusion on the testing is that more focus should be put into ensuring a stable and positive power output in a variety of wave conditions. In the irregular waves the power production was negative and therefore it does not make sense to scale up the results directly. The average measured capture width in the regular waves was 0.21 m. As the device width is 0.63 m this corresponds to a capture width ratio of: 0.21/0.63 * 100 = 33 %. Let’s assume that it is possible to get the device to produce as well in irregular waves under any wave conditions, and lets further assume that the yearly absorbed energy can be converted into electricity at a PTO-efficiency of 90 %. Under all those assumptions the results in table are found, i.e. a Nissum Bredning would produce 0.87 MWh/year and a North Sea device 85 MWh/year.
Aufgrund der hohen Kosten für Tiefbohrungen ist eine wirtschaftliche Stromerzeugung aus der tiefen Geothermie derzeit nur bedingt möglich. Da die Herstellkosten einer Tiefbohrung direkt von der Herstellzeit abhängig sind, wird eine Optimierung der nichtproduktiven Prozesse angestrebt. Vorrangig sind die Prozesse zu betrachten und zu optimieren, durch die eine Unterbrechung des Bohrens auftritt. Dies ist hauptsächlich beim Transport der Rohre zwischen Lager und Arbeitsplattform sowie bei den Verschraubungsprozessen der Rohre der Fall. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags werden Konzepte zur Umgestaltung dieser Prozesse und Bewegungsabläufe an Tiefbohranlagen entwickelt und auf ihr zeitliches Einsparpotential untersucht.
El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar las transformaciones económicas y sociales que se producen en la localidad de Cachi, un departamento de la Provincia de Salta, Argentina, a fines del siglo XIX. Para tal fin, se investiga la estructura agraria de la localidad, enfatizando en la tenencia de la tierra, la mano de obra, la producción y el mercado. Si bien es un trabajo de Historia local, se incorpora también análisis de Historia regional, lo cual permite determinar cómo se incorpora la localidad al espacio regional que se forma a fines del siglo XIX, la región andina meridional. De este modo, se estudian los cambios y permanencias en la producción y tenencia de la tierra, la aparición de nuevas formas de producción de la tierra y la situación de los campesinos.
Los biocombustibles introducen espacios agrícolas en la producción energética. Luego modifican la gobernanza de las redes energéticas y de los territorios productivos. Las principales críticas a los biocombustibles se dirigen a su producción a partir de cultivos tradicionales, pero interesa preguntarse también sobre la sostenibilidad de su producción a partir de cultivos alternativos, que no competirían con los cultivos alimentarios, puesto que se ubicarían en regiones agrícolas marginales. El texto trata sobre las producciones de biocombustibles de los países de América del Sur, en sus contextos internacionales, nacionales y locales. Se profundiza la mirada sobre Argentina, Brasil y Colombia, líderes continentales en el sector. Se analizan la evolución del mercado energético, los actores involucrados y las políticas implementadas. A otra escala, se plantea la puesta en marcha de las cadenas de biocombustibles alternativos.