954 resultados para post-partum problems
The infant gut microbiota plays an important role in the development of the infant immune and gastrointestinal systems. We investigated whether increased salmon consumption during pregnancy, maternal weight gain during pregnancy or infant mode of feeding alter markers of gut immune defence and inflammation. Women (n = 123) who rarely ate oily fish were randomly assigned to remain on their habitual diet or to consume two 150 g portions of farmed salmon per week from 20 weeks pregnancy until delivery. At 38 weeks gestation the women (n = 75) provided a faecal sample and on days 7, 14, 28 and 84 post-partum, faecal samples were collected from the infants (n = 38). Fluorescence in situ hybridisation was used to determine the composition of the faecal microbiota and ELISA to measure faecal sIgA and calprotectin concentrations. There was no effect of salmon consumption on the faecal microbiota of the mothers or on faecal sIgA and calprotectin concentrations in either mothers or infants. Degree of weight gain influenced the maternal faecal microbiota and mode of infant feeding influenced the infant faecal microbiota. Faecal samples from infants in the salmon group tended to have lower counts of Atopobium cluster compared with those in the control group (P = 0.097). This difference was significant in formula-fed infants (P < 0.05), but not exclusively breast-fed infants. In conclusion, the impact of oily fish consumption during pregnancy on maternal and infant gut microbiota composition is limited, but significant differences were associated with maternal weight gain during pregnancy and infant mode of feeding.
The low activity variant of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) functional promoter polymorphism, MAOA-LPR, in interaction with adverse environments (G × E) is associated with child and adult antisocial behaviour disorders. MAOA is expressed during foetal development so in utero G × E may influence early neurodevelopment. We tested the hypothesis that MAOA G × E during pregnancy predicts infant negative emotionality soon after birth. In an epidemiological longitudinal study starting in pregnancy, using a two stage stratified design, we ascertained MAOA-LPR status (low vs. high activity variants) from the saliva of 209 infants (104 boys and 105 girls), and examined predictions to observed infant negative emotionality at 5 weeks post-partum from life events during pregnancy. In analyses weighted to provide estimates for the general population, and including possible confounders for life events, there was an MAOA status by life events interaction (P = 0.017). There was also an interaction between MAOA status and neighbourhood deprivation (P = 0.028). Both interactions arose from a greater effect of increasing life events on negative emotionality in the MAOA-LPR low activity, compared with MAOA-LPR high activity infants. The study provides the first evidence of moderation by MAOA-LPR of the effect of the social environment in pregnancy on negative emotionality in infancy, an early risk for the development of child and adult antisocial behaviour disorders.
We studied the levels of immunoglobulins in colostrum, milk and sera from two common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) mothers (M1 and M2), and in sera from their newborn infants. During pregnancy they continued intravenous immunoglobulin therapy (IVIG). Antibody levels from maternal and cord blood collected at delivery and colostrum and milk, collected on the 3rd and 7th post-partum days, respectively, were analyzed. Although cord/maternal blood ratios of total immunoglobulins and subclasses, as well as specific antibodies differed between M1 and M2, both showed good placental transfer of anti-protein and anti-polysaccharide antibodies, despite lower cord/maternal blood ratios in M2. Anti-Streptococcus pneumoniae antibody avidity indexes were similar between paired maternal and cord serum. Both mothers` colostrum and milk samples showed only traces of IgA, and IgM and IgG levels in colostrum were within normal range in M1, whereas M2 presented elevated IgG and low IgM levels, when compared with healthy mothers. The study of colostrum and milk activity showed that they strongly inhibited enteropathogenic Escherichia coli adhesion in vitro. CVID patients must be informed about the relevance of regular IVIG administration during pregnancy, not only for their own health but also for their immune immature offspring. Breast-feeding should be encouraged as colostra from these CVID patients strongly inhibited E. coli adhesion to human epithelial cells thus providing immunological protection plus nutritional and psychological benefits for the infant.
Background: Acupuncture is commonly used to reduce pain during labour despite contradictory results. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture with manual stimulation and acupuncture with combined manual and electrical stimulation (electro-acupuncture) compared with standard care in reducing labour pain. Our hypothesis was that both acupuncture stimulation techniques were more effective than standard care, and that electro-acupuncture was most effective. Methods: A longitudinal randomised controlled trial. The recruitment of participants took place at the admission to the labour ward between November 2008 and October 2011 at two Swedish hospitals. 303 nulliparous women with normal pregnancies were randomised to: 40 minutes of manual acupuncture (MA), electro-acupuncture (EA), or standard care without acupuncture (SC). Primary outcome: labour pain, assessed by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Secondary outcomes: relaxation, use of obstetric pain relief during labour and post-partum assessments of labour pain. The sample size calculation was based on the primary outcome and a difference of 15 mm on VAS was regarded as clinically relevant, this gave 101 in each group, including a total of 303 women. Results: Mean estimated pain scores on VAS (SC: 69.0, MA: 66.4 and EA: 68.5), adjusted for: treatment, age, education, and time from baseline, with no interactions did not differ between the groups (SC vs MA: mean difference 2.6, 95% confidence interval [CI] -1.7-6.9 and SC vs EA: mean difference 0.6 [95% CI] -3.6-4.8). Fewer number of women in the EA group used epidural analgesia (46%) than women in the MA group (61%) and SC group (70%) (EA vs SC: odds ratio [OR] 0.35; [95% CI] 0.19-0.67). Conclusions: Acupuncture does not reduce women's experience of labour pain, neither with manual stimulation nor with combined manual and electrical stimulation. However, fewer women in the EA group used epidural analgesia thus indicating that the effect of acupuncture with electrical stimulation may be underestimated. These findings were obtained in a context with free access to other forms of pain relief.
O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos de cargas animais de 240 e 320 kg PV/ha em campo nativo (T1 e T2, respectivamente), de 400 kg PV/ha em pastagem melhorada com azevém (Lolium multiflorum L.) por 80 dias pós-parto e, após, carga animal igual a T2 em campo nativo (T3), e do desmame dos terneiros aos 100 dias (DP) ou aos 180 dias (DC) de idade sobre o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas de corte primíparas Hereford e Braford, e sobre o desenvolvimento de seus terneiros. A taxa de prenhez (TP) não foi influenciada (P>0,05) pelos tratamentos (T1 = 93,8%; T2= 90,6%; T3= 100%), nem pela idade de desmame (DP= 97,8%; DC= 91,3%). Houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos (P<0,05) sobre a TP aos 21 dias (T1= 15,6%; T2= 0,0%; T3= 17,9%) e aos 42 dias (T1= 46,9%; T2= 37,5%; T3= 71,4%) após iniciada a estação de acasalamento. O intervalo entre partos (IEP) e o intervalo parto-concepção (IPC) foram influenciados (P<0,01) pelos tratamentos. O IEP e o IPC para T1, T2 e T3 foram 390,9; 399,0 e 386,8 dias e 105,9; 114,0 e 101,8 dias, respectivamente Terneiros filhos de vacas Braford no T2 foram mais pesados ao desmame (P<0,05) do que terneiros filhos de vacas da mesma raça no T1 e filhos de vacas Hereford no T2. Os terneiros do DP tiveram pesos ajustados aos 180 dias menores (P<0,01) do que os do DC (174,6 kg vs. 197,2 kg, respectivamente). Não houve efeito (P>0,05) dos tratamentos, nem da idade de desmame sobre o peso dos terneiros aos 365 dias de idade. Os novilhos do DP tiveram pesos de abate e de carcaça, aos 14 meses, inferiores (P<0,01) aos novilhos do DC. Entretanto, o ganho de peso e o rendimento de carcaça dos novilhos do DP foram superiores (P<0,01) aos novilhos do DC. Não houve efeito (P>0,05) da idade de desmame sobre a espessura de gordura subcutânea.
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a serious public health problem in developing countries, and as a therapeutic and prophylactic measure retinil palmitate is being supplemented. Nevertheless its efficacy has been questioned. The objective of the study was to evaluate the supplementation of two retinil palmitate megadosis on the serum retinol levels of post partum healthy mothers from Dr. José Pedro Bezerra (Hospital Santa Catarina) hospital, Natal - RN. The enrolled women (n=199) were randomly distributed into three studied groups and supplemented with retinil palmitate immediately after delivery with a single 200,000 IU dose (group S1), two 200,000 IU dose (group S2) with 24h difference between the doses, or no supplementation (group C). Among women selected, 143 remained until the end of the study. The influence of vitamin A dietary intake was evaluated during pregnancy and after 30 days of delivery. The average intake of the population was reasonable, but a high prevalence of inadequate intake was found. Retinol in colostrums and mature milk was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The retinol average in colostrums and mature milk in the supplemented and control groups were adequate according to the reference values. In colostrums, women from groups C, S1 and S2 presented retinol averages by milk volume of 94.8 ± 40.2 µg/dL, 92.2 ± 50.0 µg/dL and 91.8 ± 53.7 µg/dL, respectively. No difference was found between these averages (p=0.965), this was also seen when the values where expressed as µg/g of fat (p=0.905). After 30 days of delivery, retinol per milk volume differed between the control group (36.6 ± 17.5 µg/dL) and groups supplemented with 200,000 IU (51.0 ± 28.8 µg/dL) or 400,000 IU (55.2 ± 31.6 µg/dL) of retinil palmitate (p<0,05). Nevertheless, when S1 and S2 groups where compared, no significant difference was found (p=0.97). Considering retinol/g of fat, the means were 12.7 ± 6.7 µg/g, 15.6 ± 8.3 µg/g and 17.2 ± 8.9 µg/g for groups C, S1 and S2, respectively, with significant difference between groups S2 and C (p=0,01). Subclinical VAD prevalence showed a serious public health problem in the study population (32% in colostrums and 31.5% in mature milk). When analyzing the groups separately, the group which received two doses (200,000 IU + 200,000 IU) presented the lowest VAD prevalence (20.7%). Retinil palmitate supplementations of 200,000 IU and 400,000 IU (divided in two doses) in the immediate post partum showed no significant difference. Nevertheless, the 400,000 IU (divided in two doses) supplementation showed a reduction in VAD
The vitamins A and E are recognizably important in the initial stages of life and the newborn depends on nutritional adequacy of breast milk to meet their needs. These vitamins share routes of transport to the tissues and antagonistic effects have been observed in animals after supplementation with vitamin A. This study aimed to verify the effect of maternal supplementation with vitamin A megadose (200,000 UI) in the immediate post-partum on the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum. Healthy parturient women attended at a public maternity natalensis were recruited for the study and divided into two groups: control (n = 37) and supplemented (n = 36). Blood samples of colostrum and milk were collected until 12 hours after delivery. The women of the supplemented group was administered a retynil palmitate capsule and 24 hours after the first collection was obtained the 2nd sample of colostrum in two groups for analysis of retinol and alpha-tocopherol in milk. The mean retinol concentration of 50,7 ± 14,4 μg/dL (Mean ± standard deviation) and alpha-tocopherol of 1217.4 ± 959 mg/dL in the serum indicate the nutritional status biochemical appropriate. Supplementation with retynil palmitate resulted in increase not only retinol levels in the colostrum of the supplemented group (p = 0.002), but also the concentration of alpha-tocopherol (p = 0.04), changing from 1456.6 ± 1095.8 mg/dL to 1804.3 ± 1432.0 mg/dL (milk 0 and 24 respectively) compared to values in the control group, 984.6 ± 750.0 mg/dL and 1175.0 ± 730.8 mg/dL. The women had different responses to supplementation, influenced by baseline levels of retinol in colostrum. Those with previous by low levels of retinol in colostrum (<60 mg/dL) had increased the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in milk, whereas those with adequate levels (> 60 mg/dL), showed a reduction after supplementation. Supplementation with retinol palmitate is an important intervention in situations of high risk for vitamin A deficiency, when considering the need to maternal supplementation, since the excess vitamin can offer unfavorable interactions between nutrients essential for the mother-child group
The tendency towards reduction of serum retinol levels, an existing placental barrier and the increase of retinol demand, are factors that place puerperal and lactating women at risk for Vitamin A deficiency. This micronutrient is an essential component of vital processes such as differentiation, cellular proliferation, and apoptosis. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of palmitate retinol supplementation (100.000UI) upon the milk retinollevels in puerperal women at the Januário Cicco University Maternity Hospital. This intervention has been adopted by the Ministry of Health since 2002. The longitudinal experiment was conducted with 106 puerperal women (68 comprised the supplemented group and 38 the control group). The High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method was used to dose the retinol of the milk and serum samples, and the creamtocrit method to determine the milk fat levels. The retinol means for the colostrums were 99.0 ± 64.4 ug/dL and 160.1 ± 94,4 ug/dl 6 hours afier supplementation; 68.9 ± 33.5 ug/dL for the transitional milk, and 30.6 ± 15.2 ug/dL for the mature milk of the supplemented group. Ali the difterences between means were statistically significant. The difterence between retinol means in the control group were also significant, with these being greater in the colostrum, 88.6 ± 62.1 ug/dL with 61.9 ± 30.1 ug/dl in the transition milk and 32.9 ±32.9 ± 17.6 ug/dL in the mature milk. No significant difference was observed in the retinol means of the three types ot milk in the supplemented group when compared to their respective means in the control group. The prevalence in serum (35.1 % and 81.1 % for the cutting point 20 ug/dL, respectively) and in milk (51.4%) revealed vitamin A deficiency as a public health problem. COlostrum, transition, and mature milk tats varied similarly in the supplemented group (1,92 ± 0,96; 3,25 ± 1,27 and 3,31 ± 1,36 grams) and in the control group (1,87 ± 1,14; 3,25 ± 1,31 and 3,36 ± 1,67 grams), with an observed difference between the colostrum/transition milk and the colostrum/mature milk fats. No difference was observed between the groups. The study showed that the 200.000UI supplementation was not sufficient to increase the milk retinol to the desired levels nor to meet the demands of the mothers with deprived hepatic reserves. It is suggested that another similar dose be offered within 30 days or less, and within 2 months post-partum, while continual/y monitoring for possible pregnancy
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
After the birth of a child, during the post-partum period, the exercise of fatherhood, the sexual relationships either marital or sexual as well as the definition of the male role are all aspects that can change. These changes are guarded and can contribute to strengthen the familiar bond or deprive it. Thus, this study aims to understand the male experience during the partner s puerperal period. In this period, the male interacts and participates according to his understanding of the post-partum period. The male experiences different situations with his partner, family and social environment. This research is descriptive-exploratory and has a qualitative approach. It was developed with 15 men that live with their live with their partners during the puerperal period. The data was collected through a semi-structured interview. These data was treated according to content analysis proposed by Bardin. These were analyzed through Symbolic Interacionism according to Blumer. Thus, three themes emergedshares of care in the home environment, meanings attributed to the puerperium, emotions emerged during the post-partum - the seven subcategories-taking care of the wife and child, supporting the family, moment to rest, fulfillment through fatherhood, sense of joy, feeling of concern and sense of exclusion. It was seen that the subjects experience post-partum mainly by taking care of their partner and child and providing support of the family. Besides the mentioned aspects, there was meaning attributed to the puerperal period, considering it a period of rest for the partner and above all, fatherhood. Thus, even understanding that it is excluded, the subjects expressed joy and worriness towards the child s future, related to the insecurity in which the country goes through in current conjuncture
The consultation for women during the postpartum period should occur between the seventh and tenth days, and 42 days after childbirth, to decrease the incidence of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. However, the effectiveness of such assistance in primary health care has not been achieved, especially in the forty-second day of puerperium. Facing this reality, the research aimed to understand the views of women about postpartum consultation. This is an exploratory and descriptive research with qualitative approach, developed in the municipality of Lajes/RN, Brazil, with women inscribed on the four teams that make up the Family Health Strategy. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with 15 women who met the following criteria: be enrolled in ESF; have health mental preserved, have been entered in the Humanization Program of Prenatal and Birth, and that was, at maximum, 60 days postpartum. The data were organized according to the precepts of content analysis according to Bardin, generating three categories: prevention of puerperal complications, feelings related to life changes after childbirth, and postpartum care. This process of coding and categorizing a central theme emerged: the experience of women in the postpartum period. The data were analyzed according to the principles of symbolic interactionism, according to Blumer. The study revealed that the meanings attributed to the postpartum period for prevention of complications were directly related to home, to the consultation and postpartum care provided by family members and health professionals. The interviewees strictly complied with the rest under the influence of the context in which they were entered. But that has not happened with the postpartum revision because few mothers underwent this procedure. Therefore, the interaction of the interviewed people in their living standard as well as the feelings that permeated the post-partum were crucial to consider whether or not the post-partum visit as significant. According to the results, it was noted that disability guidelines and counter-references has impaired the access of women to postpartum review. Thus, further studies are needed on the subject, as well as a reorientation of health care activities in view of the consolidation of postpartum consultation in primary care
In the present study, pregnancy and the estrous cycle were monitored in captive brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) by measuring fecal progestagens with a commercial enzyme immunoassay (EIA), along with behavioral data. Fecal samples were collected twice a week during pregnancy and daily during the estrous cycle and post-partum period. It was possible to distinguish between inter-luteal and luteal phases of the estrous cycle. Behavioral estrus corresponded with low concentrations of fecal progestagens. Samples from two consecutive cycles were available from five hinds, and the mean estrous cycle (n = 10) was 26.9 +/- 1.7 d (mean +/- S.E.M.). However, when two extreme cycles (34 and 37 d) were deleted, the mean estrous cycle was 24.7 +/- 1.2 d. Three animals became pregnant (gestation ranged from 208 to 215 d). After fertile breeding, progestagen concentration in these hinds remained among luteal phase concentrations throughout pregnancy, with the exception of a few peaks. Within 4 d post-partum, two hinds reached interluteal phase values, while one hind maintained luteal concentrations for at least 1 week. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Toxocara vitulorum, a nematode parasite in the small intestine of cattle and water buffaloes, causes high morbidity and mortality of 1-3 months old buffalo calves. This research evaluated the specific perieneteric antigens (Pe) reactivity of anti-T. vitulorum-Pe antibody (Tv-Pe-Ab) in both immune sera and colostrum from buffalo cows immediately post-partum from buffalo cows. The presence of Tv-Pe-Ab in sera of buffalo newborn calves was also examined at 1 day before and after suckling the colostrum as well as in sera from naturally infected calves at the beginning and peak of the maximum infection and then again during the period of rejection and post-rejection of the parasite. Pe antigens were characterized for Tv-Pe-Ab by SDS-PAGE and Western blot (WB). The SDS-PAGE showed that Pe contained nine protein bands (11, 14, 31, 38, 58, 76, 88,112 and 165 kDa). All Pe bands were recognized by Tv-Pe-Ab in sera and colostrum of buffalo cows. Only the serum antibodies of buffalo calves at 1 day of age after suckling the colostrum and during the beginning of T. vitulorum infection recognized Pe antigen's nine bands. In contrast, serum antibodies from 1-day-old buffalo calves, taken before suckling colostrum, did not react with any protein band. In suckling calves, which reached peak egg output, rejection and post-rejection stages of the infection, serum Tv-Pe-Ab reactivity with lower molecular weight protein bands (11-76 kDa) was lost and only reactivity with the Pe protein bands of higher molecular weight (88, 112 and 165 kDa) remained. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O caráter multifatorial das complicações e da mortalidade materna torna difícil e demorada a tarefa de seu controle a longo prazo. A atenção profissional à mulher gestante e/ou parturiente representa seguramente elemento chave para a obtenção de bons resultados, tanto maternos quanto perinatais. Partindo-se do pressuposto de que atenção médica profissional ao parto de maneira adequada tem a capacidade de diminuir a ocorrência de complicações associadas à morbidade e mortalidade materna, são apresentadas resumidamente as evidências sobre algumas intervenções incluídas nesta atenção. São enfocadas as evidências derivadas de estudos realizados com extremo rigor metodológico e científico, os ensaios controlados randomizados, sobre intervenções capazes de reduzir as complicações e a mortalidade materna. Estas principais intervenções referem-se basicamente a: atenção institucional ao parto, atendimento profissional capacitado, utilização de parteiras tradicionais em determinados contextos, uso de tecnologias apropriadas incluindo o partograma, local do parto, posição para o parto, uso de episiotomia, tipo de parto, uso de ocitócicos na fase ativa do parto, realização de esforços de puxo no período expulsivo, manejo da dequitação e profilaxia da hemorragia puerperal. Ainda que o efeito de prevenir mortes seja difícil de ser avaliado pela baixa freqüência, sua utilização de forma racional e padronizada, por meio de manuais e normatizações de condutas de serviços, tem um efeito positivo sobre a qualidade da atenção ao nascimento. Isso faz parte do contexto técnico e humano do direito que toda mulher tem ao melhor atendimento possível nesse momento tão especial de sua vida.
Os efeitos da remoção temporária de bezerros (RB) sobre características foliculares e taxas de ovulação e de prenhez de vacas Nelore foram avaliados em dois experimentos quando da inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF), utilizando-se um protocolo à base de GnRH-PGF2α-BE. No experimento 1, 139 vacas Nelore, lactantes, cíclicas ou acíclicas, receberam um protocolo hormonal envolvendo a aplicação de 100±g de análogo GnRH no dia zero (D0-GnRH), 25mg de PGF2α no dia 7 (D7-PGF2α) e 1,0mg de benzoato de estradiol no dia 8 (D8-BE). Os animais foram aleatoriamente distribuídos para serem submetidas ou não à RB (48 horas) antes da aplicação de GnRH (RB1) ou após a aplicação de PGF2α (RB2). Avaliaram-se o diâmetro folicular (DF) nos dias 0 (D0) e 9 (D9) do protocolo e as taxas de ovulação (T0), advindas dos tratamentos. As vacas acíclicas que receberam RB1 apresentaram maiores DF no D0 (P<0,05) e taxa de ovulação (P<0,05) quando da aplicação de GnRH, em relação às que não receberam RB1. Nas vacas cíclicas, não houve efeito da RB1 sobre as variáveis analisadas. As vacas que receberam RB2 apresentaram maiores DF no D9 (P<0,05) e taxa de ovulação (P<0,01) quando da aplicação de BE, em relação às que não receberam a RB2. No experimento 2, 376 vacas da raça Nelore, lactantes, foram submetidas ao mesmo protocolo hormonal e aos mesmos tratamentos do experimento 1, mas foram inseminadas 24 a 30 horas após a aplicação de BE no D8, visando avaliar a taxa de prenhez após a IATF. A taxa de prenhez foi maior nos animais que receberam as duas RB em relação às que não receberam RB (29,8% vs 10,6%; P<0,05). A remoção de bezerros associada ao protocolo hormonal aplicado pode ter aumentado as taxas de prenhez devido às maiores taxas de ovulação, em resposta ao GnRH ou ao benzoato de estradiol.