997 resultados para poliacrilonitrila modificada
The present work investigates some consequences that arise from the use of a modifed lagrangean for the eletromagnetic feld in two diferent contexts: a spatially homogeneous and isotropic universe whose dynamics is driven by a magnetic feld plus a cosmological parameter A, and the problem of a static and charged point mass (charged black hole). In the cosmological case, three diferent general solutions were derived. The first, with a null cosmological parameter A, generalizes a particular solution obtained by Novello et al [gr-qc/9806076]. The second one admits a constant A and the third one allows A to be a time-dependent parameter that sustains a constant magnetic feld. The first two solutions are non-singular and exhibit in ationary periods. The third case studied shows an in ationary dynamics except for a short period of time. As for the problem of a charged point mass, the solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations are obtained and compared with the standard Reissner-Nordstrom solution. Contrary to what happens in the cosmological case, the physical singularity is not removed
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
The hydrolysis reaction in alkaline conditions of the commercial polymer poly(acrylamide-co-metacrylate of 3,5,5-trimethyl-hexane) called HAPAM, containing 0.75 % of hydrophobic groups, was carried out in 0.1 M NaCl and 0.25M NaOH solutions, varying the temperature and reaction time. The polymers were characterized by 1H and 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Elemental Analysis and Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC). The values of the hydrolysis degree were obtained by 13C NMR. The viscosity of HAPAM and HAPAM-10N-R solutions was evaluated as a function of shear rate, ionic strength and temperature. At high polymer concentration (Cp), the viscosity of HAPAM solutions increased with the ionic strength and decreased with the temperature. The viscosity of HAPAM-10N-R solutions increased significantly in distilled water, due to repulsions between the carboxylate groups. At high Cp, with the increase of ionic strength and temperature, occurred a decrease of viscosity, due to mainly the high hydrolysis degree and the low amount of hydrophobic groups. These results indicated that the studied polymers have properties more suitable for the application in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) in low salinity and moderate temperature reservoirs
In this work were synthesized matrix-based commercial white clay in its composition having large amounts of kaolinite and quartz, with a certain percentage of iron oxide for use as an adsorbent for hydrogen sulfide (H2S). To characterize the effect of initial matrix techniques were used to characterize XRD, FTIR, XRF and TG. The initial clay mineral matrix was placed in contact with 0.1 molar solutions of the salts of Co2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and a solution 0.1 g / 100ml rhodamine B. During the synthesis process, the solutions were placed in contact with the initial matrix for a period of 48 hours in order to have ion exchange with the clay mineral. To check the amount of exchanged metals, we used the technique of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). After synthesis was initiated the process of adsorption of H2S, where the arrays were placed in the reactor, then by passing a stream of hydrogen sulfide. The matrix along with the reactor was weighed before and after to measure the amount of gas adsorbed. Based on the gravimetric data the matrix which had the highest performance of the adsorption matrix was exchanged with Ni2+ ions, obtaining a result of 11.13 mg H2S / g matrix, then the matrix coated with rhodamine B which was reached 10.13 mg H2S / g matrix
The nanostructured molecular sieve SBA-15 was synthesized by the hydrothermal method, and modified with lanthanum with Si/La molar ratios of 25, 50, 75 and 100. The materials were evaluated as catalysts for the cracking of n-hexane model reaction. Type SBA- 15 and LaSBA-15 mesoporous materials were synthesized using tetraetilortosilicato as a source of silica, hydrochloric acid, heptahydrate lanthanum chloride and distilled water. Pluronic P123 triblock. polymer was used as structure template. The syntheses were carried out by 72 hours. The obtained SBA-15 samples were previously analyzed by thermogravimetry, in order to check the conditions of calcination for removal of organic template. Then, the calcined materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, adsorption and desorption of nitrogen, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis by dispersive energy. The acidity of the samples was determined using adsorption of n-bulinamina and desorption followed by thermogravimetry. It was found that the hydrothermal synthesis method was suitable for the synthesis of the SBA-15 mesoporous materials, with an excellent degree of hexagonal ordering. The reactions of catalytic cracking of n-hexane were carried out using a fixed bed continuous flow microreactor, coupled on-line to a gas chromatograph. From the catalytic evaluation, it was observed that the mesoporous materials containing lanthanum showed different results for the reaction of cracking of nhexane compared to the unmodified mesoporous material SBA-15. As a result of cracking was obtained as main products hydrocarbons in the range of C1 to C5. The catalyst that showed better properties in relation to the acidity and catalytic activity was LaSBA-15 with the ratio Si/La = 50
Catalytic processes are widely present in everyday life. This results in large number of studies seeking materials that may combine the low cost catalytic efficiency. Based on this assumption, the clays have long been used as catalysts, with its huge availability, diversity and possibility of improving their properties from structural changes, primarily responsible for this great use. Among the natural clays, vermiculite due to their characteristic properties (high cation exchange capacity and expansion), is suitable for various applications including as catalysts and catalyst supports. In this work, the acid leaching of clay vermiculite was performed, coming from Santa Luzia-PB, with nitric acid (2, 3 and 4 mol / L) and subsequent calcination of the materials obtained. The materials were named as Vx/400, where x is the acid concentration employed and 400 used in calcination temperature. The effectiveness of changes made was determined by XRD techniques, FT-IR, EDS, TG/DTG, nitrogen physisorption and DTP of n-butylamine. Acid leaching has improved some properties of the clay - specific area and acidity - but the control of the acid concentration used is of vital importance, since the highest concentration caused the partial destruction of vermiculite entailing a decline in their properties. For analysis of the catalytic activity of the modified clay was made a comparative study with the SBA -15 mesoporous materials, synthesized via hydrothermal method, using the pyrolysis of low density polyethylene (LDPE). The results showed that the acid plays a fundamental role in the conversion of the polymer into smaller molecules, the material V3/400 was more selective for the source monomer (ethylene) due to their increased acidity, which promotes more breaks bonds in the polymeric chain, while materials and V0/400 V2/400, lower acidity, showed higher selectivity to light hydrocarbons, the range of fuel (41.96 and 41.23%, respectively), due to less breakage and secondary condensation reactions chains; already V4/400 SBA-15/550 and resulted in lower percentages of light hydrocarbons and the partial destruction of the structure and low acidity, respectively, responsible for the inefficiency of materials
Chemical modification of clays has been extremely studied in the search for improvements of their properties for use in various areas, such as in combating pollution by industrial effluents and dyes. In this work, the vermiculite was chemically modified in two ways, characterized and evaluated the adsorption of methylene blue dye. First was changed with the addition of a surfactant (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, BHTA) making it an organophilic clay and then by adding an acid (HCl) by acid activation. Some analyzes were performed as X-ray fluorescence (FRX), X-ray diffraction (DRX), adsorption isotherms of methylene blue dye, infrared (FTIR) , scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal gravimetric analysis and spectroscopy energy dispersive (EDS). Analysis by FRX of natural vermiculite indicates that addition of silicon and aluminum, clay presents in its structure the magnesium, calcium and potassium with 16 % organic matter cations. The DRX analyzes indicated that the organic vermiculite was an insertion of the surfactant in the space between the lamellae, vermiculite and acid partial destruction of the structure with loss of crystallinity. The adsorption isotherms of methylene blue showed that there was a significant improvement in the removal of dye to the vermiculite with the addition of cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide and treatment with acid using HCl 2 mol/L. In acid vermiculites subsequently treated with surfactant, the adsorption capacity increased with respect to natural vermiculite, however was much lower compared vermiculite modified with acid and surfactant separately. Only the acidic vermiculite treated with surfactant adjusted to the Langmuir model. As in the infrared spectrometry proved the characteristics of natural vermiculite. In the organic vermiculite was observed the appearance of characteristic bands of CH3, CH2, and (CH3)4N. Already on acid vermiculite, it was realized a partial destruction with decreasing intensity of the characteristic band of vermiculite that is between 1074 and 952 cm-1. In the SEM analysis, it was observed that there was partial destruction to the acid treatment and a cluster is noted between the blades caused by the presence of the surfactant. The TG shows that the higher mass loss occurs at the beginning of the heating caused by the elimination of water absorbed on the surface between layers. In the organic vermiculite also observed a loss of mass between 150 and 300 C caused decomposition of the alkylammonium molecules (surfactants)
No presente trabalho foi feita unta reviso do resultado ps-operatrio com a tcnica de miectomia de Forssell modificada aplicada em 11 equinos portadores de aerofagia, atendidos no Hospital Veterinrio da FMVZ-UNESP, Botucatu, no perodo entre julho de 1992 e abril de 1995. A tcnica consiste basicamente na resseco dos msculos omohiodeo, esternohiodeo e esternotirohiodeo associado neurectomia do ramo ventral do nervo acessrio, que inerva o msculo esternomandibular. As informaes sobre a evoluo ps-operatria. que variou entre 4 e 36 meses, foram obtidas por contacto telefnico ou carta questionrio. As raas acometidas foram: Quarto de Milha (5 animais). Apaloosa (4 animais), Mangalarga (1 animal) e Brasileira de Hipismo (1 animal), sendo 7 fmeas e 4 machos, e as idades variaram entre 1,5 e 11 anos. O resultado ps-operatrio mostrou que 7 animais (63.3%) estavam totalmente recuperados; 2 animais (18.1%) recuperaram-se parcialmente pois o problema recidivou embora em menor intensidade entre 30 e 90 dias aps a cirurgia e 2 animais (18,1%) no tiveram nenhuma melhora.
The osseointegrated titanium implants are reliable and safe alternatives to treatments for long periods of time. For surface modification, thermal aspersion of TiO2 was used. The samples with and without TiO2 were treated with NaOH and SBF in order to obtain a layer of HA. Characterization was done by SEM and FTIR. The images of HA obtained by SEM show a uniform morphology and a porous structure with spherical particles. The IR spectra show that the surface of Ticp/ TiO2 is more favorable for the HA deposit, as can be seen by the increase of the crystalline structure and the very intense and defined bands of the OH group of HA that is verified about 3571 and 630 cm-1. Thus the Ticp/ TiO2 surface presents a satisfactory nucleation of HA when compared to Ticp.
OBJETIVO: o presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar dois tipos de contenes ortodnticas fixas, em relao a parmetros periodontais estabelecidos. A conteno com fio tranado a mais comumente utilizada e a conteno modificada apresenta dobras que tm a finalidade de permitir o livre acesso do fio dental s reas interproximais. MTODOS: para esse estudo cruzado, foram selecionados 12 voluntrios que utilizaram, por 6 meses, A) Conteno com fio tranado e B) Conteno modificada - sendo essas fixadas em todos os dentes do segmento anterior. Aps esse perodo experimental, foram feitas as seguintes avaliaes: ndice de Placa Dentria, ndice Gengival, ndice de Clculo Dentrio e ndice de Clculo ao longo do fio de conteno. Os voluntrios tambm responderam a um questionrio com relao utilizao, conforto e higienizao das contenes. RESULTADOS: foi observado que o ndice de placa e o ndice gengival foram maiores nas faces linguais (p<0,05) para a conteno modificada. Alm disso, o ndice de clculo foi estatisticamente maior (p<0,05) considerando-se as faces linguais e proximais na utilizao da conteno modificada. O ndice de clculo ao longo do fio tambm apresentou valores significativamente maiores (p<0,05) na conteno modificada. em relao ao questionrio, 58% dos voluntrios consideraram que a conteno modificada mais desconfortvel; e 54% deles preferiram a conteno com fio tranado. CONCLUSO: a partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a conteno com fio tranado apresentou melhores resultados do que a conteno modificada, de acordo com os parmetros periodontais avaliados, alm de apresentar maior conforto e preferncia na sua utilizao.
Este trabalho avaliou o efeito das embalagens de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), em diferentes espessuras, no prolongamento da vida til ps-colheita de carambolas cv. 'Golden Star'. Os frutos foram colhidos fisiologicamente maturos, sendo selecionados pela ausncia de defeitos e acondicionados nas embalagens de PEBD, constituindo os seguintes tratamentos: T1 - controle (sem embalagem); T2 - PEBD de 6 mim; T3 - PEBD de 10 mim; T4 - PEBD de 15 mim. Os frutos foram armazenados a 12 +/- 0,5 C e 95 +/- 5% de UR, por 45 dias, e mais 5 dias a 22 +/- 3C e 72 +/- 5% de UR. Vinte e quatro horas aps a colheita e a cada nove dias, amostras eram retiradas do armazenamento refrigerado (AR), mantidas por 12 horas em condies ambiente (22 +/- 3C e 72 +/- 5% UR) e analisadas quanto firmeza de polpa (FP), perda de massa fresca, colorao da epiderme, aos slidos solveis totais (SST), acidez total titulvel (ATT) e ocorrncia de distrbios fisiolgicos. Realizou-se tambm uma anlise sensorial ao final do experimento. A maior firmeza de polpa e acidez total titulvel, o melhor padro de colorao, o menor contedo de slidos solveis totais, a ausncia de manchas e podrides, e a melhor aceitabilidade pelos julgadores foram obtidos com os frutos acondicionados em embalagens de 10 mim.
Estudou-se a manuteno da qualidade do abacaxi 'Prola', utilizando-se de refrigerao e atmosfera modificada. Os frutos foram armazenados em ambiente com controle de temperatura a 8C e 90%UR, durante 17 dias, quando foram transferidos para condio de ambiente (25C, 75-80%UR). Eles foram avaliados na recepo, caracterizando-os, aps 5; 9; 13 e 17 dias sob refrigerao, e depois de transferidos para as condies de ambiente, aos 21; 25 e 29 dias. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial (6 x 8), tendo-se seis tratamentos (testemunha, duas ceras e trs filmes plsticos) e oito pocas de avaliao. Os frutos foram avaliados quanto colorao, ocorrncia de podrides e de escurecimento interno, e a polpa avaliada quanto ao pH e aos teores de slidos solveis totais (SST), acidez total titulvel (ATT), cido ascrbico e acares solveis, totais e redutores. Durante o armazenamento, observaram-se o amarelecimento dos frutos, o aumento no pH, na relao SST/ATT, e nos teores de acares solveis, totais e redutores, que foram maiores aps a transferncia dos frutos para o ambiente. Os sintomas de injria por chilling aumentaram com o tempo de armazenamento. Os tratamentos que modificam a atmosfera (embalagens e ceras) no influenciam significativamente nos principais atributos de qualidade do abacaxi 'Prola', mas o uso de embalagem com PEBD e PVC atrasou o aparecimento de sintomas de escurecimento interno aps a transferncia dos frutos para a condio ambiente. Os frutos sem embalagem e os tratados com cera mostraram-se mais sensveis injria por chilling, que se manifestou aos quatro dias aps a remoo para o ambiente. A embalagem em PEBD e PVC retardou o aparecimento dos primeiros sintomas, em quatro dias.
O trabalho foi realizado no Departamento de Cincia e Tecnologia Agroindustrial, da UFPel/Pelotas, com o objetivo de avaliar a utilizao de embalagens de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) e do adsorvedor de etileno em caquis cv. Fuyu. Na safra de 2000-2001, os frutos foram armazenados a granel, em embalagens de PEBD de 0,022 mm contendo doze e 40 frutos e em embalagens de PEBD de 0,033 mm contendo doze frutos, sendo que apenas metade das embalagens possua o sach adsorvedor de etileno. de acordo com as variveis analisadas (distrbios fisiolgicos, concentrao/produo de CO2 e etileno), os frutos acondicionados nas embalagens de 0,022 mm contendo doze frutos, com e sem o adsorvedor, apresentavam-se em estdio menos avanado de amadurecimento e com qualidade superior aos demais tratamentos. J na safra de 2001 - 2002, sob os mesmos parmetros avaliados no ano anterior, foram testados o armazenamento a granel e o armazenamento em embalagens de PEBD de 0,022 mm, contendo doze, dezoito e 24 frutos, tambm com e sem a utilizao de sach adsorvedor de etileno. Aps 90 dias de armazenamento refrigerado (AR), mais os cinco dias de simulao de comercializao, os frutos acondicionados nas embalagens de 0,022 mm, contendo doze e dezoito frutos, independentemente do sistema de adsoro de etileno, apresentaram os melhores resultados em todas as variveis testadas.