134 resultados para polarizability


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho é investigar teóricamente as propriedades eletrônicas e óticas de compostos orgânicos em ambiente líquido. A compreensão das interações em sistemas líquidos é muito importante para a descrição de fenômenos em muitas partes da ciência, como Física, Química, Biologia e Materiais, bem como no desenvolvimento de materiais óticos. As flutuações térmicas fazem que inumaram das configurações para os líquidos possam ser gerados. Esta é a razão do comportamento estatístico observado em sistemas líquidos. Considerando estas dificuldades, o tratamento sequencial Monte Carlo / Mecânica Quântica (SMC/QM) é usado neste trabalho. Neste procedimento, a estrutura líquida é gerada primeiramente por simulações clássicas de MC e mais tarde, somente a parte mais importante do sistema é tratada com mecânica quântica. Usando o procedimento acima, os propriedades do quantum o pirazine dimethyl do thiene Methyl da laranja (MO) e do O 2,3-dimetil tieno[3,4-b] pirazina (DTP) foram investigados. O MO é um conhecido indicador de pH e pode ser encontrado sob circunstâncias básicas e acidas. Suas geometrias de mínima energia foram obtidas mediante a Teoria do Funcional da Densidade pelo funcional B3LYP, sendo o sistema descrito pelas bases de Pople com uma função de polarização (6-31G*). Para obter as propriedades médias dos observaveis, cálculos de química quântica foram executados dentro da aproximação semi-empírica de INDO/S-CI. Com respeito ao espectro de absorção, os dados experimentais existentes na literatura científica reportam a existência de uma larga banda localizada na região de baixas energias, mais precisamente entre 400 e 600 nm. Nossos resultados teóricos para a forma alcalina mostram uma transição intensa transição π → π* aproximadamente à 432.4 ± 0.03 nm e, sob condições ácidas, esta transição aparece aproximadamente à 507.4 ± 0.12, 496.4 ± 0.28 ou 545.3 ± 0.10 nm, dependendo da estrutura, mostrando bom acordo com resultados experimentais. O DTP é um sistema particular usado na produção de polímeros de baixo gap. Suas propriedades elétricas e óticas foram obtidas através de um novo procedimento conhecido por Configuração Eletrostática Média do Solvent (ASEC). O procedimento ASEC inclui moléculas do solvente como cargas pontuais e permite o obtenção das quantidades quânticas executando somente poucos cálculos de mecânica quântica. Para o DTP, usando a teoria das perturbações de segunda ordem Mφller-Plesset (MP2) e o conjunto de bases aug-cc-pVDZ, a convergência do momento de dipolo foi alcançada com apenas quatro cálculos de mecânica quântica à 1.16 D, apresentando um aumento de 42% quando comparado ao dipolo isolado. O polarizabilidade corresponde à outra característica elétrica que pôde ser medida. Considerando o mesmo nível empregado ao cálculo do dipolo, o valor médio 132.7 a30 foi observado. A região de mais baixas da energias do espectro de absorption foi investigada também atravé de procedimento de ASEC usando ambos as aproximações, semi-empírico e DFT. Esta região de absorção é motivo de conclusões contraditórias com relação à natureza das transições n → π* e π → π*. Nossos resultados mostram que realmente que essas excitações são realmente observadas simultanemente podendo sobrepôr-se. Como exemplo, nossos resultados para DFT, encontrados usando o funcional B3LYP nos mostra que estas transições aparecem aproximadamente à 360.6 e 351.1 nm.


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Investigações geofísicas, pelos métodos geoelétricos de eletrorresistividade e polarização induzida (IP), através das técnicas de sondagem elétrica vertical e caminhamento elétrico (configurações Schlumberger e dipolo-dipolo), foram executadas na área do aterro controlado da cidade de Piracicaba (SP), com o objetivo de avaliar as potencialidades da integração dos métodos na caracterização geoelétrica da área. A área sobre a qual está assentado o aterro de Piracicaba é constituída por sedimentos da Formação Corumbataí (sedimentos argilosos e/ou silto-argilosos, com intercalações de arenitos). A interpretação conjunta da resistividade e da polarizabilidade permitiu mapear zonas de percolação de chorume e identificar os diferentes litotipos das formação, identificando materiais arenosos e siltosos. Ficou evidente que a polarizabilidade é sensível à presença de resíduos urbanos e que o efeito de IP é relacionado a materiais polarizáveis dispostos na cava, como latas, papéis, restos eletrônicos e materiais de empréstimo utilizados para a cobertura dos resíduos. Além disso, o método de IP pode ser mais indicado para o mapeamento de zonas de resíduos onde não exista contraste de resistividade entre o meio natural e os resíduos. Palavras-chave: Eletrorresisitividade, polarização induzida, aterro sanitário.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The CaSnO3 perovskite is investigated under geochemical pressure, up to 25 GPa, by means of periodic ab initio calculations performed at B3LYP level with local Gaussian-type orbital basis sets. Structural, elastic, and spectroscopic (phonon wave-numbers, infrared and Raman intensities) properties are fully characterized and discussed. The evolution of the Raman spectrum of CaSnO3 under pressure is reported to remarkably agree with a recent experimental determination [J. Kung, Y. J. Lin, and C. M. Lin, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 224507 (2011)] as regards both wave-number shifts and intensity changes. All phonon modes are symmetry-labeled and bands assigned. The single-crystal total spectrum is symmetry-decomposed into the six directional spectra related to the components of the polarizability tensor. The infrared spectrum at increasing pressure is reported for the first time and its main features discussed. All calculations are performed using the CRYSTAL14 program, taking advantage of the new implementation of analytical infrared and Raman intensities for crystalline materials. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Using an effective two-body interaction potential, a molecular dynamics study of the structural properties of amorphous ZrF4 phase is presented. The effective pair potential includes steric repulsion, Coulomb interaction due to charge transfer, and charge-dipole interaction due to the large electronic polarizability of anions. The results for structural correlations, such as pair distribution functions, coordination numbers, and bond angle distributions are presented. Excellent agreement is obtained by comparing experimental X-ray diffraction and the simulated static X-ray structure factor. © 1993.


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The properties of films of carboxymethyl cellulose, CMC, of different degree of substitution, DS, have been examined by the use of perichromic indicators (probes). The film properties that have been determined are: empirical polarity, E-T(33); "acidity", alpha; "basicity", beta; and dipolarity/polarizability, pi*. This has been achieved by employing the following perichromic probes: 4-nitroaniline, 4-nitroanisole, 4-nitro-N,N-dimethylaniline, and 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl-pyridinium-1-yl)phenolate, WB. The correlations between both E-T(33)- or pi* and DS were found to be linear; that between beta and DS is a second order polynomial; no obvious correlation was found between alpha and DS. The polarities of CMC films are in the range of those of butyl alcohols. As models for CMC, we have employed cellulose plus CMC of high DS; oxidized cellulose with degree of oxidation = 0.5; sodium glucuronate. The former model behaved akin to CMC, but the plots of the perichromic properties versus DS showed different slopes/intercepts. FTIR data and molecular dynamics simulations on the solvation of WB have shown that this difference can be traced to more efficient hydrogen bonding between the film of the model and the probe. This affects the intra-molecular charge-transfer energy of the latter, leading to different responses to the variation of DS. Based on the excellent linear correlation between E-T(33) and DS, for CMC from different origins, we suggest that perichromism is a simple, accurate, and expedient alternative for the determination of DS of the biopolymer derivative.


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Using a first-principles theoretical model the adsorption of a methyl radical on different sized silver nanoparticles is compared to the adsorption of the same radical on model surfaces. Calculations of our structural, dynamical and electronic properties indicated that small changes in the local environment will lead to small changes in infrared (IR) wavenumbers, but in dramatic changes in the IR signal. Our calculations indicate the lower the adsorption site coordination, the higher is the signal strength, suggesting that small changes in the electronic charge distribution will result in bigger changes in the polarizability and hence in the spectroscopic signal intensity. This effect explains, among others, the signal magnification observed for nanoparticles in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopic (SERS) experiments.


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We present a detailed study of the Baryscan technique, a new efficient alternative to the widespread Z-scan technique which has been demonstrated [Opt. Lett. 36:8, 2011] to reach among the highest sensitivity levels. This method is based upon the measurement of optical nonlinearities by means of beam centroid displacements with a position sensitive detector and is able to deal with any kind of lensing effect. This technique is applied here to measure pump-induced electronic refractive index changes (population lens), which can be discriminated from parasitic thermal effects by using a time-resolved Baryscan experiment. This method is validated by evaluating the polarizability variation at the origin of the population lens observed in the reference Cr3+:GSGG laser material.


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There is a continuous search for theoretical methods that are able to describe the effects of the liquid environment on molecular systems. Different methods emphasize different aspects, and the treatment of both the local and bulk properties is still a great challenge. In this work, the electronic properties of a water molecule in liquid environment is studied by performing a relaxation of the geometry and electronic distribution using the free energy gradient method. This is made using a series of steps in each of which we run a purely molecular mechanical (MM) Monte Carlo Metropolis simulation of liquid water and subsequently perform a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) calculation of the ensemble averages of the charge distribution, atomic forces, and second derivatives. The MP2/aug-cc-pV5Z level is used to describe the electronic properties of the QM water. B3LYP with specially designed basis functions are used for the magnetic properties. Very good agreement is found for the local properties of water, such as geometry, vibrational frequencies, dipole moment, dipole polarizability, chemical shift, and spin-spin coupling constants. The very good performance of the free energy method combined with a QM/MM approach along with the possible limitations are briefly discussed.


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This thesis is concerned with the calculation of virtual Compton scattering (VCS) in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory to fourth order in the momentum and quark-mass expansion. In the one-photon-exchange approximation, the VCS process is experimentally accessible in photon electro-production and has been measured at the MAMI facility in Mainz, at MIT-Bates, and at Jefferson Lab. Through VCS one gains new information on the nucleon structure beyond its static properties, such as charge, magnetic moments, or form factors. The nucleon response to an incident electromagnetic field is parameterized in terms of 2 spin-independent (scalar) and 4 spin-dependent (vector) generalized polarizabilities (GP). In analogy to classical electrodynamics the two scalar GPs represent the induced electric and magnetic dipole polarizability of a medium. For the vector GPs, a classical interpretation is less straightforward. They are derived from a multipole expansion of the VCS amplitude. This thesis describes the first calculation of all GPs within the framework of manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. Because of the comparatively large number of diagrams - 100 one-loop diagrams need to be calculated - several computer programs were developed dealing with different aspects of Feynman diagram calculations. One can distinguish between two areas of development, the first concerning the algebraic manipulations of large expressions, and the second dealing with numerical instabilities in the calculation of one-loop integrals. In this thesis we describe our approach using Mathematica and FORM for algebraic tasks, and C for the numerical evaluations. We use our results for real Compton scattering to fix the two unknown low-energy constants emerging at fourth order. Furthermore, we present the results for the differential cross sections and the generalized polarizabilities of VCS off the proton.


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Plasmonen sind die kollektive resonante Anregung von Leitungselektronen. Vom Licht angeregternPlasmonen in subwellenlängen-grossen Nanopartikeln heissen Partikelplasmonen und sind vielversprechende Kandidaten für zukünftige Mikrosensoren wegen der starken Abhängigkeit der Resonanz an extern steuerbaren Parametern, wie die optischen Eigenschaften des umgebenden Mediums und die elektrische Ladung der Nanopartikel. Die extrem hohe Streue_zienz von Partikelplasmonen erlaubt eine einfache Beobachtung einzelner Nanopartikel in einem Mikroskop.rnDie Anforderung, schnell eine statistisch relevante Anzahl von Datenpunkten sammeln zu können,rnund die wachsende Bedeutung von plasmonischen (vor allem Gold-) Nanopartikeln für Anwendungenrnin der Medizin, hat nach der Entwicklung von automatisierten Mikroskopen gedrängt, die im bis dahin nur teilweise abgedeckten spektralen Fenster der biologischen Gewebe (biologisches Fenster) von 650 bis 900nm messen können. Ich stelle in dieser Arbeit das Plasmoscope vor, das genau unter Beobachtung der genannten Anforderungen entworfen wurde, in dem (1) ein einstellbarer Spalt in die Eingangsö_nung des Spektrometers, die mit der Bildebene des Mikroskops zusammenfällt, gesetzt wurde, und (2) einem Piezo Scantisch, der es ermöglicht, die Probe durch diesen schmalen Spalt abzurastern. Diese Verwirklichung vermeidet optische Elemente, die im nahen Infra-Rot absorbieren.rnMit dem Plasmoscope untersuche ich die plasmonische Sensitivität von Gold- und Silbernanostrnäbchen, d.h. die Plasmon-Resonanzverschiebung in Abhängigkeit mit der Änderung des umgebendenrnMediums. Die Sensitivität ist das Mass dafür, wie gut die Nanopartikeln Materialänderungenrnin ihrer Umgebung detektieren können, und damit ist es immens wichtig zu wissen, welche Parameterrndie Sensitivität beein_ussen. Ich zeige hier, dass Silbernanostäbchen eine höhere Sensitivität alsrnGoldnanostäbchen innerhalb des biologischen Fensters besitzen, und darüberhinaus, dass die Sensitivität mit der Dicke der Stäbchen wächst. Ich stelle eine theoretische Diskussion der Sensitivitätrnvor, indenti_ziere die Materialparameter, die die Sensitivität bein_ussen und leite die entsprechendenrnFormeln her. In einer weiteren Annäherung präsentiere ich experimentelle Daten, die die theoretische Erkenntnis unterstützen, dass für Sensitivitätsmessschemata, die auch die Linienbreite mitberücksichtigen, Goldnanostäbchen mit einem Aspektverhältnis von 3 bis 4 das optimalste Ergebnis liefern. Verlässliche Sensoren müssen eine robuste Wiederholbarkeit aufweisen, die ich mit Gold- und Silbernanostäbchen untersuche.rnDie Plasmonen-resonanzwellenlänge hängt von folgenden intrinsischen Materialparametern ab:rnElektrondichte, Hintergrundpolarisierbarkeit und Relaxationszeit. Basierend auf meinen experimentellen Ergebnissen zeige ich, dass Nanostäbchen aus Kupfer-Gold-Legierung im Vergleich zu ähnlich geformten Goldnanostäbchen eine rotverschobene Resonanz haben, und in welcher Weiserndie Linienbreite mit der stochimetrischen Zusammensetzung der legierten Nanopartikeln variiert.rnDie Abhängigkeit der Linienbreite von der Materialzusammensetzung wird auch anhand von silberbeschichteten und unbeschichteten Goldnanostäbchen untersucht.rnHalbleiternanopartikeln sind Kandidaten für e_ziente photovoltaische Einrichtungen. Die Energieumwandlung erfordert eine Ladungstrennung, die mit dem Plasmoscope experimentell vermessen wird, in dem ich die lichtinduzierte Wachstumsdynamik von Goldsphären auf Halbleiternanost äbchen in einer Goldionenlösung durch die Messung der gestreuten Intensität verfolge.rn