992 resultados para plasma simulation


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Diagnostic-based modeling (DBM) actively combines complementary advantages of numerical plasma simulations and relatively simple optical emission spectroscopy (OES). DBM is applied to determine spatial absolute atomic oxygen ground-state density profiles in a micro atmospheric-pressure plasma jet operated in He–O2. A 1D fluid model with semi-kinetic treatment of the electrons yields detailed information on the electron dynamics and the corresponding spatio-temporal electron energy distribution function. Benchmarking this time- and space-resolved simulation with phase-resolved OES (PROES) allows subsequent derivation of effective excitation rates as the basis for DBM. The population dynamics of the upper O(3p3P) oxygen state (? = 844 nm) is governed by direct electron impact excitation, dissociative excitation, radiation losses, and collisional induced quenching. Absolute values for atomic oxygen densities are obtained through tracer comparison with the upper Ar(2p1) state (? = 750.4 nm). The resulting spatial profile for the absolute atomic oxygen density shows an excellent quantitative agreement to a density profile obtained by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy.


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Atomic oxygen formation in a radio-frequency driven micro-atmospheric pressure plasma jet is investigated using both advanced optical diagnostics and numerical simulations of the dynamic plasma chemistry. Laser spectroscopic measurements of absolute densities of ground state atomic oxygen reveal steep gradients at the interface between the plasma core and the effluent region. Spatial profiles resolving the interelectrode gap within the core plasma indicate that volume processes dominate over surface reactions. Details of the production and destruction processes are investigated in numerical simulations benchmarked by phase-resolved optical emission spectroscopy. The main production mechanisms are electron induced and hence most efficient in the vicinity of the plasma boundary sheath, where electrons are energized. The destruction is driven through chemical heavy particle reactions. The resulting spatial profile of atomic oxygen is relatively flat. The power dependence of the atomic oxygen density obtained by the numerical simulation is in very good agreement with the laser spectroscopic measurements.


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The expansion of a dense plasma through a more rarefied ionized medium is a phenomenon of interest in various physics environments ranging from astrophysics to high energy density laser-matter laboratory experiments. Here this situation is modeled via a one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation; a jump in the plasma density of a factor of 100 is introduced in the middle of an otherwise equally dense electron-proton plasma with an uniform proton and electron temperature of 10 eV and 1 keV, respectively. The diffusion of the dense plasma, through the rarefied one, triggers the onset of different nonlinear phenomena such as a strong ion-acoustic shock wave and a rarefaction wave. Secondary structures are detected, some of which are driven by a drift instability of the rarefaction wave. Efficient proton acceleration occurs ahead of the shock, bringing the maximum proton velocity up to 60 times the initial ion thermal speed. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3469762]


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Ion-acceleration processes have been studied in ultraintense laser plasma interactions for normal incidence irradiation of solid deuterated targets via neutron spectroscopy. The experimental neutron spectra strongly suggest that the ions are preferentially accelerated radially, rather than into the bulk of the material from three-dimensional Monte Carlo fitting of the neutron spectra. Although the laser system has a 10(-7) contrast ratio, a two-dimensional magnetic hydrodynamics simulation shows that the laser pedestal generates a 10 mum scale length in the coronal plasma with a 3 mum scale-length plasma near the critical density. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, incorporating this realistic density profile, indicate that the acceleration of the ions is caused by a collisionless shock formation. This has implications for modeling energy transport in solid is caused by a collisionless shock formation. This has implications for modeling energy transport in solid density plasmas as well as cone-focused fast ignition using the next generation PW lasers currently under construction.


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In a recent experimental study, the beam intensity profile of the Vulcan petawatt laser beam was measured; it was found that only 20% of the energy was contained within the full width at half maximum of 6.9 mu m and 50% within 16 mu m, suggesting a long-tailed non-Gaussian transverse beam profile. A q-Gaussian distribution function was suggested therein to reproduce this behavior. The spatial beam profile dynamics of a q-Gaussian laser beam propagating in relativistic plasma is investigated in this article. A non-paraxial theory is employed, taking into account nonlinearity via the relativistic decrease of the plasma frequency. We have studied analytically and numerically the dynamics of a relativistically guided beam and its dependence on the q-parameter. Numerical simulation results are shown to trace the dependence of the focusing length on the q-Gaussian profile.


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The possibility of using high-power lasers to generate high-quality beams of energetic ions is attracting large global interest. The prospect of using laser-accelerated protons in medicine attracts particular interest, as these schemes may lead to compact and relatively low-cost sources. Among the challenges remaining before these sources can be used in medicine is to increase the numbers and energies of the ions accelerated. Here, we extend the energy and intensity range over which proton scaling is experimentally investigated, up to 400 J and 6 x 10(20) W cm(-2) respectively, and find a slower proton scaling than previously predicted. With the aid of plasma-expansion simulation tools, our results suggest the importance of time-dependent and multidimensional effects in predicting the maximum proton energy in this ultrahigh-intensity regime. The implications of our new understanding of proton scaling for potential medical applications are discussed.


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Recently using KrF high power laser (248 nm; 350 fs; 5.0x10(16) W/cm(2)) in the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory an experimental search for recombination extreme ultraviolet (XUV) laser action in Li-like nitrogen ions was performed. To understand the experimental results of line emission at 24.7 nm in the 3d(5/2)-2p(3/2) transition of the Li-like nitrogen ion a simulation was undertaken using a one-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamic code. From the simulation results, we confirmed that there was nonlinear dependence of spectral line emission on the gas density which was well matched to the experimental results. Only a six times increase of the 24.7 nm emission intensity was obtained when the plasma length was increased 1000 times from 1 mu m as an optically thin case to 1 mm. Also, the spatial profile of the electron density and temperature was obtained and the electron temperature was about 40-50 eV which was too high for the optical field ionization x-ray lasing. We could not find evidence of x-ray laser gain. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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The growth and saturation of Buneman-type instabilities is examined with a particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation for parameters that are representative for the foreshock region of fast supernova remnant shocks. A dense ion beam and the electrons correspond to the upstream plasma and a fast ion beam to the shock-reflected ions. The purpose of the 2D simulation is to identify the nonlinear saturation mechanisms, the electron heating and potential secondary instabilities that arise from anisotropic electron heating and result in the growth of magnetic fields. We confirm that the instabilities between both ion beams and the electrons saturate by the formation of phase space holes by the beam-aligned modes. The slower oblique modes accelerate some electrons, but they cannot heat up the electrons significantly before they are trapped by the faster beam-aligned modes. Two circular electron velocity distributions develop, which are centred around the velocity of each ion beam. They develop due to the scattering of the electrons by the electrostatic wave potentials. The growth of magnetic fields is observed, but their amplitude remains low.


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A series of numerical simulations is presented, based on a recurrence-free Vlasov kinetic model using kinetic phase point trajectories. All plasma components are modeled kinetically via a Vlasov evolution equation, then coupled through Poisson’s equation. The dynamics of ion acoustic waves in an electron-ion and in a dusty (electron-ion-dust) plasma configuration are investigated, focusing on wave decay due to Landau damping and, in particular, on the parametric dependence of the damping rate on the dust concentration and on the electron-to-ion temperature ratio. In the absence of dust, the occurrence of damping was observed, as expected, and its dependence to the relative magnitude of the electron vs ion temperature(s) was investigated. When present, the dust component influences the charge balance, enabling dust-ion acoustic waves to survive Landau damping even in the extreme regime where Te???Ti. The Landau damping rate is shown to be minimized for a strong dust concentration or/and for a high value of the electron-to-ion temperature ratio. Our results confirm earlier theoretical considerations and contribute to the interpretation of experimental observations of dust-ion acoustic wave characteristics.


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The plasma dynamics resulting from the simultaneous impact, of two equal, ultra-intense laser pulses, in two spatially separated spots, onto a dense target is studied via particle-in-cell simulations. The simulations show that electrons accelerated to relativistic speeds cross the target and exit at its rear surface. Most energetic electrons are bound to the rear surface by the ambipolar electric field and expand along it. Their current is closed by a return current in the target, and this current configuration generates strong surface magnetic fields. The two electron sheaths collide at the midplane between the laser impact points. The magnetic repulsion between the counter-streaming electron beams separates them along the surface normal direction, before they can thermalize through other beam instabilities. This magnetic repulsion is also the driving mechanism for the beam-Weibel (filamentation) instability, which is thought to be responsible for magnetic field growth close to the internal shocks of gamma-ray burst jets. The relative strength of this repulsion compared to the competing electrostatic interactions, which is evidenced by the simulations, suggests that the filamentation instability can be examined in an experimental setting. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4768426]


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The expansion of an initially unmagnetized planar rarefaction wave has recently been shown to trigger a thermal anisotropy-driven Weibel instability (TAWI), which can generate magnetic fields from noise levels. It is examined here whether the TAWI can also grow in a curved rarefaction wave. The expansion of an initially unmagnetized circular plasma cloud, which consists of protons and hot electrons, into a vacuum is modelled for this purpose with a two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation. It is shown that the momentum transfer from the electrons to the radially accelerating protons can indeed trigger a TAWI. Radial current channels form and the aperiodic growth of a magnetowave is observed, which has a magnetic field that is oriented orthogonal to the simulation plane. The induced electric field implies that the electron density gradient is no longer parallel to the electric field. Evidence is presented here that this electric field modification triggers a environments, which are needed to explain the electromagnetic emissions by astrophysical jets. It is outlined how this instability could be examined experimentally.second magnetic instability, which results in a rotational low-frequency magnetowave. The relevance of the TAWI is discussed for the growth of small-scale magnetic fields in astrophysical


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Optical beams with null central intensity have potential applications in the field of atom optics. The spatial and temporal evolution of a central shadow dark hollow Gaussian (DHG) relativistic laser pulse propagating in a plasma is studied in this article for first principles. A nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation is obtained for the beam spot profile and then solved numerically to investigate the pulse propagation characteristics. As series of numerical simulations are employed to trace the profile of the focused and compressed DHG laser pulse as it propagates through the plasma. The theoretical and simulation results predict that higher-order DHG pulses show smaller divergence as they propagate and, thus, lead to enhanced energy transport. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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The collision of two plasma clouds at a speed that exceeds the ion acoustic speed can result in the formation of shocks. This phenomenon is observed not only in astrophysical scenarios, such as the propagation of supernova remnant (SNR) blast shells into the interstellar medium, but also in laboratory-based laser-plasma experiments. These experiments and supporting simulations are thus seen as an attractive platform for small-scale reproduction and study of astrophysical shocks in the laboratory. We model two plasma clouds, which consist of electrons and ions, with a 2D particle-in-cell simulation. The ion temperatures of both clouds differ by a factor of ten. Both clouds collide at a speed that is realistic for laboratory studies and for SNR shocks in their late evolution phase, like that of RCW86. A magnetic field, which is orthogonal to the simulation plane, has a strength that is comparable to that of SNR shocks. A forward shock forms between the overlap layer of both plasma clouds and the cloud with cooler ions. A large-amplitude ion acoustic wave is observed between the overlap layer and the cloud with hotter ions. It does not steepen into a reverse shock because its speed is below the ion acoustic speed. A gradient of the magnetic field amplitude builds up close to the forward shock as it compresses the magnetic field. This gradient gives rise to an electron drift that is fast enough to trigger an instability. Electrostatic ion acoustic wave turbulence develops ahead of the shock, widens its transition layer, and thermalizes the ions, but the forward shock remains intact. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.


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A series of numerical simulations based on a recurrence-free Vlasov kinetic algorithm presented earlier [Abbasi et al., Phys. Rev. E 84, 036702 (2011)] are reported. Electron-ion plasmas and three-component (electron-ion-dust) dusty, or complex, plasmas are considered, via independent simulations. Considering all plasma components modeled through a kinetic approach, the nonlinear behavior of ionic scale acoustic excitations is investigated. The focus is on Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) modes generated during the simulations. In particular, we aim at investigating the parametric dependence of the characteristics of BGK structures, namely of their time periodicity (τ trap) and their amplitude, on the electron-to-ion temperature ratio and on the dust concentration. In electron-ion plasma, an exponential relation between τ trap and the amplitude of BGK modes and the electron-to-ion temperature ratio is observed. It is argued that both characteristics, namely, the periodicity τ trap and amplitude, are also related to the size of the phase-space vortex which is associated with BGK mode creation. In dusty plasmas, BGK modes characteristics appear to depend on the dust particle density linearly