951 resultados para plasma cell différentiation


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BackgroundThe recurrent immunoglobulin translocation, t(4;14)(p16;q32) occurs in 15% of multiple myeloma patients and is associated with poor prognosis, through an unknown mechanism. The t(4;14) up-regulates fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) and multiple myeloma SET domain (MMSET) genes. The involvement of MMSET in the pathogenesis of t(4;14) multiple myeloma and the mechanism or genes deregulated by MMSET upregulation are still unclear.Design and MethodsThe expression of MMSET was analyzed using a novel antibody. The involvement of MMSET in t(4;14) myelomagenesis was assessed by small interfering RNA mediated knockdown combined with several biological assays. In addition, the differential gene expression of MMSET-induced knockdown was analyzed with expression microarrays. MMSET gene targets in primary patient material was analyzed by expression microarrays.ResultsWe found that MMSET isoforms are expressed in multiple myeloma cell lines, being exclusively up-regulated in t(4;14)-positive cells. Suppression of MMSET expression affected cell proliferation by both decreasing cell viability and cell cycle progression of cells with the t(4;14) translocation. These findings were associated with reduced expression of genes involved in the regulation of cell cycle progression (e.g. CCND2, CCNG1, BRCA1, AURKA and CHEK1), apoptosis (CASP1, CASP4 and FOXO3A) and cell adhesion (ADAM9 and DSG2). Furthermore, we identified genes involved in the latter processes that were differentially expressed in t(4;14) multiple myeloma patient samples.ConclusionsIn conclusion, dysregulation of MMSET affects the expression of several genes involved in the regulation of cell cycle progression, cell adhesion and survival.


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Impedance cardiography is an application of bioimpedance analysis primarily used in a research setting to determine cardiac output. It is a non invasive technique that measures the change in the impedance of the thorax which is attributed to the ejection of a volume of blood from the heart. The cardiac output is calculated from the measured impedance using the parallel conductor theory and a constant value for the resistivity of blood. However, the resistivity of blood has been shown to be velocity dependent due to changes in the orientation of red blood cells induced by changing shear forces during flow. The overall goal of this thesis was to study the effect that flow deviations have on the electrical impedance of blood, both experimentally and theoretically, and to apply the results to a clinical setting. The resistivity of stationary blood is isotropic as the red blood cells are randomly orientated due to Brownian motion. In the case of blood flowing through rigid tubes, the resistivity is anisotropic due to the biconcave discoidal shape and orientation of the cells. The generation of shear forces across the width of the tube during flow causes the cells to align with the minimal cross sectional area facing the direction of flow. This is in order to minimise the shear stress experienced by the cells. This in turn results in a larger cross sectional area of plasma and a reduction in the resistivity of the blood as the flow increases. Understanding the contribution of this effect on the thoracic impedance change is a vital step in achieving clinical acceptance of impedance cardiography. Published literature investigates the resistivity variations for constant blood flow. In this case, the shear forces are constant and the impedance remains constant during flow at a magnitude which is less than that for stationary blood. The research presented in this thesis, however, investigates the variations in resistivity of blood during pulsataile flow through rigid tubes and the relationship between impedance, velocity and acceleration. Using rigid tubes isolates the impedance change to variations associated with changes in cell orientation only. The implications of red blood cell orientation changes for clinical impedance cardiography were also explored. This was achieved through measurement and analysis of the experimental impedance of pulsatile blood flowing through rigid tubes in a mock circulatory system. A novel theoretical model including cell orientation dynamics was developed for the impedance of pulsatile blood through rigid tubes. The impedance of flowing blood was theoretically calculated using analytical methods for flow through straight tubes and the numerical Lattice Boltzmann method for flow through complex geometries such as aortic valve stenosis. The result of the analytical theoretical model was compared to the experimental impedance measurements through rigid tubes. The impedance calculated for flow through a stenosis using the Lattice Boltzmann method provides results for comparison with impedance cardiography measurements collected as part of a pilot clinical trial to assess the suitability of using bioimpedance techniques to assess the presence of aortic stenosis. The experimental and theoretical impedance of blood was shown to inversely follow the blood velocity during pulsatile flow with a correlation of -0.72 and -0.74 respectively. The results for both the experimental and theoretical investigations demonstrate that the acceleration of the blood is an important factor in determining the impedance, in addition to the velocity. During acceleration, the relationship between impedance and velocity is linear (r2 = 0.98, experimental and r2 = 0.94, theoretical). The relationship between the impedance and velocity during the deceleration phase is characterised by a time decay constant, ô , ranging from 10 to 50 s. The high level of agreement between the experimental and theoretically modelled impedance demonstrates the accuracy of the model developed here. An increase in the haematocrit of the blood resulted in an increase in the magnitude of the impedance change due to changes in the orientation of red blood cells. The time decay constant was shown to decrease linearly with the haematocrit for both experimental and theoretical results, although the slope of this decrease was larger in the experimental case. The radius of the tube influences the experimental and theoretical impedance given the same velocity of flow. However, when the velocity was divided by the radius of the tube (labelled the reduced average velocity) the impedance response was the same for two experimental tubes with equivalent reduced average velocity but with different radii. The temperature of the blood was also shown to affect the impedance with the impedance decreasing as the temperature increased. These results are the first published for the impedance of pulsatile blood. The experimental impedance change measured orthogonal to the direction of flow is in the opposite direction to that measured in the direction of flow. These results indicate that the impedance of blood flowing through rigid cylindrical tubes is axisymmetric along the radius. This has not previously been verified experimentally. Time frequency analysis of the experimental results demonstrated that the measured impedance contains the same frequency components occuring at the same time point in the cycle as the velocity signal contains. This suggests that the impedance contains many of the fluctuations of the velocity signal. Application of a theoretical steady flow model to pulsatile flow presented here has verified that the steady flow model is not adequate in calculating the impedance of pulsatile blood flow. The success of the new theoretical model over the steady flow model demonstrates that the velocity profile is important in determining the impedance of pulsatile blood. The clinical application of the impedance of blood flow through a stenosis was theoretically modelled using the Lattice Boltzman method (LBM) for fluid flow through complex geometeries. The impedance of blood exiting a narrow orifice was calculated for varying degrees of stenosis. Clincial impedance cardiography measurements were also recorded for both aortic valvular stenosis patients (n = 4) and control subjects (n = 4) with structurally normal hearts. This pilot trial was used to corroborate the results of the LBM. Results from both investigations showed that the decay time constant for impedance has potential in the assessment of aortic valve stenosis. In the theoretically modelled case (LBM results), the decay time constant increased with an increase in the degree of stenosis. The clinical results also showed a statistically significant difference in time decay constant between control and test subjects (P = 0.03). The time decay constant calculated for test subjects (ô = 180 - 250 s) is consistently larger than that determined for control subjects (ô = 50 - 130 s). This difference is thought to be due to difference in the orientation response of the cells as blood flows through the stenosis. Such a non-invasive technique using the time decay constant for screening of aortic stenosis provides additional information to that currently given by impedance cardiography techniques and improves the value of the device to practitioners. However, the results still need to be verified in a larger study. While impedance cardiography has not been widely adopted clinically, it is research such as this that will enable future acceptance of the method.


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The dynamic lateral segregation of signaling proteins into microdomains is proposed to facilitate signal transduction, but the constraints on microdomain size, mobility, and diffusion that might realize this function are undefined. Here we interrogate a stochastic spatial model of the plasma membrane to determine how microdomains affect protein dynamics. Taking lipid rafts as representative microdomains, we show that reduced protein mobility in rafts segregates dynamically partitioning proteins, but the equilibrium concentration is largely independent of raft size and mobility. Rafts weakly impede small-scale protein diffusion but more strongly impede long-range protein mobility. The long-range mobility of raft-partitioning and raft-excluded proteins, however, is reduced to a similar extent. Dynamic partitioning into rafts increases specific interprotein collision rates, but to maximize this critical, biologically relevant function, rafts must be small (diameter, 6 to 14 nm) and mobile. Intermolecular collisions can also be favored by the selective capture and exclusion of proteins by rafts, although this mechanism is generally less efficient than simple dynamic partitioning. Generalizing these results, we conclude that microdomains can readily operate as protein concentrators or isolators but there appear to be significant constraints on size and mobility if microdomains are also required to function as reaction chambers that facilitate nanoscale protein-protein interactions. These results may have significant implications for the many signaling cascades that are scaffolded or assembled in plasma membrane microdomains.


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One of the fundamental motivations underlying computational cell biology is to gain insight into the complicated dynamical processes taking place, for example, on the plasma membrane or in the cytosol of a cell. These processes are often so complicated that purely temporal mathematical models cannot adequately capture the complex chemical kinetics and transport processes of, for example, proteins or vesicles. On the other hand, spatial models such as Monte Carlo approaches can have very large computational overheads. This chapter gives an overview of the state of the art in the development of stochastic simulation techniques for the spatial modelling of dynamic processes in a living cell.


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The ability of cells to adhere, spread and migrate is essential to many physiological processes, particularly in the immune system where cells must traffic to sites of inflammation and injury. By altering the levels of individual components of the VAMP3/Stx4/SNAP23 complex we show here that this SNARE complex regulates efficient macrophage adhesion, spreading and migration on fibronectin. During cell spreading this complex mediates the polarised exocytosis of VAMP3- positive recycling endosome membrane into areas of membrane expansion, where VAMP3's surface partner Q-SNARE complex Stx4/SNAP23 was found to accumulate. Lowering the levels of VAMP3 in spreading cells resulted in a more rounded cell morphology and most cells were found to be devoid of the typical ring-like podosome superstructures seen normally in spreading cells. In migrating cells lowering VAMP3 levels disrupted the polarised localisation of podosome clusters. The reduced trafficking of recycling endosome membrane to sites of cell spreading and the disorganised podosome localisation in migrating macrophages greatly reduced their ability to persistently migrate on fibronectin. Thus, this important SNARE complex facilitates macrophage adhesion, spreading, and persistent macrophage migration on fibronectin through the delivery of VAMP3-positive membrane with its cargo to expand the plasma membrane and to participate in organising adhesive podosome structures.


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Changing sodium intake from 70-200 mmol/day elevates blood pressure in normotensive volunteers by 6/4 mmHg. Older people, people with reduced renal function on a low sodium diet and people with a family history of hypertension are more likely to show this effect. The rise in blood pressure was associated with a fall in plasma volume suggesting that plasma volume changes do not initiate hypertension. In normotensive individuals the most common abnormality in membrane sodium transport induced by an extra sodium load was an increased permeability of the red cell to sodium. Some normotensive individuals also had an increase in the level of a plasma inhibitor that inhibited Na-K ATPase. These individuals also appeared to have a rise in blood pressure. Sodium intake and blood pressure are related. The relationship differs in different people and is probably controlled by the genetically inherited capacity of systems involved in membrane sodium transport.


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There is a growing need for successful bone tissue engineering strategies and advanced biomaterials that mimic the structure and function of native tissues carry great promise. Successful bone repair approaches may include an osteoconductive scaffold, osteoinductive growth factors, cells with an osteogenic potential and capacity for graft vascularisation. To increase osteoinductivity of biomaterials, the local combination and delivery of growth factors has been developed. In the present study we investigated the osteogenic effects of calcium phosphate (CaP)-coated nanofiber mesh tube-mediated delivery of BMP-7 from a PRP matrix for the regeneration of critical sized segmental bone defects in a small animal model. Bilateral full-thickness diaphyseal segmental defects were created in twelve male Lewis rats and nanofiber mesh tubes were placed around the defect. Defects received either treatment with a CaP-coated nanofiber mesh tube (n = 6), an un-coated nanofiber mesh tube (n=6) a CaP-coated nanofiber mesh tube with PRP (n=6) or a CaP-coated nanofiber mesh tube in combination with 5 μg BMP-7 and PRP (n = 6). After 12 weeks, bone volume and biomechanical properties were evaluated using radiography, microCT, biomechanical testing and histology. The results demonstrated significantly higher biomechanical properties and bone volume for the BMP group compared to the control groups. These results were supported by the histological evaluations, where BMP group showed the highest rate of bone regeneration within the defect. In conclusion, BMP-7 delivery via PRP enhanced functional bone defect regeneration, and together these data support the use of BMP-7 in the treatment of critical sized defects.


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Granulysin is a cytolytic granule protein released by natural killer cells and activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The influence of exercise training on circulating granulysin concentration is unknown, as is the relationship between granulysin concentration, natural killer cell number and natural killer cell cytotoxicity. We examined changes in plasma granulysin concentration, natural killer cell number and cytotoxicity following acute exercise and different training loads. Fifteen highly trained male cyclists completed a baseline 40-km cycle time trial (TT401) followed by five weeks of normal training and a repeat time trial (TT402). The cyclists then completed four days of high intensity training followed by another time trial (TT403) on day five. Following one final week of normal training cyclists completed another time trial (TT404). Fasting venous blood was collected before and after each time trial to determine granulysin concentration, natural killer cell number and natural killer cell cytotoxicity. Granulysin concentration increased significantly after each time trial (P<0.001). Pre-exercise granulysin concentration for TT403 was significantly lower than pre-exercise concentration for TT401 (-20.3 +/- 7.5%, P<0.026), TT402 (-16.7 +/- 4.3%, P<0.003) and 7T404 (-21 +/- 4.2%, P<0.001). Circulating natural killer cell numbers also increased significantly post-exercise for each time trial (P<0.001), however there was no significant difference across TT40 (P>0.05). Exercise did not significantly alter natural killer cell cytotoxicity on a per cell basis, and there were no significant differences between the four time trials. In conclusion, plasma granulysin concentration increases following moderate duration, strenuous exercise and is decreased in response to a short-term period of intensified training.


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Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoactive peptide and a hypoxia-inducible angiogenic growth factor associated with the development and growth of solid tumours. This study evaluated the expression of big endothelin-1 (big ET-1), a stable precursor of ET-1, and ET-1 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Big ET-1 expression was evaluated in paraffin-embedded tissue sections from 10 NSCLC tumours using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation. The production of big ET-1 and ET-1 was studied in six established NSCLC cell lines. The plasma concentrations of big ET-1 were measured in 30 patients with proven NSCLC prior to chemotherapy by means of a sandwich enzyme-linked immunoassay and compared to levels in 20 normal controls. Big ET-1 immunostaining was detected in the cancer cells of all tumours studied. Using in situ hybridisation, tumour cell big ET-1 mRNA expression was demonstrated in all samples. All six NSCLC cell lines expressed ET-1, with big ET-1 being detected in three. The median big ET-1 plasma level in patients with NSCLC was 5.4 pg/mL (range 0-22.7 pg/mL) and was significantly elevated compared to median big ET-1 plasma levels in controls, 2.1 pg/mL (1.2-13.4 pg/mL) (p=0.0001). Furthermore, patients with plasma big ET-1 levels above the normal range (upper tertile) had a worse outcome (p=0.01). In conclusion, big ET-1/ET-1 is expressed by resected NSCLC specimens and tumour cell lines. Plasma big ET-1 levels are elevated in NSCLC patients compared to controls with levels >7.8 pg/mL being associated with a worse outcome. The development of selective ET-1 antagonists such as Atrasentan indicates that ET-1 may be a therapeutic target in NSCLC. © 2004 Wichtig Editore.


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Background: Thromboxane synthase (TXS) metabolises prostaglandin H2 into thromboxanes, which are biologically active on cancer cells. TXS over-expression has been reported in a range of cancers, and associated with a poor prognosis. TXS inhibition induces cell death in-vitro, providing a rationale for therapeutic intervention. We aimed to determine the expression profile of TXS in NSCLC and if it is prognostic and/or a survival factor in the disease. Methods: TXS expression was examined in human NSCLC and matched controls by western analysis and IHC. TXS metabolite (TXB 2) levels were measured by EIA. A 204-patient NSCLC TMA was stained for COX-2 and downstream TXS expression. TXS tissue expression was correlated with clinical parameters, including overall survival. Cell proliferation/survival and invasion was examined in NSCLC cells following both selective TXS inhibition and stable TXS over-expression. Results: TXS was over-expressed in human NSCLC samples, relative to matched normal controls. TXS and TXB 2levels were increased in protein (p < 0.05) and plasma (p < 0.01) NSCLC samples respectively. TXS tissue expression was higher in adenocarcinoma (p < 0.001) and female patients (p < 0.05). No significant correlation with patient survival was observed. Selective TXS inhibition significantly reduced tumour cell growth and increased apoptosis, while TXS over-expression stimulated cell proliferation and invasiveness, and was protective against apoptosis. Conclusion: TXS is over-expressed in NSCLC, particularly in the adenocarcinoma subtype. Inhibition of this enzyme inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis. Targeting thromboxane synthase alone, or in combination with conventional chemotherapy is a potential therapeutic strategy for NSCLC. © 2011 Cathcart et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Purpose: This randomised trial was designed to investigate the activity and toxicity of continuous infusion etoposide phosphate (EP), targeting a plasma etoposide concentration of either 3 μg/ml for five days (5d) or 1 μg/ml for 15 days (15d), in previously untreated SCLC patients with extensive disease. Patients and methods: EP was used as a single agent. Plasma etoposide concentration was monitored on days 2 and 4 in patients receiving 5d EP and on days 2, 5, 8 and 11 in patients receiving 15d EP, with infusion modification to ensure target concentrations were achieved. Treatment was repeated every 21 days for up to six cycles, with a 25% reduction in target concentration in patients with toxicity. Results: The study has closed early after entry of 29 patients (14 with 5d EP, 15 with 15d EP). Objective responses were seen in seven of 12 (58%, confidence interval (CI): 27%-85%) evaluable patients after 5d EP, and two of 14 (14%, CI: 4%42%) evaluable patients after 15d EP (P = 0.038). Grade 3 or 4 neutropenia or leucopenia during the first cycle of treatment was observed in six of 12 patients after 5d EP and 0/14 patients after 15d EP (P = 0.004), with median nadir WBC count of 2.6 x 109/1 after 5d and 5.0 x 109/1 after 15d EP (P = 0.017). Only one of 49 cycles of 15d EP was associated with grade 3 or worse haematological toxicity, compared to 14 of 61 cycles of 5d EP. Conclusions: Although the number of patients entered into this trial was small, the low activity seen at 1 μg/ml in the 15d arm suggests that this concentration is below the therapeutic window in this setting. Further concentration- controlled studies with prolonged EP infusions are required.