956 resultados para planning project


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Projects exposed to an uncertain environment must be adapted to deal with the effective integration of various planning elements and the optimization of project parameters. Time, cost, and quality are the prime objectives of a project that need to be optimized to fulfill the owner's goal. In an uncertain environment, there exist many other conflicting objectives that may also need to be optimized. These objectives are characterized by varying degrees of conflict. Moreover, an uncertain environment also causes several changes in the project plan throughout its life, demanding that the project plan be totally flexible. Goal programming (GP), a multiple criteria decision making technique, offers a good solution for this project planning problem. There the planning problem is considered from the owner's perspective, which leads to classifying the project up to the activity level. GP is applied separately at each level, and the formulated models are integrated through information flow. The flexibility and adaptability of the models lies in the ease of updating the model parameters at the required level through changing priorities and/or constraints and transmitting the information to other levels. The hierarchical model automatically provides integration among various element of planning. The proposed methodology is applied in this paper to plan a petroleum pipeline construction project, and its effectiveness is demonstrated.


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Projects that are exposed to uncertain environments can be effectively controlled with the application of risk analysis during the planning stage. The Analytic Hierarchy Process, a multiattribute decision-making technique, can be used to analyse and assess project risks which are objective or subjective in nature. Among other advantages, the process logically integrates the various elements in the planning process. The results from risk analysis and activity analysis are then used to develop a logical contingency allowance for the project through the application of probability theory. The contingency allowance is created in two parts: (a) a technical contingency, and (b) a management contingency. This provides a basis for decision making in a changing project environment. Effective control of the project is made possible by the limitation of the changes within the monetary contingency allowance for the work package concerned, and the utilization of the contingency through proper appropriation. The whole methodology is applied to a pipeline-laying project in India, and its effectiveness in project control is demonstrated.


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A válság okozta megszorítások a projektek költségvetését sem hagyták változatlanul. Nagyon sokszor nemcsak a jövőbeni projekttervek költségvetését kell átgondolni, hanem a már futó projektek költségvetését is újra kell szabni. E tanulmány ilyen esetekben nyújthat módszertani támogatást. A szerző ebben a kutatásban négy költség- és időcsökkentő módszert hasonlít össze. Ismerteti, hogy ezeket az eljárásokat milyen módon lehet ötvözni, illetve mikor, melyiket célszerű alkalmazni. Az eljárások között van olyan módszer, amely a hagyományos projektmenedzsment (pl. építési, beruházási projektek menedzselésének) eszköztárát gazdagítja, de találkozhatunk olyan eljárásokkal is, amelyek az agilis projektszemléleten alapuló módszerek körét szélesítik. A bemutatott módszerek nemcsak a hálótervezési, hanem a mátrixos projekttervezési eljárások esetén is alkalmazhatók. ____ Due to the effects of the crisis, budgets of present as well as future projects are decreasing steadily. In this study four different methods are introduced for minimising budget and time demands. These introduced methods support not only the traditional but also the agile project management. Furthermore these methods can be used not only in case of network planning, but also for matrix-based project planning.


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Több mint száz éve született meg Henry Gantt (Gantt, 1910) sávos ütemterve, Kelley (Kelley, 1961) és Walker (Walker, 1959) is több mint hatvan éve publikálta kritikus út módszerét. Az ezekre épülő költség- és erőforrás- tervezési módszerek vajon alkalmasak-e a ma kihívásaira? Az olvasó ebben a tanulmányban többéves kutatómunka gyümölcsét láthatja. A kutatás során az egyik legfontosabb cél annak vizsgálata volt, hogy a meglévő projekttervezési eszközök mennyiben felelnek meg a mai projektek kihívásainak; hol és milyen területen van szükség e módszerek továbbfejlesztésére, esetleg meghaladására. Ebben a tanulmányban a szerző olyan módszereket mutat be, amelyek messze túlvezetnek bennünket a projekttervezés eddig elsősorban operatív feladatokra szorítkozó módszereitől, és olyan kérdések megválaszolására fordítja figyelmünket, mint pl. milyen tevékenységeket, projekteket valósítsunk meg; melyeket hagyjuk el vagy ütemezzük be egy későbbi projektbe; hogyan rangsoroljuk, priorizáljuk a projektek megvalósítását, fontosságát? ______ Gantt chart (Gantt, 1910) was born by Henry Gantt more than a hundred years ago. Kelley and Walker published their critical planning method more than a 60 years ago (see i.e. Kelley-Walker, 1959). Can we use methods based on network planning methods for the challenges of 21st century? In this paper the author can see the results of the recent researches. In this study with their colleagues he investigated which project planning methods can be used in challenges of the 21st century and where and how to improve them. In these researches new matrix-based project planning methods are specified, where they can deal not only operative but strategic questions: which subprojects/tasks should be completed, how to treat priorities of completion in case of defining logic planning, how to support not only traditional but agile project management approaches.In this paper he introduces a new matrix-based method, which can be used for ranking project or multi project scenarios with different kinds of target functions. The author shows methods that are used in an expert module. He shows how to integrate this expert module into the traditional PMS system.


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The implementation of collaborative planning and teaching models in ten flexibly scheduled elementary and middle school library media centers was studied to determine which factors facilitated the collaborative planning process and to learn what occurs when library media specialists (LMSs) and classroom teachers (CTs) plan together. In this qualitative study, 61 principals, CTs, and LMSs were interviewed on a range of topics including the principal's role, school climate, the value of team planning, the importance of information literacy instruction, and the ideal learning environment. Other data sources were observations, videotapes of planning sessions, and documents. This three-year school reform effort was funded by the Library Power Project to improve library programs, to encourage collaborative planning, and to increase curricular integration of information literacy skills instruction. ^ The findings included a description of typical planning sessions and the identification of several major factors which impacted the success of collaborative planning: the individuals involved, school climate, time for planning, the organization of the school, the facility and collection, and training. Of these factors, the characteristics and actions of the people involved were most critical to the implementation of the innovation. The LMS was the pivotal player and, in the views of CTs, principals, and LMSs themselves, must be knowledgeable about curriculum, the library collection, and instructional design and delivery; must be open and welcoming to CTs and use good interpersonal skills; and must be committed to information literacy instruction and willing to act as a change agent. The support of the principal was vital; in schools with successful programs, the principal served as an advocate for collaborative planning and information literacy instruction, provided financial support for the library program including clerical staff, and arranged for LMSs and CTs to have time during the school day to plan together. ^ CTs involved in positive planning partnerships with LMSs were flexible, were open to change, used a variety of instructional materials, expected students to be actively involved in their own learning, and were willing to team teach with LMSs. Most CTs planning with LMSs made lesson plans in advance and preferred to plan with others. Also, most CTs in this study planned with grade level or departmental groups, which expedited the delivery of information literacy instruction and the effective use of planning time. ^ Implications of the findings of this research project were discussed for individual schools, for school districts, and for colleges and universities training LMSs, CTs, and administrators. Suggestions for additional research were also included. ^


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Fact sheet describing the desired qualifications for the Academic Health Sciences Master Planning Initiative team.


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Part 13: Virtual Reality and Simulation