985 resultados para planetary albedo
The present study aimed to compare the attractiveness of industrial citrus pulp with the handmade orange albedo to the workers of Atta sexdens rubropilosa. For this, filter paper fragments were impregnated with organic extracts obtained through chemical extraction and sequential fractioning with hexane and dichloromethane and offered to different field nests. It was verified that the industrial citrus pulp extract is as good as the handmade orange albedo extract. This preference is discussed keeping in mind the chemical, behavioral and nutritional factors.
Some orbital characteristics of lunar artificial satellites is presented taking into account the perturbation of the third-body in elliptical orbit and the non-uniform distribution of mass of the Moon. We consider the development of the non-sphericity of the Moon in zonal spherical harmonics up to the ninth order and sectorial harmonic C 22 due to the lunar equatorial ellipticity. The motion of the artificial satellite is studied under the single-averaged analytical model. The average is applied to the mean anomaly of the satellite to analyze low-altitude orbits which are of highest importance for future lunar missions. We found families of frozen orbits with long lifetimes for the problem of an orbiter travelling around the Moon.
An analytical expansion of the disturbing function arising from direct planetary perturbations on the motion of satellites is derived. As a Fourier series, it allows the investigation of the secular effects of these direct perturbations, as well as of every argument present in the perturbation. In particular, we construct an analytical model describing the evection resonance between the longitude of pericenter of the satellite orbit and the longitude of a planet, and study briefly its dynamic. The expansion developed in this paper is valid in the case of planar and circular planetary orbits, but not limited in eccentricity or inclination of the satellite orbit. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Aims.We investigate the dynamics of pebbles immersed in a gas disk interacting with a planet on an eccentric orbit. The model has a prescribed gap in the disk around the location of the planetary orbit, as is expected for a giant planet with a mass in the range of 0.1-1 Jupiter masses. The pebbles with sizes in the range of 1 cm to 3 m are placed in a ring outside of the giant planet orbit at distances between 10 and 30 planetary Hill radii. The process of the accumulation of pebbles closer to the gap edge, its possible implication for the planetary accretion, and the importance of the mass and the eccentricity of the planet in this process are the motivations behind the present contribution. Methods. We used the Bulirsch-Stoer numerical algorithm, which is computationally consistent for close approaches, to integrate the Newtonian equations of the planar (2D), elliptical restricted three-body problem. The angular velocity of the gas disk was determined by the appropriate balance between the gravity, centrifugal, and pressure forces, such that it is sub-Keplerian in regions with a negative radial pressure gradient and super-Keplerian where the radial pressure gradient is positive. Results. The results show that there are no trappings in the 1:1 resonance around the L 4 and L5 Lagrangian points for very low planetary eccentricities (e2 < 0.07). The trappings in exterior resonances, in the majority of cases, are because the angular velocity of the disk is super-Keplerian in the gap disk outside of the planetary orbit and because the inward drift is stopped. Furthermore, the semi-major axis location of such trappings depends on the gas pressure profile of the gap (depth) and is a = 1.2 for a planet of 1 MJ. A planet on an eccentric orbit interacts with the pebble layer formed by these resonances. Collisions occur and become important for planetary eccentricity near the present value of Jupiter (e 2 = 0.05). The maximum rate of the collisions onto a planet of 0.1 MJ occurs when the pebble size is 37.5 cm ≤ s < 75 cm; for a planet with the mass of Jupiter, it is15 cm ≤ s < 30 cm. The accretion stops when the pebble size is less than 2 cm and the gas drag dominates the motion. © 2013 ESO.
O avanço da fronteira agrícola na Amazônia pode acarretar graves impactos ambientais, constituindo a mudança no albedo da superfície um dos principais forçantes. Avaliou-se, neste trabalho, o albedo da soja (Glycine Max (L.) Merryl), plantada em condições naturais de campo, na cidade de Paragominas, PA, região com grande avanço da fronteira agrícola na Amazônia, e se observou relação direta entre o albedo da soja e o seu índice de área foliar, valor máximo diário variando entre 0,24 e 0,25 associado a um IAF de 7,17 correspondente a 1297,62 graus-dia acumulados. Em termos médios, encontrou-se que a o estádio fenológico mais critico da cultura, tendo como base a mudança no albedo, é o estádio fenológico de frutificação na qual a mesma apresenta um albedo médio máximo de 23,3% (± 0,0007). Modelos empíricos foram ajustados para simular a variação diária do albedo em função do IAF e umidade do solo, ao longo do ciclo, e a variação diurna do albedo na elevação solar, para cada estádio fenológico da soja.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We have developed a method to compute the albedo contrast between dust devil tracks and their surrounding regions on Mars. It is mainly based on Mathematical Morphology operators and uses all the points of the edges of the tracks to compute the values of the albedo contrast. It permits the extraction of more accurate and complete information, when compared to traditional point sampling, not only providing better statistics but also permitting the analysis of local variations along the entirety of the tracks. This measure of contrast, based on relative quantities, is much more adequate to establish comparisons at regional scales and in multi-temporal basis using imagery acquired in rather different environmental and operational conditions. Also, the substantial increase in the details extracted may permit quantifying differential depositions of dust by computing local temporal fading of the tracks with consequences on a better estimation of the thickness of the top most layer of dust and the minimum value needed to create dust devils tracks. The developed tool is tested on 110 HiRISE images depicting regions in the Aeolis, Argyre, Eridania, Noachis and Hellas quadrangles. As a complementary evaluation, we also performed a temporal analysis of the albedo in a region of Russell crater, where high seasonal dust devil activity was already observed before, comprising the years 2007-2012. The mean albedo of the Russell crater is in this case indicative of dust devil tracks presence and, therefore, can be used to quantify dust devil activity. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We have done a new analysis of the available observations of the GJ581 exoplanetary system. Today this system is controversial due to choices that can be done in the orbital determination. The main ones are the occurrence of aliases and the additional bodies-the planets f and g-announced in Vogt et al. (Astrophys J 723:954-965, 2010). Any dynamical study of exoplanets requires the good knowledge of the orbital elements and the investigations involving the planet g are particularly interesting, since this body would lie in the habitable zone (HZ) of the star GJ581. This region, for this system, is very attractive of the dynamical point of view due to several resonances of two and three bodies present there. In this work, we investigate the conditions under which the planet g may exist. We stress the fact that the planet g is intimately related with the orbital elements of the planet d; more precisely, we conclude that it is not possible to disconnect its existence from the determination of the eccentricity of the planet d. Concerning the planet f, we have found one solution with period a parts per thousand 450 days, but we are judicious about any affirmation concerning this body because its signal is in the threshold of detection and the high period is in a spectral region where the occurrence of aliases is very common. Besides, we outline some dynamical features of the HZ with the dynamical map and point out the role played by some resonances laying there.
Context. Detections of molecular lines, mainly from H-2 and CO, reveal molecular material in planetary nebulae. Observations of a variety of molecules suggest that the molecular composition in these objects differs from that found in interstellar clouds or in circumstellar envelopes. The success of the models, which are mostly devoted to explain molecular densities in specific planetary nebulae, is still partial however. Aims. The present study aims at identifying the influence of stellar and nebular properties on the molecular composition of planetary nebulae by means of chemical models. A comparison of theoretical results with those derived from the observations may provide clues to the conditions that favor the presence of a particular molecule. Methods. A self-consistent photoionization numerical code was adapted to simulate cold molecular regions beyond the ionized zone. The code was used to obtain a grid of models and the resulting column densities are compared with those inferred from observations. Results. Our models show that the inclusion of an incident flux of X-rays is required to explain the molecular composition derived for planetary nebulae. We also obtain a more accurate relation for the N(CO)/N(H-2) ratio in these objects. Molecular masses obtained by previous works in the literature were then recalculated, showing that these masses can be underestimated by up to three orders of magnitude. We conclude that the problem of the missing mass in planetary nebulae can be solved by a more accurate calculation of the molecular mass.
Titan's optical and near-IR spectra result primarily from the scattering of sunlight by haze and its absorption by methane. With a column abundance of 92 km amagat (11 times that of Earth), Titan's atmosphere is optically thick and only similar to 10% of the incident solar radiation reaches the surface, compared to 57% on Earth. Such a formidable atmosphere obstructs investigations of the moon's lower troposphere and surface, which are highly sensitive to the radiative transfer treatment of methane absorption and haze scattering. The absorption and scattering characteristics of Titan's atmosphere have been constrained by the Huygens Probe Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) experiment for conditions at the probe landing site (Tomasko, M.G., Bezard, B., Doose, L., Engel, S., Karkoschka, E. 120084 Planet. Space Sci. 56, 624-247: Tomasko, M.G. et al. [2008b] Planet. Space Sci. 56, 669-707). Cassini's Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) data indicate that the rest of the atmosphere (except for the polar regions) can be understood with small perturbations in the high haze structure determined at the landing site (Penteado, P.F., Griffith, CA., Tomasko, M.G., Engel, S., See, C., Doose, L, Baines, K.H., Brown, R.H., Buratti, B.J., Clark, R., Nicholson, P., Sotin, C. [2010]. Icarus 206, 352-365). However the in situ measurements were analyzed with a doubling and adding radiative transfer calculation that differs considerably from the discrete ordinates codes used to interpret remote data from Cassini and ground-based measurements. In addition, the calibration of the VIMS data with respect to the DISR data has not yet been tested. Here, VIMS data of the probe landing site are analyzed with the DISR radiative transfer method and the faster discrete ordinates radiative transfer calculation; both models are consistent (to within 0.3%) and reproduce the scattering and absorption characteristics derived from in situ measurements. Constraints on the atmospheric opacity at wavelengths outside those measured by DISR, that is from 1.6 to 5.0 mu m, are derived using clouds as diffuse reflectors in order to derive Titan's surface albedo to within a few percent error and cloud altitudes to within 5 km error. VIMS spectra of Titan at 2.6-3.2 mu m indicate not only spectral features due to CH4 and CH3D (Rannou, P., Cours, T., Le Mouelic, S., Rodriguez, S., Sotin, C., Drossart, P., Brown, R. [2010]. Icarus 208, 850-867), but also a fairly uniform absorption of unknown source, equivalent to the effects of a darkening of the haze to a single scattering albedo of 0.63 +/- 0.05. Titan's 4.8 mu m spectrum point to a haze optical depth of 0.2 at that wavelength. Cloud spectra at 2 mu m indicate that the far wings of the Voigt profile extend 460 cm(-1) from methane line centers. This paper releases the doubling and adding radiative transfer code developed by the DISR team, so that future studies of Titan's atmosphere and surface are consistent with the findings by the Huygens Probe. We derive the surface albedo at eight spectral regions of the 8 x 12 km(2) area surrounding the Huygens landing site. Within the 0.4-1.6 mu m spectral region our surface albedos match DISR measurements, indicating that DISR and VIMS measurements are consistently calibrated. These values together with albedos at longer 1.9-5.0 mu m wavelengths, not sampled by DISR, resemble a dark version of the spectrum of Ganymede's icy leading hemisphere. The eight surface albedos of the landing site are consistent with, but not deterministic of, exposed water ice with dark impurities. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Large conurbations are a significant source of the anthropogenic pollution and demographic differences between cities that result in a different pollution burden. The metropolitan area of Sao Paulo (MASP, population 20 million) accounts for one fifth of the Brazilian vehicular fleet. A feature of MASP is the amount of ethanol used by the vehicular fleet, known to exacerbate air quality. The study describes the diurnal behaviour of the submicron aerosol and relies on total particle number concentration, particle number size distribution, light scattering and light absorption measurements. Modelled planetary boundary layer (PBL) depth and air mass movement data were used to aid the interpretation. During morning rush-hour, stagnant air and a shallow PBL height favour the accumulation of aerosol pollution. During clear-sky conditions, there was a wind shift towards the edge of the city indicating a heat island effect with implications on particulate pollution levels at the site. The median total particle number concentration for the submicron aerosol typically varied in the range 1.6 x 10(4)-3.2 x 10(4) cm(-3) frequently exceeding 4 x 10(4) cm-3 during the day. During weekdays, nucleation-mode particles are responsible for most of the particles by numbers. The highest concentrations of total particle number concentrations and black carbon (BC) were observed on Fridays. Median diurnal values for light absorption and light scattering (at 637 nm wavelength) varied in the range 12-33 Mm(-1) and 21-64 Mm(-1), respectively. The former one is equal to 1.8-5.0 mu g m(-3) of BC. The growth of the PBL, from the morning rush-hour until noon, is consistent with the diurnal cycle of BC mass concentrations. Weekday hourly median single-scattering albedo (omega(0)) varied in the range 0.59-0.76. Overall, this suggests a top of atmosphere (TOA) warming effect. However, considering the low surface reflectance of urban areas, for the given range of omega(0), the TOA radiative forcing can be either positive or negative for the sources within the MASP. On the average, weekend omega(0) values were 0.074 higher than during weekdays. During 11% of the days, new particle formation (NPF) events occurred. The analysed events growth rates ranged between 9 and 25 nm h(-1). Sulphuric acid proxy concentrations calculated for the site were less than 5% of the concentration needed to explain the observed growth. Thus, other vapours are likely contributors to the observed growth.
A complete census of planetary systems around a volume-limited sample of solar-type stars (FGK dwarfs) in the Solar neighborhood (d a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 15 pc) with uniform sensitivity down to Earth-mass planets within their Habitable Zones out to several AUs would be a major milestone in extrasolar planets astrophysics. This fundamental goal can be achieved with a mission concept such as NEAT-the Nearby Earth Astrometric Telescope. NEAT is designed to carry out space-borne extremely-high-precision astrometric measurements at the 0.05 mu as (1 sigma) accuracy level, sufficient to detect dynamical effects due to orbiting planets of mass even lower than Earth's around the nearest stars. Such a survey mission would provide the actual planetary masses and the full orbital geometry for all the components of the detected planetary systems down to the Earth-mass limit. The NEAT performance limits can be achieved by carrying out differential astrometry between the targets and a set of suitable reference stars in the field. The NEAT instrument design consists of an off-axis parabola single-mirror telescope (D = 1 m), a detector with a large field of view located 40 m away from the telescope and made of 8 small movable CCDs located around a fixed central CCD, and an interferometric calibration system monitoring dynamical Young's fringes originating from metrology fibers located at the primary mirror. The mission profile is driven by the fact that the two main modules of the payload, the telescope and the focal plane, must be located 40 m away leading to the choice of a formation flying option as the reference mission, and of a deployable boom option as an alternative choice. The proposed mission architecture relies on the use of two satellites, of about 700 kg each, operating at L2 for 5 years, flying in formation and offering a capability of more than 20,000 reconfigurations. The two satellites will be launched in a stacked configuration using a Soyuz ST launch vehicle. The NEAT primary science program will encompass an astrometric survey of our 200 closest F-, G- and K-type stellar neighbors, with an average of 50 visits each distributed over the nominal mission duration. The main survey operation will use approximately 70% of the mission lifetime. The remaining 30% of NEAT observing time might be allocated, for example, to improve the characterization of the architecture of selected planetary systems around nearby targets of specific interest (low-mass stars, young stars, etc.) discovered by Gaia, ground-based high-precision radial-velocity surveys, and other programs. With its exquisite, surgical astrometric precision, NEAT holds the promise to provide the first thorough census for Earth-mass planets around stars in the immediate vicinity of our Sun.
Context. CoRoT is a pioneering space mission whose primary goals are stellar seismology and extrasolar planets search. Its surveys of large stellar fields generate numerous planetary candidates whose lightcurves have transit-like features. An extensive analytical and observational follow-up effort is undertaken to classify these candidates. Aims. We present the list of planetary transit candidates from the CoRoT LRa01 star field in the Monoceros constellation toward the Galactic anti-center direction. The CoRoT observations of LRa01 lasted from 24 October 2007 to 3 March 2008. Methods. We acquired and analyzed 7470 chromatic and 3938 monochromatic lightcurves. Instrumental noise and stellar variability were treated with several filtering tools by different teams from the CoRoT community. Different transit search algorithms were applied to the lightcurves. Results. Fifty-one stars were classified as planetary transit candidates in LRa01. Thirty-seven (i.e., 73% of all candidates) are "good" planetary candidates based on photometric analysis only. Thirty-two (i.e., 87% of the "good" candidates) have been followed-up. At the time of writing twenty-two cases were solved and five planets were discovered: three transiting hot-Jupiters (CoRoT-5b, CoRoT-12b, and CoRoT-21b), the first terrestrial transiting planet (CoRoT-7b), and another planet in the same system (CoRoT-7c, detected by radial velocity survey only). Evidence of another non-transiting planet in the CoRoT-7 system, namely CoRoT-7d, was recently found as well.
Many of the discovered exoplanetary systems are involved inside mean-motion resonances. In this work we focus on the dynamics of the 3:1 mean-motion resonant planetary systems. Our main purpose is to understand the dynamics in the vicinity of the apsidal corotation resonance (ACR) which are stationary solutions of the resonant problem. We apply the semi-analytical method (Michtchenko et al., 2006) to construct the averaged three-body Hamiltonian of a planetary system near a 3:1 resonance. Then we obtain the families of ACR, composed of symmetric and asymmetric solutions. Using the symmetric stable solutions we observe the law of structures (Ferraz-Mello,1988), for different mass ratio of the planets. We also study the evolution of the frequencies of σ1, resonant angle, and Δω, the secular angle. The resonant domains outside the immediate vicinity of ACR are studied using dynamical maps techniques. We compared the results obtained to planetary systems near a 3:1 MMR, namely 55 Cnc b-c, HD 60532 b-c and Kepler 20 b-c.
In this paper, a sample of planetary nebulae in the Galaxy's inner-disk and bulge is used to find the galactocentric distance that optimally separates these two populations in terms of their abundances. Statistical distance scales were used to investigate the distribution of abundances across the disk–bulge interface, while a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to find the distance at which the chemical properties of these regions separate optimally. The statistical analysis indicates that, on average, the inner population is characterized by lower abundances than the outer component. Additionally, for the α-element abundances, the inner population does not follow the disk's radial gradient toward the Galactic Center. Based on our results, we suggest a bulge–disk interface at 1.5 kpc, marking the transition between the bulge and the inner disk of the Galaxy as defined by the intermediate-mass population.