831 resultados para plain steels
Dual phase steels, characterised by good formability and excellent surface finish, are suitable for applications where processing involves cold deformation. In this context an investigation has been conducted into the cold deformation aging susceptibility of carbon steel API-5L-B and microalloyed steel API-5L-X52, both with dual phase microstructures. Changes in mechanical properties such as phase microhardness, ultimate tensile strength, and yield strength in both types of steel were observed at aging temperatures of 25, 80, and 150°C. This aging is associated with dislocation structures formed on ferrite grains in the vicinity of ferrite/martensite interfaces during intercritical treatments, which become preferential sites for solute atom diffusion. © 1999 IoM Communications Ltd.
In this work five methods of heat treatments are investigated in order to obtained convenient volume fractions of ferrite, bainite, martensite and retained austenite, starting with a low carbon steel and seeking the distinction of the phases, through optical microscopy. Specific chemical etching is improved. The results in tensile and fatigue tests were accomplished and the results were related with the microstructural parameters. The results show that the mechanical properties are closely related with the phases, grains size and the phases morphology. Copyright © 2001 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Pollution by hexachlorobenzene and pentachlorophenol in the coastal plain of São Paulo state, Brazil
Organochlorine compounds were dumped by chemical industries during the 1970s in many areas of the coastal plain of São Paulo state in Brazil. These dumps, located on hillsides and in valleys, in both rural and urban environments, are responsible for soil and water pollution. The objective of this work was to determine how the pollutants have spread in an area occupied by a spodosol-type soil mantle. The study combines soil morphological observations with soil and water analysis of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) in soil toposequences. The results indicate that the highest pollutant concentrations are observed near the dump site and that the compounds contamination is increasing. A map integrating topography and chemical concentrations was created to visualize the spatial distribution of HCB levels in the landscape. Physical and chemical analyses were performed to measure HCB and PCP levels in the soil. Soil water appears to act as a vector of HCB, probably through complexation with and dispersal of dissolved organic matter. The persistence of HCB at the studied site is most likely due to the low pH values in combination with a high content of organic matter. HCB was consistently found in higher concentrations than PCP. It is plausible that the cause of this difference is that PCP is degraded more easily under sunlight than HCB and that degradation of PCP under acid conditions leads to the formation of HCB. © 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Response surface methodology was used to establish a relationship between total solids content, milk base, heat treatment temperature, and sample temperature, and consistency index, flow behaviour index, and apparent viscosity of plain stirred yogurts. Statistical treatments resulted in developments of mathematical models. All samples presented shear thinning fluid behaviour. The increase of the content of total solids (9.3-22.7 %) and milk base heat treatment temperature (81.6-98.4°C) resulted in a significant increase in consistency index and a decrease in flow behaviour index. Increase in the sample temperature (1.6-18.4°C) caused a decrease in consistency index and increase in flow behaviour index. Apparent viscosity was directly related to the content of total solids. Rheological properties of yogurt were highly dependent on the content of total solids in milk.
The optimal combination of the mechanical characteristics of austempered spheroidal graphitic cast steel together with modern casting techniques yielded an economically promising product. The maximum potential of the usage of these steels is related to fabrication and characterization techniques, among which, one of the most important is the cooling diagram (TTT curve). In this work, 3 heats of graphitic steels with the following nominal compositions were cast: 1.0 % C, 2.3 % Si, 0.4 % Mn, and with niobium contents of. 0.0 %, 0.5 % and 1.0 %. TTT curves were determined by dilatometric testing and test specimens of these steels were austempered. The samples were then characterized by hardness testing and optical and SEM microscopy. Tensile, impact (no notch) and wear testing were also performed. The addition of niobium produced significant alterations in the TTT diagrams. Increasing niobium content moves the pearlite transformation nose to the right and the bainitic transformation nose to the left. Tensile strength of these alloys was high, in the range of 1700 MPa and impact values were around of 45 Joules for alloy with 1 % Nb, 49 Joules for alloy with 0.5 % Nb and fracture did not occur for the alloy without the addition of Nb.
The optimal combination of the mechanical characteristics of austempered spheroidal graphitic cast steel together with modern casting techniques yielded an economically promising product. The maximum potentiality of the usage of these steels is related to fabrication and characterization techniques, among which, one of the most important is the cooling diagram (TTT curve). In this work, 3 heats of graphitic steels with the following nominal compositions were cast: 1.0%C, 2.3%Si, 0.4% Mn, and with niobium contents of 0.0%, 0.5% and 1.0%. TTT curves were determined by dilatometric testing and test specimens of these steels were austempered. The samples were then characterized by hardness testing and optical and SEM microscopy. Tensile, impact (no notch) and wear testing were also performed. The addition of niobium produced significant alterations in the TTT diagrams. Increasing niobium content moves the pearlite transformation nose to the right and the bainitic transformation nose to the left. Tensile strength of these alloys was high, in the range of 1700 MPa and impact values were around of 45 Joules for alloy with 1% Nb, 49 Joules for alloy with 0.5% Nb and fracture did not occur for the alloy without the addition of Nb.
Grinding - the final machining process of a workpiece - requires large amounts of cutting fluids for the lubrication, cooling and removal of chips. These fluids are highly aggressive to the environment. With the technological advances of recent years, the worldwide trend is to produce increasingly sophisticated components with very strict geometric and dimensional tolerances, good surface finish, at low costs, and particularly without damaging the environment. The latter requirement can be achieved by recycling cutting fluids, which is a costly solution, or by drastically reducing the amount of cutting fluids employed in the grinding process. This alternative was investigated here by varying the plunge velocity in the plunge cylindrical grinding of ABNT D6 steel, rationalizing the application of two cutting fluids and using a superabrasive CBN (cubic boron nitride) grinding wheel with vitrified binder to evaluate the output parameters of tangential cutting force, acoustic emission, roughness, roundness, tool wear, residual stress and surface integrity, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to examine the test specimens. The performance of the cutting fluid, grinding wheel and plunge velocity were analyzed to identify the best machining conditions which allowed for a reduction of the cutting fluid volume, reducing the machining time without impairing the geometric and dimensional parameters, and the surface finish and integrity of the machined components.
This study aimed to describe the population structure of the Amazon shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum, as well as their relative growth between the length of the cephalothorax and the total length, and between the length of the cephalothorax and the total mass of shrimps of a fluvial-estuarine plain in the State of Pará. Shrimps were sampled monthly from August 2006 to July 2007, using trawl nets, taking three replicates at each site (Arapiranga and Mosqueiro) per month, totaling 72 replicates. We caught 5,510 specimens, being 90.90% from Arapiranga Island and 9.1% from Mosqueiro Island. The highest densities occurred in July (1.33 individuals/m2), at the beginning of the dry season and in December (1.66 individuals/m2), at the beginning of the rainy season. The morphometric analysis for separate and grouped sexes resulted in negative and positive allometric growth. Ovigerous females were observed in all months, indicating continuous reproduction and the majority (67.81%) was caught during the less rainy season. The abundance and continuous reproduction of M. amazonicum show that this estuary offers conditions for the proper development of this population.
Microstructural and electrochemical characterization of friction stir welded duplex stainless steels
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
TRIP (Transformation Induced Plasticity) and DP (Dual-Phase) steels are written in a new series of steels which present excellent mechanical properties. As for microstructure aspect, TRIP steels consist on a ferrite matrix with a second phase dispersion of other constituents, such as bainite, martensite and retained austenite, while dual-phase steels consist on martensite dispersion in a ferrite matrix. In order to identify the different microconstituents present in these materials, microstructure characterization techniques by optical microscopy (using different etchants: LePera, Heat-Tinting and Nital) and scanning electron microscopy were carried out. This being so, microstructures were correlated with mechanical properties of materials, determined by means of tensile tests. It is concluded that steels assisted by TRIP effect have a strength and elongation relation higher than the dual-phase one. With microstructure characterization, it was observed phases present in these materials microstructure.
The objective of this paper was to analyse the activity of the longissimus dorsi and the iliocostalis lumborum muscles--components of the erector spinae muscle--in order to determine: their action potentials during the use of a plain and a tilt Roman table; 2) to compare the action potentials of the two muscles; 3) to verify if the action potential of these two muscles remain constant during the arc of movement--knee flexion and extension--divided into angle ranges, and 4) to compare the action potentials of the muscles in movements performed in a free manner and against resistance. Twenty-three young volunteers were studied electromyographically and each muscle received a needle electrode (Mise) and a surface electrode. The results showed that the table model did not determine any difference in the action potential of the muscles and that, on average, the iliocostalis lumborum muscle developed a slightly higher action potential than the longissimus dorsi muscle during the free flexion of knees on the plain table. In more than 70% of the cases, there was no difference between the action potential of the muscles over the various angle ranges of knee flexion and extension. Relatively higher action potentials were recorded during knee flexion and extension against resistance than during the same movements performed in a free manner. This shows that the paravertebral musculature responds better to an overload (8 kg) imposed on the knee flexor group, confirming the stabilizing role of the longissimus dorsi and iliocostalis lumborum muscles during knee flexion and extension on a Roman table.
Three new centric diatom species assigned to a new genus are described from Miocene lacustrine deposits of Idaho. Species of the new genus, Mesodictyon, have the areola cribrum in the middle of the loculus, strutted processes and radiating, non-fasciculated striae. The strutted processes of M. magnum (diameter 60-150 μm) have long (2-3 μm) tubular extensions. The strutted processes of M. fovis (diameter 14-80 μm) are in distinct pits near the junction of the face and mantle. The valve face of M. undulatum (diameter 10-44 μm) is weakly tangentially undulate. Preliminary evidence indicates that Mesodictyon has a wide geographic distribution and may be a useful biostratigraphic marker.
The physical origins of the magnetic properties of nonoriented electrical steels; its relations to microstructural features like grain size, nonmetallic inclusions, dislocation density distribution, crystallographic texture, and residual stresses; and its processing by cold rolling and annealing are overviewed, using quantitative relations whenever available.
Two steel sheets, one with 5% Ni and another with 10% Ni, were submitted to carburization and quenching, obtaining a microstructure with martensite and retained austenite. These steels were characterized with magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN). The Barkhausen signal is distinctively different for the carburized and quenched samples. The carburized and quenched samples present higher coercive field than the annealed samples. X-ray diffraction data indicated that the carburized and quenched samples have high density of dislocations, a consequence of the martensitic transformation.
This paper quantifies the effects of milling conditions on surface integrity of ultrafine-grained steels. Cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut were related to microhardness and microstructure of the workpiece beneath machined surface. Low-carbon alloyed steel with 10.8 µm (as-received) and 1.7 µm (ultrafine) grain sizes were end milled using the down-milling and dry condition in a CNC machining center. The results show ultrafine-grained workpiece preserves its surface integrity against cutting parameters more than the as-received material. Cutting speed increases the microhardness while depth of cut deepens the hardened layer of the as-received material. Also, deformations of microstructure following feed rate direction were observed in workpiece subsurface.