916 resultados para photoinduced crystallization
The self-assembly of PEGylated peptides containing a modified sequence from the amyloid beta peptide, YYKLVFF, has been studied in aqueous solution. Two PEG molar masses, PEG1k and PEG3k, were used in the conjugates. It is shown that both YYKLVFF–PEG hybrids form fibrils comprising a peptide core and a PEG corona. The fibrils are much longer for YYKLVFF–PEG1k, pointing to an influence of PEG chain length. The beta-sheet secondary structure of the peptide is retained in the conjugate. Lyotropic liquid crystal phases, specifically nematic and hexagonal columnar phases, are formed at sufficiently high concentration. Flow alignment of these mesophases was investigated by small-angle neutron scattering with in situ steady shearing in a Couette cell. On drying, PEG crystallization occurs leading to characteristic peaks in the X-ray diffraction pattern, and to lamellar structures imaged by atomic force microscopy. The X-ray diffraction pattern retains features of the cross-beta pattern from the beta-sheet structure, showing that this is not disrupted by PEG crystallization.
The thermal properties, crystallization, and morphology of amphiphilic poly(D-lactide)-b-poly(N,N-dimethylamino- 2-ethyl methacrylate) (PDLA-b-PDMAEMA) and poly (L-lactide)-b-poly(N,N-dimethylamino-2-ethyl methacrylate) (PLLA-b-PDMAEMA) copolymers were studied and compared to those of the corresponding poly(lactide) homopolymers. Additionally, stereocomplexation of these copolymers was studied. The crystallization kinetics of the PLA blocks was retarded by the presence of the PDMAEMA block. The studied copolymers were found to be miscible in the melt and the glassy state. The Avrami theory was able to predict the entire crystallization range of the PLA isothermal overall crystallization. The melting points of PLDA/PLLA and PLA/PLA-b-PDMAEMA stereocomplexes were higher than those formed by copolymer mixtures. This indicates that the PDMAEMA block is influencing the stability of the stereocomplex structures. For the low molecular weight samples, the stereocomplexes particles exhibited a conventional disk-shape structure and, for high molecular weight samples, the particles displayed unusual star-like shape morphology.
Photoinduced poling (PIP) is a new technique which allows the room‐temperature preparation of guest/host polymer films exhibiting significant polar order for nonlinear optical applications. We report a comparison of this novel technique with the conventional electrode poling procedure performed at the glass transition temperature of the polymer using disperse red 1/poly(methylmethacrylate) films. In particular, in situ second harmonic generation measurements show that levels of polar order achieved using these two techniques are similar. In contrast, the stability of the polar order is reduced by up to 20 times in terms of the decay time constant in films prepared using PIP although the stability is very dependent upon the temperature at which the poling was performed.
The crystallization behaviour of a series of random copolymers of varying chemical composition is reported. For polymers containing a high proportion of alternating rigid aromatic units and flexible spacers, conventional liquid crystalline and crystalline phase behaviour is observed. The introduction of a substantial fraction of a second shorter rigid unit containing side-chains leads to a broad endotherm in the d.s.c. scan covering some 150°C. Subsequent isothermal crystallization at any point within the broad endotherm leads to the generation of sharp endotherms at temperatures just above the recrystallization temperature. We attribute this behaviour to the crystallization of clusters of molecules containing similar random sequences. Such crystals are non-periodic along the chain direction.
Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is an economically important animal pathogen which is closely related to Hepatitis C virus. Of the structural proteins, the envelope glycoprotein E2 of BVDV is the major antigen which induces neutralizing antibodies; thus, BVDV E2 is considered as an ideal target for use in subunit vaccines. Here, the expression, purification of wild-type and mutant forms of the ectodomain of BVDV E2 and subsequent crystallization and data collection of two crystal forms grown at low and neutral pH are reported. Native and multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) data sets have been collected and structure determination is in progress.
A mathematical model incorporating many of the important processes at work in the crystallization of emulsions is presented. The model describes nucleation within the discontinuous domain of an emulsion, precipitation in the continuous domain, transport of monomers between the two domains, and formation and subsequent growth of crystals in both domains. The model is formulated as an autonomous system of nonlinear, coupled ordinary differential equations. The description of nucleation and precipitation is based upon the Becker–Döring equations of classical nucleation theory. A particular feature of the model is that the number of particles of all species present is explicitly conserved; this differs from work that employs Arrhenius descriptions of nucleation rate. Since the model includes many physical effects, it is analyzed in stages so that the role of each process may be understood. When precipitation occurs in the continuous domain, the concentration of monomers falls below the equilibrium concentration at the surface of the drops of the discontinuous domain. This leads to a transport of monomers from the drops into the continuous domain that are then incorporated into crystals and nuclei. Since the formation of crystals is irreversible and their subsequent growth inevitable, crystals forming in the continuous domain effectively act as a sink for monomers “sucking” monomers from the drops. In this case, numerical calculations are presented which are consistent with experimental observations. In the case in which critical crystal formation does not occur, the stationary solution is found and a linear stability analysis is performed. Bifurcation diagrams describing the loci of stationary solutions, which may be multiple, are numerically calculated.
A pyridyl-functionalized diiron dithiolate complex, [μ-(4-pyCH2−NMI-S2)Fe2(CO)6] (3, py = pyridine(ligand), NMI = naphthalene monoimide) was synthesized and fully characterized. In the presence of zinc tetraphenylporphyrin (ZnTPP), a self-assembled 3·ZnTPP complex was readily formed in CH2Cl2 by the coordination of the pyridyl nitrogen to the porphyrin zinc center. Ultrafast photoinduced electron transfer from excited ZnTPP to complex 3 in the supramolecular assembly was observed in real time by monitoring the ν(CO) and ν(CO)NMI spectral changes with femtosecond time-resolved infrared (TRIR) spectroscopy. We have confirmed that photoinduced charge separation produced the monoreduced species by comparing the time-resolved IR spectra with the conventional IR spectra of 3•− generated by reversible electrochemical reduction. The lifetimes for the charge separation and charge recombination processes were found to be τCS = 40 ± 3 ps and τCR = 205 ± 14 ps, respectively. The charge recombination is much slower than that in an analogous covalent complex, demonstrating the potential of a supramolecular approach to extend the lifetime of the chargeseparated state in photocatalytic complexes. The observed vibrational frequency shifts provide a very sensitive probe of the delocalization of the electron-spin density over the different parts of the Fe2S2 complex. The TR and spectro-electrochemical IR spectra, electron paramagnetic resonance spectra, and density functional theory calculations all show that the spin density in 3•− is delocalized over the diiron core and the NMI bridge. This delocalization explains why the complex exhibits low catalytic dihydrogen production even though it features a very efficient photoinduced electron transfer. The ultrafast porphyrin-to-NMIS2−Fe2(CO)6 photoinduced electron transfer is the first reported example of a supramolecular Fe2S2-hydrogenase model studied by femtosecond TRIR spectroscopy. Our results show that TRIR spectroscopy is a powerful tool to investigate photoinduced electron transfer in potential dihydrogen-producing catalytic complexes, and that way to optimize their performance by rational approaches.
PLLA is a thermoplastic biopolymer and can be used in industrial applications for medical and filtration applications. The brittleness of PLLA is attributed to slow crystallization rates and its glass transition temperature (Tg) is high (60 °C); for this reason, its applications are limited. The orientation, morphology, and crystal structure of the electrospun fibers was investigated by SEM, POM, DSC, FTIR, XRD, and SAXS. Combining with additives leads to a large decrease of fiber diameter, viscosity, and changes of fiber morphology and crystal structure compared to pure PLLA. DSC showed that the Tg of PLLA decreased about 15 °C and there was no change in relaxation enthalpy by the addition of plasticizer. FT-IR indicate a strong interaction between PLLA and additives; a new band appears in the PLLA blend at 1,756 cm−1 at room temperature as a crystalline band without any annealing. In addition, WAXD indicated that the intensities of the two peaks at (200/110) and (203) increased for the blend at room temperature without any annealing in comparison with PLLA; this means that PHB crystallizes in the amorphous region of PLLA. The POM experiments agree with the results from DSC, FTIR, and WAXS measurements, confirming that adding PHB results in an increase in the number of nuclei with much smaller spherulites and enhances the crystallization behavior of this material, thereby improving its potential for applications.
Photosensitized oxidation of guanine is an important route to DNA damage. Ruthenium polypyridyls are very useful photosensitizers as their reactivity and DNA-binding properties are readily tunable. Here we show a strong difference in the reactivity of the two enantiomers of [Ru(TAP)2(dppz)]2+, by using time-resolved visible and IR spectroscopy. This reveals that the photosensitized one-electron oxidation of guanine in three oligonucleotide sequences proceeds with similar rates and yields for bound delta-[Ru(TAP)2(dppz)]2+, whereas those for the lambda enantiomer are very sensitive to base sequence. It is proposed that these differences are due to preferences of each enantiomer for different binding sites in the duplex.
The present work shows the growth of nordstrandile microcrystals observed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Nordstrandite was synthesised from non-crystalline aluminium hydroxide reacted in 20% ethylene glycol/water solution, at room temperature. This material was characterized by TEM, SEM, SAED, XRD and EDS/TEM, during six month and revealed the formation and growth of nordstrandite. Fibrillar pseudoboehmite is the only aluminium hydroxide which could be identified during the first two weeks. The nuclei grow, from complete dissolution/recrystallization of pseudoboehmite fibrils, into platy rectangular microscrystals of nordstrandite. Some tabular microcrystals recrystallise, forming after six months only the mufti-point nordstrandite stars. This electron-optical study suggest that the star shape results from the overlapping of rectangular plates, and pseudoboehmite fibrils act as the precursor of nordstrandite crystallisation in ethylene glycol/water solution.
While evidence of ion reduction at the cathode has been given, proof of anode activity, in order to account completely for the redox-type electrochemical mechanism so far postulated to originate the electric field-induced non-spontaneous crystallization observed in glasses, is still lacking. This study demonstrates that direct contact of both cathode and anode electrodes with the material is mandatory to promote crystal nucleation. The electrochemical process of concern is established here to involve a solid-state process, electrolytic in nature. (C) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The molecular architecture of azopolymers may be controlled via chemical synthesis and with selection of a suitable film-forming method, which is important for improving their properties for practical uses. Here we address the main challenge of combining the photoinduced birefringence features of azopolymers with the higher thermal and mechanical stabilities of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) using Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) to synthesize diblock- and triblock-copolymers of an azomonomer and the monomer methyl methacrylate. Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films made with the copolymers mixed with cadmium stearate displayed essentially the same optically induced birefringence characteristics, in terms of maximum and residual birefringence and time for writing, as the mixed LB films with the homopolymer poly[4-(N-ethyl-N-(2-methacryloxyethyl))amino-2`-chloro-4`-nitroazobenzene] (HPDR13), also synthesized via ATRP. In fact, the controlled architecture of HPDR13 chains led to Langmuir films that could be more closely packed and reach higher collapse pressures than the corresponding films obtained with HPDR13-conv synthesized via conventional radicalar polymerization. This allowed LB films to be fabricated from neat HPDR13, which was not possible with HPDR13-conv. The enhanced organization in the LB films produced with controlled azopolymer chains, however, led to a smaller free volume available for isomerization of the azochromophores, thus yielding a lower photoinduced birefringence than in the HPDR13-conv films. The combination of ATRP synthesis and LB technology is then promising to obtain optical storage in films with improved thermal and mechanical processabilities, though a further degree of control must be sought to exploit film organization while maintaining the necessary free volume in the films. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The surface modification and crystallization process of BaO-B2O3-SiO2 glass compositions when exposed to CO2 laser irradiation was evaluated as a function of the laser power, irradiation time and surface condition. The glass surface was modified by the application of laser power exceeding 0.40 W and an irradiation time of more than 300 s. Micro-Raman and X-ray diffraction measurements revealed at high laser power the formation of beta-BaB2O4 (beta-BBO) crystalline phase. The crystallization of the irradiated region was enhanced when beta-BBO micrometer sized particles were dispersed on the surface of the glass sample. The intensity of the second harmonic generation observed in the crystallized region was found to depend mainly on the condition of the glassy surface prior to glass irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.