836 resultados para pharmacy business management


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In this project, I examine current forms of scientific management systems, Lean and Six Sigma, as they relate to technical communication. With the goal of breaking work up into standardized processes in order to cut costs and increase efficiency, Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma hybrid systems are increasingly applied beyond manufacturing operations to service and other types of organizational work, including technical communication. By consulting scholarship from fields such as business, management, and engineering, and analyzing government Lean Six Sigma documentation, I investigate how these systems influence technical communication knowledge and practice in the workplace. I draw out the consequences of system-generated power structures as they affect knowledge work, like technical communication practice, when it is reduced to process. In pointing out the problems these systems have in managing knowledge work, I also ask how technical communication might shape them.


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Hospitals, like all organizations, have both a mission and a finite supply of resources with which to accomplish that mission. Because the inventory of therapeutic drugs is among the more expensive resources needed by a hospital to achieve its mission, a conceptual model of structure plus process equals outcome posits that adequate emphasis should be placed on optimization of the organization's investment in this important structural resource to provide highest quality outcomes. Therefore emphasis should be placed on the optimization of pharmacy inventory because lowering the financial investment in drug inventory and associated costs increases productive efficiency, a key element of quality. ^ In this study, a post-intervention analysis of a hospital pharmacy inventory management technology implementation at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center was conducted to determine if an intervention which reduced a hospital's financial investment in pharmaceutical inventory provided an opportunity to incrementally optimize the organization's mix of structural resources thereby improving quality of care. The results suggest that hospital pharmacies currently lacking technology to support automated purchasing logistics and perpetual, real-time inventory management for drugs may achieve measurable benefits from the careful implementation of such technology, enabling the hospital to lower its investment in on-hand inventory and, potentially, to reduce overall purchasing expenditures. ^ The importance of these savings to the hospital and potentially to the patient should not be underestimated for their ability to generate funding for previously unfunded public health programs or in their ability to provide financial relief to patients in the form of lower drug costs given the current climate of escalating healthcare costs and tightening reimbursements.^


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At head of title, 1958- : Small Business Administration publications.


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Its numbering was assumed by System, which began publication 1928 (later System and business management).


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The Illinois Entrepreneurship Network was established throughout the state to provide business management, counseling and training, assistance in entering international markets, information on competing for the state and federal contracts, developing technology related products and providing a supportive environment for new, startup businesses. This network consists of Small Business Development Centers, Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, International Trade/NAFTA Centers, Small Business Incubators and of course Entrepreneurship Centers. Assistance is provided in the areas of preparing business and marketing plans, securing capital, improving business skills, accessing international trade opportunities and addressing other business management needs. DCEO also has programs targeted to assist minority and women-owned business concerns. The Illinois Entrepreneurship Network is a collaborative arrangement among DCEO, the US Small Business Administration, the US Department of Defense, colleges and universities and private business organizations. Pursuant to the Business Assistance and Regulatory Reform Act, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) created the IEN Business Information Center of Illinois (the Center). The goal of the Center is to enhance the state's business climate by making it easier for businesses to comply with government requirements and gain access to the information they need to be competitive. Whether a startup or existing business, this handbook will inform you of various legal requirements and guide you to additional resources.


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S/N 045-000-00143-1.


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This paper examines the relative influence of two key antecedents of brand loyalty-satisfaction and involvement and the moderating role of experience, using a sample of business buyers. The central argument of this paper is that the strength of the effect of these variables on attitudinal brand loyalty will vary with the level of customer experience with purchasing the service. Building on previous research which examined low-risk, customer product settings [Kim, J., Lim, J.S., & Bhargava, M. (1998). The role of affect in attitude formation: A classical conditioning approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 26 (2): pp. 143-152; Shiv, B., & Fedorikhin, A. (1999). Heart and mind in conflict: The interplay of affect and cognition in consumer decision-making. Journal of Consumer Research 26: 278], this study shows that for a high-risk setting, involvement with the service category will be more dominant in its influence on brand loyalty than satisfaction with the preferred brand. Furthermore, it was found that experience moderated the influence of involvement and satisfaction on attitudinal brand loyalty for a high-risk business-to-business service. This study provides new insights into the theory and practice of buyer behavior and business-to-business brands. Crown Copyright (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study examined whether the effectiveness of human resource management (HRM)practices is contingent on organizational climate and competitive strategy The concepts of internol and external fit suggest that the positive relationship between HRM and subsequent productivity will be stronger for firms with a positive organizational climate and for firms using differentiation strategies. Resource allocation theories of motivation, on the other hand, predict that the relationship between HRM and productivity will be stronger for firms with a poor climate because employees working in these firms should have the greatest amount of spare capacity. The results supported the resource allocation argument.


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The purpose of this paper is to conceptualise a theoretical model that clarifies the variations in both processes for sharing vision and interdependence of the lender and the SME owner in micro-finance. Processes for sharing vision and interdependence are possible predictors of the effective tacit and explicit knowledge generation/utilization of a micro-finance agency – SME owner relationship. For new and emerging SMEs the micro-finance agency can provide a critical role in their development. Micro-finance agencies can provide a mechanism in economic development that enables SMEs to have greater speed to markets. The focus of this paper is on the relationship between the micro-finance lending officer and the SME owner. Specifically, the model developed in this paper informs understanding the nature of knowledge generation/utilization between micro-finance agencies and SMEs. Effective generation/utilization facilitates the assessment of the risk for investment. The model clarifies the variations between interdependence and the development of processes for sharing of vision. When you have high interdependence (characterised by good cooperation) and effective processes for sharing of vision, an environment of effective knowledge generation/utilization is likely to be created between the micro-finance agency and the SME owner. The model proposes that the effective management of both tacit and explicit knowledge between the micro-finance agency and SMEs supports them to reach their markets. Implications of this research for SMEs and micro-finance agencies include the increase of knowledge and understanding of SME processes.


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Esse trabalho estudou o segmento farmacêutico de micro e pequenas farmácias da região da Baixada Santista, em relação aos fatores determinantes da mortalidade no segmento, sob o olhar dos proprietários e gestores das farmácias, visto que nos últimos anos o segmento vêm sofrendo um encolhimento, além da migração das farmácias de micro e pequeno porte para as zonas mais periféricas das cidades da região da Baixada Santista. A metodologia utilizada para a pesquisa foi qualitativa, através de uma pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica, tendo como instrumento de coleta de dados entrevistas, com roteiro semi-estruturado, aplicado a gestores e proprietários de sete farmácias na região da Baixada Santista. Cinco delas em atividade e duas fechadas, nos municípios de Santos, São Vicente, Guarujá e Praia grande. A análise dos dados foi feita com base em categorias analíticas criadas a partir da literatura que embasa esse estudo, chegando a dois blocos de análise: um relacionado diretamente aos fatores mercadológicos das farmácias, e outro relacionado a fatores administrativos e de custo. A análise dos dados comprovou existir fatores determinantes para a mortalidade das micro e pequenas farmácias da região, separados em dois blocos. No bloco mercadológico, estão relacionados os fatores determinantes que afetam diretamente a parte comercial das micro e pequenas farmácias, como o crescimento das grandes redes de farmácias, programa Farmácia Popular e falta de poder de compra por parte das farmácias. No bloco administrativo e de custos, estão relacionados a deficiência na gestão empresarial, custos operacionais, tributação e problemas pessoais. Através dessa pesquisa se conclui que esses fatores determinantes têm enfraquecido o segmento de micro e pequenas farmácias, ocasionando a mortalidade de diversas farmácias, não poupando nem mesmo as tradicionais da região da Baixada Santista.


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Risk and knowledge are two concepts and components of business management which have so far been studied almost independently. This is especially true where risk management (RM) is conceived mainly in financial terms, as for example, in the financial institutions sector. Financial institutions are affected by internal and external changes with the consequent accommodation to new business models, new regulations and new global competition that includes new big players. These changes induce financial institutions to develop different methodologies for managing risk, such as the enterprise risk management (ERM) approach, in order to adopt a holistic view of risk management and, consequently, to deal with different types of risk, levels of risk appetite, and policies in risk management. However, the methodologies for analysing risk do not explicitly include knowledge management (KM). This research examines the potential relationships between KM and two RM concepts: perceived quality of risk control and perceived value of ERM. To fulfill the objective of identifying how KM concepts can have a positive influence on some RM concepts, a literature review of KM and its processes and RM and its processes was performed. From this literature review eight hypotheses were analysed using a classification into people, process and technology variables. The data for this research was gathered from a survey applied to risk management employees in financial institutions and 121 answers were analysed. The analysis of the data was based on multivariate techniques, more specifically stepwise regression analysis. The results showed that the perceived quality of risk control is significantly associated with the variables: perceived quality of risk knowledge sharing, perceived quality of communication among people, web channel functionality, and risk management information system functionality. However, the relationships of the KM variables to the perceived value of ERM are not identified because of the low performance of the models describing these relationships. The analysis reveals important insights into the potential KM support to RM such as: the better adoption of KM people and technology actions, the better the perceived quality of risk control. Equally, the results suggest that the quality of risk control and the benefits of ERM follow different patterns given that there is no correlation between both concepts and the distinct influence of the KM variables in each concept. The ERM scenario is different from that of risk control because ERM, as an answer to RM failures and adaptation to new regulation in financial institutions, has led organizations to adopt new processes, technologies, and governance models. Thus, the search for factors influencing the perceived value of ERM implementation needs additional analysis because what is improved in RM processes individually is not having the same effect on the perceived value of ERM. Based on these model results and the literature review the basis of the ERKMAS (Enterprise Risk Knowledge Management System) is presented.