824 resultados para perceived behavioral control
La consommation et la consommation problématique de substances psychoactives sont des phénomènes répandus à l’adolescence qui ont suscité beaucoup d’intérêt dans les pays occidentaux au cours des dernières décennies. La recherche a souligné la nécessité d’établir un modèle examinant les effets conjoints du groupe de pairs et de la famille sur ces phénomènes. Deux grandes lignées théoriques émergent de la littérature, soit les courants de la socialisation et de la sélection. De plus, de nombreuses études ont tenté d’expliquer la fréquente cooccurrence de ces phénomènes avec la symptomatologie dépressive, généralement associée à un pronostic plus lourd. Toutefois, la nature et le sens de cette association demeurent peu clairs. Une clarification des mécanismes en jeu est nécessaire afin de pouvoir mieux orienter les efforts de prévention et d’intervention. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à clarifier l’étiologie de la consommation problématique à l’adolescence, en examinant comment elle s’articule avec certains facteurs familiaux, comportementaux et affectifs, et avec l’association à des amis déviants et consommateurs, en testant conjointement deux modèles de médiation compétitifs. Le deuxième objectif est de clarifier l’association entre ces différentes dimensions et la symptomatologie dépressive, en testant l’effet modérateur des symptômes dépressifs dans la chaîne médiatrice proposée. Le troisième objectif est de spécifier les particularités pouvant exister entre les garçons et les filles en testant l’effet modérateur du sexe sur cette même chaîne médiatrice. Les données utilisées proviennent d’une cohorte de l’échantillon longitudinal de la Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement (SIAA) comprenant plus de 3000 jeunes fréquentant des écoles de milieux majoritairement défavorisés du Québec, qui ont été suivis pendant leur secondaire (2003-2007). Lorsque testés séparément, le modèle de socialisation (Patterson) se reproduit dans notre échantillon, mais pas le modèle de sélection (Brown). Lorsque testés simultanément, les modèles structurels de régressions croisées suggèrent toutefois qu’aucun des liens postulés par les modèles ne semble se reproduire, au profit de liens médiateurs de stabilité, à l’exception d’un lien de médiation proposé par le modèle de Patterson chez les garçons. Les analyses de modération (multi-groupes) suggèrent que le sexe a bien un effet modérateur, le contrôle comportemental parental semblant particulièrement important dans l’étiologie des comportements problématiques des garçons, alors que les conflits familiaux semblent plus centraux pour les filles. Les analyses de modération suggèrent également un effet modérateur par les symptômes dépressifs, mais alors qu’il était attendu que ces symptômes exacerberaient les liens à l’étude, il apparaît qu’au contraire, aucun des liens ne se révèle significatif dans le groupe des dépressifs. Cette étude suggère donc que la symptomatologie dépressive et la consommation problématique se présentent conjointement dans un profil plus global de risque. À notre connaissance, cette thèse est la première à s’intéresser spécifiquement au rôle modérateur des symptômes dépressifs sur les liens existant entre les différentes dimensions à l’étude. Les résultats soulignent l’importance d’une intervention psychosociale précoce auprès des jeunes à risque et aux prises avec des symptômes dépressifs, en ciblant des aspects spécifiques pour les garçons et pour les filles.
Second-generation British-Barbadians ("Bajan-Brits'') returning to the land of their parents are frequently accused by indigenous Barbadian nationals of being mad. Narratives of the migrants reflect four major sets of factors: (1) madness as perceived behavioral and cultural differences; (2) explanations that relate to the historical-clinical circumstances surrounding the incidence of mental ill health among first-generation West Indian migrants to the United Kingdom; (3) madness as a pathology of alienation that is attendant on living in Barbados; and (4) madness as "othering,'' "outing,'' and "fixity.'' British second-generation "returning nationals'' to the Caribbean, living as they do in the plural world of the land of their parents' birth, after having been raised in the colonial "Mother Country,'' exhibit hybridity and in-betweenness. Accusations of madness serve to fix the position of these young migrants outside the mainstream of indigenous Barbadian society. Our analysis invokes recent postcolonial writings dealing with "strange encounters'' to theorize that the madness accusation serves to "other'' the young Bajan-Brit migrants in a strongly postcolonial context.
A research has been conducted over methodological issues concerning the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) by determining an appropriate measurement (direct and indirect) of constructs and selection of a plausible scaling techniques (unipolar and bipolar) of constructs: attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and intention that are important in explaining farm level tree planting in Pakistan. Unipolar scoring of beliefs showed higher correlation among the constructs of TPB than bipolar scaling technique. Both direct and indirect methods yielded significant results in explaining intention to perform farm forestry except the belief based measure of perceived behavioural control, which were analysed as statistically non-significant. A need to examine more carefully the scoring of perceived behavioural control (PBC) has been expressed
Lighting and small power will typically account for more than half of the total electricity consumption in an office building. Significant variations in electricity used by different tenants suggest that occupants can have a significant impact on the electricity demand for these end-uses. Yet current modelling techniques fail to represent the interaction between occupant and the building environment in a realistic manner. Understanding the impact of such behaviours is crucial to improve the methodology behind current energy modelling techniques, aiming to minimise the significant gap between predicted and in-use performance of buildings. A better understanding of the impact of occupant behaviour on electricity consumption can also inform appropriate energy saving strategies focused on behavioural change. This paper reports on a study aiming to assess the intent of occupants to switch off lighting and appliances when not in use in office buildings. Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the assessment takes the form of a questionnaire and investigates three predictors to behaviour individually: 1) behavioural attitude; 2) subjective norms; 3) perceived behavioural control. The paper details the development of the assessment procedure and discusses preliminary findings from the study. The questionnaire results are compared against electricity consumption data for individual zones within a multi-tenanted office building. Initial results demonstrate a statistically significant correlation between perceived behavioural control and energy consumption for lighting and small power
This study aims to elucidate the key mechanisms controlling phytoplankton growth and decay within the Thames basin through the application of a modified version of an established river-algal model and comparison with observed stream water chlorophyll-a concentrations. The River Thames showed a distinct simulated phytoplankton seasonality and behaviour having high spring, moderate summer and low autumn chlorophyll-a concentrations. Three main sections were identified along the River Thames with different phytoplankton abundance and seasonality: (i) low chlorophyll-a concentrations from source to Newbridge; (ii) steep concentration increase between Newbridge and Sutton; and (iii) high concentrations with a moderate increase in concentration from Sutton to the end of the study area (Maidenhead). However, local hydrologic (e.g. locks) and other conditions (e.g. radiation, water depth, grazer dynamics, etc.) affected the simulated growth and losses. The model achieved good simulation results during both calibration and testing through a range of hydrological and nutrient conditions. Simulated phytoplankton growth was controlled predominantly by residence time, but during medium–low flow periods available light, water temperature and herbivorous grazing defined algal community development. These results challenge the perceived importance of in-stream nutrient concentrations as the perceived primary control on phytoplankton growth and death.
Parental behaviours have been implicated in the development and maintenance of anxiety in children and young people; however the degree to which findings apply to adolescents specifically remains unclear. We conducted a systematic review of studies examining the evidence for an association between parental behaviours and adolescent anxiety. Twenty two studies were identified. The results of this systematic review provide fairly consistent preliminary evidence for an association between anxiety and perceived parental control and anxious rearing in adolescence. The findings relating to an association between adolescent anxiety and perceived parental rejection and lack of warmth are somewhat less consistent. Methodological shortcomings in the studies mean that these results should be interpreted with caution. Future research should be conducted using observational and experimental design with adolescents from referred, clinical populations to help identify the critical parental processes and clarify the direction of effects.
It is widely accepted that there is a gap between design energy and real world operational energy consumption. The behaviour of occupants is often cited as an important factor influencing building energy performance. However, its consideration, both during design and operation, is overly simplistic, often assuming a direct link between attitudes and behaviour. Alternative models of decision making from psychology highlight a range of additional influential factors and emphasise that occupants do not always act in a rational manner. Developing a better understanding of occupant decision making could help inform office energy conservation campaigns as well as models of behaviour employed during the design process. This paper assesses the contribution of various behavioural constructs on small power consumption in offices. The method is based upon the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) which assumes that intention is driven by three factors: attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control, but we also consider a fourth construct: habit measured through the Self- Report Habit Index (SRHI). A questionnaire was issued to 81 participants in two UK offices. Questionnaire results for each behavioural construct were correlated against each participant’s individual workstation electricity consumption. The intentional processes proposed by TPB could not account for the observed differences in occupants’ interactions with small power appliances. Instead, occupants were interacting with small power “automatically”, with habit accounting for 11% of the variation in workstation energy consumption. The implications for occupant behaviour models and employee engagement campaigns are discussed.
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) receives strong inputs from monoaminergic cell groups in the brainstem and also sends projections to these nuclei. Recent evidence suggests that the PFC exerts a powerful top-down control over the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) and that it may be involved in the actions of pharmaceutical drugs and drugs of abuse. In the light of these findings, the precise origin of prefrontal inputs to DR was presently investigated by using the cholera toxin subunit b (CTb) as retrograde tracer. All the injections placed in DR produced retrograde labeling in the medial, orbital, and lateral divisions of the PFC as well as in the medial part of the frontal polar cortex. The labeling was primarily located in layer V. Remarkably, labeling in the medial PFC was denser in its ventral part (infralimbic and ventral prelimbic cortices) than in its dorsal part (dorsal prelimbic, anterior cingulate and medial precentral cortices). After injections in the rostral or caudal DR, the largest number of labeled neurons was observed in the medial PFC, whereas after injections in the mid-rostrocaudal DR, the labeled neurons were more homogeneously distributed in the three main PFC divisions. A cluster of labeled neurons also was observed around the apex of the rostral pole of the accumbens, especially after rostral and mid-rostrocaudal DR injections. Overall, these results confirm the existence of robust preftontal projections to DR, mainly derived from the ventral part of the medial PFC, and underscore a substantial contribution of the frontal polar cortex. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) é frequentemente citado como apresentando um posicionamento contrário ao uso de controle aversivo. Entretanto, em determinados momentos, o autor apresentaria uma postura mais flexível quanto ao uso deste tipo de controle comportamental, aceitando sua utilização em determinados contextos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e analisar em quais momentos Skinner prescreve ou adverte o uso do controle aversivo. Um estudo histórico-conceitual foi feito, no qual oito obras (Skinner 1938/1991; 1948/1975; 1953/1989; 1968/1972; 1969/1980; 1971; 1974/2006; 1989) foram analisadas conforme as categorias: 1) a definição de controle aversivo e conceitos envolvidos; 2) os aspectos positivos do controle aversivo e prescrições; e 3) os aspectos negativos do controle aversivo e proibições. Não foi possível encontrar uma definição específica de controle aversivo, constatou-se que em determinados momentos Skinner justifica o uso deste tipo de controle, mas não o prescreve genericamente.
Drug addiction manifests clinically as compulsive drug seeking, and cravings that can persist and recur even after extended periods of abstinence. The fundamental principle that unites addictive drugs is that each one enhances synaptic DA by means that dissociate it from normal behavioral control, so that they act to reinforce their own acquisition. Our attention has focused on the study of phenomena associated with the consumption of alcohol and heroin. Alcohol has long been considered an unspecific pharmacological agent, recent molecular pharmacology studies have shown that acts on different primary targets. Through gene expression studies conducted recently it has been shown that the classical opioid receptors are differently involved in the consumption of ethanol and, furthermore, the system nociceptin / NOP, included in the family of endogenous opioid system, and both appear able to play a key role in the initiation of alcohol use in rodents. What emerges is that manipulation of the opioid system, nociceptin, may be useful in the treatment of addictions and there are several evidences that support the use of this strategy. The linkage between gene expression alterations and epigenetic modulation in PDYN and PNOC promoters following alcohol treatment confirm the possible chromatin remodeling mechanism already proposed for alcoholism. In the second part of present study, we also investigated alterations in signaling molecules directly associated with MAPK pathway in a unique collection of postmortem brains from heroin abusers. The interest was focused on understanding the effects that prolonged exposure of heroin can cause in an individual, over the entire MAPK cascade and consequently on the transcription factor ELK1, which is regulated by this pathway. We have shown that the activation of ERK1/2 resulting in Elk-1 phosphorylation in striatal neurons supporting the hypothesis that prolonged exposure to substance abuse causes a dysregulation of MAPK pathway.
Patients can make contributions to the safety of chemotherapy administration but little is known about their motivations to participate in safety-enhancing strategies. The theory of planned behavior was applied to analyze attitudes, norms, behavioral control, and chemotherapy patients' intentions to participate in medical error prevention.
Rationale, aims and objectives The study aims to investigate the effects of a patient safety advisory on patients' risk perceptions, perceived behavioural control, performance of safety behaviours and experience of adverse incidents. Method Quasi-experimental intervention study with non-equivalent group comparison was used. Patients admitted to the surgical department of a Swiss large non-university hospital were included. Patients in the intervention group received a safety advisory at their first clinical encounter. Outcomes were assessed using a questionnaire at discharge. Odds ratios for control versus intervention group were calculated. Regression analysis was used to model the effects of the intervention and safety behaviours on the experience of safety incidents. Results Two hundred eighteen patients in the control and 202 in the intervention group completed the survey (75 and 77% response rates, respectively). Patients in the intervention group were less likely to feel poorly informed about medical errors (OR = 0.55, P = 0.043). There were 73.1% in the intervention and 84.3% in the control group who underestimated the risk for infection (OR = 0.51, CI 0.31-0.84, P = 0.009). Perceived behavioural control was lower in the control group (meanCon = 3.2, meanInt = 3.5, P = 0.010). Performance of safety-related behaviours was unaffected by the intervention. Patients in the intervention group were less likely to experience any safety-related incident or unsafe situation (OR for intervention group = 0.57, CI 0.38-0.87, P = 0.009). There were no differences in concerns for errors during hospitalization. There were 96% of patients (intervention) who would recommend other patients to read the advisory. Conclusions The results suggest that the safety advisory decreases experiences of adverse events and unsafe situations. It renders awareness and perceived behavioural control without increasing concerns for safety and can thus serve as a useful instrument for communication about safety between health care workers and patients.
BACKGROUND Compliance with surgical checklist use remains an obstacle in the context of checklist implementation programs. The theory of planned behaviour was applied to analyse attitudes, perceived behaviour control, and norms as psychological antecedents of individuals' intentions to use the checklist. METHODS A cross-sectional survey study with staff (N = 866) of 10 Swiss hospitals was conducted in German and French. Group mean differences between individuals with and without managerial function were computed. Structural equation modelling and confirmatory factor analysis was applied to investigate the structural relation between attitudes, perceived behaviour control, norms, and intentions. RESULTS Significant mean differences in favour of individuals with managerial function emerged for norms, perceived behavioural control, and intentions, but not for attitudes. Attitudes and perceived behavioural control had a significant direct effect on intentions whereas norms had not. CONCLUSIONS Individuals with managerial function exhibit stronger perceived behavioural control, stronger norms, and stronger intentions. This could be applied in facilitating checklist implementation. The structural model of the theory of planned behaviour remains stable across groups, indicating a valid model to describe antecedents of intentions in the context of surgical checklist implementation.
PURPOSE Despite recommendations, only a proportion of long-term childhood cancer survivors attend follow-up care. We aimed to (1) describe the follow-up attendance of young survivors aged 11-17 years; (2) describe the parental involvement in follow-up, and (3) investigate predictors of follow-up attendance and parental involvement. METHODS As part of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, a follow-up questionnaire was sent to parents of childhood cancer survivors aged 11-17 years. We assessed follow-up attendance of the child, parents' involvement in follow-up, illness perception (Brief IPQ), and sociodemographic data. Clinical data was available from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry. RESULTS Of 309 eligible parents, 189 responded (67 %; mean time since diagnosis 11.3 years, range 6.8-17.2) and 75 % (n = 141) reported that their child still attended follow-up. Of these, 83 % (n = 117) reported ≥1 visit per year and 17 % (n = 23) reported <1 visit every year. Most survivors saw pediatric oncologists (n = 111; 79 % of 141), followed by endocrinologists (n = 24, 17 %) and general practitioners (n = 22, 16 %). Most parents (92 %) reported being involved in follow-up (n = 130). In multivariable and Cox regression analyses, longer time since diagnosis (p = 0.025) and lower perceived treatment control (assessed by IPQ4: how much parents thought follow-up can help with late effects; p = 0.009) were associated with non-attendance. Parents' overall information needs was significantly associated with parental involvement in the multivariable model (p = 0.041). CONCLUSION Educating survivors and their parents on the importance and effectiveness of follow-up care might increase attendance in the longer term.
Over the past several decades a variety of models have been proposed to explain perceived behavioral and cognitive differences between Neanderthals and modern humans. A key element in many of these models and one often used as a proxy for behavioral “modernity” is the frequency and nature of hunting among Palaeolithic populations. Here new archaeological data from Ortvale Klde, a late Middle–early Upper Palaeolithic rockshelter in the Georgian Republic, are considered, and zooarchaeological methods are applied to the study of faunal acquisition patterns to test whether they changed significantly from the Middle to the Upper Palaeolithic. The analyses demonstrate that Neanderthals and modern humans practiced largely identical hunting tactics and that the two populations were equally and independently capable of acquiring and exploiting critical biogeographical information pertaining to resource availability and animal behavior. Like lithic techno-typological traditions, hunting behaviors are poor proxies for major behavioral differences between Neanderthals and modern humans, a conclusion that has important implications for debates surrounding the Middle–Upper Palaeolithic transition and what features constitute “modern” behavior. The proposition is advanced that developments in the social realm of Upper Palaeolithic societies allowed the replacement of Neanderthals in the Caucasus with little temporal or spatial overlap and that this process was widespread beyond traditional topographic and biogeographical barriers to Neanderthal mobility.