158 resultados para penaeus-plebejus
Estudio de desarrollo gonadal y reproducción de especies del género Penaeus. Los muestreos se realizaron en el litoral del departamento de Tumbes, en base a la captura de embarcaciones arrastreras comerciales. Se describe el desarrollo gonadal de P.occidentalis y P.stylirostris y P. vannamei y el seguimiento del desove y proceso larval hasta Protozoea I de P. occidentalis.
Estudio complementario de la primera evaluación sobre los posibles efectos del represamiento del río Puyango - Tumbes. Los datos obtenidos confirman algunas modificaciones de orden limnológico - pesquero en el río y canales de marea, determinando la zona de Cazaderos como la más adecuada para el establecimiento del embalse. Se hace la expresa recomendación acerca del mínimo caudal del río, el cual puede ser similar al flujo de la estación seca. Indica las implicancias en los recursos acuáticos cultivables especialmente langostinos Penaeus.
Determina la presencia de postlarvas de las especies Penaeus vannamei, P. stylirostris, P. californiensis y P. occidentalis y concluye que las cuatro especies presentan una distribución similar, encontrando los recursos en toda el área de Tumbes y durante todo el período de estudio.
Following the success of the first round table in 2001, the Swiss Proteomic Society has organized two additional specific events during its last two meetings: a proteomic application exercise in 2002 and a round table in 2003. Such events have as their main objective to bring together, around a challenging topic in mass spectrometry, two groups of specialists, those who develop and commercialize mass spectrometry equipment and software, and expert MS users for peptidomics and proteomics studies. The first round table (Geneva, 2001) entitled "Challenges in Mass Spectrometry" was supported by brief oral presentations that stressed critical questions in the field of MS development or applications (Stöcklin and Binz, Proteomics 2002, 2, 825-827). Topics such as (i) direct analysis of complex biological samples, (ii) status and perspectives for MS investigations of noncovalent peptide-ligant interactions; (iii) is it more appropriate to have complementary instruments rather than a universal equipment, (iv) standardization and improvement of the MS signals for protein identification, (v) what would be the new generation of equipment and finally (vi) how to keep hardware and software adapted to MS up-to-date and accessible to all. For the SPS'02 meeting (Lausanne, 2002), a full session alternative event "Proteomic Application Exercise" was proposed. Two different samples were prepared and sent to the different participants: 100 micro g of snake venom (a complex mixture of peptides and proteins) and 10-20 micro g of almost pure recombinant polypeptide derived from the shrimp Penaeus vannamei carrying an heterogeneous post-translational modification (PTM). Among the 15 participants that received the samples blind, eight returned results and most of them were asked to present their results emphasizing the strategy, the manpower and the instrumentation used during the congress (Binz et. al., Proteomics 2003, 3, 1562-1566). It appeared that for the snake venom extract, the quality of the results was not particularly dependant on the strategy used, as all approaches allowed Lication of identification of a certain number of protein families. The genus of the snake was identified in most cases, but the species was ambiguous. Surprisingly, the precise identification of the recombinant almost pure polypeptides appeared to be much more complicated than expected as only one group reported the full sequence. Finally the SPS'03 meeting reported here included a round table on the difficult and challenging task of "Quantification by Mass Spectrometry", a discussion sustained by four selected oral presentations on the use of stable isotopes, electrospray ionization versus matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization approaches to quantify peptides and proteins in biological fluids, the handling of differential two-dimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry data resulting from high throughput experiments, and the quantitative analysis of PTMs. During these three events at the SPS meetings, the impressive quality and quantity of exchanges between the developers and providers of mass spectrometry equipment and software, expert users and the audience, were a key element for the success of these fruitful events and will have definitively paved the way for future round tables and challenging exercises at SPS meetings.
Currently, sulfites are employed on board to inhibit melanosis (blackspot) on crustaceans. However, when used in excess this chemical compound not only can cause adverse reactions in SO2-sensitive individuals, but also favors the decomposition of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) into dimethylamine (DMA) and formaldehyde (FA), thus compromising the quality of the product, which can be observed mainly through the texture change of the meat after cooking. This study was conducted to verify the increase of the contents of DMA and FA by the excessive use of sodium metabisulfite in white shrimp (Penaeus schmitti). For laboratory trials, shrimp were beheaded, washed and immersed in a 2% sodium metabisulfite solution for 10 minutes. Specimens were stored either on ice and maintained for 48 hours in refrigeration, or stored in a freezer for 48 hours. Samples were collected at intervals of 0, 24 and 48 hours, and analyzed for residual SO2, TMAO, TMA, DMA and FA. The immersion of shrimp in a 2% sodium metabisulfite for 10 minutes favored the decomposition of TMAO which greatly increased the contents of DMA and FA. The FA and DMA measured in fresh shrimp was low. Moreover, the storage of shrimp tails on ice resulted in a significant reduction of the TMA, DMA, FA and residual SO2 contents compared to the specimens under frozen storage.
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a composição centesimal e os teores de zinco, cobre e ferro de cinco tipos de mariscos crus e cozidos: Camarão (Penaeus brasiliensis), Caranguejo (Ucides cordatus), Lagosta (Panulirus argus), Ostra (Crassostrea rhizophorae) e Mexilhão (Anomalocardia brasiliana), crus e cozidos, provenientes da cidade de Natal/RN. As amostras da parte comestível de cada alimento foram adquiridas em peixaria do cais do porto. Os mariscos foram considerados fontes expressivas de proteínas e minerais, enquanto as quantidades de lipídeos e calorias foram baixas. Observou-se na maioria das amostras teores de proteínas e de cinzas aumentados após a cocção. A concentração de zinco foi variada, apresentando-se a ostra como a maior fonte dentre as espécies estudadas. Os maiores teores de ferro e cobre foram verificados no mexilhão e na ostra. A cocção provocou perdas de 50% de cobre no mexilhão e praticamente não alterou as concentrações do referido nutriente no caranguejo. Esperamos que estes resultados contribuam para bancos de dados que auxiliarão na melhor estimativa de consumo de nutrientes em inquéritos dietéticos.
A oxidação do colesterol leva à formação de óxidos biologicamente ativos, capazes de desencadear processos citotóxicos, aterogênicos, mutagênicos e cancerígenos. Durante o processamento, os alimentos são expostos, além do calor, ao oxigênio e a outros fatores desencadeadores da oxidação lipídica, inclusive do colesterol. Os crustáceos, além de possuírem níveis elevados de colesterol, apresentam em sua fração lipídica ácidos graxos com alto grau de insaturação, o que favorece a oxidação do referido esterol. O 7-cetocolesterol tem sido utilizado como indicador da oxidação do colesterol, por ser o óxido formado nos estágios iniciais e em maior quantidade que os demais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do cozimento e da fritura sobre a oxidação do colesterol em camarão-rosa (Penaeus brasiliensis e Penaeus paulensis). O processamento do camarão-rosa, de um modo geral, levou à diminuição das concentrações de colesterol e 7-cetocolesterol livres. A redução observada foi bem maior na fritura do que no cozimento, e mais acentuada para o 7-cetocolesterol. Enquanto os níveis de colesterol foram 10,7 e 24,7% menores, a diminuição do 7-cetocolesterol atingiu 41,5 e 61% no camarão cozido e frito, respectivamente, em relação ao controle. A redução de colesterol e 7-cetocolesterol livres em camarão-rosa processado foi relacionada com a eluição destes compostos nos meios de processamento, água de cozimento e óleo de fritura.
Diversos fatores podem contribuir para a variabilidade na composição das diferentes espécies de pescado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo, identificar as espécies de pescado mais produzidas no Estado da Bahia, avaliar seu valor nutricional e realizar um levantamento das empresas beneficiadoras de pescado do Estado. Um questionário foi aplicado às beneficiadoras de pescado para a caracterização das empresas. Segundo a Bahia Pesca (2005), as espécies mais produzidas são: o camarão-rosa (Penaeus brasiliensis), representando 21,8% da produção estadual; a sardinha (Opisthonema oglinum), 10,2%; os vermelhos com as espécies guaiúba (Ocyurus chrysurus) e o ariacó (Lutjanus synagris), 6,6%; seguidos pela tainha (Mugil spp.), 4,1%. De acordo com o valor nutricional das espécies analisadas, a guaiúba foi considerada melhor para o consumo, por possuir menor teor de lipídios totais (0,82%) e gordura saturada (28,74%). A produção de 43% das beneficiadoras de pescado do Estado da Bahia está entre 10 e 50 ton/mês e a principal dificuldade apresentada foi a falta de investimento do governo no setor.
The present study is the first comprehensive approach towards histopathology of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in Penaeus indicus. WSSV could be demonstrated in the nuclei of all tissues, except those of midgut, subjected of electron microscopic observation. They were the nuclei of gill, foregut, heart, hepatopancreatic connective tissue, hindgut, nerve and dorsal aorta. A comparison was made between the electron microscopic and histopathological observations and a greater degree of correlation between the two in depicting the severity of the infection of the infection was unraveled. The study also illustrated variations in response and susceptibility of various tissues to WSSV infection. Accordingly, out of the tissues investigated, gill, foregut, hindgut and dorsal aorta exhibited advanced viral multiplication than the other tissues such as heart, midgut, nerve and hepatopancreas. Even though hepatocytes were not infected the connective tissue nuclei were packed with virions.
Aquaculture farms, particularly in Southeast Asia are facing severe crisis due to increasing incidences of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV). Actinomycetes have provided many important bioactive compounds of high prophylactic and therapeutic value and are continually being screened for new compounds. In this communication, the results of a study made to determine the effectiveness of marine actinomycetes against the white spot disease in penaeid shrimps are presented. Twenty-five isolates of actinomycetes were tested for their ability to reduce infection due to WSSV among cultured shrimps. When these actinomycetes were made available as feed additives to the post-larvae of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon for two weeks and challenged with WSSV, the post challenge survival showed variations from 11 to 83%. However, six isolates have shown to be the most potential candidates for further study.
The present study is an attempt to standardize the environmental condition like pH, salinity and photoperiod, and also the feed for the maximum production of rotifers. Considering the deficiency of essential fatty acids in rotifers, enrichment experiments were carried out and fatty acids profile were analysed. Attempts were made to improve the production of clown fish (Amphiprion sebae) juveniles using enriched rotifers. Attempts were also made to rear various larval stages of Penaeus monodon with enriched rotifers as a substitute for Artemia nauplii.
Shrimp Aquaculture has provided tremendous opportunity for the economic and social upliftment of rural communities in the coastal areas of our country Over a hundred thousand farmers, of whom about 90% belong to the small and marginal category, are engaged in shrimp farming. Penaeus monodon is the most predominant cultured species in India which is mainly exported to highly sophisticated, quality and safety conscious world markets. Food safety has been of concem to humankind since the dawn of history and the concern about food safety resulted in the evolution of a cost effective, food safety assurance method, the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). Considering the major contribution of cultured Penaeus monodon to the total shrimp production and the economic losses encountered due to disease outbreak and also because traditional methods of quality control and end point inspection cannot guarantee the safety of our cultured seafood products, it is essential that science based preventive approaches like HACCP and Pre requisite Programmes (PRP) be implemented in our shrimp farming operations. PRP is considered as a support system which provides a solid foundation for HACCP. The safety of postlarvae (PL) supplied for brackish water shrimp farming has also become an issue of concern over the past few years. The quality and safety of hatchery produced seeds have been deteriorating and disease outbreaks have become very common in hatcheries. It is in this context that the necessity for following strict quarantine measures with standards and code of practices becomes significant. Though there were a lot of hue and cry on the need for extending the focus of seafood safety assurance from processing and exporting to the pre-harvest and hatchery rearing phases, an experimental move in this direction has been rare or nil. An integrated management system only can assure the effective control of the quality, hygiene and safety related issues. This study therefore aims at designing a safety and quality management system model for implementation in shrimp farming and hatchery operations by linking the concepts of HACCP and PRP.
Vibrio are important during hatchery rearing. aquaculture phase and post-harvest quality of shrimps. Vibrio spp are of concern to shrimp farmers and hatchery operators because certain species can cause Vibriosis. Vibrio species are of concern to humans because certain species cause serious diseases.With the progress in aquaculture, intensive systems used for shrimp aquaculture create an artificial environment that increases bacterial growth. To maintain the productivity of such an intensive aquaculture, high inputs of fish protein have to be employed for feeding together with high levels of water exchange and the massive use of antibiotics/ probiotics / chemicals. It seems that the combination of these conditions favours the proliferation of vibrios and enhances their virulence and disease prevalence. The risk of a microbial infection is high, mainly at larval stages. The effect and severity are related to Vibrio species and dose, water, feed, shrimp quality and aquaculture management.Consumption of seafood can occasionally result in food-bome illnesses due to the proliferation of indigenous pathogens like Vibrio.Of the l2 pathogenic Vibrio species, 8 species are known to be directly food associated. Strict quality guidelines have been laid by the importing nations, for the food products that enter their markets. The microbiological quality requirement for export of frozen shrimp products is that V.cholerae, V.parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus should be absent in 25g of the processed shrimp (Export Inspection Council of India, 1995). The mere presence of these pathogenic Vibrios is sufficient for the rejection of the exported product.The export rejections cause serious economic loss to the shrimp industry and might harm the brand image of the shrimp products from the countiy.There is a need for an independent study on the incidence of different pathogenic vibrios in shrimp aquaculture and investigate their biochemical characteristics to have a better understanding about the growth and survival of these organisms in the shrimp aquaculture niche. PCR based methods (conventional PCR, duplex PCR, multiplex-PCR and Real Time PCR) for the detection of the pathogenic Vibrios is important for rapid post-harvest quality assessment. Studies on the genetic heterogeneity among the specific pathogenic vibrio species isolated from shrimp aquaculture system provide; valuable information on the extent of genetic diversity of the pathogenic vibrios, the shrimp aquaculture system.So the present study was undertaken to study the incidence of pathogenic Vibrio spp. in Penaeus monodon shrimp hatcheries and aquaculture farms, to carry out biochemical investigations of the pathogenic Vibrio spp isolated from P. monodon hatchery and. aquaculture environments, to assess the effect of salt (NaCl) on the growth and enzymatic activities of pathogenic Vibrio spp., to study the effect of preservatives, and chemicals on the growth of pathogenic Vibrio spp. and to employ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for the detection of pathogenic V ibrio spp.Samples of water (n=7) and post-larvae (n=7) were obtained from seven Penaeus monodon hatcheries and samples of water (n=5), sediment (n=5) and shrimp (n=5) were obtained from five P. monodon aquaculture farms located on the East Coast of lndia. The microbiological examination of water, sediment, post-larvae and shrimp samples was carried out employing standard methods and by using standard media.The higher bacterial loads were obtained in pond sediments which can be attributed to the accumulation of organic matter at the pond bottom which stimulated bacterial growth.Shrimp head. (4.78 x 105 +/- 3.0 x 104 cfu/g) had relatively higher bacterial load when compared to shrimp muscle 2.7 x 105 +/- 1.95 x 104 cfu/g). ln shrimp hatchery samples, the post-larvae (2.2 x 106 +/- 1.9 x 106 cfu/g) had higher bacterial load than water (5.6 x 103 +/- 3890 cfu/ml).The mean E.coli counts were higher in aquaculture pond sediment (204+/-13 cfu/g) and pond water (124+/-88 cfu/ml). Relatively lower Escherichia coli counts were obtained from shrimp samples (12+/-11 to 16+/-16.7 cfu/g). The presence of E.coli in aquaculture environment might have been from the source water. E.coli was not detected in hatchery waters and post-larvae.
present work deals with the various aspects of population characteristics of penaeus indicus ,Metapenaeus dobsoni and metapenaeus monoceros during their nursery phase in tidal ponds and adjacent backwaters.Importance of the present study is to suggest scientific basis for the management of penaeid resources in tidal ponds and backwaters based on their biological characteristics to ensure better yield.Seasonal closure of fishing will be effective in improving the size of the shrimp at harvest.Hydrology of tidal ponds varied with location, but showed a common seasonal pattem.Seasonal variation in temperature was very small. It fluctuated between 27.5 to 32.3°C in tidalponds and 26.9 to 29.9°C in open backwaters.Improvement of nursery habitats with due consideration for biological requirements of the resource will ensure better growth, survival and abundance of the stock.The recruitment, growth and emigration data of prawns from their nurseries can be used successfully for fishery forecasting. projecting juvenile growth forward through time, it is possible to establish, which cohort contributes to offshore fishery each year. So, by interpreting the recruitment and growth data of species in their nurseries with offshore catch data, fishery can be forecasted successfully.
The thesis embodies the results of the studies carried out on certain diseases affecting the commercially important penaeid prawns in the capture and culture fisheries of the southwest and southeast coasts of india during october, 1981 to april 1985.initially a survey is conducted to obtain information and to understand the commom diseases and abnormalities occurring in the penaeid prawms in nature and those farmed. A result of the survey then cases of diseases and abnormalities are reported. These include tumour like growth soft prawm syndrome, tail necrosis brown spot disease, red rostrum, ciliate infestation ,helminth parasitisation,metacercarial infestation and bopyrid infestation in the penaeid prawns such as penaeus indicus p. monodon , p. semisulcatus ,Metapenaeus dobsoni and m.affinis.The symptoms ,occurrence and incidence of each of the above cases are provided along with the information on environmental factors such as salinity,dissolved oxygen,temperature and ph of the water from the collection sites. The nature of the disease,the tissuse of the host that are affected by the infection or infestation or by the pathogen ,and the actors influencing the infection in each of the ten cases are studied histopathologically and discussed. In the light of the available published information, the control measures for the different diseases of penaeid prawns are presented and discussed.