937 resultados para peaky signals


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The widely expressed protein Fas is a member of the tumour necrosis factor receptor family which can trigger apoptosis. However, Fas surface expression does not necessarily render cells susceptible to Fas ligand-induced death signals, indicating that inhibitors of the apoptosis-signalling pathway must exist. Here we report the characterization of an inhibitor of apoptosis, designated FLIP (for FLICE-inhibitory protein), which is predominantly expressed in muscle and lymphoid tissues. The short form, FLIPs, contains two death effector domains and is structurally related to the viral FLIP inhibitors of apoptosis, whereas the long form, FLIP(L), contains in addition a caspase-like domain in which the active-centre cysteine residue is substituted by a tyrosine residue. FLIPs and FLIP(L) interact with the adaptor protein FADD and the protease FLICE, and potently inhibit apoptosis induced by all known human death receptors. FLIP(L) is expressed during the early stage of T-cell activation, but disappears when T cells become susceptible to Fas ligand-mediated apoptosis. High levels of FLIP(L) protein are also detectable in melanoma cell lines and malignant melanoma tumours. Thus FLIP may be implicated in tissue homeostasis as an important regulator of apoptosis.


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After a rockfall event, a usual post event survey includes qualitative volume estimation, trajectory mapping and determination of departing zones. However, quantitative measurements are not usually made. Additional relevant quantitative information could be useful in determining the spatial occurrence of rockfall events and help us in quantifying their size. Seismic measurements could be suitable for detection purposes since they are non invasive methods and are relatively inexpensive. Moreover, seismic techniques could provide important information on rockfall size and location of impacts. On 14 February 2007 the Avalanche Group of the University of Barcelona obtained the seismic data generated by an artificially triggered rockfall event at the Montserrat massif (near Barcelona, Spain) carried out in order to purge a slope. Two 3 component seismic stations were deployed in the area about 200 m from the explosion point that triggered the rockfall. Seismic signals and video images were simultaneously obtained. The initial volume of the rockfall was estimated to be 75 m3 by laser scanner data analysis. After the explosion, dozens of boulders ranging from 10¿4 to 5 m3 in volume impacted on the ground at different locations. The blocks fell down onto a terrace, 120 m below the release zone. The impact generated a small continuous mass movement composed of a mixture of rocks, sand and dust that ran down the slope and impacted on the road 60 m below. Time, time-frequency evolution and particle motion analysis of the seismic records and seismic energy estimation were performed. The results are as follows: 1 ¿ A rockfall event generates seismic signals with specific characteristics in the time domain; 2 ¿ the seismic signals generated by the mass movement show a time-frequency evolution different from that of other seismogenic sources (e.g. earthquakes, explosions or a single rock impact). This feature could be used for detection purposes; 3 ¿ particle motion plot analysis shows that the procedure to locate the rock impact using two stations is feasible; 4 ¿ The feasibility and validity of seismic methods for the detection of rockfall events, their localization and size determination are comfirmed.


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Collective evidence indicates that motor neuron degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is non-cell-autonomous and requires the interaction with the neighboring astrocytes. Recently, we reported that a subpopulation of spinal cord astrocytes degenerates in the microenvironment of motor neurons in the hSOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS. Mechanistic studies in vitro identified a role for the excitatory amino acid glutamate in the gliodegenerative process via the activation of its inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP(3))-generating metabotropic receptor 5 (mGluR5). Since non-physiological formation of IP(3) can prompt IP(3) receptor (IP(3)R)-mediated Ca(2+) release from the intracellular stores and trigger various forms of cell death, here we investigated the intracellular Ca(2+) signaling that occurs downstream of mGluR5 in hSOD1(G93A)-expressing astrocytes. Contrary to wild-type cells, stimulation of mGluR5 causes aberrant and persistent elevations of intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations ([Ca(2+)](i)) in the absence of spontaneous oscillations. The interaction of IP(3)Rs with the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-X(L) was previously described to prevent cell death by modulating intracellular Ca(2+) signals. In mutant SOD1-expressing astrocytes, we found that the sole BH4 domain of Bcl-X(L), fused to the protein transduction domain of the HIV-1 TAT protein (TAT-BH4), is sufficient to restore sustained Ca(2+) oscillations and cell death resistance. Furthermore, chronic treatment of hSOD1(G93A) mice with the TAT-BH4 peptide reduces focal degeneration of astrocytes, slightly delays the onset of the disease and improves both motor performance and animal lifespan. Our results point at TAT-BH4 as a novel glioprotective agent with a therapeutic potential for ALS.


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Intracardiac organization indices such as atrial fibrillation (AF) cycle length (AFCL) have been used to track the efficiency of stepwise catheter ablation (step-CA) of longstanding persistent AF, however with limited success. The morphology of AF activation waves reflects the underlying activation patterns. Its temporal evolution is a local organization indicator that could be potentially used for tracking the efficiency of step-CA. We report a new method for characterizing the structure of the temporal evolution of activation wave morphology. Using recurrence plots, novel organization indices are proposed. By computing their relative evolution during the first step of ablation vs baseline, we found that these new parameters are superior to AFCL to track the effect of step-CA "en route" to AF termination.


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Background: The coagulation factor thrombin mediates ischemic neuronal deathand, at a low concentration, induces tolerance to ischemia.We investigated its modeof activation in ischemic neural tissue using an in vitro approach to distinguish therole of circulating coagulation factors from endogenous cerebral mechanisms. Wealso studied the signalling pathway downstream of thrombin in ischemia and afterthrombin preconditioning.Methods: Rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures to 30 minute oxygen (5%)and glucose (1 mmol/L) deprivation (OGD).Results: Selective factor Xa (FXa) inhibition by fondaparinux during and afterOGD significantly reduced neuronal death in the CA1 after 48 hours. Thrombinactivity was increased in the medium 24 hours after OGD and this increasewas prevented by fondaparinux suggesting that FXa catalyzes the conversion ofprothrombin to thrombin in neural tissue after ischemia in vitro. Treatment withSCH79797, a selective antagonist of the thrombin receptor protease activatedreceptor-1 (PAR-1), significantly decreased neuronal cell death indicating thatthrombin signals ischemic damage via PAR-1. The JNK pathway plays an importantrole in cerebral ischemia and we observed activation of the JNK substrate,c-Jun in our model. Both the FXa inhibitor, fondaparinux and the PAR-1 antagonistSCH79797, decreased the level of phospho-c-Jun Ser73. After thrombin preconditioningc-Jun was activated by phosphorylation in the nuclei of neurons of the CA1.Treatment with a synthetic thrombin receptor agonist resulted in the same c-Junactivation profile and protection against subsequent OGD indicating that thrombinalso signals via PAR-1 and c-Jun in cell protection.Conclusion: These results indicate that FXa activates thrombin in cerebral ischemia,leading via PAR-1 to the activation of the JNK pathway resulting in neuronal death.Thrombin induced tolerance also involves PAR-1 and JNK, revealing commonfeatures in cell death and survival signalling.


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Powerful volatile regulators of gene expression, pheromones and other airborne signals are of great interest in biology. Plants are masters of volatile production and release, not just from flowers and fruits, but also from vegetative tissues. The controlled release of bouquets of volatiles from leaves during attack by herbivores helps plants to deter herbivores or attract their predators, but volatiles have other roles in development and in the control of defence gene expression. Some of these roles may include long-distance signalling within and perhaps between plants.


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Drug safety issues pose serious health threats to the population and constitute a major cause of mortality worldwide. Due to the prominent implications to both public health and the pharmaceutical industry, it is of great importance to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which an adverse drug reaction can be potentially elicited. These mechanisms can be investigated by placing the pharmaco-epidemiologically detected adverse drug reaction in an information-rich context and by exploiting all currently available biomedical knowledge to substantiate it. We present a computational framework for the biological annotation of potential adverse drug reactions. First, the proposed framework investigates previous evidences on the drug-event association in the context of biomedical literature (signal filtering). Then, it seeks to provide a biological explanation (signal substantiation) by exploring mechanistic connections that might explain why a drug produces a specific adverse reaction. The mechanistic connections include the activity of the drug, related compounds and drug metabolites on protein targets, the association of protein targets to clinical events, and the annotation of proteins (both protein targets and proteins associated with clinical events) to biological pathways. Hence, the workflows for signal filtering and substantiation integrate modules for literature and database mining, in silico drug-target profiling, and analyses based on gene-disease networks and biological pathways. Application examples of these workflows carried out on selected cases of drug safety signals are discussed. The methodology and workflows presented offer a novel approach to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying adverse drug reactions


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Background: oscillatory activity, which can be separated in background and oscillatory burst pattern activities, is supposed to be representative of local synchronies of neural assemblies. Oscillatory burst events should consequently play a specific functional role, distinct from background EEG activity – especially for cognitive tasks (e.g. working memory tasks), binding mechanisms and perceptual dynamics (e.g. visual binding), or in clinical contexts (e.g. effects of brain disorders). However extracting oscillatory events in single trials, with a reliable and consistent method, is not a simple task. Results: in this work we propose a user-friendly stand-alone toolbox, which models in a reasonable time a bump time-frequency model from the wavelet representations of a set of signals. The software is provided with a Matlab toolbox which can compute wavelet representations before calling automatically the stand-alone application. Conclusion: The tool is publicly available as a freeware at the address: http:// www.bsp.brain.riken.jp/bumptoolbox/toolbox_home.html


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Intrathymic T-cell maturation critically depends on the selective expansion of thymocytes expressing a functionally rearranged T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain. In addition, TCR-independent signals also contribute to normal T-cell development. It is unclear whether and how signals from the 2 types of pathways are integrated. Here, we show that T-cell factor-1 (TCF-1), a nuclear effector of the canonical wingless/int (wnt)/catenin signaling pathway, ensures the survival of proliferating, pre-TCR(+) thymocytes. The survival of pre-TCR(+) thymocytes requires the presence of the N-terminal catenin-binding domain in TCF-1. This domain can bind the transcriptional coactivator beta-catenin and may also bind gamma-catenin (plakoglobin). However, in the absence of gamma-catenin, T-cell development is normal, supporting a role for beta-catenin. Signaling competent beta-catenin is present prior to and thus arises independently from pre-TCR signaling and does not substantially increase on pre-TCR signaling. In contrast, pre-TCR signaling significantly induces TCF-1 expression. This coincides with the activation of a wnt/catenin/TCF reporter transgene in vivo. Collectively, these data suggest that efficient TCF-dependent transcription requires that pre-TCR signaling induces TCF-1 expression, whereas wnt signals may provide the coactivator such as beta-catenin. The 2 pathways thus have to cooperate to ensure thymocyte survival at the pre-TCR stage.


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In this paper we present a method for blind deconvolution of linear channels based on source separation techniques, for real word signals. This technique applied to blind deconvolution problems is based in exploiting not the spatial independence between signals but the temporal independence between samples of the signal. Our objective is to minimize the mutual information between samples of the output in order to retrieve the original signal. In order to make use of use this idea the input signal must be a non-Gaussian i.i.d. signal. Because most real world signals do not have this i.i.d. nature, we will need to preprocess the original signal before the transmission into the channel. Likewise we should assure that the transmitted signal has non-Gaussian statistics in order to achieve the correct function of the algorithm. The strategy used for this preprocessing will be presented in this paper. If the receiver has the inverse of the preprocess, the original signal can be reconstructed without the convolutive distortion.


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In this paper we present a quantitative comparisons of different independent component analysis (ICA) algorithms in order to investigate their potential use in preprocessing (such as noise reduction and feature extraction) the electroencephalogram (EEG) data for early detection of Alzhemier disease (AD) or discrimination between AD (or mild cognitive impairment, MCI) and age-match control subjects.


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The orchestration of collaborative learning processes in face-to-facephysical settings, such as classrooms, requires teachers to coordinate students indicating them who belong to each group, which collaboration areas areassigned to each group, and how they should distribute the resources or roles within the group. In this paper we present an Orchestration Signal system,composed of wearable Personal Signal devices and an Orchestration Signal manager. Teachers can configure color signals in the manager so that they are transmitted to the wearable devices to indicate different orchestration aspects.In particular, the paper describes how the system has been used to carry out a Jigsaw collaborative learning flow in a classroom where students received signals indicating which documents they should read, in which group they were and in which area of the classroom they were expected to collaborate. The evaluation results show that the proposed system facilitates a dynamic, visual and flexible orchestration.


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In (1) H magnetic resonance spectroscopy, macromolecule signals underlay metabolite signals, and knowing their contribution is necessary for reliable metabolite quantification. When macromolecule signals are measured using an inversion-recovery pulse sequence, special care needs to be taken to correctly remove residual metabolite signals to obtain a pure macromolecule spectrum. Furthermore, since a single spectrum is commonly used for quantification in multiple experiments, the impact of potential macromolecule signal variability, because of regional differences or pathologies, on metabolite quantification has to be assessed. In this study, we introduced a novel method to post-process measured macromolecule signals that offers a flexible and robust way of removing residual metabolite signals. This method was applied to investigate regional differences in the mouse brain macromolecule signals that may affect metabolite quantification when not taken into account. However, since no significant differences in metabolite quantification were detected, it was concluded that a single macromolecule spectrum can be generally used for the quantification of healthy mouse brain spectra. Alternatively, the study of a mouse model of human glioma showed several alterations of the macromolecule spectrum, including, but not limited to, increased mobile lipid signals, which had to be taken into account to avoid significant metabolite quantification errors.