945 resultados para patient selection
PURPOSE: Glioblastomas are notorious for resistance to therapy, which has been attributed to DNA-repair proficiency, a multitude of deregulated molecular pathways, and, more recently, to the particular biologic behavior of tumor stem-like cells. Here, we aimed to identify molecular profiles specific for treatment resistance to the current standard of care of concomitant chemoradiotherapy with the alkylating agent temozolomide. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Gene expression profiles of 80 glioblastomas were interrogated for associations with resistance to therapy. Patients were treated within clinical trials testing the addition of concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide to radiotherapy. RESULTS: An expression signature dominated by HOX genes, which comprises Prominin-1 (CD133), emerged as a predictor for poor survival in patients treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy (n = 42; hazard ratio = 2.69; 95% CI, 1.38 to 5.26; P = .004). This association could be validated in an independent data set. Provocatively, the HOX cluster was reminiscent of a "self-renewal" signature (P = .008; Gene Set Enrichment Analysis) recently characterized in a mouse leukemia model. The HOX signature and EGFR expression were independent prognostic factors in multivariate analysis, adjusted for the O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) methylation status, a known predictive factor for benefit from temozolomide, and age. Better outcome was associated with gene clusters characterizing features of tumor-host interaction including tumor vascularization and cell adhesion, and innate immune response. CONCLUSION: This study provides first clinical evidence for the implication of a "glioma stem cell" or "self-renewal" phenotype in treatment resistance of glioblastoma. Biologic mechanisms identified here to be relevant for resistance will guide future targeted therapies and respective marker development for individualized treatment and patient selection.
BACKGROUND: Newborns with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) or right heart syndrome or other malformations with a single ventricle physiology and associated hypoplasia of the great arteries continue to be a challenge in terms of survival. The vast majority of these forms of congenital heart defects relate to abnormal morphogenesis during early intrauterine development and can be diagnosed accurately by fetal echocardiography. Early knowledge of these conditions not only permits a better understanding of the progression of these malformations but encourages some researchers to explore new minimally invasive therapeutic options with a view to early pre- and postnatal cardiac palliation. DATA SOURCES: PubMed database was searched with terms of "congenital heart defects", "fetal echocardiography" and "neonatal cardiac surgery". RESULTS: At present, early prenatal detection has been applied for monitoring pregnancy to avoid intrauterine cardiac decompensation. In principle, the majority of congenital heart defects can be diagnosed by prenatal echocardiography and the detection rate is 85%-95% at tertiary perinatal centers. The majority, particularly of complex congenital lesions, show a steadily progressive course including subsequent secondary phenomena such as arrhythmias or myocardial insufficiency. So prenatal treatment of an abnormal fetus is an area of perinatal medicine that is undergoing a very dynamic development. Early postnatal treatment is established for some time, and prenatal intervention or palliation is at its best experimental stage in individual cases. CONCLUSION: The upcoming expansion of fetal cardiac intervention to ameliorate critically progressive fetal lesions intensifies the need to address issues about the adequacy of technological assessment and patient selection as well as the morbidity of those who undergo these procedures.
BACKGROUND: We report mid-term results after 25 consecutive lung volume reduction operations (LVRS) for the treatment of severe dyspnea due to advanced emphysema. METHODS: Study design: patients were studied prospectively up to 12 months after surgery. Setting: preoperative evaluation, surgery and postoperative care took place in our university hospital. Patients: patient selection was based on severe dyspnea and airway obstruction despite optimal medical treatment, lung overinflation and completed rehabilitation programme. Patients with severe hypercarbia (PCO2>50 mmHg) were excluded. Nineteen rehabilitated patients who fulfilled our inclusion criteria but postponed or denied LVRS were followed up clinically. Interventions: LVRS was performed bilaterally in 22 patients (median sternotomy) and unilaterally in 3 patients (limited thoracotomy). Measures: Outcome was measured by dyspnea evaluation, 6-minute-walking distance and pulmonary function tests. RESULTS: Twelve months postoperatively dyspnea and mobility improved significantly (MRC score from 3.3+/-0.7 to 2.12+/-0.8, 6-min-walk from 251+/-190 to 477+/-189 m). These results were superior compared to the results of the conservatively treated patients. Significant improvement could also be documented in airway obstruction (FEV1 from 960+/-369 to 1438+/-610 ml) and overinflation (TLC from 133+/-14 to 118+/-21% predicted and RV from 280+/-56 to 186+/-59% predicted). CONCLUSIONS: LVRS is an effective and promising treatment option for selected patients with end-stage emphysema and could be offered as an alternative and / or bridge to lung transplantation.
BACKGROUND: Lung volume reduction (LVR) surgery is an effective and organ-preserving treatment option for patients suffering from severe dyspnea due to endstage emphysema. METHOD: Resection of functionally inactive lung parenchyma reduces over-inflation and restores the elastic recoil of the lungs. Thus it results in improvement of dyspnea, mobility and pulmonary function. Patient selection is crucial. Of simliar importance is pulmonary rehabilitation, as well as sufficient expertise in the treatment of endstage chronic respiratory failure. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The in-hospital morbidity and mortality after LVR are acceptable (0 to 5%) and the good results seem to last at least 18 to 24 months. LVR can be offered to selected patients either as an alternative or as bridge to lung transplantation.
The radical changes in prosthetic design made in the mid 1980s transformed the historically poorly performing reverse ball-and-socket total shoulder prosthesis into a highly successful salvage implant for pseudoparalytic, severely rotator cuff-deficient shoulders. Moving the center of rotation more medial and distal as well as implanting a large glenoid hemisphere that articulates with a humeral cup in 155 degrees of valgus are the biomechanical keys to sometimes spectacular short- to mid-term results. Use of the reverse total shoulder arthroplasty device allows salvage of injuries that previously were beyond surgical treatment. However, this technique has a complication rate approximately three times that of conventional arthroplasty. Radiographic and clinical results appear to deteriorate over time. Proper patient selection and attention to technical details are needed to reduce the currently high complication rate.
On one side, prosthodontic reconstructions compensate for the sequelae of negative changes in the oral cavity; on the other side, they often enhance or accelerate them. As a consequence of negative changes in the oral cavity over time, treatment planning for RPDs becomes highly complex. A set of reliable criteria is necessary for decision-making and problem management It appears that the majority of published data on RPDs does not depict high effectiveness of this treatment modality. From a strict point of view of evidence-based dentistry, the level of evidence is low if not missing for RPDs. Randomized controlled trials on RPDs are difficult to design, they are not feasible for some questions due to the complexity of the material, or may remain without clinical relevance. The literature rarely gives information on the denture design, tooth selection, and management of the compromised structural integrity of teeth. So far treatment outcomes with RPDs must be considered under the aspect of bias due to the bias in indication and patient selection for RPDs. Better clinical models should be elaborated with more stringent concepts for providing RPDs. This encompasses: risk analysis and patient assessment, proper indications for maintenance or extraction of teeth, strategic placement of implants, biomechanical aspects, materials, and technology. Although there is a tendency to offer fixed prostheses to our patients, this might change again with demographic changes and with an increase in the ageing population, an increase in their reduced dentition, and low socioeconomic wealth in large parts of the world.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Because propofol is the sedative preferred by gastroenterologists, we focus this review on gastroenterologist-directed propofol sedation, provide simulations of the respiratory depressant effect of different dosing protocols and give a perspective on future developments in computer-assisted sedation techniques. RECENT FINDINGS: Propofol use by nonanesthesiologists remains a contraindication in the package insert of propofol in most countries. Sedation guidelines produced by the American Society of Gastroenterology partially contradict those produced by the American Society of Anesthesiologists for sedation by nonanesthesiologists, whereas the German guidelines were developed with anesthesiologists involved. The use of fospropofol, recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for sedation, is considered an alternative to propofol by some gastroenterologists. Methodological errors in earlier pharmacological studies have to be solved before widespread use of fospropofol is justified, however. Our simulations show that dosing protocols with small boluses administered at reasonable intervals induce less respiratory depression than large boluses. Interindividual variability of propofol-induced respiratory depression is illustrated by different pharmacokinetic and dynamic parameter sets used in the simulation. Two computer-assisted propofol infusion systems are currently being investigated. They not only incorporate the target effect but also the side effects, which may limit respiratory depression. SUMMARY: Propofol use by gastroenterologists may be well tolerated if appropriate patient selection, staff training, monitoring and low-dose sedation protocols are applied.
Minimally invasive vertebral augmentation-based techniques have been used for the treatment of spinal fractures (osteoporotic and malignant) for approximately 25 years. In this review, we try to give an overview of the current spectrum of percutaneous augmentation techniques, safety aspects and indications. Crucial factors for success are careful patient selection, proper technique and choice of the ideal cement augmentation option. Most compression fractures present a favourable natural course, with reduction of pain and regainment of mobility after a few days to several weeks, whereas other patients experience a progressive collapse and persisting pain. In this situation, percutaneous cement augmentation is an effective treatment option with regards to pain and disability reduction, improvement of quality of life and ambulatory and pulmonary function.
The surgical management of symptomatic femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) generally is indicated after the failure of a trial of nonsurgical treatment. Surgical planning includes an assessment of the labrochondral pathology as well as of the acetabular and proximal femoral bony deformity. Advanced articular cartilage disease generally is associated with poorer outcomes. Surgical hip dislocation and hip arthroscopy have been used, with favorable early outcomes and low complication rates. Careful patient selection is important in predicting the success of the surgical management of symptomatic FAI. A trial of nonsurgical management generally is recommended, but limited information exists regarding its success. The early outcomes of both open and arthroscopic surgical techniques demonstrate significant improvement in most patients, with relatively low rates of complications. Because poorer clinical outcomes are associated with more advanced articular cartilage degeneration, improved strategies for the earlier identification and disease staging of symptomatic patients may enhance the long-term outcomes of both nonsurgical and surgical management.
CONTEXT Aims of bladder preservation in muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) are to offer a quality-of-life advantage and avoid potential morbidity or mortality of radical cystectomy (RC) without compromising oncologic outcomes. Because of the lack of a completed randomised controlled trial, oncologic equivalence of bladder preservation modality treatments compared with RC remains unknown. OBJECTIVE This systematic review sought to assess the modern bladder-preservation treatment modalities, focusing on trimodal therapy (TMT) in MIBC. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION A systematic literature search in the PubMed and Cochrane databases was performed from 1980 to July 2013. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS Optimal bladder-preservation treatment includes a safe transurethral resection of the bladder tumour as complete as possible followed by radiation therapy (RT) with concurrent radiosensitising chemotherapy. A standard radiation schedule includes external-beam RT to the bladder and limited pelvic lymph nodes to an initial dose of 40Gy, with a boost to the whole bladder to 54Gy and a further tumour boost to a total dose of 64-65Gy. Radiosensitising chemotherapy with phase 3 trial evidence in support exists for cisplatin and mitomycin C plus 5-fluorouracil. A cystoscopic assessment with systematic rebiopsy should be performed at TMT completion or early after TMT induction. Thus, nonresponders are identified early to promptly offer salvage RC. The 5-yr cancer-specific survival and overall survival rates range from 50% to 82% and from 36% to 74%, respectively, with salvage cystectomy rates of 25-30%. There are no definitive data to support the benefit of using of neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy. Critical to good outcomes is proper patient selection. The best cancers eligible for bladder preservation are those with low-volume T2 disease without hydronephrosis or extensive carcinoma in situ. CONCLUSIONS A growing body of accumulated data suggests that bladder preservation with TMT leads to acceptable outcomes and therefore may be considered a reasonable treatment option in well-selected patients. PATIENT SUMMARY Treatment based on a combination of resection, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy as bladder-sparing strategies may be considered as a reasonable treatment option in properly selected patients.
INTRODUCTION: Actual 5-year survival rates of 10-18% have been reported for patients with resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PC), but the use of multimodality therapy was uncommon in these series. We evaluated long-term survival and patterns of recurrence in patients treated for PC with contemporary staging and multimodality therapy. METHODS: We analyzed 329 consecutive patients with PC evaluated between 1990 and 2002 who underwent resection. Each received a multidisciplinary evaluation and a standard operative approach. Pre- or postoperative chemotherapy and/or chemoradiation were routine. Surgical specimens of 5-year survivors were re-reviewed. A multivariate model of factors associated with long-term survival was constructed. RESULTS: Patients underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy (n = 302; 92%), distal (n = 20; 6%), or total pancreatectomy (n = 7; 2%). A total of 108 patients (33%) underwent vascular reconstruction, 301 patients (91%) received neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapy, 157 specimens (48%) were node positive, and margins were microscopically positive in 52 patients (16%). Median overall survival and disease-specific survival was 23.9 and 26.5 months. Eighty-eight patients (27%) survived a minimum of 5 years and had a median overall survival of 11 years. Of these, 21 (24%) experienced recurrence, 7 (8%) after 5 years. Late recurrences occurred most frequently in the lungs, the latest at 6.7 years. Multivariate analysis identified disease-negative lymph nodes (P = .02) and no prior attempt at resection (P = 0.01) as associated with 5-year survival. CONCLUSIONS: Our 27% actual 5-year survival rate for patients with resected PC is superior to that previously reported, and it is influenced by our emphasis on detailed staging and patient selection, a standardized operative approach, and routine use of multimodality therapy.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Stent retrievers have become an important tool for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. The aim of this study was to analyze outcome and complications in a large cohort of patients with stroke treated with the Solitaire stent retriever. The study also included patients who did not meet standard inclusion criteria for endovascular treatment: low or high baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score, ≥80 years of age, extensive ischemic signs in middle cerebral artery territory, and time from symptom onset to endovascular intervention>8 hours. METHODS Consecutive patients with acute anterior circulation stroke treated with the Solitaire FR were analyzed. Data on characteristics of endovascular interventions, complications, and clinical outcome were collected prospectively. Patients who met standard inclusion criteria were compared with those who did not. RESULTS A total of 227 patients were included. Mean age was 68.2±14.7 years, and median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score on admission was 16 (range, 2-36). Reperfusion was successful (thrombolysis in cerebral infarction, 2b-3) in 70.9%. Outcome was favorable (modified Rankin Scale, 0-2) in 57.7% of patients who met standard inclusion criteria and 30.3% of those who did not. The rates for symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage were 3.7% and 13.1%, for death 11.4% and 33.8%, and for symptomatic intraprocedural complications 2.5% and 4.8%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Patients<80 years of age, without extensive pretreatment ischemic signs, and baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score≤30 had high rates of favorable outcome and low periprocedural complication rates after Solitaire thrombectomy. Successful reperfusion was also common in patients not fulfilling standard inclusion criteria, but worse clinical outcomes warrant further research with a special focus on optimal patient selection.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Age and stroke severity are inversely correlated with the odds of favorable outcome after ischemic stroke. A previously proposed score for Stroke Prognostication Using Age and NIHSS Stroke Scale (SPAN) indicated that SPAN-100-positive patients (ie, age + NIHSS score = 100 or more) do not benefit from IV-tPA. If this finding holds true for endovascular therapy, this score can impact patient selection for such interventions. This study investigated whether a score combining age and NIHSS score can improve patients' selection for endovascular stroke therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS The SPAN index was calculated for patients in the prospective Solitaire FR Thrombectomy for Acute Revascularization study: an international single-arm multicenter cohort for anterior circulation stroke treatment by using the Solitaire FR. The proportion with favorable outcome (90-day mRS score ≤2) was compared between SPAN-100-positive versus-negative patients. RESULTS Of the 202 patients enrolled, 196 had baseline NIHSS scores. Fifteen (7.7%) patients were SPAN-100-positive. There was no difference in the rate of successful reperfusion (Thrombolysis In Cerebral Infarction 2b or 3) between SPAN-100-positive versus -negative groups (93.3% versus 82.8%, respectively; P = .3). Stroke SPAN-100-positive patients had a significantly lower proportion of favorable clinical outcomes (26.7% versus 60.8% in SPAN-100-negative, P = .01). In a multivariable analysis, SPAN-100-positive status was associated with lower odds of favorable outcome (OR, 0.3; 95% CI, 0.1-0.9; P = .04). A higher baseline Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score and a short onset to revascularization time also predicted favorable outcome in the multivariable analysis. CONCLUSIONS A significantly lower proportion of patients with a positive SPAN-100 achieved favorable outcome in this cohort. SPAN-100 was an independent predictor of favorable outcome after adjusting for time to treatment and the extent of preintervention tissue damage according to the Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score.
Arterial waves are seen as possible independent mediators of cardiovascular risks, and the wave intensity analysis (WIA) has therefore been proposed as a method for patient selection for ventricular assist device (VAD) implantation. Interpreting measured wave intensity (WI) is challenging and complexity is increased by the implantation of a VAD. The waves generated by the VAD interact with the waves generated by the native heart, and this interaction varies with changing VAD settings. Eight sheep were implanted with a pulsatile VAD (PVAD) through ventriculo-aortic cannulation. The start of PVAD ejection was synchronized to the native R-wave and delayed between 0 % - 90 % of the cardiac cycle in 10 % steps or phase shifts (PS). Pressure and velocity signals were registered, using a combined Doppler and pressure wire positioned in the abdominal aorta, and used to calculate the WI. Depending on the PS, different wave interference phenomena occurred. Maximum unloading of the left ventricle (LV) coincided with constructive interference and maximum blood flow pulsatility, and maximum loading of the LV coincided with destructive interference and minimum blood flow pulsatility. We believe, that non-invasive WIA could potentially be used clinically to assess the mechanical load of the LV, and to monitor the peripheral hemodynamics such as blood flow pulsatility and risk of intestinal bleeding.
Abstract: The third-generation bovine pericardium Freedom SOLO (FS) stentless valve emerged in 2004 as a modified version of the Pericarbon Freedom stentless valve and as a very attractive alternative to stented bioprostheses. The design, choice of tissue, and anticalcification treatment fulfill most, if not all, requirements for an ideal valve substitute. The FS combines the single-suture, subcoronary implantation technique with the latest-generation bovine pericardial tissue and novel anticalcification treatment. The design allows imitation of the native healthy valve through unrestricted adaption to the patient's anatomy, reproducing a normal valve/root complex. However, despite hemodynamic performance superior to stented valves, we are approaching a critical observation period as superior durability, freedom from structural valve deterioration, and nonstructural failure has not been proven as expected. However, optimal performance and freedom from structural valve deterioration depend on correct sizing and perfect symmetric implantation, to ensure low leaflet stress. Any malpositioning can lead to tissue fatigue over time. Furthermore, the potential for better outcomes depends on optimal patient selection and observance of the limitations for the use of stentless valves, particularly for the FS. Clearly, stentless valve implantation techniques are less reproducible and standardized, and require surgeon-dependent experience and skill. Regardless of whether or not stentless valve durability surpasses third-generation stented bioprostheses, they will continue to play a role in the surgical repertoire. This review intends to help practitioners avoid pitfalls, observe limitations, and improve patient selection for optimal long-term outcome with the attractive FS stentless valve.