239 resultados para parking
Aquesta tesi doctoral estudia diferents aspectes sobre els habitatges a la província de Girona, combinant l'anàlisi sobre l'evolució històrica dels habitatges, el fenomen de les segones residències i el mercat d'apartaments turístics. El paper de la població és el principal motor del creixement dels habitatges durant el segle XX. Tot i així, durant la segona meitat, el pes dels habitatges secundaris en zones turístiques com Costa Brava i municipis de muntanya han tingut el seu paper significatiu. Altres factors determinants en els darrers anys han estat la immigració i la disminució del tamany de les llars. Les segones residències a Girona s'ubiquen en gran part a la Costa Brava (al voltant del 75% del total a la província). S'observa un fenomen d'expansió en forma de "taca d'oli" des de la Costa Brava cap a l'interior i des de la Cerdanya cap a zones més orientals. Dins el mercat d'apartaments turístics, una sèrie de regressions hedòniques han posat de manifest les variables que més influeixen sobre el preu final del lloguer de l'habitatge turístic com el nombre d'habitacions, el tipus d'allotjament, la distància sobre la platja, el municipi d'ubicació i la temporada turística. Respecte als hotels (el mateix exercici) com a bé substitutiu destaquen les mateixes variables excepte la piscina (menys valorat) i el pàrking (més valorat).
A presente dissertação tem como objectivo reflectir sobre as condições funcionais da Praça da República, nas Caldas da Rainha, no domínio da sua regeneração e das potencialidades económicas e sociais, no sentido de apresentar uma solução, entre outras possíveis, como contributo para futuras intervenções. Ao estudo da Praça da República das Caldas da Rainha associou-se o caso da Praça do Mercado de Cambridge, na Inglaterra, fundamental como termo de comparação no sentido de tentar regenerar a Praça da República. A dissertação desenvolve-se em três partes. A primeira parte centra-se numa apresentação generalista e exemplificativa das praças, com destaque para as suas formas e funções. Na segunda parte, procedemos a uma observação pormenorizada do caso de Cambridge, em relação ao seu funcionamento, tipo de vendas e intervenções. Por último, na terceira parte, para além de procedermos a um exame pormenorizado da Praça da República, em relação aos seus problemas, à sua importância e ao estado de conservação dos edifícios envolventes, finalizamos com uma proposta de intervenção. O estudo desenvolvido neste trabalho permitiu-nos concluir que esta praça necessita, urgentemente, de uma intervenção que corrija a situação de decadência em que se encontra e dê solução a problemas de acessibilidade, limpeza, estacionamento, para além de necessitar da construção de um edifício de apoio que torne este espaço acolhedor e agradável e que não seja apenas local fortuito de passagem.
Urbanization, the expansion of built-up areas, is an important yet less-studied aspect of land use/land cover change in climate science. To date, most global climate models used to evaluate effects of land use/land cover change on climate do not include an urban parameterization. Here, the authors describe the formulation and evaluation of a parameterization of urban areas that is incorporated into the Community Land Model, the land surface component of the Community Climate System Model. The model is designed to be simple enough to be compatible with structural and computational constraints of a land surface model coupled to a global climate model yet complex enough to explore physically based processes known to be important in determining urban climatology. The city representation is based upon the “urban canyon” concept, which consists of roofs, sunlit and shaded walls, and canyon floor. The canyon floor is divided into pervious (e.g., residential lawns, parks) and impervious (e.g., roads, parking lots, sidewalks) fractions. Trapping of longwave radiation by canyon surfaces and solar radiation absorption and reflection is determined by accounting for multiple reflections. Separate energy balances and surface temperatures are determined for each canyon facet. A one-dimensional heat conduction equation is solved numerically for a 10-layer column to determine conduction fluxes into and out of canyon surfaces. Model performance is evaluated against measured fluxes and temperatures from two urban sites. Results indicate the model does a reasonable job of simulating the energy balance of cities.
Threat detection is a challenging problem, because threats appear in many variations and differences to normal behaviour can be very subtle. In this paper, we consider threats on a parking lot, where theft of a truck’s cargo occurs. The threats range from explicit, e.g. a person attacking the truck driver, to implicit, e.g. somebody loitering and then fiddling with the exterior of the truck in order to open it. Our goal is a system that is able to recognize a threat instantaneously as they develop. Typical observables of the threats are a person’s activity, presence in a particular zone and the trajectory. The novelty of this paper is an encoding of these threat observables in a semantic, intermediate-level representation, based on low-level visual features that have no intrinsic semantic meaning themselves. The aim of this representation was to bridge the semantic gap between the low-level tracks and motion and the higher-level notion of threats. In our experiments, we demonstrate that our semantic representation is more descriptive for threat detection than directly using low-level features. We find that a person’s activities are the most important elements of this semantic representation, followed by the person’s trajectory. The proposed threat detection system is very accurate: 96.6 % of the tracks are correctly interpreted, when considering the temporal context.
We present a method for the recognition of complex actions. Our method combines automatic learning of simple actions and manual definition of complex actions in a single grammar. Contrary to the general trend in complex action recognition that consists in dividing recognition into two stages, our method performs recognition of simple and complex actions in a unified way. This is performed by encoding simple action HMMs within the stochastic grammar that models complex actions. This unified approach enables a more effective influence of the higher activity layers into the recognition of simple actions which leads to a substantial improvement in the classification of complex actions. We consider the recognition of complex actions based on person transits between areas in the scene. As input, our method receives crossings of tracks along a set of zones which are derived using unsupervised learning of the movement patterns of the objects in the scene. We evaluate our method on a large dataset showing normal, suspicious and threat behaviour on a parking lot. Experiments show an improvement of ~ 30% in the recognition of both high-level scenarios and their composing simple actions with respect to a two-stage approach. Experiments with synthetic noise simulating the most common tracking failures show that our method only experiences a limited decrease in performance when moderate amounts of noise are added.
This paper presents the two datasets (ARENA and P5) and the challenge that form a part of the PETS 2015 workshop. The datasets consist of scenarios recorded by us- ing multiple visual and thermal sensors. The scenarios in ARENA dataset involve different staged activities around a parked vehicle in a parking lot in UK and those in P5 dataset involve different staged activities around the perimeter of a nuclear power plant in Sweden. The scenarios of each dataset are grouped into ‘Normal’, ‘Warning’ and ‘Alarm’ categories. The Challenge specifically includes tasks that account for different steps in a video understanding system: Low-Level Video Analysis (object detection and tracking), Mid-Level Video Analysis (‘atomic’ event detection) and High-Level Video Analysis (‘complex’ event detection). The evaluation methodology used for the Challenge includes well-established measures.
This paper describes the dataset and vision challenges that form part of the PETS 2014 workshop. The datasets are multisensor sequences containing different activities around a parked vehicle in a parking lot. The dataset scenarios were filmed from multiple cameras mounted on the vehicle itself and involve multiple actors. In PETS2014 workshop, 22 acted scenarios are provided of abnormal behaviour around the parked vehicle. The aim in PETS 2014 is to provide a standard benchmark that indicates how detection, tracking, abnormality and behaviour analysis systems perform against a common database. The dataset specifically addresses several vision challenges corresponding to different steps in a video understanding system: Low-Level Video Analysis (object detection and tracking), Mid-Level Video Analysis (‘simple’ event detection: the behaviour recognition of a single actor) and High-Level Video Analysis (‘complex’ event detection: the behaviour and interaction recognition of several actors).
The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the geographical distribution of everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002 and to analyze which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality there. The term everyday criminality is here to be understood as those categories of crime that appear most frequently in the records of reports to the police every year. Here two kinds of crime have been in focus, thefts from cars and office burglary.In fulfilling this aim two main questions have been answered. The first one is how the everyday criminality was distributed geographically in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002. The second one is which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge.In order to answer the first question a spatial autocorrelation analysis, Local Moran LISA has been used. This method is based on the measurement Moran´s I and shows the spatial autocorrelation for every single location. To answer the second question three different theories of crime prevention through environmental design have been studied and applied in the analysis. These are Jane Jacobs’ ideas about ”the living city”, Oscar Newman´s ideas about ”defensible space” and Ronald V. Clarke´s theories about crime prevention.The major conclusions that can be drawn from this thesis are that the risk of being exposed to thefts from cars, during the analyzed time period, was highest in Centrum and Hagalund and their surroundings. The lowest risk of being exposed to this type of crime was found in Domnarvet and Islingby, during the year 2002. The highest risk of being a victim of the crime office burglary was found in Hagalund and its surroundings and in the single area of Kvarnsveden. The corresponding lowest risk was found in Lergärdet and its surroundings and in Norra Backa and Kupolen. The measures that should be taken in order to decrease these types of criminality can be divided into overall changes and place-specific changes. When it comes to the crime thefts from cars a more attractive central business district, a better view of parking lots from nearby buildings, dividing of larger parking lot zones into smaller ones, migration of hidden parking lots and stronger access control to parking lots where problems with this kind of crime have occurred have been suggested as overall changes. The corresponding place-specific changes are to remove vegetation that is blocking the view, better lighting and to put up signs with information about increased risk of exposure to crime at parking lots with the most problems. To decrease the amount of office burglaries overall changes as to create a better view of the area from nearby surroundings, move bigger office compartments or divide them into smaller units, rebuild characteristic buildings and increase security by strengthening the access control to offices with these kinds of problems could be useful. Finally there are possibilities to decrease office burglary by using place-specific measures as surveillance cameras combined with signs containing information about these, high fences and better lighting around the buildings where a higher risk of being exposed to this kind of criminality is present.
Högskolan Dalarna har i samarbete med Naturbränsle i Mellansverige AB genomfört studier på ett nytt fordon för transport av skogsflis. Fordonet är försett med egen lastningsutrustning (kran och skopa), vilket innebär att flisskördaren kan tippa flisen direkt på marken eller på en i förväg utlagd duk (minskar risken för föroreningar i samband med lastning). Studier har också genomförts på transport av flis med lastväxlarfordon och container (traditionell metod) för att jämförelser skall kunna göras mellan de olika fordonstyperna. Studierna har finansie¬rats via anslag från Statens Energimyndighet och via ”naturabidrag” från deltagande företag.Studierna visar att det nya transportfordonet är ett bättre alternativ än de traditionella last¬växlarfordonen på större objekt med långa transportavstånd. Dessutom pekar studien på att det är sannolikt är bättre även på små objekt under förutsättning att flisningskostnaden kan hållas på en rimlig nivå. Studierna visar också att det bör finnas en viss utvecklingspotential på det nya fordonet (teknik- och metodutveckling), varför det bedöms kunna konkurrera med lastväxlarfordonen även på andra typer av objekt.Jämfört med de traditionella lastväxlarfordonen har det nya fordonet bl.a. följande fördelar:•Transportarbetet blir lättare att planera i och med att beroendeförhållandet mellan in¬blandade maskiner och fordon för flisproduktion och transport upphör.••Risken för störningar i transportflödet minskar.•Miljövinsterna blir större jämfört med lastväxlarfordon som måste ställa ut tomma con¬tainrar innan flisningen kan påbörjas.•Det finns inget behov av lastmaskiner på terminalerna.•Flis kan mellanlagras i skogen.Till nackdelarna med det nya fordonet hör bl.a. följande:•Framkomligheten är något sämre än för lastväxlarfordon på mycket smala och kurviga skogsbilvägar.•Det finns en viss risk för att föroreningar följer med vid lastning av fordonet. Studies were carried out on a new vehicle for transport of fuel chips from the forest. The vehicle was equipped with a crane and a bucket meaning that the chipper may tip the fuel chips right on the ground or on a mat (vira from wood processing industry) to prevent from dirt such as sand and stones when loading. Studies were also carried out on traditional main hauling with transport bins. Transport speed was the same for all vehicles except for the new self-loader on forest roads with lower quality.The studies show that the new system probably is a better alternative on large sites with long transport distances and on sites with only little parking place for transport bins. It is also likely that the new vehicle may be used on very small sites if they are close to each other and if moving cost for the chipper is low.The studies show that the new vehicle has the following advantages:•Transport and other work may be planned in a better way leading to that stress de¬creases.•Dependence between chipper operators and truck drivers decreases.•The risk for disturbances in transport flow decreases.•Environment benefits compared to traditional system with higher traffic intensity (less exhaust gases and lower stress on roads and bridges).•No need for loading machines on terminals.•Easier to store fuel chips on landing.
In recent years the number of bicycles with e-motors has been increased steadily. Within the pedelec – bikes where an e-motor supports the pedaling – a special group of transportation bikes has developed. These bikes have storage boxes in addition to the basic parts of a bike. Due to the space available on top of those boxes it is possible to install a PV system to generate electricity which could be used to recharge the battery of the pedelec. Such a system would lead to grid independent charging of the battery and to the possibility of an increased range of motor support. The feasibility of such a PV system is investigated for a three wheeled pedelec delivered by the company BABBOE NORDIC.The measured data of the electricity generation of this mobile system is compared to the possible electricity generation of a stationary system.To measure the consumption of the pedelec different tracks are covered, and the energy which is necessary to recharge the bike battery is measured using an energy logger. This recharge energy is used as an indirect measure of the electricity consumption. A PV prototype system is installed on the bike. It is a simple PV stand alone system consisting of PV panel, charge controller with MPP tracker and a solar battery. This system has the task to generate as much electricity as possible. The produced PV current and voltage aremeasured and documented using a data logger. Afterwards the average PV power is calculated. To compare the produced electricity of the on-bike system to that of a stationary system, the irradiance on the latter is measured simultaneously. Due to partial shadings on the on-bike PV panel, which are caused by the driver and some other bike parts, the average power output during riding the bike is very low. It is too low to support the motor directly. In case of a similar installation as the PV prototype system and the intention always to park the bike on a sunny spot an on-bike system could generate electricity to at least partly recharge a bike battery during one day. The stationary PV system using the same PV panel could have produced between 1.25 and 8.1 times as much as the on-bike PV system. Even though the investigation is done for a very specific case it can be concluded that anon-bike PV system, using similar components as in the investigation, is not feasible to recharge the battery of a pedelec in an appropriate manner. The biggest barrier is that partial shadings on the PV panel, which can be hardly avoided during operation and parking, result in a significant reduction of generated electricity. Also the installation of the on-bike PV system would lead to increased weight of the whole bike and the need for space which is reducing the storage capacity. To use solar energy for recharging a bike battery an indirect way is giving better results. In this case a stationary PV stand alone system is used which is located in a sunny spot without shadings and adjusted to use the maximum available solar energy. The battery of the bike is charged using the corresponding charger and an inverter which provides AC power using the captured solar energy.
The Colby Green is a campus expansion project which began in October of 2003. The construction would result in three new buildings, additional parking, and an elliptical 75,000-squarefoot green southeast of Mayflower Hill Drive. There were also plans for the construction of three run-off management and sediment ponds below the green, to manage flooding of the green. Three drains in the green transport water to the three retaining ponds which slowly disperse water into the surrounding environment. The ponds were created by constructing earthen dams around the drain outlets. The dams are composed of soil, cobbles, and boulders procured from the surrounding excavation site. Unfortunately, earthen dams are susceptible to many types of erosion which result in their failure. In this case the potential for clay and silt from the underlying Presumpscot Formation to mix with the soil in the earthen dams raised concerns with regards to frost action. In order to monitor the surface displacement of the dams I drove 92 poles into the ground in 8 straight lines across the faces of the dams in the fall of 2005. I returned to the sites during and after the spring thaw of 2006, to check for any signs of movement resulting from frost-heave, surface creep, or any other form of mass wasting. Fortunately, there was no recordable sign of movement in the stakes across any of the retaining ponds. The dams appear to be functioning as designed.
Roads, parking lots, buildings, and other impervious surfaces do not allow rainwater to infiltrate the ground. As a result, they can lead to an increase in runoff to nearby ditches and streams, as well as a greater influx of pollutants such as motor oil that can often be found on paved surfaces. For this project, GIS was used to find the total area covered by impervious surfaces on the Colby campus, and to show how this area has grown in the past 40 years. It was found that new development on the campus has lead to a 56% increase in impervious surfaces at Colby since 1965.
"A newsletter published periodically to keep the faculty, students, staff, and community informed about the activities taking place on the campus of LaGuardia Community College." No date; 2 pages; Color (green, black & white). Cover article: “JOHN WILLIAMS TO HOLD READING DECEMBER 5.†Other entries: “Resolution prohibiting smoking and eating in all classrooms;†“Parking Shifted to L&P;†“Who’s Who Seeks Nominees;†Faculty news; “Cagers to Face John Jay, Ulster.â€
Inside this Issue: Sharyn McCrumb 11/3Business Meeting Items, 10/7/2011 Dorothy M. MedlinMap and Parking for Events of Oct. 7 and Nov. 3 Membership FormA Note from the Chair
Inside this Issue: Dean’s WelcomeBallot for 2010: Board Members and OfficersBylaws RevisionNew LibrariansBi-Lo Boosters New Online RenewalCampus MapEvent Parking Decal2011: Friends turn 15Message from Chair