944 resultados para pancreas islet beta cell
The Onecut homeodomain transcription factor hepatic nuclear factor 6 (Hnf6) is necessary for proper development of islet beta-cells. Hnf6 is initially expressed throughout the pancreatic epithelium but is downregulated in endocrine cells at late gestation and is not expressed in postnatal islets. Transgenic mice in which Hnf6 expression is maintained in postnatal islets (pdx1(PB)Hnf6) show overt diabetes and impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) at weaning. We now define the mechanism whereby maintenance of Hnf6 expression postnatally leads to beta-cell dysfunction. We provide evidence that continued expression of Hnf6 impairs GSIS by altering insulin granule biosynthesis, resulting in a reduced response to secretagogues. Sustained expression of Hnf6 also results in downregulation of the beta-cell-specific transcription factor MafA and a decrease in total pancreatic insulin. These results suggest that downregulation of Hnf6 expression in beta-cells during development is essential to achieve a mature, glucose-responsive beta-cell.
The caspase-3-generated RasGAP N-terminal fragment (fragment N) inhibits apoptosis in a Ras-PI3K-Akt-dependent manner. Fragment N protects various cell types, including insulin-secreting cells, against different types of stresses. Whether fragment N exerts a protective role during the development of type 1 diabetes is however not known. Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice represent a well-known model for spontaneous development of type 1 diabetes that shares similarities with the diseases encountered in humans. To assess the role of fragment N in type 1 diabetes development, a transgene encoding fragment N under the control of the rat insulin promoter (RIP) was back-crossed into the NOD background creating the NOD-RIPN strain. Despite a mosaic expression of fragment N in the beta cell population of NOD-RIPN mice, islets isolated from these mice were more resistant to apoptosis than control NOD islets. Islet lymphocytic infiltration and occurrence of a mild increase in glycemia developed with the same kinetics in both strains. However, the period of time separating the mild increase in glycemia and overt diabetes was significantly longer in NOD-RIPN mice compared to the control NOD mice. There was also a significant decrease in the number of apoptotic beta cells in situ at 16 weeks of age in the NOD-RIPN mice. Fragment N exerts therefore a protective effect on beta cells within the pro-diabetogenic NOD background and this prevents a fast progression from mild to overt diabetes.
Neurotensin (NT) is secreted from neurons and gastrointestinal endocrine cells. We previously reported that the three NT receptors (NTSRs) are expressed in pancreatic islets and beta cell lines on which we observed a protective effect of NT against cytotoxic agents. In this study, we explored the role of NT on insulin secretion in the endocrine pancreatic beta cells. We observed that NT stimulates insulin secretion at low glucose level and has a small inhibiting effect on stimulated insulin secretion from isolated islets or INS-1E cells. We studied the mechanisms by which NT elicited calcium concentration changes using fura-2 loaded islets or INS-1E cells. NT increases calcium influx through the opening of cationic channels. Similar calcium influxes were observed after treatment with NTSR selective ligands. NT-evoked calcium regulation involves PKC and the translocation of PKCalpha and PKCepsilon to the plasma membrane. Part of NT effects appears to be also mediated by PKA but not via the Erk pathway. Taken together, these data provide evidence for an important endocrine role of NT in the regulation of the secretory function of beta cells.
Islet-brain 1 (IB1), a regulator of the pancreatic beta-cell function in the rat, is homologous to JIP-1, a murine inhibitor of c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK). Whether IB1 and JIP-1 are present in humans was not known. We report the sequence of the 2133-bp human IB1 cDNA, the expression, structure, and fine-mapping of the human IB1 gene, and the characterization of an IB1 pseudogene. Human IB1 is 94% identical to rat IB1. The tissue-specific expression of IB1 in human is similar to that observed in rodent. The IB1 gene contains 12 exons and maps to chromosome 11 (11p11.2-p12), a region that is deleted in DEFECT-11 syndrome. Apart from an IB1 pseudogene on chromosome 17 (17q21), no additional IB1-related gene was found in the human genome. Our data indicate that the sequence and expression pattern of IB1 are highly conserved between rodent and human and provide the necessary tools to investigate whether IB1 is involved in human diseases.
In insulin-secreting cells, cytokines activate the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), which contributes to a cell signaling towards apoptosis. The JNK activation requires the presence of the murine scaffold protein JNK-interacting protein 1 (JIP-1) or human Islet-brain 1(IB1), which organizes MLK3, MKK7 and JNK for proper signaling specificity. Here, we used adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to modulate IB1/JIP-1 cellular content in order to investigate the contribution of IB1/JIP-1 to beta-cell survival. Exposure of the insulin-producing cell line INS-1 or isolated rat pancreatic islets to cytokines (interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1beta) induced a marked reduction of IB1/JIP-1 content and a concomitant increase in JNK activity and apoptosis rate. This JNK-induced pro-apoptotic program was prevented in INS-1 cells by overproducing IB1/JIP-1 and this effect was associated with inhibition of caspase-3 cleavage. Conversely, reducing IB1/JIP-1 content in INS-1 cells and isolated pancreatic islets induced a robust increase in basal and cytokine-stimulated apoptosis. In heterozygous mice carrying a selective disruption of the IB1/JIP-1 gene, the reduction in IB1/JIP-1 content in happloinsufficient isolated pancreatic islets was associated with an increased JNK activity and basal apoptosis. These data demonstrate that modulation of the IB1-JIP-1 content in beta cells is a crucial regulator of JNK signaling pathway and of cytokine-induced apoptosis.
MicroRNAs are important regulators of gene expression. The vast majority of the cells in our body rely on hundreds of these tiny non-coding RNA molecules to precisely adjust their protein repertoire and faithfully accomplish their tasks. Indeed, alterations in the microRNA profile can lead to cellular dysfunction that favours the appearance of several diseases. A specific set of microRNAs plays a crucial role in pancreatic beta cell differentiation and is essential for the fine-tuning of insulin secretion and for compensatory beta cell mass expansion in response to insulin resistance. Recently, several independent studies reported alterations in microRNA levels in the islets of animal models of diabetes and in islets isolated from diabetic patients. Surprisingly, many of the changes in microRNA expression observed in animal models of diabetes were not detected in the islets of diabetic patients and vice versa. These findings are unlikely to merely reflect species differences because microRNAs are highly conserved in mammals. These puzzling results are most probably explained by fundamental differences in the experimental approaches which selectively highlight the microRNAs directly contributing to diabetes development, the microRNAs predisposing individuals to the disease or the microRNAs displaying expression changes subsequent to the development of diabetes. In this review we will highlight the suitability of the different models for addressing each of these questions and propose future strategies that should allow us to obtain a better understanding of the contribution of microRNAs to the development of diabetes mellitus in humans.
The high Km glucose transporter GLUT2 is a membrane protein expressed in tissues involved in maintaining glucose homeostasis, and in cells where glucose-sensing is necessary. In many experimental models of diabetes, GLUT2 gene expression is decreased in pancreatic beta-cells, which could lead to a loss of glucose-induced insulin secretion. In order to identify factors involved in pancreatic beta-cell specific expression of GLUT2, we have recently cloned the murine GLUT2 promoter and identified cis-elements within the 338-bp of the proximal promoter capable of binding islet-specific trans-acting factors. Furthermore, in transient transfection studies, this 338-bp fragment could efficiently drive the expression of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene in cell lines derived from the endocrine pancreas, but displayed no promoter activity in non-pancreatic cells. In this report, we tested the cell-specific expression of a CAT reporter gene driven by a short (338 bp) and a larger (1311 bp) fragment of the GLUT2 promoter in transgenic mice. We generated ten transgenic lines that integrated one of the constructs. CAT mRNA expression in transgenic tissues was assessed using the RNAse protection assay and the quantitative reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Overall CAT mRNA expression for both constructs was low compared to endogenous GLUT2 mRNA levels but the reporter transcript could be detected in all animals in the pancreatic islets and the liver, and in a few transgenic lines in the kidney and the small intestine. The CAT protein was also present in Langerhans islets and in the liver for both constructs by immunocytochemistry. These findings suggest that the proximal 338 bp of the murine GLUT2 promoter contain cis-elements required for the islet-specific expression of GLUT2.
Early revascularization of pancreatic islet cells after transplantation is crucial for engraftment, and it has been suggested that vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) plays a significant role in this process. Although VEGF gene therapy can improve angiogenesis, uncontrolled VEGF secretion can lead to vascular tumor formation. Here we have explored the role of temporal VEGF expression, controlled by a tetracycline (TC)-regulated promoter, on revascularization and engraftment of genetically modified beta cells following transplantation. To this end, we modified the CDM3D beta cell line using a lentiviral vector to promote secretion of VEGF-A either in a TC-regulated (TET cells) or a constitutive (PGK cells) manner. VEGF secretion, angiogenesis, cell proliferation, and stimulated insulin secretion were assessed in vitro. VEGF secretion was increased in TET and PGK cells, and VEGF delivery resulted in angiogenesis, whereas addition of TC inhibited these processes. Insulin secretion by the three cell types was similar. We used a syngeneic mouse model of transplantation to assess the effects of this controlled VEGF expression in vivo. Time to normoglycemia, intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test, graft vascular density, and cellular mass were evaluated. Increased expression of VEGF resulted in significantly better revascularization and engraftment after transplantation when compared to control cells. In vivo, there was a significant increase in vascular density in grafted TET and PGK cells versus control cells. Moreover, the time for diabetic mice to return to normoglycemia and the stimulated plasma glucose clearance were also significantly accelerated in mice transplanted with TET and PGK cells when compared to control cells. VEGF was only needed during the first 2-3 weeks after transplantation; when removed, normoglycemia and graft vascularization were maintained. TC-treated mice grafted with TC-treated cells failed to restore normoglycemia. This approach allowed us to switch off VEGF secretion when the desired effects had been achieved. TC-regulated temporal expression of VEGF using a gene therapy approach presents a novel way to improve early revascularization and engraftment after islet cell transplantation.
We previously reported that interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) alone does not cause apoptosis of beta-cells, whereas when combined with gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), it exerts a distinct apoptotic effect. Studies in beta-cell lines indicated that IL-1beta reduced expression of islet brain (IB)-1/JNK interacting protein (JIP)-1, a JNK scaffold protein with antiapoptotic action. We examined whether variations in IB1/JIP-1 expression in purified primary beta-cells affect their susceptibility to cytokine-induced apoptosis. Exposure to IL-1beta for 24 h decreased cellular IB1/JIP-1 content by 66 +/- 17%; this IL-1beta effect was maintained in the presence of TNF-alpha + IFN-gamma, which did not influence IB1/JIP-1 levels by themselves. Addition of IL-1beta to TNF-alpha + IFN-gamma increased apoptosis from 20 +/- 2% to 59 +/- 5%. A similar increase in TNF-alpha + IFN-gamma-induced apoptosis was produced by adenoviral expression of antisense IB1/JIP-1 and was not further enhanced by addition of IL-1beta, indicating that IL-1beta-mediated suppression of IB1/JIP-1 in beta-cells increases their susceptibility to cytokine-induced apoptosis. However, adenovirally mediated overexpression of IB1/JIP-1 also potentiated TNF-alpha + IFN-gamma-induced apoptosis, suggesting that the antiapoptotic effect of IB1/JIP-1 depends on well-defined cellular levels. We conclude that the IB1/JIP-1 level in beta-cells can control their susceptibility to apoptosis independent of JNK signaling.
Type 2 diabetes is a polygenic and genetically heterogeneous disease . The age of onset of the disease is usually late and environmental factors may be required to induce the complete diabetic phenotype. Susceptibility genes for diabetes have not yet been identified. Islet-brain-1 (IB1, encoded by MAPK8IP1), a novel DNA-binding transactivator of the glucose transporter GLUT2 (encoded by SLC2A2), is the homologue of the c-Jun amino-terminal kinase-interacting protein-1 (JIP-1; refs 2-5). We evaluated the role of IBi in beta-cells by expression of a MAPK8IP1 antisense RNA in a stable insulinoma beta-cell line. A 38% decrease in IB1 protein content resulted in a 49% and a 41% reduction in SLC2A2 and INS (encoding insulin) mRNA expression, respectively. In addition, we detected MAPK8IP1 transcripts and IBi protein in human pancreatic islets. These data establish MAPK8IP1 as a candidate gene for human diabetes. Sibpair analyses performed on i49 multiplex French families with type 2 diabetes excluded MAPK8IP1 as a major diabetogenic locus. We did, however, identify in one family a missense mutation located in the coding region of MAPK8IP1 (559N) that segregated with diabetes. In vitro, this mutation was associated with an inability of IB1 to prevent apoptosis induced by MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 1 (MEKK1) and a reduced ability to counteract the inhibitory action of the activated c-JUN amino-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway on INS transcriptional activity. Identification of this novel non-maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) form of diabetes demonstrates that IB1 is a key regulator of 3-cell function.
OBJECTIVE: Our laboratory has previously established in vitro that a caspase-generated RasGAP NH(2)-terminal moiety, called fragment N, potently protects cells, including insulinomas, from apoptotic stress. We aimed to determine whether fragment N can increase the resistance of pancreatic beta-cells in a physiological setting. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A mouse line, called rat insulin promoter (RIP)-N, was generated that bears a transgene containing the rat insulin promoter followed by the cDNA-encoding fragment N. The histology, functionality, and resistance to stress of RIP-N islets were then assessed. RESULTS: Pancreatic beta-cells of RIP-N mice express fragment N, activate Akt, and block nuclear factor kappaB activity without affecting islet cell proliferation or the morphology and cellular composition of islets. Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests revealed that RIP-N mice control their glycemia similarly as wild-type mice throughout their lifespan. Moreover, islets isolated from RIP-N mice showed normal glucose-induced insulin secretory capacities. They, however, displayed increased resistance to apoptosis induced by a series of stresses including inflammatory cytokines, fatty acids, and hyperglycemia. RIP-N mice were also protected from multiple low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetes, and this was associated with reduced in vivo beta-cell apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Fragment N efficiently increases the overall resistance of beta-cells to noxious stimuli without interfering with the physiological functions of the cells. Fragment N and the pathway it regulates represent, therefore, a potential target for the development of antidiabetes tools.
RESUME DESTINE AUX NON SCIENTIFIQUESLe diabète est une maladie associée à un excès de glucose (sucre) dans le sang. Le taux de glucose sanguin augmente lorsque l'action d'une hormone, l'insuline, responsable du transport du glucose du sang vers les tissus de l'organisme diminue, ou lorsque les quantités d'insuline à disposition sont inadéquates.L'une des causes communes entre les deux grands types de diabète connus, le type 1 et le type 2, est la disparition des cellules beta du pancréas, spécialisées dans la sécrétion d'insuline, par mort cellulaire programmée aussi appelée apoptose. Alors que dans le diabète de type 1, la destruction des cellules beta est causée par notre propre système immunitaire, dans le diabète de type 2, la mort de ces cellules, est principalement causée par des concentrations élevées de graisses saturés ou de molécules impliquées dans l'inflammation que l'on rencontre en quantités augmentées chez les personnes obèses. Etant donné l'augmentation épidémique du nombre de personnes obèses de par le monde, on estime que le nombre de personnes diabétiques (dont une majorité sont des diabétiques de type 2), va passer de 171 million en l'an 2000, à 366 million en l'an 2030, expliquant la nécessité absolue de mettre au point de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutique pour combattre cette maladie.L'apoptose est un processus complexe dont la dérégulation induit de nombreuses affections allant du cancer jusqu'au diabète. L'activation de caspase 3, une protéine clé contrôlant la mort cellulaire, était connue pour systématiquement mener à la mort cellulaire programmée. Ces dernières années, notre laboratoire a décrit des mécanismes de survie qui sont activés par caspase 3 et qui expliquent sans doute pourquoi son activation ne mène pas systématiquement à la mort cellulaire. Lorsqu'elle est faiblement activée, caspase 3 clive une autre protéine appelée RasGAP en deux protéines plus courtes dont l'une, appelée le fragment Ν a la particularité de protéger les cellules contre l'apoptose.Durant ma thèse, j'ai été impliqué dans divers projets destinés à mieux comprendre comment le fragment Ν protégeait les cellules contre l'apoptose et à savoir s'il pouvait être utilisé comme outil thérapeutique dans les conditions de survenue d'un diabète expérimental. C'est dans ce but que nous avons créé une souris transgénique, appelée RIP-N, exprimant le fragment Ν spécifiquement dans les cellules beta. Comme attendu, les cellules beta de ces souris étaient plus résistantes à la mort induite par des composés connus pour induire le diabète, comme certaines molécules induisant l'inflammation ou les graisses saturées. Nous avons ensuite pu montrer que les souris RIP-N étaient plus résistantes à la survenue d'un diabète expérimental que ce soit par l'injection d'une drogue induisant l'apoptose des cellules beta, que ce soit dans un fond génétique caractérisé par une attaque spontanée des cellules beta par le système immunitaire ou dans le contexte d'un diabète de type 2 induit par l'obésité. Dans plusieurs des modèles animaux étudiés, nous avons pu montrer que le fragment Ν protégeait les cellules en activant une voie protectrice bien connue impliquant successivement les protéines Ras, PI3K et Akt ainsi qu'en bloquant la capacité d'Akt d'activer le facteur NFKB, connu pour être délétère pour la survie de la cellule beta. La capacité qu'a le fragment Ν d'activer Akt tout en prévenant l'activation de NFKB par Akt est par conséquent particulièrement intéressante dans l'intégration des signaux régulant la mort cellulaire dans le contexte de la survenue d'un diabète.La perspective d'utiliser le fragment Ν comme outil thérapeutique dépendra de notre capacité à activer les signaux protecteurs induits par le fragment Ν depuis l'extérieur de la cellule ou de dériver des peptides perméables aux cellules possédant les propriétés du fragment N.2 SUMMARYDiabetes mellitus is an illness associated with excess blood glucose. Blood glucose levels raise when the action of insulin decreases or when insulin is provided in inappropriate amounts. In type 1 diabetes (T1D) as well as in type 2 diabetes (T2D), the insulin secreting beta cells in the pancreas undergo controlled cell death also called apoptosis. Whereas in T1D, beta cells are killed by the immune system, in T2D, they are killed by several factors, among which are increased blood glucose levels, increased levels of harmful lipids or pro-inflammatory cytokines that are released by the dysfunctional fat tissue of obese people. Given the epidemic increase in the number of obese people throughout the world, the number of diabetic people (a majority of which are type 2 diabetes) is estimated to rise from 171 million affected people in the year 2000 to 366 million in 2030 explaining the absolute requirement for new therapies to fight the disease.Apoptosis is a very complex process whose deregulation leads to a wide range of diseases going from cancer to diabetes. Caspase 3 although known as a key molecule controlling apoptosis, has been shown to have various other functions. In the past few years, our laboratory has described a survival mechanism, that takes place at low caspase activity and that might explain how cells that activate their caspases for reasons other than apoptosis survive. In such conditions, caspase 3 cleaves another protein called RasGAP into two shorter proteins, one of which, called fragment N, protects cells from apoptosis.We decided to check whether fragment Ν could be used as a therapeutical tool in the context of diabetes inducing conditions. We thus derived a transgenic mouse line, called RIP-N, in which the expression of fragment Ν is restricted to beta cells. As expected, the beta cells of these mice were more resistant ex-vivo to cell death induced by diabetes inducing factors. We then showed that the RIP-N transgenic mice were resistant to streptozotocin induced diabetes, a mouse model mimicking type 1 diabetes, which correlated to fewer number of apoptotic beta cells in the pancreas of the transgenic mice compared to their controls. The RIP-N transgene also delayed overt diabetes development in the NOD background, a mouse model of autoimmune type 1 diabetes, and delayed the occurrence of obesity induced hyperglycemia in a mouse model of type 2-like diabetes. Interestingly, fragment Ν was mediating its protection by activating the protective Akt kinase, and by blocking the detrimental NFKB factor. Our future ability to activate the protective signals elicited by fragment Ν from the outside of cells or to derive cell permeable peptides bearing the protective properties of fragment Ν might condition our ability to use this protein as a therapeutic tool.3 RESUMELe diabète est une maladie associée à un excès de glucose plasmatique. La glycémie augmente lorsque l'action de l'insuline diminue ou lorsque les quantités d'insuline à disposition sont inadéquates. Dans le diabète de type 1 (D1) comme dans le diabète de type 2 (D2), les cellules beta du pancréas subissent la mort cellulaire programmée aussi appelée apoptose. Alors que dans le D1 les cellules beta sont tuées par le système immunitaire, dans le D2 elles sont tuées par divers facteurs parmi lesquels on trouve des concentrations élevées de glucose, d'acides gras saturés ou de cytokines pro-inflammatoires qui sont sécrétées en concentrations augmentées par le tissu adipeux dysfonctionnel des personnes obèses. Etant donné l'augmentation épidémique du nombre de personnes obèses de par le monde, on estime que le nombre de personnes diabétiques (dont une majorité sont des diabétiques de type 2), va passer de 171 million en l'an 2000, à 366 million en l'an 2030, justifiant la nécessité absolue de mettre au point de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutique pour combattre cette maladie.L'apoptose est un processus complexe dont la dérégulation induit de nombreuses affections allant du cancer jusqu'au diabète. Caspase 3, bien que connue comme étant une protéine clé contrôlant l'apoptose a bien d'autres fonctions démontrées. Ces dernières années, notre laboratoire a décrit un mécanisme de survie qui est activé lorsque caspase 3 est faiblement activée et qui explique probablement comment des cellules qui ont activé leurs caspases pour une autre raison que l'apoptose peuvent survivre. Dans ces conditions, caspase 3 clive une autre protéine appelée RasGAP en deux protéines plus courtes dont l'une, appelée le fragment Ν a la particularité de protéger les cellules contre l'apoptose.Nous avons donc décidé de vérifier si le fragment Ν pouvait être utilisé comme outil thérapeutique dans les conditions de survenue d'un diabète expérimental. Pour se faire, nous avons créé une souris transgénique, appelée RIP-N, exprimant le fragment Ν spécifiquement dans les cellules beta. Comme attendu, les cellules beta de ces souris étaient plus résistantes ex-vivo à la mort induite par des facteurs pro-diabétogènes. Nous avons ensuite pu montrer que les souris RIP-N étaient plus résistantes à la survenue d'un diabète induit par la streptozotocine, un drogue mimant la survenue d'un D1 et que ceci était corrélée à une diminution du nombre de cellules en apoptose dans le pancréas des souris transgéniques comparé à leurs contrôles. L'expression du transgène a aussi eu pour effet de retarder la survenue d'un diabète franc dans le fond génétique NOD, un modèle génétique de diabète de type 1 auto-immun, ainsi que de retarder la survenue d'une hyperglycémie dans un modèle murin de diabète de type 2 induit par l'obésité. Dans plusieurs des modèles animaux étudiés, nous avons pu montrer que le fragment Ν protégeait les cellules en activant la kinase protectrice Akt ainsi qu'en bloquant le facteur délétère NFKB. La perspective d'utiliser le fragment Ν comme outil thérapeutique dépendra de notre capacité à activer les signaux protecteurs induits par le fragment Ν depuis l'extérieur de la cellule ou de dériver des peptides perméables aux cellules possédant les propriétés du fragment
Glucose exerts inverse effects upon the secretory function of islet alpha- and beta-cells, suppressing glucagon release and increasing insulin release. This diverse action may result from differences in glucose transport and metabolism between the two cell types. The present study compares glucose transport in rat alpha- and beta-cells. beta-Cells transcribed GLUT2 and, to a lesser extent, GLUT 1; alpha-cells contained GLUT1 but no GLUT2 mRNA. No other GLUT-like sequences were found among cDNAs from alpha- or beta-cells. Both cell types expressed 43-kDa GLUT1 protein which was enhanced by culture. The 62-kDa beta-cell GLUT2 protein was converted to a 58-kDa protein after trypsin treatment of the cells without detectable consequences upon glucose transport kinetics. In beta-cells, the rates of glucose transport were 10-fold higher than in alpha-cells. In both cell types, glucose uptake exceeded the rates of glucose utilization by a factor of 10 or more. Glycolytic flux, measured as D-[5(3)H]glucose utilization, was comparable in alpha- and beta-cells between 1 and 10 mmol/liter substrate. In conclusion, differences in glucose transporter gene expression between alpha- and beta-cells can be correlated with differences in glucose transport kinetics but not with different glucose utilization rates.
The role of the gluco-incretin hormones GIP and GLP-1 in the control of beta cell function was studied by analyzing mice with inactivation of each of these hormone receptor genes, or both. Our results demonstrate that glucose intolerance was additively increased during oral glucose absorption when both receptors were inactivated. After intraperitoneal injections, glucose intolerance was more severe in double- as compared to single-receptor KO mice, and euglycemic clamps revealed normal insulin sensitivity, suggesting a defect in insulin secretion. When assessed in vivo or in perfused pancreas, insulin secretion showed a lack of first phase in Glp-1R(-/-) but not in Gipr(-/-) mice. In perifusion experiments, however, first-phase insulin secretion was present in both types of islets. In double-KO islets, kinetics of insulin secretion was normal, but its amplitude was reduced by about 50% because of a defect distal to plasma membrane depolarization. Thus, gluco-incretin hormones control insulin secretion (a) by an acute insulinotropic effect on beta cells after oral glucose absorption (b) through the regulation, by GLP-1, of in vivo first-phase insulin secretion, probably by an action on extra-islet glucose sensors, and (c) by preserving the function of the secretory pathway, as evidenced by a beta cell autonomous secretion defect when both receptors are inactivated.
IB1/JIP-1 is a scaffold protein that regulates the c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway, which is activated by environmental stresses and/or by treatment with proinflammatory cytokines including IL-1beta and TNF-alpha. The JNKs play an essential role in many biological processes, including the maturation and differentiation of immune cells and the apoptosis of cell targets of the immune system. IB1 is expressed predominantly in brain and pancreatic beta-cells where it protects cells from proapoptotic programs. Recently, a mutation in the amino-terminus of IB1 was associated with diabetes. A novel isoform, IB2, was cloned and characterized. Overall, both IB1 and IB2 proteins share a very similar organization, with a JNK-binding domain, a Src homology 3 domain, a phosphotyrosine-interacting domain, and polyacidic and polyproline stretches located at similar positions. The IB2 gene (HGMW-approved symbol MAPK8IP2) maps to human chromosome 22q13 and contains 10 coding exons. Northern and RT-PCR analyses indicate that IB2 is expressed in brain and in pancreatic cells, including insulin-secreting cells. IB2 interacts with both JNK and the JNK-kinase MKK7. In addition, ectopic expression of the JNK-binding domain of IB2 decreases IL-1beta-induced pancreatic beta-cell death. These data establish IB2 as a novel scaffold protein that regulates the JNK signaling pathway in brain and pancreatic beta-cells and indicate that IB2 represents a novel candidate gene for diabetes.