215 resultados para paclitaxel
Microtubules (MTs) play important and diverse roles in eukaryotic cells. Their function and biophysical properties have made α−and β−tubulin, the main components of MTs, the subject of intense study. Interfering with normal MT dynamics, for example, by the addition of tubulin ligands, can cause the cell great distress and affect MT stability and functions, including mitosis, cell motion and intracellular organelle transport. It has been shown in the literature that tubulin is an important target molecule for developing anticancer drugs. Tubulin binding molecules have generated considerable interest after the successful introduction of the taxanes into clinical oncology and the widespread use of the vinca alkaloids vincristine and vinblastine. These compounds inhibit cell mitosis by binding to the protein tubulin in the mitotic spindle and preventing polymerization into the MTs. This mode of action is also shared with other natural agents eg colchicine and podophyllotoxin. However various tubulin isotypes have shown resistance to taxanes and other MT agents. Therefore, there is a strong need to design and develop new natural analogs as antimitotic agents to interact with tubulin at sites different from those of vinca alkaloids and taxanes. This minireview provides SAR on several classes of antimitotic agents reported in the literature. The structures and data given are essential to the scientists who are involved in drug design and development in the field of anticancer drugs.
Useiden lääkkeiden yhtäaikainen käyttö on nykyään hyvin yleistä, mikä lisää lääkeaineiden haitallisten yhteisvaikutusten riskiä. Lääkeaineiden poistumisessa elimistöstä ovat tärkeässä osassa niitä hajottavat (metaboloivat) maksan sytokromi P450 (CYP) entsyymit. Vasta aivan viime vuosina on havaittu, että CYP2C8-entsyymillä voi olla tärkeä merkitys mm. lääkeaineyhteisvaikutuksissa. Eräät lääkeaineet voivat estää (inhiboida) CYP2C8-entsyymin kautta tapahtuvaa metaboliaa. Tässä työssä selvitettiin CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävien lääkkeiden vaikutusta sellaisten lääkeaineiden pitoisuuksiin, joiden aikaisemman tiedon perusteella arveltiin metaboloituvan CYP2C8-välitteisesti. Näiden lääkeaineiden metaboliaa tutkittiin myös koeputkiolosuhteissa (in vitro -menetelmillä). Lisäksi CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävän lipidilääke gemfibrotsiilin yhteisvaikutusmekanismia tutkittiin selvittämällä interaktion säilymistä koehenkilöillä gemfibrotsiilin annostelun lopettamisen jälkeen. Yhteisvaikutuksia tutkittiin terveillä vapaaehtoisilla koehenkilöillä käyttäen vaihtovuoroista koeasetelmaa. Koehenkilöille annettiin CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävää lääkitystä muutaman päivän ajan ja tämän jälkeen kerta-annos tutkimuslääkettä. Koehenkilöiltä otettiin useita verinäytteitä, joista määritettiin lääkepitoisuudet nestekromatografisilla tai massaspektrometrisillä menetelmillä. Gemfibrotsiili nosti ripulilääke loperamidin pitoisuudet keskimäärin kaksinkertaiseksi. Gemfibrotsiili lisäsi, mutta vain hieman, kipulääke ibuprofeenin pitoisuuksia, eikä sillä ollut mitään vaikutusta unilääke tsopiklonin pitoisuuksiin toisin kuin aiemman kirjallisuuden perusteella oli odotettavissa. Toinen CYP2C8-estäjä, mikrobilääke trimetopriimi, nosti diabeteslääke pioglitatsonin pitoisuuksia keskimäärin noin 40 %. Gemfibrotsiili nosti diabeteslääke repaglinidin pitoisuudet 7-kertaiseksi ja tämä yhteisvaikutus säilyi lähes yhtä voimakkaana vielä 12 tunnin päähän viimeisestä gemfibrotsiiliannoksesta. Tehdyt havainnot ovat käytännön lääkehoidon kannalta merkittäviä ja ne selvittävät CYP2C8-entsyymin merkitystä useiden lääkkeiden metaboliassa. Gemfibrotsiilin tai muiden CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävien lääkkeiden yhteiskäyttö loperamidin kanssa voi lisätä loperamidin tehoa tai haittavaikutuksia. Toisaalta CYP2C8-entsyymin osuus tsopiklonin ja ibuprofeenin metaboliassa näyttää olevan pieni. Trimetopriimi nosti kohtalaisesti pioglitatsonin pitoisuuksia, ja kyseisten lääkkeiden yhteiskäyttö voi lisätä pioglitatsonin annosriippuvaisia haittavaikutuksia. Gemfibrotsiili-repaglinidi-yhteisvaikutuksen päämekanismi in vivo näyttää olevan CYP2C8-entsyymin palautumaton esto. Tämän vuoksi gemfibrotsiilin estovaikutus ja yhteisvaikutusriski säilyvät pitkään gemfibrotsiilin annostelun lopettamisen jälkeen, mikä tulee ottaa huomioon käytettäessä sitä CYP2C8-välitteisesti metaboloituvien lääkkeiden kanssa.
A multifunctional iron oxide based nanoformulation for combined cancer-targeted therapy and multimodal imaging has been meticulously designed and synthesized using a chemoselective ligation approach. Novel superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles simultaneously functionalized with amine, carboxyl, and azide groups were fabricated through a sequence of stoichiometrically controllable partial succinylation and Cu (II) catalyzed diazo transfer on the reactive amine termini of 2-aminoethylphosphonate grafted magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs). Functional moieties associated with MNP surface were chemoselectively conjugated with rhodamine B isothiocyanate (RITC), propargyl folate (FA), and paclitaxel (PTX) via tandem nucleophic addition of amine to isothithiocyanates, Cu (I) catalyzed azide-alkyne click chemistry and carbodiimide-promoted esterification. An extensive in vitro study established that the bioactives chemoselectively appended to the magnetite core bequeathed multifunctionality to the nanoparticles without any loss of activity of the functional molecules. Multifunctional nanoparticles, developed in the course of the study, could selectively target and induce apoptosis to folate-receptor (FR) overexpressing cancer cells with enhanced efficacy as compared to the free drug. In addition, the dual optical and magnetic properties of the synthesized nanoparticles aided in the real-time tracking of their intracellular pathways also as apoptotic events through dual fluorescence and MR-based imaging.
Background: Taxol (generic name paclitaxel), a plant-derived antineoplastic agent, used widely against breast, ovarian and lung cancer, was originally isolated from the bark of the Pacific yew, Taxus brevifolia. The limited supply of the drug has prompted efforts to find alternative sources, such as chemical synthesis, tissue and cell cultures of the Taxus species both of which are expensive and yield low levels. Fermentation processes with microorganisms would be the methods of choice to lower the costs and increase yields. Previously we have reported that F. solani isolated from T. celebica produced taxol and its precursor baccatin III in liquid grown cultures J Biosci 33: 259-67, 2008. This study was performed to evaluate the inhibition of proliferation and induction of apoptosis of cancer cell lines by the fungal taxol and fungal baccatin III of F. solani isolated from T. celebica. Methods: Cell lines such as HeLa, HepG2, Jurkat, Ovcar3 and T47D were cultured individually and treated with fungal taxol, baccatin III with or without caspase inhibitors according to experimental requirements. Their efficacy on apoptotic induction was examined. Results: Both fungal taxol and baccatin III inhibited cell proliferation of a number of cancer cell lines with IC50 ranging from 0.005 to 0.2 mu M for fungal taxol and 2 to 5 mu M for fungal baccatin III. They also induced apoptosis in JR4-Jurkat cells with a possible involvement of anti-apoptotic Bcl2 and loss in mitochondrial membrane potential, and was unaffected by inhibitors of caspase-9,-2 or -3 but was prevented in presence of caspase-10 inhibitor. DNA fragmentation was also observed in cells treated with fungal taxol and baccatin III. Conclusions: The cytotoxic activity exhibited by fungal taxol and baccatin III involves the same mechanism, dependent on caspase-10 and membrane potential loss of mitochondria, with taxol having far greater cytotoxic potential.
Background -- N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide (4-HPR, fenretinide) is a synthetic retinoid with potent pro-apoptotic activity against several types of cancer, but little is known regarding mechanisms leading to chemoresistance. Ceramide and, more recently, other sphingolipid species (e.g., dihydroceramide and dihydrosphingosine) have been implicated in 4-HPR-mediated tumor cell death. Because sphingolipid metabolism has been reported to be altered in drug-resistant tumor cells, we studied the implication of sphingolipids in acquired resistance to 4-HPR based on an acute lymphoblastic leukemia model. Methods -- CCRF-CEM cell lines resistant to 4-HPR were obtained by gradual selection. Endogenous sphingolipid profiles and in situ enzymatic activities were determined by LC/MS, and resistance to 4-HPR or to alternative treatments was measured using the XTT viability assay and annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide labeling. Results -- No major crossresistance was observed against other antitumoral compounds (i.e. paclitaxel, cisplatin, doxorubicin hydrochloride) or agents (i.e. ultra violet C, hydrogen peroxide) also described as sphingolipid modulators. CCRF-CEM cell lines resistant to 4-HPR exhibited a distinctive endogenous sphingolipid profile that correlated with inhibition of dihydroceramide desaturase. Cells maintained acquired resistance to 4-HPR after the removal of 4-HPR though the sphingolipid profile returned to control levels. On the other hand, combined treatment with sphingosine kinase inhibitors (unnatural (dihydro)sphingosines ((dh)Sph)) and glucosylceramide synthase inhibitor (PPMP) in the presence or absence of 4-HPR increased cellular (dh)Sph (but not ceramide) levels and were highly toxic for both parental and resistant cells. Conclusions -- In the leukemia model, acquired resistance to 4-HPR is selective and persists in the absence of sphingolipid profile alteration. Therapeutically, the data demonstrate that alternative sphingolipid-modulating antitumoral strategies are suitable for both 4-HPR-resistant and sensitive leukemia cells. Thus, whereas sphingolipids may not be critical for maintaining resistance to 4-HPR, manipulation of cytotoxic sphingolipids should be considered a viable approach for overcoming resistance.
O Carcinoma de Pulmão de Células Não Pequenas (NSCLC) é uma doença freqüentemente letal e altamente resistente à terapia oncológica convencional, como por exemplo, o tratamento quimioterápico com cisplatina e paclitaxel. A superexpressão de Ciclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) é constantemente observada em pacientes com NSCLC, estando associada ao prognóstico ruim destes pacientes. Acredita-se que a alta expressão de COX-2 produz efeitos anti-apoptóticos, porém pouco é conhecido sobre os mecanismos de regulação desta enzima. Muitos sinais capazes de ativar COX-2 também induzem a proteína supressora de tumor p53, conhecida pelo seu papel fundamental no controle da proliferação celular e apoptose. Dados recentes indicam que a proteína p53 é um importante regulador da expressão de COX-2. O objetivo desta dissertação foi avaliar os efeitos da quimioterapia na expressão da enzima COX-2 em linhagens celulares com diferente status do gene TP53, e ainda, correlacionar a expressão de COX-2 e o status mutacional de TP53, com as características clínico-patológicas de pacientes com NSCLC. Como ferramentas experimentais foram usadas técnicas de biologia celular e molecular como interferência de RNA, PCR em tempo real, análise mutacional e imuno-histoquímica. Com os resultados obtidos, observamos que as linhagens celulares de câncer de pulmão que apresentam p53 na sua forma selvagem, quando expostas ao tratamento com cisplatina, apresentaram indução da expressão de COX-2 (RNAm e proteína), em adição ao aumento da síntese de Prostaglandina E2 (PGE2). Em contrapartida, a expressão de COX-2 não foi alterada após o tratamento com cisplatina nas linhagens celulares que apresentavam mutação no gene TP53. Ao avaliar o tratamento com paclitaxel, foi observado um aumento da expressão de COX-2 nas linhagens A549 e H460 (linhagens celulares do tipo selvagem para p53), entretanto não foi observada alteração nos níveis de PGE2. Em adição, o tratamento com paclitaxel induziu um aumento da expressão de COX-2 na linhagem com deleção em TP53, ACC LC-319. Em seguida, após silenciamento de p53 na linhagem celular A549, por interferência de RNA, a cisplatina passou a não ser mais capaz de induzir o aumento da expressão de COX-2. No tratamento com paclitaxel, o silenciamento de TP53 não mudou a expressão de COX-2, indicando assim um efeito independente de p53. Dessa maneira, sugerimos que a indução de COX-2, por cisplatina, em linhagens celulares NSCLC é dependente de p53. Na análise dos pacientes NSCLC, os resultados demonstram que 54% dos pacientes apresentam expressão positiva de COX-2. Mutações em TP53 foram observadas em 57% dos pacientes, incluindo 56% de fumantes correntes e 37% de ex-fumantes. Uma associação entre a expressão de COX-2 e o status selvagem de TP53 foi observada, entre os pacientes que apresentaram expressão positiva de COX-2, 80% apresentaram TP53 selvagem. Um número maior de pacientes é necessário para aumentar o poder estatístico e confirmar as tendências observadas nesse estudo
生物降解脂肪族聚酷如聚乙交醋(PGA)、聚丙交醋(PLA)、聚。一己内酷(PCL)以及它们的共聚物由于具有良好的生物相容性和生物降解性而在外科手术缝合线、组织工程、药物控制释放、骨固定等领域得到很多应用。但是,它们自身缺乏功能基团,亲水性差,因而在应用上受到很大限制。因此,含有功能侧基生物降解聚合物的制备在过去十年中受到大家极大的关注。功能基团的引入对于调节聚合物的性能如:亲水性、生物降解性和药物的渗透性等非常重要。需要特别指出的是,功能基团的引入为把药物和其它生物活性物质与聚合物结合进而扩大聚合物的应用范围提供了机会。本文合成了几个功能化单体并且通过共聚的方法制备了几种新型的两亲性功能化聚合物。这些改性后的聚合物可以通过化学键接上药物或者其它生物活性物质,有望作为靶向控释药物载体和智能化的组织工程支架材料。具体的研究结果如下:1.以2,2-二羟甲基丙酸节酷为功能单体,通过两步法成功合成了一系列新的带功能基团的聚酷酞胺,并通过1H NMR和FTIR对聚合物的化学结构进行了表征,DSC结果表明所合成的聚酯酰胺的Tm和Tg分别在150℃和0℃左右;2.合成了功能化的环状单体(35)-3-[(苄氧羰基)乙基」吗啉-2,5-二酮(BEMD),并以PEG作为引发剂,Sn(Oct)2作为催化剂,通过L一LA和BEMD的开环共聚合得到共聚物PLGBG-PEG-PLGBG;随后用10%铭碳催化氢化得到带有侧梭基的两亲性嵌段共聚物PLGG-PEG-PLGG和其它两亲性嵌段共聚物一样,PLGG-PEG-PLGG在水溶液中能够自组装成胶束,用花作为荧光探针,通过荧光光谱法研究了其形成胶束的过程并测定了它们的临界胶束浓度,发现在总的分子量大致相当的情况下,PLGG-PEG4600-PLGG比PLGG-PEG2000-PLGG有较高的临界胶束浓度;场发射电子显微镜表征结果显示胶束具有均一的球形特征,动态光散射结果表明该胶束具有较窄的单峰粒径分布;蛋白酶K溶液中的降解研究表明带有侧梭基的PLGG-PEG-PLGG比PLA具有更快的降解速率;人胚关节软骨细胞培养结果表明所合成的聚合物PLGG-PEG-PLGG显示出较好的细胞相容性。3.在缩合剂DCC和催化剂DMAP存在下,带有侧梭基的两亲性嵌段共聚物PLGOPEG-PLGG和紫杉醇发生缩合反应得到两亲性嵌段共聚物一紫杉醇键合药P(LGG-paclitaxel)-PEG-P(LGG-paclitaxel)。它具有两亲性嵌段共聚物的性质,能够自组装成胶束,场发射电子显微镜表征结果表明胶束具有均一的球形特征,动态光散射结果表明该胶束具有较窄的粒径分布,平均粒径为119.4nm。该胶束的药物释放具有pH敏感性,酸性环境中比生理环境中(pH=7.4)具有较快的释放速率。P(LGG-Paclitaxel)-PEG-P(LGG-paclitaxel)胶束的壳层由良好亲水性的PEG组成,避免了胶束纳米粒子在血液循环中被人体网状内皮系统吞噬,保证有充足的时间通过EPR效应在肿瘤部位聚集,进而通过细胞内吞进入细胞并在细胞内的酸性环境中释放药物,进一步的研究工作有待深入进行。4.合成了功能化的环状碳酸酷单体MBC,以MPEG作为引发剂,ZnEt2作为催化剂,LLA和MBC发生开环共聚合,以较高的转化率,得到高分子量共聚物MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MBC)。13C NMR表明LLA和确c发生了无规共聚合;DSC征结果表明MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MBC)为无定型态聚合物,Tg在20-50℃之间,随着MBc含量的增加而降低;MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MBC)脱保护后得到带侧梭基的MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MCC),它的Tg明显提高,可能是聚合物侧梭基之间强的氢键作用力以及梭基对水解反应的催化作用造成的;脱保护前后的共聚物在蛋白酶K溶液中的降解研究表明,MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MCC)的降解速率大于MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MBC)的降解速率;人胚关节软骨细胞培养结果表明,所合成的MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MCC)是一种具有良好生物相容性的新型生物降解材料。5.利用本实验室开发的一种新型有机氨锯引发剂Sr-PO在温和的条件下通过顺序加料聚合的方法合成了新的嵌段共聚物PCL-b-PMBC。WAXD结果表明 PCL-b-PMBc中PCL的衍射峰均可观察到,只是衍射峰的强度随着PMBC含量的增加而减弱。DSC结果表明PCL-b-PMBC中PCL的Tm在57到52℃之间,并且随着PMBC含量的增加而降低。PCL-b-PMBC的玻璃化转变在-41.6 到-23.3℃之间,随着PMBC含量的增加而增加,这表明PMBC和PCL之间 有着强的相互作用,尽管两段不是完全相容的。PCL-b-PMBC的侧节醋在10%把碳催化下氢化还原为带侧梭基的PCL-b-PMCC后,衍射峰和结晶焙大大降低,说明侧梭基的存在使得分子链间有着强的氢键相互作用而不利于结晶。由以上分析可知,PCL-b-PMCC侧梭基的存在将会使共聚物的降解速度大大提高,而且因为功能梭基的存在可以使共聚物通过化学键连接上药物、短肤、寡糖或者其它生物活性物质,从而扩大该聚合物在生物医学领域的应用范围。
Docetaxel (DX) is one of the most effective antineoplastic drugs. Its current clinical administration is limited because of its hydrophobicity and Serious side effects. A polymer/DX conjugate is designed and successfully prepared to solve these problems. It is monomethoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(L-lactide)/DX (MPEG-PLLA/DX) It was synthesized by reacting DX with carboxyl-terminated copolymer MPEG-PLLA, which was prepared by reacting succinic anhydride with hydroxyl-terminated copolymer monomethoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly (L-lactide) (MPEG-PLLA). Its structure and molecular weight was confirmed by H-1 NMR and GPC. The MPEG-PLLA/DX micelles in aqueous solution were prepared Using a SO]vent displacement method and characterized by dynamic light scattering for size and size distribution, and by transmission electron microscopy for surface morphology. Its antitumor activity against HeLa cancer cells evaluated by MTT assay showed that it had a similar antitumor activity to Pure D at the same drug content.
The coupling of drugs to macromolecular carriers received an important impetus from Ringsdorf's notion of polymer-drug conjugates. Several water-soluble polymers, poly(ethylene glycol), poly[N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamidel, poly(L-glutamic acid) and dextran, are studied intensively and have been utilized successfully in clinical research. The promising results arising from clinical trials with polymer-drug conjugates (e.g., paclitaxel, doxorubicin, camptothecins) have provided a firm foundation for other synthetic polymers, especially biodegradable polymers, used as drug delivery vehicles. This review discusses biodegradable polymeric micelles as an alternative drug-conjugate system. Particular focus is on A-B or B-A-B type biodegradable amphiphilic block copolymer such as polylactide, morpholine-2,5-dione derivatives and cyclic carbonates, which can form a core-shell micellar structure, with the hydrophobic drug-binding segment forming the hydrophobic core and the hydrophilic segment as a hydrated outer shell. Polymeric micelles can be designed to avoid uptake by cells of reticuloendothelial system and thus enhance their blood lifetime via the enhanced permeability and retention effect.
Liver metastases have long been known to indicate an unfavourable disease course in breast cancer (BC). However, a small subset of patients with liver metastases alone who were treated with pre-taxane chemotherapy regimens was reported to have longer survival compared with patients with liver and metastases at other sites. In the present study, we examined the clinical outcome of breast cancer patients with liver metastases alone in the context of two phase III European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trials which compared the efficacy of doxorubicin (A) versus paclitaxel (T) (trial 10923) and of AC (cyclophosphamide) versus AT (trial 10961), given as first-line chemotherapy in metastatic BC patients. The median follow-up for the patients with liver metastases was 90.5 months in trial 10923 and 56.6 months in trial 10961. Patients with liver metastases alone comprised 18% of all patients with liver metastases, in both the 10923 and 10961 trials. The median survival of patients with liver metastases alone and liver plus other sites of metastases were 22.7 and 14.2 months (log rank test, P=0.002) in trial 10923 and 27.1 and 16.8 months (log rank test, P=0.19) in trial 10961. The median TTP (time to progression) for patients with liver metastases alone was also longer compared with the liver plus other sites of metastases group in both trials: 10.2 versus 8.8 months (log rank test, P=0.02) in trial 10923 and 8.3 versus 6.7 months (log rank test, P=0.37) in trial 10961. Most patients with liver metastases alone have progression of their disease in their liver again (96 and 60% of patients in trials 10923 and 10961, respectively). Given the high prevalence of breast cancer, improved detection of liver metastases, encouraging survival achieved with currently available cytotoxic agents and the fact that a significant portion of patients with liver metastases alone have progression of their tumour in the liver again, a more aggressive multimodality treatment approach through prospective clinical trials seems worth exploring in this specific subset of women.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Docetaxel is an active agent in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. We evaluated the feasibility of docetaxel-based sequential and combination regimens as adjuvant therapies for patients with node-positive breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three consecutive groups of patients with node-positive breast cancer or locally-advanced disease, aged < or = 70 years, received one of the following regimens: a) sequential A-->T-->CMF: doxorubicin 75 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 3, followed by docetaxel 100 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 3, followed by i.v. CMF days 1 + 8 q 4 weeks x 3; b) sequential accelerated A-->T-->CMF: A and T were administered at the same doses q 2 weeks; c) combination therapy: doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 + docetaxel 75 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 4, followed by CMF x 4. When indicated, radiotherapy was administered during or after CMF, and tamoxifen started after the end of CMF. RESULTS: Seventy-nine patients have been treated. Median age was 48 years. A 30% rate of early treatment discontinuation was observed in patients receiving the sequential accelerated therapy (23% during A-->T), due principally to severe skin toxicity. Median relative dose-intensity was 100% in the three treatment arms. The incidence of G3-G4 major toxicities by treated patients, was as follows: skin toxicity a: 5%; b: 27%; c: 0%; stomatitis a: 20%; b: 20%; c: 3%. The incidence of neutropenic fever was a: 30%; b: 13%; c: 48%. After a median follow-up of 18 months, no late toxicity has been reported. CONCLUSIONS: The accelerated sequential A-->T-->CMF treatment is not feasible due to an excess of skin toxicity. The sequential non accelerated and the combination regimens are feasible and under evaluation in a phase III trial of adjuvant therapy.
BACKGROUND: Docetaxel has proven efficacy in metastatic breast cancer. In this pilot study, we explored the efficacy/feasibility of docetaxel-based sequential and combination regimens as adjuvant therapy of node-positive breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From March 1996 till March 1998, four consecutive groups of patients with stages II and III breast cancer, aged < or = 70 years, received one of the following regimens: a) sequential Doxorubicin (A) --> Docetaxel (T) --> CMF (Cyclophosphamide+Methotrexate+5-Fluorouracil): A 75 mg/m q 3 wks x 3, followed by T100 mg/m2 q 3 wks x 3, followed by i.v. CMF Days 1+8 q 4 wks x 3; b) sequential accelerated A --> T --> CMF: A and T administered at the same doses q 2 wks with Lenograstin support; c) combination therapy: A 50 mg/m2 + T 75 mg/m2 q 3 wks x 4, followed by CMF x 4; d) sequential T --> A --> CMF: T and A, administered as in group a), with the reverse sequence. When indicated, radiotherapy was administered during or after CMF, and Tamoxifen after CMF. RESULTS: Ninety-three patients were treated. The median age was 48 years (29-66) and the median number of positive axillary nodes was 6 (1-25). Tumors were operable in 94% and locally advanced in 6% of cases. Pathological tumor size was >2 cm in 72% of cases. There were 21 relapses, (18 systemic, 3 locoregional) and 11 patients (12%) have died from disease progression. At median follow-up of 39 months (6-57), overall survival (OS) was 87% (95% CI, 79-94%) and disease-free survival (DFS) was 76% (95% CI, 67%-85%). CONCLUSION: The efficacy of these docetaxel-based regimens, in terms of OS and DFS, appears to be at least as good as standard anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy (CT), in similar high-risk patient populations.
The potential value of baseline health-related quality-of-life (HRQOL) and clinical factors in predicting prognosis was examined using data from an international randomised phase III trial which compared doxorubicin and paclitaxel with doxorubicin and cylophosphamide as first line chemotherapy in 275 women with metastatic breast cancer. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 and the related breast module (QLQ-BR23) were used to assess baseline HRQOL data. The Cox proportional-hazards regression model was used for both univariate and multivariate analyses of survival. In the univariate analyses, performance status (P<0.001) and number of sites involved (P=0.001) were the most important clinical prognostic factors. The HRQOL variables at baseline most strongly associated with longer survival were better appetite, physical and role functioning, as well as less fatigue (P<0.001). The final multivariate model retained performance status (P<0.001) and appetite loss (P=0.005) as the variables best predicting survival. Substantial loss of appetite was the only independent HRQOL factor predicting poor survival and was strongly correlated (/r/>0.5) with fatigue, role and physical functioning. In addition to known clinical factors, appetite loss appears to be a significant prognostic factor for survival in women with metastatic breast cancer. However, the mechanism underlying this association remains to be precisely defined in future studies.
Although the management of breast cancer has improved over the past few decades, it remains an important challenge for the clinician. Cytotoxic chemotherapy and hormonotherapy, when given in the adjuvant setting, have a definitive though modest impact on the outcome of early-stage breast cancer. In metastatic disease, these therapies help to provide substantial palliation of symptoms but have a limited impact on survival. The discovery of vinorelbine and the taxanes, paclitaxel and docetaxel, certainly represented the most encouraging clinical development of the 1980s in breast cancer therapy. Several other new cytotoxic agents have been recognised for their potential in the treatment of this disorder. Many of them are only in a very early phase of their clinical development and it remains to be proven that they will have a major role in daily practice in the near future.
PURPOSE: Taxanes (paclitaxel or docetaxel) have been sequenced or combined with anthracyclines (doxorubicin or epirubicin) for the first-line treatment of advanced breast cancer. This meta-analysis uses data from all relevant trials to detect any advantages of taxanes in terms of tumor response, progression-free survival (PFS), and survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Individual patient data were collected on eight randomized combination trials comparing anthracyclines + taxanes (+ cyclophosphamide in one trial) with anthracyclines + cyclophosphamide (+ fluorouracil in four trials), and on three single-agent trials comparing taxanes with anthracyclines. Combination trials included 3,034 patients; single-agent trials included 919 patients. RESULTS: Median follow-up of living patients was 43 months, median survival was 19.3 months, and median PFS was 7.1 months. In single-agent trials, response rates were similar in the taxanes (38%) and in the anthracyclines (33%) arms (P = .08). The hazard ratios for taxanes compared with anthracyclines were 1.19 (95% CI, 1.04 to 1.36; P = .011) for PFS and 1.01 (95% CI, 0.88 to 1.16; P = .90) for survival. In combination trials, response rates were 57% (10% complete) in taxane-based combinations and 46% (6% complete) in control arms (P < .001). The hazard ratios for taxane-based combinations compared with control arms were 0.92 (95% CI, 0.85 to 0.99; P = .031) for PFS and 0.95 (95% CI, 0.88 to 1.03; P = .24) for survival. CONCLUSION: Taxanes were significantly worse than single-agent anthracyclines in terms of PFS, but not in terms of response rates or survival. Taxane-based combinations were significantly better than anthracycline-based combinations in terms of response rates and PFS, but not in terms of survival.