979 resultados para pH. surface conditioning


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Bacterial surface-associated proteins are important in communication with the environment and bacteria-host interactions. In this thesis work, surface molecules of Lactobacillus crispatus important in host interaction were studied. The L. crispatus strains of the study were known from previous studies to be efficient in adhesion to intestinal tract and ECM. L. crispatus JCM 5810 possess an adhesive surface layer (S-layer) protein, whose functions and domain structure was characterized. We cloned two S-layer protein genes (cbsA; collagen-binding S-layer protein A and silent cbsB) and identified the protein region in CbsA important for adhesion to host tissues, for polymerization into a periodic layer as well as for attachment to the bacterial cell surface. The analysis was done by extensive mutation analysis and by testing His6-tagged fusion proteins from recombinant Escherichia coli as well as by expressing truncated CbsA peptides on the surface of Lactobacillus casei. The N-terminal region (31-274) of CbsA showed efficient and specific binding to collagens, laminin and extracellular matrix on tissue sections of chicken intestine. The N-terminal region also contained the information for formation of periodic S-layer polymer. This region is bordered at both ends by a conserved short region rich in valines, whose substitution to leucines drastically affected the periodic polymer structure. The mutated CbsA proteins that failed to form a periodic polymer, did not bind collagens, which indicates that the polymerized structure of CbsA is needed for collagen-binding ability. The C-terminal region, which is highly identical in S-layer proteins of L. crispatus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus helveticus, was shown to anchor the protein to the bacterial cell wall. The C-terminal CbsA peptide specifically bound to bacterial teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acids. In conclusion, the N-terminal domain of the S-layer protein of L. crispatus is important for polymerization and adhesion to host tissues, whereas the C-terminal domain anchors the protein to bacterial cell-wall teichoic acids. Lactobacilli are fermentative organisms that effectively lower the surrounding pH. While this study was in progress, plasminogen-binding proteins enolase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were identified in the extracellular proteome of L. crispatus ST1. In this work, the cell-wall association of enolase and GAPDH were shown to rely on pH-reversible binding to the cell-wall lipoteichoic acids. Enolase from L. crispatus was functionally compared with enolase from L. johnsonii as well as from pathogenic streptococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes) and Staphylococcus aureus. His6-enolases from commensal lactobacilli bound human plasminogen and enhanced its activation by human plasminogen activators similarly to, or even better than, the enolases from pathogens. Similarly, the His6-enolases from lactobacilli exhibited adhesive characteristics previously assigned to pathogens. The results call for more detailed analyses of the role of the host plasminogen system in bacterial pathogenesis and commensalism as well of the biological role and potential health risk of the extracellular proteome in lactobacilli.


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Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease characterized by accumulation of lipids and fibrous connective tissue in the arterial wall. Recently, it has been suggested that decrease in the pH of extracellular fluid of the arterial intima may enhance LDL accumulation by increasing binding of the LDL to matrix proteoglycans and also by making the plaque more favorable for acidic enzymes to be active. Many lysosomal acidic enzymes have been found in atherosclerotic plaques. In this thesis, we were able to induce secretion of lysosomal acidic cathepsin F from human monocyte-derived macrophages by stimulation with angiotensin II. We also showed that LDL pre-proteolyzed with cathepsin S was more prone to subsequent hydrolytic modifications by lipases. Especially acidic secretory sphingomyelinase was able to hydrolyze pre-proteolyzed LDL even at neutral pH. We also showed that the proteolyzed and lipolyzed LDL particles were able to bind more efficiently to human aortic proteoglycans. In addition, the role of extracellular acidic pH on the ability of macrophages to internalize LDL was studied. At acidic pH, the production of cell surface proteoglycans in macrophages was increased as well as the binding of native and modified LDL to cell surface proteoglycans. Furthermore, macrophages cultured at acidic pH showed increased internalization of modified and native LDL leading to foam cell formation. This thesis revealed various mechanisms by which acidic pH can increase LDL retention and accumulation in the arterial intima and has the potential to increase the progression of atherosclerosis.


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The type III secretion system (T3SS) encoded by Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2 (SPI2) is essential for virulence and intracellular proliferation of Salmonella enterica. We have previously identified SPI2-encoded proteins that are secreted and function as a translocon for the injection of effector proteins. Here, we describe the formation of a novel SPI2-dependent appendage structure in vitro as well as on the surface of bacteria that reside inside a vacuole of infected host cells. In contrast to the T3SS of other pathogens, the translocon encoded by SPI2 is only present singly or in few copies at one pole of the bacterial cell. Under in vitro conditions, appendages are composed of a filamentous needle-like structure with a diameter of 10 nm that was sheathed with secreted protein. The formation of the appendage in vitro is dependent on acidic media conditions. We analyzed SPI2-encoded appendages in infected cells and observed that acidic vacuolar pH was not required for induction of SPI2 gene expression, but was essential for the assembly of these structures and their function as translocon for delivery of effector proteins.


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The surface chemistry and dispersion properties of aqueous Ti 3AlC2 suspension were studied in terms of hydrolysis, adsorption, electrokinetic, and rheological measurements. The Ti 3AlC2 particle had complex surface hydroxyl groups, such as ≡Ti-OH,=Al-OH, and -OTi-(OH)2, etc. The surface charging of the Ti3AlC2 particle and the ion environment of suspensions were governed by these surface groups, which thus strongly influenced the stability of Ti3AlC2 suspensions. PAA dispersant was added into the Ti3AlC2 suspension to depress the hydrolysis of the surface groups by the adsorption protection mechanism and to increase the stability of the suspension by the steric effect. Ti3AlC2 suspensions with 2.0 dwb% PAA had an excellent stability at pH=∼5 and presented the characteristics of Newtonian fluid. Based on the well-dispersed suspension, dense Ti3AlC2 materials were obtained by slip casting and after pressureless sintering. This work provides a feasible forming method for the engineering applications of MAX-phase ceramics, wherein complex shapes, large dimensions, or controlled microstructures are needed.


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The interaction of dextrin and guar gum with pyrite has been investigated through adsorption, flotation, and electrokinetic measurements. The adsorption densities of the polysaccharides onto pyrite reveal a region of higher adsorption density in the pH range 7.5-11, with a maximum around pH 10 for both polymers. The isotherms exhibit Langmuirian behavior. The adsorption density of guar gum onto pyrite is higher than that of dextrin. Electrokinetic measurements indicate a decrease in the electrophoretic mobility values in proportion to the concentration of the polymer added. Co-precipitation tests confirm polymer-ferric species interaction in the bulk solution, especially in the pH range 5.5-8.5. The pH range for higher adsorption, significant co-precipitation, and appreciable depression of pyrite encompass each other. XPS and FTIR spectroscopic studies provide evidence in support of chemical interaction between hydroxylated pyrite and the hydroxyl groups of the polymeric depressants. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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The zeta potential of high-purity hematite at pH 6 and in a 10−3N NaCl solution has been determined at different concentrations of acetone using the streaming potential technique and the results correlated with the microhardness of the mineral. The zeta potential has been found to decrease as the hardness increases reaching a minimum at 10 cc per litre concentration of acetone when the hardness reaches a maximum. The results have been explained on the basis of competitive adsorption of chloride ions and acetone molecules at low concentrations of acetone and coadsorption of both species above 10 cc per litre concentration. Acetone in distilled water and 10−3N NaCl in distilled water decrease the microhardness of hematite individually between pH 5 to 7 and in combination increase the microhardness reaching a maximum at pH 6.


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Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells grown on sulfur, pyrite, and chalcopyrite exhibit greater hydrophobicity than ferrous ion-grown cells. The isoelectric points of sulfur-, pyrite-, and chalcopyrite-grown cells were observed to be at a pH higher than that for ferrous ion-grown cells. Microbe-mineral interactions result in change in the surface chemistry of the organism as well as that of the minerals with which it has interacted. Sulfur, pyrite, and chalcopyrite after interaction with T. ferrooxidans exhibited a significant shift in their isoelectric points from the initial values exhibited by uninteracted minerals. With antibodies raised against sulfur-grown T. ferrooxidans, pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown cells showed immunoreactivity, whereas ferrous ion-grown cells failed to do so. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of sulfur-grown cells suggested that a proteinaceous new cell surface appendage synthesized in mineral-grown cells brings about adhesion to the solid mineral substrates. Such an appendage was found to be absent in ferrous ion-grown cells as it is not required during growth in liquid substrates.


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Clay liners have been widely used to contain toxic and hazardous wastes. Clays adsorb the contaminant cations due to their exchange capacity. To improve the performance of the clay liner, fly ash, a waste material arising out of combustion of coal has been studied as a pre-filter material. The results indicate that fly ash has the potential to retain heavy metal ions. This study concerns the retention of zinc by fly ash. The influence of pH on retention as well as leaching characteristics are examined. The results obtained from the retention experiments by permeameter method indicate that fly ash retains the zinc ions through precipitation in the pores as well as onto the surface when the ambient pH value is more than 6.9, and only through adsorption when the pH value is less than 6.9. It has been observed that fly ash did not release the retained zinc ions when the pH value is between 3.5 and 10.0. Hence, the retention of zinc ions by fly ash is likely to be permanent since the pH of most of the landfill leachates are between 3.7 to 8.8.


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The adsorption of poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) onto alumina has been studied as a function of pH, both individually and in the presence of each other. The adsorption density of PAA is found to decrease with an increase of pH while that of PVA shows the opposite trend. In a binary system containing PAA and PVA, the presence of PVA does not affect the adsorption of PAA onto alumina, but the addition of PAA diminishes the adsorption of PVA in the pH range investigated. The adsorption isotherm of PAA at acidic pH exhibits high-affinity Langmuirian behavior. The isotherms for PVA appear rounded and are of the low-affinity type, Once again the adsorption isotherms of PAA remain unaltered in the presence of PVA whereas those of PVA are significantly affected resulting in a lowering of the adsorption density consequent to PAA addition. A variation in the sequence of addition of PAA and PVA does not affect the adsorption behavior of either of the polymers, The electrokinetic behavior of alumina with PAA is hardly influenced by the addition of PVA, On the other hand, the electrophoretic mobility of alumina in the presence of PVA is significantly altered in the presence of PAA and closely resembles the trend observed with PAA alone. Desorption studies reveal that over 80% of PVA could be desorbed in the pH range 3-9 whereas in the case of PAA, the percent desorption increases from 20 to about 70% as the pH is increased from about 3 to 8. Solution conductivity tests confirm interaction of aluminum species and PAA in the bulk solution. FTIR spectroscopic data provide evidence in support of hydrogen bonding and chemical interaction in the case of the PAA-alumina system and hydrogen bonding with respect to the PVA-alumina interaction. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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Adsorption, electrokinetic, microflotation, and flocculation studies have been carried out on sphalerite and galena minerals using extracellular polysaccharides (ECP) isolated from Bacillus polymyxa. The adsorption density of ECP onto galena is found to be higher than that onto sphalerite. The adsorption of ECP onto sphalerite is found to increase from pH 3 to about pH 7, where a maximum is attained, and thereafter continuously decreases. With respect to galena, the adsorption density of ECP steadily increases with increased pH. The addition of ECP correspondingly reduces the negative electrophoretic mobilities of sphalerite and galena in absolute magnitude without shifting their isoelectric points. However, the magnitude of the reduction in the electrophoretic mobility values is found to be greater for galena compared to that for sphalerite. Microflotation tests show that galena is depressed while sphalerite is floated using ECP in the entire pH range investigated. Selective flotation tests on a synthetic mixture of galena and sphalerite corroborate that sphalerite could be floated from galena at pH 9-9.5 using ECP as a depressant for galena. Flocculation tests reveal that in the pH range 9-11, sphalerite is dispersed and galena is flocculated in the presence of ECP. Dissolution tests indicate release of the lattice metal ions from galena and sphalerite, while co-precipitation tests confirm chemical interaction between lead or zinc ions and ECP. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies provide evidence in support of hydrogen bonding and chemical interaction for the adsorption of ECP onto galena/sphalerite surfaces. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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The surface properties of coal-pyrite play a major role in determining its separation from coal in processes such as flotation. The solution pH is an important parameter in determining the surface properties of both coal and coal-pyrite such as surface free energy and zeta-potential. In the present investigation, the effect of pH on the surface free energy of pyrites from different sources was studied. The surface free energy of solids is made up of two components, i.e. the dispersive surface free energy and the acid-base interaction energy. Various methods have been used by previous researchers to evaluate these two components for different solids. In the present study, a new approach was developed and used to study the surface free energy of pyrite surfaces. Results indicate that the dispersion surface free energy of various pyrites is independent of pH while the acid-base interaction energy is strongly dependent on the pH. The acid-base interaction energy is different for each pyrite sample and also the change with pH varies with the type of pyrite. Coal-pyrite was found to be more hydrophobic than ore-pyrite which may be attributed to the presence of carbon in coal-pyrites. The acid-base interaction energy varied little with pH for coal pyrites than ore-pyrite. Comparison of acid-base interaction energy with zeta-potential measurements shows a good correlation between the minimum in acid-base interaction energy and the pHpzc.


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A heterotroph Paenibacillus polymyxa bacteria is adapted to pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite minerals by repeated subculturing the bacteria in the presence of the mineral until their growth characteristics became similar to the growth in the absence of mineral. The unadapted and adapted bacterial surface have been chemically characterised by zeta-potential, contact angle, adherence to hydrocarbons and FT-IR spectroscopic studies. The surface free energies of bacteria have been calculated by following the equation of state and surface tension component approaches. The aim of the present paper is to understand the changes in surface chemical properties of bacteria during adaptation to sulfide minerals and the projected consequences in bioflotation and bioflocculation processes. The mineral-adapted cells became more hydrophilic as compared to unadapted cells. There are no significant changes in the surface charge of bacteria before and after adaptation, and all the bacteria exhibit an iso-electric point below pH 2.5. The contact angles are observed to be more reliable for hydrophobicity assessment than the adherence to hydrocarbons. The Lifschitz–van der Waals/acid–base approach to calculate surface free energy is found to be relevant for mineral–bacteria interactions. The diffuse reflectance FT-IR absorbance bands for all the bacteria are the same illustrating similar surface chemical composition. However, the intensity of the bands for unadapted and adapted cells is significantly varied and this is due to different amounts of bacterial secretions underlying different growth conditions.


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The surface properties of coal and solution pH play a major role in determining the adhesion of microorganisms. In this study, three Indian coal samples with different compositions have been used and the adhesion of the bacterium Bacillus polymyxa to these coals has been investigated. It was found that due to the high ash content of coal, the zeta-potential was negative over most of the pH range which is close to the values exhibited by pure quartz as well as B. polymyxa. Similarly, the surface free energy components of coal (derived from contact angle measurements) showed that the electron-donor component increased with ash content. Adhesion experiments revealed that maximum adhesion of the bacterium B. polymyxa occurred on to the coal samples around the point-of-zero-charge of the coal and the bacterium i.e. about pH 2. Further, adhesion was found to be dependent on the ash content and the surface free energy of the coals. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Adhesion of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans to pyrite and chalcopyrite in relation to its importance in bioleaching and bioflotation has been studied. Electrokinetic studies as well as FT-IR spectra suggest that the surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans depends on bacterial growth conditions. Sulfur-,Pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown Thiobacillus ferrooxidans were found to be relatively more hydrophobic. The altered surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was due to secretion of newer and specific proteinaceous compounds. The adsorption density corresponds to a monolayer coverage in a horizontal orientation of the cells. The xanthate flotation of pyrite in presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is strongly depressed where as the cells have insignificant effect on chalcopyrite flotation. This study demonstrate that: (a)Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells can be used for selective flotation of chalcopyrite from pyrite and importantly at natural pH values. (b)Sulfur-grown cells exhibits higher leaching kinetics than ferrous ion-grown cells.


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During the course of infection, Salmonella has to face several potentially lethal environmental conditions, one such being acidic pH. The ability to sense and respond to the acidic pH is crucial for the survival and replication of Salmonella. The physiological role of one gene (STM1485) involved in this response, which is upregulated inside the host cells (by 90- to 113-fold) is functionally characterized in Salmonella pathogenesis. In vitro, the DSTM1485 neither exhibited any growth defect at pH 4.5 nor any difference in the acid tolerance response. The DSTM1485 was compromised in its capacity to proliferate inside the host cells and complementation with STM1485 gene restored its virulence. We further demonstrate that the surface translocation of Salmonella pathogenicity island-2 (SPI-2) encoded translocon proteins, SseB and SseD were reduced in the DSTM1485. The increase in co-localization of this mutant with lysosomes was also observed. In addition, the DSTM1485 displayed significantly reduced competitive indices (CI) in spleen, liver and mesenteric lymph nodes in murine typhoid model when infected by intra-gastric route. Based on these results, we conclude that the acidic pH induced STM1485 gene is essential for intracellular replication of Salmonella.