984 resultados para ovine infectious epididimitis


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Avian malaria and related haematozoa are nearly ubiquitous parasites that can impose fitness costs of variable severity and may, in some cases, cause substantial mortality in their host populations. One example of the latter, the emergence of avian malaria in the endemic avifauna of Hawaii, has become a model for understanding the consequences of human-mediated disease introduction. The drastic declines of native Hawaiian birds due to avian malaria provided the impetus for examining more closely several aspects of host-parasite interactions in this system. Host-specificity is an important character determining the extent to which a parasite may emerge. Traditional parasite classification, however, has used host information as a character in taxonomical identification, potentially obscuring the true host range of many parasites. To improve upon previous methods, I first developed molecular tools to identify parasites infecting a particular host. I then used these molecular techniques to characterize host-specificity of parasites in the genera Plasmodium and Haemoproteus. I show that parasites in the genus Plasmodium exhibit low specificity and are therefore most likely to emerge in new hosts in the future. Subsequently, I characterized the global distribution of the single lineage of P. relictum that has emerged in Hawaii. I demonstrate that this parasite has a broad host distribution worldwide, that it is likely of Old World origin and that it has been introduced to numerous islands around the world, where it may have been overlooked as a cause of decline in native birds. I also demonstrate that morphological classification of P. relictum does not capture differences among groups of parasites that appear to be reproductively isolated based on molecular evidence. Finally, I examined whether reduced immunological capacity, which has been proposed to explain the susceptibility of Hawaiian endemics, is a general feature of an "island syndrome" in isolated avifauna of the remote Pacific. I show that, over multiple time scales, changes in immune response are not uniform and that observed changes probably reflect differences in genetic diversity, parasite exposure and life history that are unique to each species.


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Cataract is the leading cause of visual impairment worldwide. In the UK, some 30% of the population over 65 years of age have visually impairing cataract. Importantly, 88% of those with treatable visual impairment from cataract are not in contact with any ocular healthcare service, representing a major potential healthcare need [1]. In the USA, it has been estimated that 17.2% of the population (approximately 20.5 million) over 40 years of age have cataract in either eye and by 2020, this number is expected to rise to 30.1 million. Currently, cataract is responsible for 60% of Medicare costs associated with vision [2]. Furthermore, as the populations of industrialized countries such as the UK and the USA continue to age, the costs associated with treatment of cataract can only be expected to increase. Consequently, the development of the intraocular lens to replace the cataractous lens and the advances in intraocular lens design and implantation represent a major development in cataract treatment. However, despite such advances, cataract surgery is not without complications, such as postoperative infectious endophthalmitis, a rare but potentially devastating condition, and posterior capsular opacification, a less serious but much more common problem. This review will examine the epidemiology of cataracts, the polymeric construction of intraocular lenses implanted during cataract surgery and the complications of postoperative infectious endophthalmitis and posterior capsular opacification with regard to therapeutic interventions and prophylactic strategies. Advances in biomaterial design and function will be discussed as novel approaches to prevent such postoperative complications.


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This paper reviews the use of plant extracts as vegetable coagulants for cheesemaking. It covers the plants used as sources of coagulants, with a historical overview and particular emphasis on Cynara species. The genus Cynara L., its composition, milk clotting and proteolytic enzymes (cardosins) and their specificity towards peptide linkages are also described. Cheeses produced in the Iberian Peninsula using Cynara L. as coagulant are documented. Cynara L. is still the most used vegetable coagulant in cheesemaking, and also the most investigated. However, much work remains to be done to understand its action during cheese maturation and further characterization.


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Bacterial attachment onto intraocular lenses (IOLs) during cataract extraction and IOL implantation is a prominent aetiological factor in the pathogenesis of infectious endophthalmitis. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) have shown that photosensitizers are effective treatments for cancer, and in the photoinactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, in the presence of light. To date, no method of localizing the photocytotoxic effect of a photosensitizer at a biomaterial surface has been demonstrated. Here we show a method for concentrating this effect at a material surface to prevent bacterial colonization by attaching a porphyrin photosensitizer at, or near to, that surface, and demonstrate the principle using IOL biomaterials. Anionic hydrogel copolymers were shown to permanently bind a cationic porphyrin through electrostatic interactions as a thin surface layer. The mechanical and thermal properties of the materials showed that the porphyrin acts as a surface cross-linking agent, and renders surfaces more hydrophilic. Importantly, Staphylococcus epidermidis adherence was reduced by up to 99.0 ± 0.42% relative to the control in intense light conditions and 91.7± 5.99% in the dark. The ability to concentrate the photocytotoxic effect at a surface, together with a significant dark effect, provides a platform for a range of light-activated anti-infective biomaterial technologies.


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The lymphotropic and myelotropic nature of wild-type measles virus (wt-MV) is well recognized, with dendritic cells and lymphocytes expressing the MV receptor CD150 mediating systemic spread of the virus. Infection of respiratory epithelial cells has long been considered crucial for entry of MV into the body. However, the lack of detectable CD150 on these cells raises the issue of their importance in the pathogenesis of measles. This study utilized a combination of in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo model systems to characterize the susceptibility of epithelial cells to wt-MV of proven pathogenicity. Low numbers of MV-infected epithelial cells in close proximity to underlying infected lymphocytes or myeloid cells suggested infection via the basolateral side of the epithelium in the macaque model. In primary cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells, foci of MV-infected cells were only observed following infection via the basolateral cell surface. The extent of infection in primary cells was enhanced both in vitro and in ex vivo cornea rim tissue by disrupting the integrity of the cells prior to the application of virus. This demonstrated that, whilst epithelial cells may not be the primary target cells for wt-MV, areas of epithelium in which tight junctions are disrupted can become infected using high m.o.i. The low numbers of MV-infected epithelial cells observed in vivo in conjunction with the absence of infectious virus release from infected primary cell cultures suggest that epithelial cells have a peripheral role in MV transmission.


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Zeranol and two Fusarium toxins, alpha-zearalenol and beta-zearalenol, were confirmed by gaschromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in bovine bile samples referred to this laboratory for analysis. No evidence of zeranol abuse was found on-farm. Given the recent suggestion that zeranol might arise from the metabolism of these Fusarium toxins, and the finding of zeranol in bovine and ovine urine across the EU, it. was concluded that the residues had arisen as a result of natural metabolism.