354 resultados para oval


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In the context of Indian fisheries there is a paucity of information on bycatch, in general, and bycatch reduction technologies, in particular. In this study, a detailed investigation on trawl bycatch and bycatch reduction measures is attempted with a view to evolve optimized BRDs for improving selectivity of commercial shrimp trawls. The objectives of the study included design and development of hard bycatch reduction devices (BRDs), comparative evaluation of hard bycatch reduction devices, for selective trawling, bycatch characterisation of the trawl landings, off Central Kerala; and investigations on status of the existing trawling systems operated off Central Kerala.


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Faltan las diapositivas


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El present treball analitza la morfologia espermàtica de l'ejaculat de Sus domesticus, la histologia del conducte epididimari i la qualitat de l'esperma epididimari. El material d'estudi prové de mascles reproductors porcins de les races Landrace i Pietrain, sans i sexualment madurs. La metodologia emprada es basa en l'examen al microscopi òptic (camp dar, contrast de fases i contrast interferencial) i al microscopi electrònic (de rastreig i de transmissió). Per a l'anàlisi estadística de les dades s'ha utilitzat el test de la X2 de Pearson (p<0,01). L'estudi de la morfologia espermàtica de l'ejaculat permet distingir diversos tipus de gàmetes que s'han classificat en tres grups: espermatozoides madurs, espermatozoides immadurs i espermatozoides aberrants, així com algunes cèI.lules somàtiques. L'espermatozoide madur de Sus domesticus és un gàmeta típic de mamífer (format per tres parts: cap, peça de connexió i cua) en que destaquen: la forma oval i plana del cap, el desenvolupament d'una protuberància acrosòmica apical en una de les cares del cap i la presencia dels cossos laminars en la peça de connexió. L'espermatozoide immadur es caracteritza per la presencia de la gota citoplasmàtica, el major desenvolupament de la protuberància acrosòmica apical i per la flexibilitat del cap. Els espermatozoides aberrants es descriuen i classifiquen segons la morfologia externa i la morfologia interna, distingint-se una amplia gama de malformacions que afecten les diverses parts de l'espermatozoide. Les cèl·lules somàtiques presents en l'ejaculat ofereixen les característiques pròpies d'un macròfag i se les ha observat englobant espermatozoides immadurs. L'estudi de l'estructura i la ultraestructura de les tres regions anatòmiques de l'epidídim (caput, corpus i cauda) revela que: a) l'epiteli epididimari és pseudoestratificat amb esterocilis, b) cada regió epididimària presenta uns valors característics en relació al diàmetre intern del conducte, a l'alçada de l'epiteli, a la longitud dels esterocilis i al nombre de cèl·lules somàtiques luminals, i c) l'epiteli epididimari esta format per cinc tipus cel·lulars: les cèl·lules principals, les cèl·lules basals, les cèl·lules dares, les cèl·lules estretes i les cèl·lules basòfiles. Dels resultats obtinguts es pot deduir que: a) aquests cinc tipus cel·lulars es distribueixen al llarg del conducte epididimari de forma no homogènia, b) les cèl·lules basals, les cèl·lules principals, les cèI.Iules dares i les cèl·lules estretes són diversos estadis del desenvolupament d'un mateix tipus cel·lular especialitzat en la secreció i reabsorció cel·lular, i c) les cèl·lules basòfiles són les precursores de les cèl·lules somàtiques luminals. La qualitat de l'esperma procedent de les tres regions de l'epidídim ha estat analitzada a partir dels següents paràmetres espermàtics: vitalitat, resistència osmòtica dels acrosomes, estabilitat cefàlica, morfologia, malformacions i aglutinació. La vitalitat espermàtica disminueix progressivament al llarg del conducte epididimari. La resistència osmòtica dels acrosomes s'assoleix en la regió corporal de l'epidídim. L'estabilitat cefàlica dels espermatozoides és més elevada en les dues primeres regions de l'epidídim que en la regió caudal. Cada regió de l'epidídim es caracteritza per una morfologia espermàtica específica: a) el caput es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides immadurs amb gota citoplasmàtica proximal, b) el corpus es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides immadurs amb gota citoplasmàtica distal, i c) el cauda es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides madurs. S'han estudiat les següents malformacions d'origen epididimari: espermatozoides de cua doblegada per l'anell de Jensen (origen en el cauda), espermatozoides de cua enrotllada i espermatozoides de cues fusionades (origen en el corpus). Els espermatozoides perden la capacitat de doblegar la cua per la peça intermèdia a mesura que avancen pel conducte epididimari. L'aglutinació espermàtica tendeix a augmentar progressivament al llarg del conducte epididimari, si bé, no s'han observat variacions significatives en els diversos tipus d'aglutinació. La maduració epididimaria dels espermatozoides de Sus domesticus és un procés lent i complex, i la qualitat de l'ejaculat depèn de que aquesta maduració hagi estat completa. La presencia en l'esperma ejaculat de formes gamètiques pròpies de l'esperma epididimari és un signe d'una incompleta maduració dels espermatozoides; i, pot considerar-se com un paràmetre indicador d'estrés del mascle reproductor, tant més quant més s'assembli a la morfologia espermàtica de la regió cefàlica de l'epidídim.


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Groups of circular to oval enclosed depressions in soft sediments of Pleistocene age are relatively common in north-west Europe. These features are normally interpreted as being either glacial or periglacial in origin. Where these features are developed in glacial sediments, a glacial (and specifically ‘kettle hole’) genesis is considered most likely. Some groups of features, however, have been re-interpreted as being periglacial in origin and are thought to be the remains of cryogenic mounds (former pingos or palsas/lithalsas). The problem at many sites, of course, is correct identification and previously this was often resolved through extensive trenching of the sediments. The use of geophysics in the form of electrical resistivity tomography and ground probing radar, however, can aid investigation and interpretation and is less invasive. A group of enclosed depressions in the Letton area of Herefordshire within the Last Glacial Maximum ice limit (Late Devensian) have been investigated in this way. The morphology and internal structure of the features and their existence in glaciolacustrine sediments of Late Devensian age strongly suggests that these depressions are kettle holes resulting from ice block discharge into a shallow lakes or lakes, and hence a glacial origin is supported. The lack of any ramparts surrounding the depressions (at the surface or any evidence of these at depth) and the fact that they do not overlap (‘mutually interfere’) indicates that they are not the remains of cryogenic mounds.


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Plumatella geimermassardi is a newly recognized species of phylactolaemate bryozoan. Its known range extends from Ireland east through southern Norway and south into Italy. Colonies grow close to the substrate with little free branching; the body wall is mostly transparent and without an obvious raphe. Floatoblasts are broadly oval and relatively small, with distinctively large dorsal fenestra and uniformly narrow ventral annulus. The sessoblast basal valve is low and dish-shaped; the annulus bears tubercles which vary in their prominence. This species brings to 14 the number of phylactolaemate bryozoans known in the region.


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Despite the characterization of the auroral substorm more than 40 years ago, controversy still surrounds the processes triggering substorm onset initiation. That stretching of the Earth's magnetotail following the addition of new nightside magnetic flux from dayside reconnection powers the substorm is well understood; the trigger for explosive energy release at substorm expansion phase onset is not. Using ground-based data sets with unprecedented combined spatial and temporal coverage, we report the discovery of new localized and contemporaneous magnetic wave and small azimuthal scale auroral signature of substorm onset. These local auroral arc undulations and magnetic field signatures rapidly evolve on second time scales for several minutes in advance of the release of the auroral surge. We also present evidence from a conjugate geosynchronous satellite of the concurrent magnetic onset in space as the onset of magnetic pulsations in the ionosphere, to within technique error. Throughout this time period, the more poleward arcs that correspond to the auroral oval which maps to the central plasma sheet remain undisturbed. There is good evidence that flows from the midtail crossing the plasma sheet can generate north-south auroral structures, yet no such auroral forms are seen in this event. Our observations present a severe challenge to the standard hypothesis that magnetic reconnection in stretched magnetotail fields triggers onset, indicating substorm expansion phase initiation occurs on field lines that are close to the Earth, as bounded by observations at geosynchronous orbit and in the conjugate ionosphere.


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We study here the injection and transport of ions in the convection-dominated region of the Earth’s magnetosphere. The total ion counts from the CAMMICE MICS instrument aboard the POLAR spacecraft are used to generate occurrence probability distributions of magnetospheric ion populations. MICS ion spectra are characterised by both the peak in the differential energy flux, and the average energy of ions striking the detector. The former permits a comparison with the Stubbs et al. (2001) survey of He2+ ions of solar wind origin within the magnetosphere. The latter can address the occurrences of various classifications of precipitating particle fluxes observed in the topside ionosphere by DMSP satellites (Newell and Meng, 1992). The peak energy occurrences are consistent with our earlier work, including the dawn-dusk asymmetry with enhanced occurrences on the dawn flank at low energies, switching to the dusk flank at higher energies. The differences in the ion energies observed in these two studies can be explained by drift orbit effects and acceleration processes at the magnetopause, and in the tail current sheet. Near noon at average ion energies of _1 keV, the cusp and open LLBL occur further poleward here than in the Newell and Meng survey, probably due to convectionrelated time-of-flight effects. An important new result is that the pre-noon bias previously observed in the LLBL is most likely due to the component of this population on closed field lines, formed largely by low energy ions drifting earthward from the tail. There is no evidence here of mass and momentum transfer from the solar wind to the LLBL by nonreconnection coupling. At higher energies (_2–20 keV), we observe ions mapping to the auroral oval and can distinguish between the boundary and central plasma sheets. We show that ions at these energies relate to a transition from dawnward to duskward dominated flow, this is evidence of how ion drift orbits in the tail influence the location and behaviour of the plasma populations in the magnetosphere.


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We report observations of the cusp/cleft ionosphere made on December 16th 1998 by the EISCAT (European incoherent scatter) VHF radar at Tromso and the EISCAT Svalbard radar (ESR). We compare them with observations of the dayside auroral luminosity, as seen by meridian scanning photometers at Ny Alesund and of HF radar backscatter, as observed by the CUTLASS radar. We study the response to an interval of about one hour when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), monitored by the WIND and ACE spacecraft, was southward. The cusp/cleft aurora is shown to correspond to a spatially extended region of elevated electron temperatures in the VHF radar data. Initial conditions were characterised by a northward-directed IMF and cusp/cleft aurora poleward of the ESR. A strong southward turning then occurred, causing an equatorward motion of the cusp/cleft aurora. Within the equatorward expanding, southward-IMF cusp/cleft, the ESR observed structured and elevated plasma densities and ion and electron temperatures. Cleft ion fountain upflows were seen in association with elevated ion temperatures and rapid eastward convection, consistent with the magnetic curvature force on newly opened held lines for the observed negative IMF B-y. Subsequently, the ESR beam remained immediately poleward of the main cusp/cleft and a sequence of poleward-moving auroral transients passed over it. After the last of these, the ESR was in the polar cap and the radar observations were characterised by extremely low ionospheric densities and downward field-aligned flows. The IMF then turned northward again and the auroral oval contracted such that the ESR moved back into the cusp/cleft region. For the poleward-retreating northward-IMF cusp/cleft, the convection flows were slower, upflows were weaker and the electron density and temperature enhancements were less structured. Following the northward turning, the bands of high electron temperature and cusp/cleft aurora bifurcated, consistent with both subsolar and lobe reconnection taking place simultaneously. The present paper describes the large-scale behaviour of the ionosphere during this interval, as observed by a powerful combination of instruments. Two companion papers, by Lockwood et al. (2000) and Thorolfsson et al. (2000), both in this issue, describe the detailed behaviour of the poleward-moving transients observed during the interval of southward B-z, and explain their morphology in the context of previous theoretical work.


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A discussion is given of plasma flows in the dawn and nightside high-latitude ionospheric regions during substorms occurring on a contracted auroral oval, as observed using the EISCAT CP-4-A experiment. Supporting data from the PACE radar, Greenland magnetometer chain, SAMNET magnetometers and geostationary satellites are compared to the EISCAT observations. On 4 October 1989 a weak substorm with initial expansion phase onset signatures at 0030 UT, resulted in the convection reversal boundary observed by EISCAT (at \sim0415 MLT) contracting rapidly poleward, causing a band of elevated ionospheric ion temperatures and a localised plasma density depletion. This polar cap contraction event is shown to be associated with various substorm signatures; Pi2 pulsations at mid-latitudes, magnetic bays in the midnight sector and particle injections at geosynchronous orbit. A similar event was observed on the following day around 0230 UT (\sim0515 MLT) with the unusual and significant difference that two convection reversals were observed, both contracting poleward. We show that this feature is not an ionospheric signature of two active reconnection neutral lines as predicted by the near-Earth neutral model before the plasmoid is “pinched off”, and present two alternative explanations in terms of (1) viscous and lobe circulation cells and (2) polar cap contraction during northward IMF. The voltage associated with the anti-sunward flow between the reversals reaches a maximum of 13 kV during the substorm expansion phase. This suggests it to be associated with the polar cap contraction and caused by the reconnection of open flux in the geomagnetic tail which has mimicked “viscous-like” momentum transfer across the magnetopause.


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The asymmetries in the convective flows, current systems, and particle precipitation in the high-latitude dayside ionosphere which are related to the equatorial plane components of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) are discussed in relation to the results of several recent observational studies. It is argued that all of the effects reported to date which are ascribed to the y component of the IMF can be understood, at least qualitatively, in terms of a simple theoretical picture in which the effects result from the stresses exerted on the magnetosphere consequent on the interconnection of terrestrial and interplanetary fields. In particular, relaxation under the action of these stresses allows, in effect, a partial penetration of the IMF into the magnetospheric cavity, such that the sense of the expected asymmetry effects on closed field lines can be understood, to zeroth order, in terms of the “dipole plus uniform field” model. In particular, in response to IMF By, the dayside cusp should be displaced in longitude about noon in the same sense as By in the northern hemisphere, and in the opposite sense to By in the southern hemisphere, while simultaneously the auroral oval as a whole should be shifted in the dawn-dusk direction in the opposite sense with respect to By. These expected displacements are found to be consistent with recently published observations. Similar considerations lead to the suggestion that the auroral oval may also undergo displacements in the noon-midnight direction which are associated with the x component of the IMF. We show that a previously published study of the position of the auroral oval contains strong initial evidence for the existence of this effect. However, recent results on variations in the latitude of the cusp are more ambiguous. This topic therefore requires further study before definitive conclusions can be drawn.


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During many magnetospheric substorms, the auroral oval near midnight is observed to expand poleward in association with strong negative perturbations measured by local ground magnetometers. We show Sondrestrom and EISCAT incoherent scatter radar measurements during three such events. In each of the events, enhanced ionization produced by the precipitation moved northward by several degrees of latitude within 10–20 min. The electric fields measured during the three events were significantly different. In one event the electric field was southward everywhere within the precipitation region. In the other two events a reversal in the meridional component of the field was observed. In one case the reversal occurred within the precipitation region, while in the other case the reversal was at the poleward boundary of the precipitation. The westward electrojet that produces the negative H-perturbation in the ground magnetic field has Hall and Pedersen components to varying degrees. In one case the Hall component was eastward and the Pedersen component was westward, but the net magnetic H-deflection on the ground was negative. Simultaneous EISCAT measurements made near the dawn meridian during one of the events show that the polar cap boundary moved northward at the same time as the aurora expanded northward at Sondrestrom. Most of the differences in the electrodynamic configuration in the three events can be accounted for in terms of the location at which the measurements were made relative to the center of the auroral bulge.


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Recent observations at the magnetopause and of the high-latitude ionosphere, suggest that the cusp may be pulsed in nature. Specifically ground-based observations in the dayside auroral oval reveal transient optical features accompanied by bursts of enhanced plasma flow. Also, recent interpretation has shown cusp satellite data to be consistent with a burst of enhanced reconnection. In this paper we use these observations to produce a scenario in which both the satellite and ground-based observations can be fitted. The scenario we develop is based on the flux transfer event (FTE) models of Southwood et al. and Scholer and shows that the signatures, at both low and high altitudes, can be interpreted in terms of FTEs.


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This paper complements that in this issue by Clauer et al. concerning the international GISMOS campaign of 3–5 June 1987. From a detailed study of the EISCAT data, the polar-cap boundary, as defined by an almost shear east-west convection reversal, is found to contract across the EISCAT field of view between 04 and 07 MLT. An annulus of enhanced ion temperature and non-thermal plasma is observed immediately equatorward of the contracting boundary due to the lag in the response of the neutral-wind pattern to the change in ion flows. The ion flow inside the polar cap and at the boundary is shown to be relatively smooth, compared with that in the auroral oval, at 15-second resolution. The flow at the boundary is directed poleward, with velocities which exceed that of the boundary itself. The effect of velocity shears on the beamswinging technique used to derive the ion flows has been analysed in detail and it is found that spurious flows across a moving boundary can be generated. However, these are much smaller than the observed flows into the polar cap and cannot explain the 7 kV potential difference across the observed segment of the cap boundary between 04:30–06:30 UT. The ion temperature enhancements at the two observing azimuths is used to define the boundary orientation. The results are consistent with recent observations of slow anti-sunward flow of closed field lines on the flanks of the geomagnetic tail, which appears to be generated by some form of “viscous” coupling to the magnetosheath plasma.


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The contribution to the field-aligned ionospheric ion momentum equation, due to coupling between pressure anisotropy and the inhomogeneous geomagnetic field, is investigated. We term this contribution the “hydrodynamic mirror force” and investigate its dependence on the ion drift and the resulting deformations of the ion velocity distribution function from an isotropic form. It is shown that this extra upforce increases rapidly with ion drift relative to the neutral gas but is not highly dependent on the ion-neutral collision model employed. An example of a burst of flow observed by EISCAT, thought to be the ionospheric signature of a flux transfer event at the magnetopause, is studied in detail and it is shown that the nonthermal plasma which results is subject to a hydrodynamic mirror force which is roughly 10% of the gravitational downforce. In addition, predictions by the coupled University College London-Sheffield University model of the ionosphere and thermosphere show that the hydrodynamic mirror force in the auroral oval is up to 3% of the gravitational force for Kp of about 3, rising to 10% following a sudden increase in cross-cap potential. The spatial distribution of the upforce shows peaks in the cusp region and in the post-midnight auroral oval, similar to that of observed low-energy heavy ion flows from the ionosphere into the magnetosphere. We suggest the hydrodynamic mirror force may modulate these outflows by controlling the supply of heavy ions to regions of ion acceleration and that future simulations of the effects of Joule heating on ion outflows should make allowance for it.