959 resultados para optometry


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A common optometric problem is to specify the eye’s ocular aberrations in terms of Zernike coefficients and to reduce that specification to a prescription for the optimum sphero-cylindrical correcting lens. The typical approach is first to reconstruct wavefront phase errors from measurements of wavefront slopes obtained by a wavefront aberrometer. This paper applies a new method to this clinical problem that does not require wavefront reconstruction. Instead, we base our analysis of axial wavefront vergence as inferred directly from wavefront slopes. The result is a wavefront vergence map that is similar to the axial power maps in corneal topography and hence has a potential to be favoured by clinicians. We use our new set of orthogonal Zernike slope polynomials to systematically analyse details of the vergence map analogous to Zernike analysis of wavefront maps. The result is a vector of slope coefficients that describe fundamental aberration components. Three different methods for reducing slope coefficients to a spherocylindrical prescription in power vector forms are compared and contrasted. When the original wavefront contains only second order aberrations, the vergence map is a function of meridian only and the power vectors from all three methods are identical. The differences in the methods begin to appear as we include higher order aberrations, in which case the wavefront vergence map is more complicated. Finally, we discuss the advantages and limitations of vergence map representation of ocular aberrations.


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Ophthalmic wavefront sensors typically measure wavefront slope, from which wavefront phase is reconstructed. We show that ophthalmic prescriptions (in power-vector format) can be obtained directly from slope measurements without wavefront reconstruction. This is achieved by fitting the measurement data with a new set of orthonormal basis functions called Zernike radial slope polynomials. Coefficients of this expansion can be used to specify the ophthalmic power vector using explicit formulas derived by a variety of methods. Zernike coefficients for wavefront error can be recovered from the coefficients of radial slope polynomials, thereby offering an alternative way to perform wavefront reconstruction.


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Interferometry is a sensitive technique for recording tear film surface irregularities in a noninvasive manner. At the same time, the technique is hindered by natural eye movements resulting in measurement noise. Estimating tear film surface quality from interferograms can be reduced to a spatial-average-localized weighted estimate of the first harmonic of the interference fringes. However, previously reported estimation techniques proved to perform poorly in cases where the pattern fringes were significantly disturbed. This can occur in cases of measuring tear film surface quality on a contact lens on the eye or in a dry eye. We present a new estimation technique for extracting the first harmonic from the interference fringes that combines the traditional spectral estimation techniques with morphological image processing techniques. The proposed technique proves to be more robust to changes in interference fringes caused by natural eye movements and the degree of dryness of the contact lens and corneal surfaces than its predecessors, resulting in tear film surface quality estimates that are less noisy


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Peripheral corneal opacities are a common clinical finding. In this case report we describe the routine presentation of a young adult male patient with unilateral opacities in the peripheral cornea resembling a corneal arcus. These opacities were confined to the level of the anterior corneal stroma. The patient also exhibited bilateral signs of mild keratoconus and reported a history of vernal keratoconjunctivitis as a child. A diagnosis of unilateral pseudogerontoxon was made. Pseudogerontoxon is an opacity of the peripheral cornea resembling corneal arcus that typically occurs in patients with a history of allergic eye disease. The clinical features and differential diagnoses of this relatively uncommon cause of peripheral corneal opacity are discussed.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to characterize the clinical signs, symptoms, and ocular and systemic comorbidities in a large case series of contact lens-related microbial keratitis. Methods: Two hundred ninety-seven cases of contact lens-related microbial keratitis, aged between 15 and 64 years were detected through surveillance of hospital and community based ophthalmic practitioners in Australia and New Zealand. Full clinical data were available for 190 cases and 90 were interviewed by telephone. Clinical data included the size, location, and degree of anterior chamber response. Symptom data were available from the practitioner and from participant self-report. Associations between symptoms and disease severity were evaluated. Data on ocular and systemic disease were collected from participants and practitioners. The frequency of comorbidities was compared between the different severities of disease and to population norms. Results: More severe disease was associated with greater symptom severity and pain was the most prevalent symptom reported. Ninety-one percent of cases showed progression of ocular symptoms after lens removal, and symptom progression was associated with all severities of disease. Twenty-five percent of cases reported prior episodes requiring emergency attention. Thyroid disease (p 0.05) and self-reported poor health (p 0.001) were more common in cases compared with age-matched population norms. Discussion: Information on the signs, symptoms, and comorbidities associated with contact lens-related microbial keratitis may be useful in patient education and for practitioners involved in the fitting of lenses and management of complications. Although pain was the most common symptom experienced, progression of symptoms despite lens removal was close to universal. Poor general health, particularly respiratory disease and thyroid disease was more common in cases than in the general population, which may prompt practitioners to recommend flexibility in wear schedules when in poor health or the selection of a lower risk wear schedule in at risk patients


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Although comparison phakometry has been used by a number of studies to measure posterior corneal shape, these studies have not calculated the size of the posterior corneal zones of reflection they assessed. This paper develops paraxial equations for calculating posterior corneal zones of reflection, based on standard keratometry equations and equivalent mirror theory. For targets used in previous studies, posterior corneal reflection zone sizes were calculated using paraxial equations and using exact ray tracing, assuming spherical and aspheric corneal surfaces. Paraxial methods and exact ray tracing methods give similar estimates for reflection zone sizes less than 2 mm, but for larger zone sizes ray tracing methods should be used.


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We aimed to investigate the naturally occurring horizontal plane movements of a head stabilized in a standard ophthalmic headrest and to analyze their magnitude, velocity, spectral characteristics, and correlation to the cardio pulmonary system. Two custom-made air-coupled highly accurate (±2 μm)ultrasound transducers were used to measure the displacements of the head in different horizontal directions with a sampling frequency of 100 Hz. Synchronously to the head movements, an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal was recorded. Three healthy subjects participated in the study. Frequency analysis of the recorded head movements and their velocities was carried out, and functions of coherence between the two displacements and the ECG signal were calculated. Frequency of respiration and the heartbeat were clearly visible in all recorded head movements. The amplitude of head displacements was typically in the range of ±100 μm. The first harmonic of the heartbeat (in the range of 2–3 Hz), rather than its principal frequency, was found to be the dominant frequency of both head movements and their velocities. Coherence analysis showed high interdependence between the considered signals for frequencies of up to 20 Hz. These findings may contribute to the design of better ophthalmic headrests and should help other studies in the decision making of whether to use a heavy headrest or a bite bar.


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Contact lenses are mainly fitted by registered optometrists and contact lens opticians in the UK. Data we have gathered from annual contact lens fitting surveys over the past 12 years indicate that, on average, registered optometrists and contact lens opticians undertake 3.2 and 7.1 contact lens fits per week (p < 0.0001). More experienced practitioners tend to fit older patients. Practitioners fitting more lenses per year tend to fit a higher proportion of soft lenses. Contact lens opticians tend to fit a higher proportion of patients with planned replacement and daily disposable lenses compared with optometrists.


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Modelling of interferometric signals related to tear film surface quality is considered. In the context of tear film surface quality estimation in normal healthy eyes, two clinical parameters are of interest: the build-up time, and the average interblink surface quality. The former is closely related to the signal derivative while the latter to the signal itself. Polynomial signal models, chosen for a particular set of noisy interferometric measurements, can be optimally selected, in some sense, with a range of information criteria such as AIC, MDL, Cp, and CME. Those criteria, however, do not always guarantee that the true derivative of the signal is accurately represented and they often overestimate it. Here, a practical method for judicious selection of model order in a polynomial fitting to a signal is proposed so that the derivative of the signal is adequately represented. The paper highlights the importance of context-based signal modelling in model order selection.


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The eyelids play an important role in lubricating and protecting the surface of the eye. Each blink serves to spread fresh tears, remove debris and replenish the smooth optical surface of the eye. Yet little is known about how the eyelids contact the ocular surface and what pressure distribution exists between the eyelids and cornea. As the principal refractive component of the eye, the cornea is a major element of the eye’s optics. The optical properties of the cornea are known to be susceptible to the pressure exerted by the eyelids. Abnormal eyelids, due to disease, have altered pressure on the ocular surface due to changes in the shape, thickness or position of the eyelids. Normal eyelids also cause corneal distortions that are most often noticed when they are resting closer to the corneal centre (for example during reading). There were many reports of monocular diplopia after reading due to corneal distortion, but prior to videokeratoscopes these localised changes could not be measured. This thesis has measured the influence of eyelid pressure on the cornea after short-term near tasks and techniques were developed to quantify eyelid pressure and its distribution. The profile of the wave-like eyelid-induced corneal changes and the refractive effects of these distortions were investigated. Corneal topography changes due to both the upper and lower eyelids were measured for four tasks involving two angles of vertical downward gaze (20° and 40°) and two near work tasks (reading and steady fixation). After examining the depth and shape of the corneal changes, conclusions were reached regarding the magnitude and distribution of upper and lower eyelid pressure for these task conditions. The degree of downward gaze appears to alter the upper eyelid pressure on the cornea, with deeper changes occurring after greater angles of downward gaze. Although the lower eyelid was further from the corneal centre in large angles of downward gaze, its effect on the cornea was greater than that of the upper eyelid. Eyelid tilt, curvature, and position were found to be influential in the magnitude of eyelid-induced corneal changes. Refractively these corneal changes are clinically and optically significant with mean spherical and astigmatic changes of about 0.25 D after only 15 minutes of downward gaze (40° reading and steady fixation conditions). Due to the magnitude of these changes, eyelid pressure in downward gaze offers a possible explanation for some of the day-to-day variation observed in refraction. Considering the magnitude of these changes and previous work on their regression, it is recommended that sustained tasks performed in downward gaze should be avoided for at least 30 minutes before corneal and refractive assessment requiring high accuracy. Novel procedures were developed to use a thin (0.17 mm) tactile piezoresistive pressure sensor mounted on a rigid contact lens to measure eyelid pressure. A hydrostatic calibration system was constructed to convert raw digital output of the sensors to actual pressure units. Conditioning the sensor prior to use regulated the measurement response and sensor output was found to stabilise about 10 seconds after loading. The influences of various external factors on sensor output were studied. While the sensor output drifted slightly over several hours, it was not significant over the measurement time of 30 seconds used for eyelid pressure, as long as the length of the calibration and measurement recordings were matched. The error associated with calibrating at room temperature but measuring at ocular surface temperature led to a very small overestimation of pressure. To optimally position the sensor-contact lens combination under the eyelid margin, an in vivo measurement apparatus was constructed. Using this system, eyelid pressure increases were observed when the upper eyelid was placed on the sensor and a significant increase was apparent when the eyelid pressure was increased by pulling the upper eyelid tighter against the eye. For a group of young adult subjects, upper eyelid pressure was measured using this piezoresistive sensor system. Three models of contact between the eyelid and ocular surface were used to calibrate the pressure readings. The first model assumed contact between the eyelid and pressure sensor over more than the pressure cell width of 1.14 mm. Using thin pressure sensitive carbon paper placed under the eyelid, a contact imprint was measured and this width used for the second model of contact. Lastly as Marx’s line has been implicated as the region of contact with the ocular surface, its width was measured and used as the region of contact for the third model. The mean eyelid pressures calculated using these three models for the group of young subjects were 3.8 ± 0.7 mmHg (whole cell), 8.0 ± 3.4 mmHg (imprint width) and 55 ± 26 mmHg (Marx’s line). The carbon imprints using Pressurex-micro confirmed previous suggestions that a band of the eyelid margin has primary contact with the ocular surface and provided the best estimate of the contact region and hence eyelid pressure. Although it is difficult to directly compare the results with previous eyelid pressure measurement attempts, the eyelid pressure calculated using this model was slightly higher than previous manometer measurements but showed good agreement with the eyelid force estimated using an eyelid tensiometer. The work described in this thesis has shown that the eyelids have a significant influence on corneal shape, even after short-term tasks (15 minutes). Instrumentation was developed using piezoresistive sensors to measure eyelid pressure. Measurements for the upper eyelid combined with estimates of the contact region between the cornea and the eyelid enabled quantification of the upper eyelid pressure for a group of young adult subjects. These techniques will allow further investigation of the interaction between the eyelids and the surface of the eye.


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Aims: To investigate the change that occurs in intraocular pressure (IOP) and ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) with accommodation in young adult myopes and emmetropes. Methods: Fifteen progressing myopic and 17 emmetropic young adult subjects had their IOP and OPA measured using the Pascal dynamic contour tonometer. Measurements were taken initially with accommodation relaxed, and then following 2 min of near fixation (accommodative demand 3 D). Baseline measurements of axial length and corneal thickness were also collected prior to the IOP measures. Results: IOP significantly decreased with accommodation in both the myopic and emmetropic subjects (mean change 1.861.1 mm Hg, p<0.0001). There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between myopes and emmetropes in terms of baseline IOP or the magnitude of change in IOP with accommodation. OPA also decreased significantly with accommodation (mean change for all subjects 0.560.5, p<0.0001). The myopic subjects (baseline OPA 2.060.7 mm Hg) exhibited a significantly lower baseline OPA (p¼0.004) than the emmetropes (baseline OPA 3.261.3 mm Hg),and a significantly lower magnitude of change in OPA with accommodation. Conclusion: IOP decreases significantly with accommodation, and changes similarly in progressing myopic and emmetropic subjects. However, differences found between progressing myopes and emmetropes in the mean OPA levels and the decrease in OPA associated with accommodation suggested some changes in IOP dynamics associated with myopia.


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Background: Mechanical forces either due to accommodation or myopia may stretch the retina and/or cause shear between the retina and choroid. This can be investigated by making use of the Stiles-Crawford effect (SCE), which is the phenomenon of light changing in apparent brightness as it enters through different positions in the pupil. The SCE can be measured by psychophysical and objective techniques, with the SCE parameters being directionality (rate of change across the pupil), and orientation (the location of peak sensitivity in the pupil). Aims: 1. To study the changes in foveal SCE with accommodation in emmetropes and myopes using a subjective (psychophysical) technique. 2. To develop and evaluate a quick objective technique of measuring the SCE using the multifocal electroretinogram. Methods: The SCE was measured in 6 young emmetropes and 6 young myopes for up to 8 D accommodation stimulus with a psychophysical technique and its variants. An objective technique using the multifocal electroretinogram was developed and evaluated with 5 emmetropes. Results: Using the psychophysical technique, the SCE directionality increased by similar amounts in both emmetropes and myopes as accommodation increased, with an increase of 15-20% with 6 D of accommodation. However, there were no significant orientation changes. Additional measurements showed that most of the change in the directionality was probably an artefact of optical factors such as higher-order aberrations and accommodative lag rather a true effect of accommodation. The multifocal technique demonstrated the presence of the SCE, but results were noisy and too variable to detect any changes in SCE directionality or orientation with accommodation. Conclusion: There is little true change in the SCE with accommodation responses up to 6 D in either emmetropes or myopes, although it is possible that substantial changes might occur at very high accommodation levels. The objective technique using the multifocal electroretinogram was quicker and less demanding for the subjects than the psychophysical technique, but as implemented in this thesis, it is not a reliable method of measuring the SCE.


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Biased estimation has the advantage of reducing the mean squared error (MSE) of an estimator. The question of interest is how biased estimation affects model selection. In this paper, we introduce biased estimation to a range of model selection criteria. Specifically, we analyze the performance of the minimum description length (MDL) criterion based on biased and unbiased estimation and compare it against modern model selection criteria such as Kay's conditional model order estimator (CME), the bootstrap and the more recently proposed hook-and-loop resampling based model selection. The advantages and limitations of the considered techniques are discussed. The results indicate that, in some cases, biased estimators can slightly improve the selection of the correct model. We also give an example for which the CME with an unbiased estimator fails, but could regain its power when a biased estimator is used.


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Purpose: Students often read for long periods and prolonged reading practice may be important for developing reading skills. For students with low vision, reading at a close working distance imposes high demands on their near visual functions, which might make it difficult to sustain prolonged reading. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of a prolonged reading task by students with low vision. Method: Forty students with low vision, aged from eight to 20 years and without any intellectual, reading or learning disability, were recruited through the Paediatric Low Vision Clinic, Buranda, Queensland. Following a preliminary vision examination, reading performance measures—critical print size (CPS), maximum oral reading rates (MORR), near text visual acuity— were recorded using the Bailey-Lovie text reading charts before and after a 30-minute prolonged reading task. Results: The mean age of the participants was 13.03 ± 3 years. The distance and near visual acuities ranged between -0.1 to 1.24 logMAR and 0.0 to 1.60 logMAR, respectively. The mean working distance of the participants was 11.2 ± 5.8 cm. Most of the participants (65 per cent) in this study were able to complete the prolonged reading task. Overall, there was no significant change in CPS, MORR and near text visual acuity following the prolonged task (p > 0.05). MORR was significantly correlated to age and near text visual acuity (p < 0.05). Conclusions: In this study, students with low vision were able to maintain their reading performance over a 30-minute prolonged reading task. Overall, there was no significant increase or decrease in reading performance following a prolonged reading task performed at their habitual close working distances but there were wide individual variations within the group.