687 resultados para oma pääoma
The real (epsilon') and imaginary (epsilon) components of the complex permittivity of blends of PVDF [poly(vinylidene fluoride)] with POMA [poly(o-methoxyaniline)] doped with toluenosulfonic acid (TSA) containing 1, 2.5, and 5 wt % POMA-TSA were determined in the frequency interval between 10(2) and 3 X 10(6) Hz and in the temperature range from -120 up to 120degreesC. It was observed that the values of epsilon' and epsilon had a greater increase with the POMA-TSA content and with a temperature in the region of frequencies below 10 kHz. This effect decreased with frequency and it was attributed to interfacial polarization. This polarization was caused by the blend heterogeneity, formed by conductive POMA-TSA agglomerates dispersed in an insulating matrix of PVDF. The equation of Maxwell-Garnett, modified by Cohen, was used to evaluate the permittivity and conductivity behavior of POMA-TSA in the blends. A strong decrease was observed in POMA-TSA conductivity in the blend, which was bigger the lower the POMA-TSA content in the blend. This decrease could have been caused either by the POMA dedoping during the blend preparation process or by its dispersion into the insulating matrix. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Understanding the microscopic origin of the dielectric properties of disordered materials has been a challenge for many years, especially in the case of samples with more than one phase. For polar dielectrics, for instance, the Lepienski approach has indicated that the random free energy barrier model of Dyre must be extended. Here we analyse the dielectric properties of a polymer blend made up with the semiconducting poly(o-methoxyaniline) and poly( vinylidene fluoride-trifluorethylene) POMA/P(VDF-TrFE), and of a hybrid composite of POMA/P(VDF-TrFE)/Zn2SiO4:Mn. For the blend, the Lepienski model, which takes into account the rotation or stretching of electric dipoles, provided excellent fitting to the ac impedance data. Because two phases had to be assumed for the hybrid composite, we had to extend the Lepienski model to fit the data, by incorporating a second transport mechanism. The two mechanisms were associated with the electronic transport in the polymeric matrix and with transport at the interfaces between Zn2SiO4: Mn microparticles and the polymeric matrix, with the relative importance of the interfacial component increasing with the percentage of Zn2SiO4: Mn in the composite. The analysis of impedance data at various temperatures led to a prediction of the theoretical model of a change in morphology at 190 +/- 40 K, and this was confirmed experimentally with a differential scanning calorimetry experiment.
The incorporation of conducting polymer into a conventional polymer matrix has received attention because of the possibility of combining the good processability and mechanical performance of the conventional polymer with the electrical and optical properties of conducting polymer. In this work, flexible films of polyurethane (PU) and Poli(o-metoxyaniline)(POMA) blends were obtained by casting and investigated using thermally stimulated depolarisation current (TSDC) measurements. Two relaxation peaks were found in the range of-20°C to 90°C. The first one at T=24°C was attributed as α relaxation associated to the glass transition of PU/POMA blend and the second one located at T=60°C can be attributed to space charge.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Con questa tesi si intendono mostrare i risultati delle prove empiriche svolte presso lo stabilimento Saint-Gobain Vetri di Villa Poma (MN) riguardanti l'uso del rottame nella produzione di vetro cavo e la problematica degli infusi. In modo particolare, vengono mostrate le fasi e i parametri produttivi che sono risultati maggiormente correlati con gli infusi. Viene inoltre proposta una serie di analisi circa la qualità del rottame di vetro e si illustra lo svolgimento di un progetto di miglioramento di un fornitore. Si introduce, infine, un innovativo sottoprodotto del riciclo del vetro, in grado di risolvere alcune criticità legate agli infusi: la granella di vetro.
The platform-independent software package consisting of the oligonucleotide mass assembler (OMA) and the oligonucleotide peak analyzer (OPA) was created to support the analysis of oligonucleotide mass spectra. It calculates all theoretically possible fragments of a given input sequence and annotates it to an experimental spectrum, thus, saving a large amount of manual processing time. The software performs analysis of precursor and product ion spectra of oligonucleotides and their analogues comprising user-defined modifications of the backbone, the nucleobases, or the sugar moiety, as well as adducts with metal ions or drugs. The ability to expand the library of building blocks and to implement individual structural variations makes it extremely useful for supporting the analysis of therapeutically active compounds. The functionality of the software tool is demonstrated on the examples of a platinated doublestranded oligonucleotide and a modified RNA sequence. Experiments also reveal the unique dissociation behavior of platinated higher-order DNA structures.
Oligonucleotides comprising unnatural building blocks, which interfere with the translation machinery, have gained increased attention for the treatment of gene-related diseases (e.g. antisense, RNAi). Due to structural modifications, synthetic oligonucleotides exhibit increased biostability and bioavailability upon administration. Consequently, classical enzyme-based sequencing methods are not applicable to their sequence elucidation and verification. Tandem mass spectrometry is the method of choice for performing such tasks, since gas-phase dissociation is not restricted to natural nucleic acids. However, tandem mass spectrometric analysis can generate product ion spectra of tremendous complexity, as the number of possible fragments grows rapidly with increasing sequence length. The fact that structural modifications affect the dissociation pathways greatly increases the variety of analytically valuable fragment ions. The gas-phase dissociation of oligonucleotides is characterized by the cleavage of one of the four bonds along the phosphodiester chain, by the accompanying loss of nucleases, and by the generation of internal fragments due to secondary backbone cleavage. For example, an 18-mer oligonucleotide yields a total number of 272’920 theoretical fragment ions. In contrast to the processing of peptide product ion spectra, which nowadays is highly automated, there is a lack of tools assisting the interpretation of oligonucleotide data. The existing web-based and stand-alone software applications are primarily designed for the sequence analysis of natural nucleic acids, but do not account for chemical modifications and adducts. Consequently, we developed a software to support the interpretation of mass spectrometric data of natural and modified nucleic acids and their adducts with chemotherapeutic agents.
La investigación de un “objeto arquitectónico” enlaza con los principios teóricos desde los que en ARKRIT-LAB se entiende la crítica la arquitectura: la obra antes que el autor y su descripción antes que su interpretación. Consecuentemente, se propuso estudiar un edificio relevante y considerado de gran impacto teórico y mediático, entrando primero de manera precisa en su respuesta al medio, al material, a la medida, a la morfología y a la misión -metodo M3- y proponiendo después, entre los investigadores del laboratorio diversas actividades: re exionar de manera abierta sobre las condiciones de su “arquitectura”, experimentar el edi cio, rastrear sus antecedentes e investigar en la materia concreta y en las formas utilizadas; actividades que buscaban nuevas realidades que pudieran mostrar otras visiones. En el laboratorio consideramos que como arquitectos y como críticos, no resulta super uo aprender a ver más, a oír más, a sentir más y a pensar más4. El edificio elegido para el curso 2010-2011 fue la “Casa da Musica” de Oporto, proyecto de OMA-Rem Koolhaas, siendo el texto que se convirtió en referencia para la primera aproximación el titulado “Otra Modernidad” de Rafael Moneo. Texto en el que se describe el proyecto como encarnación de los nuevos atributos de la arquitectura contemporánea5. “Otra Modernidad” entendida desde la Modernidad, como frontera considerada por Antonio Miranda como referente de progreso y faro de toda acción arquitectónica. Modernidad como anhelo de una sociedad nueva más justa.
Sign.: []1, *2, 2*8
Descripción de la obra y catálogo de novedades del editor con íncipits musicales
Resulta posible extraer una constante en los proyectos de Rem Koolhaas / OMA, un sistema de bandas, al que a menudo recurre, como estructura de organización programática. Su germen en "The Berlin Wall as Architecture", su conexión con Delirious New York, y la persistencia hasta los grandes propuestas desarrolladas en los últimos años como el LACMA (2001), la Biblioteca de Seattle(1999-04) o el CCTV(2002-8). El presente trabajo se desarrolla bajo una doble hipótesis: La primera es que este esquema de organización se pone en valor originalmente en la aproximación a “The Berlin Wall as Architecture" que Koolhaas realiza en el 1971 como estudiante en la A.A. Y la segunda, que este sistema de bandas programáticas, va transformándose, desde su concepción como esquema organizativo en la Spear House (1974), a diagrama operativo en proyectos como la Villette (1982), Melun- Sénart (1987), ZKM (1989), hasta un sistema de bandas con connotaciones más figurativas que estratégicas en la Biblioteca de Seattle, y al que Peter Eisenman se referirá como diagrama icónico. Para realizar este estudio, se opera con una selección de obras representativas, a partir de esta constante (sistema de bandas) para analizar en qué medida aparece y se transforma. EN It is possible to extract extract a constant in Rem Koolhaas / OMA´s projects, a system of bands, which often resorts such as programmatic organization structure. The germ in "The Berlin Wall as Architecture"(1971), his connection with Delirious New York(1972-78), and persistence to large proposals developed in recent years as the LACMA (2001), the Seattle Library (1999- 1904) or the CCTV (2002-8). This work was conducted under a double hypothesis: The first is that this organizational scheme is put in value approach originally in "The Berlin Wall as Architecture" Koolhaas made in 1971 as a student at the AA.Tthe second, which this band program system, is transformed, from its conception as organizational scheme in Spear House (1974), a chart operating in projects such as Villette (1982), Melun sénart (1987), ZKM (1989), to a system bands with figurative connotations strategic Seattle Library, and Peter Eisenman referred as iconic diagram. For this study, it operates with a selection of representative works from this constant (band system) to analyze to what extent appears and transforms.