969 resultados para nursing process


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Background Managing large student cohorts can be a challenge for university academics, coordinating these units. Bachelor of Nursing programmes have the added challenge of managing multiple groups of students and clinical facilitators whilst completing clinical placement. Clear, time efficient and effective communication between coordinating academics and clinical facilitators is needed to ensure consistency between student and teaching groups and prompt management of emerging issues. Methods This study used a descriptive survey to explore the use of text messaging via a mobile phone, sent from coordinating academics to off-campus clinical facilitators, as an approach to providing direction and support. Results The response rate was 47.8% (n = 22). Correlations were found between the approachability of the coordinating academic and clinical facilitator perception that, a) the coordinating academic understood issues on clinical placement (r = 0.785, p < 0.001), and b) being part of the teaching team (r = 0.768, p < 0.001). Analysis of responses to qualitative questions revealed three themes: connection, approachability and collaboration. Conclusions This study demonstrates that use of regular text messages improves communication between coordinating academics and clinical facilitators. Findings suggest improved connection, approachability and collaboration between the coordinating academic and clinical facilitation staff.


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Introduction The presentation of pulmonary embolism to the emergency department (ED) can prove challenging because of the myriad of potential disease processes that mimic its signs and symptoms. The incidence of pulmonary embolism and indeed the mortality associated with it is relatively high. Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial in off-setting the potential deleterious effects associated with this condition. The aim of this article is to present a nursing case review of a patient presenting to the ED with a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Method We chose to use a case review to highlight the nursing and medical care that was provided for a patient who presented to the emergency department acutely with dyspnoea, chest pain and pyrexia. The use of case reviews are useful in reporting unusual or rare cases and this format is typically seen more in medicine than in nursing. They can naturally take one of two formats—a single case report or a series of case reports; in this case we opted to report on a single case. Discussion The gentleman in question was an ambulance admissionto the ED with a three day history of chest pain, shortness of breath and one episode of syncope which brought him to the ED. Over the course of his admission a variety of treatment modalities were used successfully to alleviate the problem. More notable from a nursing perspective was the use of diagnostic tools as an interpretation to guide his care and provide a platform from which a deeper understanding and appreciation of the intricacies the critically ill patient often presents. Conclusion We found the use of case review very enlightening in understanding the disease process and the decision-making that accompanies this. Whilst our patient was successfully rehabilitated home, we learnt a lot from the experience which has been most beneficial in supporting our understanding of pulmonary embolism.


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Introduction The admission to the Intensive Care Unit with a diagnosis of sepsis and/or septic shock is not uncommon. The aim of this article is to present a nursing case review of a patient admitted to the intensive care unit with a diagnosis of septic shock and the use of bedside acid–base formulae to inform clinical decision making. Method We chose to use a case review. This method is useful in reporting unusual or rare cases and is typically seen more in medicine than in nursing. Discussion The gentleman in question was a self-presentation with a short history of fever and worsening shortness of breath. His condition worsened where he required admission to the intensive care unit. The use of ‘advanced’ acid–base interpretation to guide his nursing care provided a platform from which to advance a deeper understanding of the intricacies the critically ill patient often presents. Conclusion The use of case review is enlightening in understanding the disease process and the decision-making that accompanies this. The lessons learnt are applicable to a wider nursing audience because understanding acid–base physiology is beneficial in supporting and advancing critical care nursing practice.


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Background Less invasive methods of determining cardiac output are now readily available. Using indicator dilution technique, for example has made it easier to continuously measure cardiac output because it uses the existing intra-arterial line. Therefore gone is the need for a pulmonary artery floatation catheter and with it the ability to measure left atrial and left ventricular work indices as well the ability to monitor and measure a mixed venous saturation (SvO2). Purpose The aim of this paper is to put forward the notion that SvO2 provides valuable information about oxygen consumption and venous reserve; important measures in the critically ill to ensure oxygen supply meets cellular demand. In an attempt to portray this, a simplified example of the septic patient is offered to highlight the changing pathophysiological sequelae of the inflammatory process and its importance for monitoring SvO2. Relevance to clinical practice SvO2 monitoring, it could be argued, provides the gold standard for assessing arterial and venous oxygen indices in the critically ill. For the bedside ICU nurse the plethora of information inherent in SvO2 monitoring could provide them with important data that will assist in averting potential problems with oxygen delivery and consumption. However, it has been suggested that central venous saturation (ScvO2) might be an attractive alternative to SvO2 because of its less invasiveness and ease of obtaining a sample for analysis. There are problems with this approach and these are to do with where the catheter tip is sited and the nature of the venous admixture at this site. Studies have shown that ScvO2 is less accurate than SvO2 and should not be used as a sole guiding variable for decision-making. These studies have demonstrated that there is an unacceptably wide range in variance between ScvO2 and SvO2 and this is dependent on the presenting disease, in some cases SvO2 will be significantly lower than ScvO2. Conclusion Whilst newer technologies have been developed to continuously measure cardiac output, SvO2 monitoring is still an important adjunct to clinical decision-making in the ICU. Given the information that it provides, seeking alternatives such as ScvO2 or blood samples obtained from femorally placed central venous lines, can unnecessarily lead to inappropriate treatment being given or withheld. Instead when using ScvO2, trending of this variable should provide clinical determinates that are useable for the bedside ICU nurse, remembering that in most conditions SvO2 will be approximately 16% lower.


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Aim The aim of this paper is to offer an alternative knowing-how knowing-that framework of nursing knowledge, which in the past has been accepted as the provenance of advanced practice. Background The concept of advancing practice is central to the development of nursing practice and has been seen to take on many different forms depending on its use in context. To many it has become synonymous with the work of the advanced or expert practitioner; others have viewed it as a process of continuing professional development and skills acquisition. Moreover, it is becoming closely linked with practice development. However, there is much discussion as to what constitutes the knowledge necessary for advancing and advanced practice, and it has been suggested that theoretical and practical knowledge form the cornerstone of advanced knowledge. Design The design of this article takes a discursive approach as to the meaning and integration of knowledge within the context of advancing nursing practice. Method A thematic analysis of the current discourse relating to knowledge integration models in an advancing and advanced practice arena was used to identify concurrent themes relating to the knowing-how knowing-that framework which commonly used to classify the knowledge necessary for advanced nursing practice. Conclusion There is a dichotomy as to what constitutes knowledge for advanced and advancing practice. Several authors have offered a variety of differing models, yet it is the application and integration of theoretical and practical knowledge that defines and develops the advancement of nursing practice. An alternative framework offered here may allow differences in the way that nursing knowledge important for advancing practice is perceived, developed and coordinated. Relevance to clinical practice What has inevitably been neglected is that there are various other variables which when transposed into the existing knowing-how knowing-that framework allows for advanced knowledge to be better defined. One of the more notable variables is pattern recognition, which became the focus of Benner’s work on expert practice. Therefore, if this is included into the knowing-how knowing-that framework, the knowing-how becomes the knowledge that contributes to advancing and advanced practice and the knowing-that becomes the governing action based on a deeper understanding of the problem or issue.


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Aim The aim of this paper was to provide a narrative account of the communication skills used in an effective outreach consultation utilizing Neighbour’s consultative model. Other consultation models were considered; however, because of their overly comprehensive approach or emphasis on behaviour modification, these were deemed inappropriate. Background The nursing profession has endured significant changes of late and as a result is developing more autonomous roles in both the community and the acute health care settings. In the past, the term consultancy was used within the medical context; nowadays, there are advance nurse practitioners for whom consultancy is an integral part of their role. Although every nursing interaction is in essence a consultation, the fact that nurses are taking up on new advanced roles highlights the necessity for nurses to develop their consultation skills even further. Therefore, it makes sense to explore what aspects of that consultancy role needs special consideration in order to ensure that positive outcomes are achieved. Conclusions This paper has used a narrative account to uncover those salient skills needed to enhance the therapeutic relationship with a patient requiring the services of outreach. Furthermore, the application of a recognized consultation model was used to elucidate the underpinning knowledge of systematic history taking and assessment as well as demonstrating the communication skills and strategies needed to increase the patient’s participation and empowerment throughout the consultation. Relevance to clinical practice Effective communication skills encompassed in a consultative model are integral to the success in safeguarding the well-being of patients requiring advanced levels of care. Prejudging or pre-empting information being conveyed can be detrimental to patient safety and may prolong or complicate treatment plans.


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INTRODUCTION: Gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease (GI-GvHD) is extremely debilitating and is multifactorial in its causative factors, management and treatment. It is an exaggeration of normal physiological mechanisms wherein the donor immune system attempts to rid itself of the host. The inflammatory process that follows has the benefit of providing an anti-tumour effect for many diseases, but unfortunately in patients undergoing human stem-cell transplantation, the nature of the inflammation can result in disability, wasting and death. AIM: The aim of this article is to discuss the pathophysiology of this often misunderstood or misdiagnosed condition, as well as its signs and symptoms, management and considerations for nursing care. Considerations for nursing practice: While the medical management is aimed at minimising GvHD through the reduction of T-cell production and proliferation and gastrointestinal decolonisation, the nursing care is often focused on the signs and symptoms that can have the most prominent impact on patients. CONCLUSION: GI-GvHD has serious life-threatening complications, namely wasting syndrome, diarrhoea and dehydration. The basis of signs and symptomology is easily recognisable owing to the stages of progression through the human stem-cell transplantation process. Oncology nurses are in a prime position to identify these serious risks, initiate treatment immediately and collaborate effectively within the multidisciplinary team to minimise GvHD onset and provide expert support to patients, family and caregivers.


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In 2007 some of us were fortunate enough to be in Dundee for the Royal College of Nursing’s Annual International Nursing Research Conference. A highlight of that conference was an enactment of the process and context debate. The chair asked for volunteers and various members of the audience came forward giving the impression that they were nurses and that it was a chance selection. The audience accepted these individuals as their representatives and once they had gathered on stage we all expected the debate to begin. But the large number of researchers in the audience gave little thought to the selection and recruitment process they had just witnessed. Then the selected representatives stood up and sang A cappella. Suddenly the context was different and we questioned the process. The point was made: process or context, or both?


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Devising assessment tasks for large units that embrace academic goals of authenticity and assessment variety can be a challenge. We developed an online Role-Play Assessment Initiative for first year nursing students in bioscience. Students responded to a case study by preparing two role-play dialogues: as a nurse with the patient, and between two nurses. The aims were to assess whether the students could: 1) understand the underlying disease process (pathophysiology) and relate it to clinical practice; 2) use language appropriate for lay and medical conversation; and 3) apply information using active learning. We conducted a student survey using quantitative questions (Likert scale: 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree), and qualitative questions. 65 completed surveys were received. 80% of respondents agreed (includes agree or strongly agree) that it was a useful way to learn and understand pathophysiology of the case study. 86% agreed that it was useful to apply pathophysiology from lectures to a clinical setting. Overall, students found it enjoyable, which is beneficial for enhanced student engagement, and agreed that it allowed them to work well in a group (74% and 85%, respectively). Most qualitative suggestions for improvement related to group work, despite the encouraging response to group work in quantitative questions. Most positive comments surrounded different communication with a nurse compared with a patient. These results demonstrate that students developed deeper understanding of pathophysiology through active learning and were able to expand their nursing career skills during the role-play. Learning using role-play to simulate the workforce has fostered active learning.


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Objectives The objective of this study was to develop process quality indicators (PQIs) to support the improvement of care services for older people with cognitive impairment in emergency departments (ED). Methods A structured research approach was taken for the development of PQIs for the care of older people with cognitive impairment in EDs, including combining available evidence with expert opinion (phase 1), a field study (phase 2), and formal voting (phase 3). A systematic review of the literature identified ED processes targeting the specific care needs of older people with cognitive impairment. Existing relevant PQIs were also included. By integrating the scientific evidence and clinical expertise, new PQIs were drafted and, along with the existing PQIs, extensively discussed by an advisory panel. These indicators were field tested in eight hospitals using a cohort of older persons aged 70 years and older. After analysis of the field study data (indicator prevalence, variability across sites), in a second meeting, the advisory panel further defined the PQIs. The advisory panel formally voted for selection of those PQIs that were most appropriate for care evaluation. Results In addition to seven previously published PQIs relevant to the care of older persons, 15 new indicators were created. These 22 PQIs were then field tested. PQIs designed specifically for the older ED population with cognitive impairment were only scored for patients with identified cognitive impairment. Following formal voting, a total of 11 PQIs were included in the set. These PQIs targeted cognitive screening, delirium screening, delirium risk assessment, evaluation of acute change in mental status, delirium etiology, proxy notification, collateral history, involvement of a nominated support person, pain assessment, postdischarge follow-up, and ED length of stay. Conclusions This article presents a set of PQIs for the evaluation of the care for older people with cognitive impairment in EDs. The variation in indicator triggering across different ED sites suggests that there are opportunities for quality improvement in care for this vulnerable group. Applied PQIs will identify an emergency services' implementation of care strategies for cognitively impaired older ED patients. Awareness of the PQI triggers at an ED level enables implementation of targeted interventions to improve any suboptimal processes of care. Further validation and utility of the indicators in a wider population is now indicated.


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Purpose Individuals who experience stroke have a higher likelihood of subsequent stroke events, making it imperative to plan for future medical care. In the event of a further serious health event, engaging in the process of advanced care planning (ACP) can help family members and health care professionals (HCPs) make medical decisions for individuals who have lost the capacity to do so. Few studies have explored the views and experiences of patients with stroke about discussing their wishes and preferences for future medical events, and the extent to which stroke HCPs engage in conversations around planning for such events. In this study, we sought to understand how the process of ACP unfolded between HCPs and patients post-stroke. Patients and methods Using grounded theory (GT) methodology, we engaged in direct observation of HCP and patient interactions on an acute stroke unit and two stroke rehabilitation units. Using semi-structured interviews, 14 patients and four HCPs were interviewed directly about the ACP process. Results We found that open and continual ACP conversations were not taking place, patients experienced an apparent lack of urgency to engage in ACP, and HCPs were uncomfortable initiating ACP conversations due to the sensitive nature of the topic. Conclusion In this study, we identified lack of engagement in ACP post-stroke, attributable to patient and HCP factors. This encourages us to look further into the process of ACP in order to develop open communication between the patient with stroke, their families, and stroke HCPs.


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Nursing is fundamental to the care of stroke patients. From the acute setting all the way to rehabilitation and community reintegration, nursing is there. Having well-educated and highly skilled nurses to monitor and care for stroke patients is crucial. Equally important is the collaboration of colleagues at a national level to facilitate and disseminate research and best practice guidelines across Canada. The National Stroke Nursing Council aims to fill this role. Stroke nurses from across Canada were invited to a national forum in 2005, hosted by the Canadian Stroke Network. The focus of this forum was to elucidate issues of concern to nurses across the stroke care continuum in relation to a Canadian Stroke Strategy. Subsequent to this forum, a cadre of nurses, after undergoing a rigorous screening process, were selected to form the inaugural National Stroke Nursing Council (NSNC). With ongoing support from the Canadian Stroke Network, the mandate of the NSNC is to promote leadership, communication, advocacy, education and nursing research in the field of stroke.


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The Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary, AB, Canada, is a tertiarycare referral center for southern Alberta and southeastern British Columbia. The Calgary Stroke Program, which serves a population of 1.5 million people and a geographic territory of more than 114,233 square kilometers (44,622 square miles), annually offers acute and follow-up care to more than 1,000 people with stroke. Leading the team of healthcare professionals dedicated to providing excellence in stroke patient care is a stroke nurse practitioner (SNP). The nurse practitioner role in Canada, as in many healthcare settings, was initially developed in response to cutbacks in medical residency programs and increasing acuity levels of hospitalized patients (Irvine et al., 2000). This article describes the development of the SNP role and its impact on system and process changes and patient care and outcomes in an acute stroke program in the Calgary Health Region.


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Findings from numerous quantitative studies suggest that spouses of patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass (CAB) surgery experience both physical and emotional stress before and after their partner's surgery. Such studies have contributed to our understanding of the spouses' experiences, however they have largely failed to capture the qualitative experience of what it is like to be a spouse of a partner who has undergone CAB surgery. The objective of this study was to describe the experience of spouses of patients who had recently undergone CAB surgery. This study was guided by Husserl's phenomenological approach to qualitative research. In accordance with the nature of phenomenological research the number of participants necessarily needs to be small because phenomenology values the unique experience of individuals. Therefore this study gathered data from four participants utilising open ended indepth interviews. The method of analysis was adapted from Amedeo Giorgi's five step empirical phenomenological process which brackets preconceived notions, reducing participants' accounts to the essential essence or meanings. Numerous themes common to each of the spouses emerged. These included: seeking information; the necessity for rapid decision making; playing guardian; a desire to debrief with their partner and lastly, uncertainty of their future role. This study has attempted to understand the phenomena of the spouse's experience and in doing so, believe that we now have a better understanding and insight into the needs of spouses of CAB surgery patients. This has added another dimension to our existing body of knowledge and further facilitates holistic patient care.


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Phantom limb pain (PLP) is a neuropathic pain condition occurring after amputation of a limb. PLP affects amputees’ quality of life and results in loss of productivity and psychological distress. The origin of pain from a non-existing limb creates a challenging situation for both patients and nurses. It is imperative to provide patients and nurses with the knowledge that PLP is a real phenomenon that requires care and treatment. This knowledge will lead to reduced problems for patients by allowing them to talk about PLP and ask for help when needed. Understanding of this phenomenon will enable nurses to appreciate the unique features of this form of neuropathic pain and apply appropriate techniques to promote effective pain management. Performing accurate and frequent assessments to understand the unique characteristics of PLP, displaying a non-judgemental attitude towards patients and teaching throughout the peri-operative process are significant nursing interventions.