957 resultados para nursing evaluation research


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Die Diskussion in den Planungswissenschaften beschreibt den Paradigmenwechsel vom so genannten DEAD-Model (Decide-Announce-Defend) zum Tripple-D-Model (Dialogue-Decide-Deliver) und beschäftigt sich intensiv mit dem Thema Governance. Komplexe Planungsaufgaben brauchen eine Vielfalt an Lösungsideen unterschiedlicher gesellschaftlicher Gruppen. Planung verfolgt u. a. die Umsetzung der Ziele einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung, die die Einbeziehung der Öffentlichkeit (Zivilgesellschaft, Unternehmen und Bürger) verlangt. Darüber hinaus wird eine Erweiterung der Perspektive über Verfahren und Steuerungsformen hinaus auf Akteure und Prozesse gefordert. Räumliche Entwicklungen sollen stärker im Zusammenhang mit Entscheidungsfindungsprozesse untersucht werden. Die Dissertation ergänzt eine wirkungsorientierte Perspektive, die Wirkungen, sowohl räumliche als auch soziale, in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung stellt. Sie stützt sich auf Beobachtungen, dass klassisches Projektmanagement für erfolgreiche Planungsprozesse nicht ausreicht, sondern zusätzlich Prozessmanagement braucht. Mit der Weiterentwicklung der partizipativen Planung, die zusätzlich in den Kontext gesellschaftlicher Lernprozesse und zukunftsfähiger Veränderungen gesellschaftlicher Bedingungen gestellt wird, ergänzt die Dissertation planungswissenschaftliche Theorien. Aus einem fachübergreifenden Blickwinkel wird die räumliche Planung in die Reihe von Management- und Organisationswissenschaften eingeordnet. Ausgehend von der Frage, welche räumlichen und sozialen Wirkungen durch Beteiligungsprozesse unter welchen Bedingungen erzielt werden, wurden Fallstudien aus der Wasserwirtschaft und ihre Prozessbiografien umfassend evaluiert. Als Evaluierungsmethode wurde ein von der EU-Kommission empfohlener Evaluierungsrahmen gewählt, der sowohl den Prozess selbst, seine Rahmenbedingungen und Durchführung, als auch Wirkungen analysiert und bewertet. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse und theoretischer Erkenntnisse, vorrangig aus der Evaluationsforschung, wird ein umfassender Beteiligungsansatz konzipiert. Dabei handelt es sich um ein offenes Gerüst, in das sich bewährte und innovative Elemente strategisch gezielt integrieren lassen. Die Struktur verbindet verschiedene Beteiligungswerkzeuge unterschiedlicher Intensitäten und für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen zu einem Gesamtkonzept, mit dem Ziel, möglichst die gewünschten Wirkungen zu erreichen. Wesentlich an dem Ansatz ist, dass bereits das Prozessdesign unter Mitwirkung von Projektträgern, Beratern und Schlüsselakteuren erfolgt. Die partizipative Beteiligungsplanung bedeutet somit Klärung der Vorgehensweise und gleichzeitig Bewusstseins- und Kompetenzerweiterung der verantwortlichen Akteure. Im Ausblick werden künftige Forschungsaufgaben im Bereich der Mitwirkung in der räumlichen Planung formuliert und Handlungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt, um Partizipation als Teil planerischer „Alltagskultur“ weiterzuentwickeln. Dies erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund der Bedeutung von Partizipation und Bildung als Umsetzungsstrategie von Ideen der Landschaftsentwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit.


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Aplicar el método PERT a la función directiva en educación. Explica el proceso de elaboración de un grafo, el cálculo del método PERT y las etapas necesarias en dicho método, analiza la teoría del grafo y su descomposición en niveles y estudia el establecimiento de un programa de investigación. 1) El método PERT es un nuevo instrumento de planificación y control iniciado en América por el almirante W. F. Raborn para los programas Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) comúnmente conocidos como sistemas de proyectiles Polaris. 2) El equipo investigador constituido en 1958 le dió el nombre de Program evaluation research task (PERT) que más tarde se cambió por el de Programa evaluation and review technique. 3) El método PERT es una nueva técnica de planificación y control provista de aditamentos cuantitativos. Su fundamento es la red o grado, es decir, la gráfica para representar las operaciones necesarias para alcanzar un objetivo. 4) El grafo o red pert es una evolución del diagrama de barras llamado también diagrama de GANTT por ser este el nombre del iniciador de ese sistema. En dicho sistema las actividades se representan por barras en serie, ya que no comienza una actividad hasta que la anterior ha sido terminada. 5) Sin embargo, los diagramas no ponen de manifiesto la interdependencia de varias actividades, ni determinan el progreso de un proyecto cuando una barra representa un período largo de tiempo. Para cubrir esta dificultad se ideó el diagrama de etapas que descompone las barras en períodos de tiempo más pequeños, representando cada uno de ellos un acontecimiento del trabajo que representaba la barra completa. 6) No obstante, el diagrama de etapas no puede subsanar la primera dificultad del diagrama de barras, es decir, la interdependencia entre barras o etapas. Para ello, se necesita un elemento que una las etapas, y este elemento son las flechas. Así las etapas se transforman en acontecimientos y las flechas representan las actividades o tareas, y el resultado es el grafo. 7) Al ser la base de la planificación el grafo, pueden representarse mediante él, las relaciones existentes en los trabajos que el director escolar debe realizar para alcanzar los objetivos de su proyecto. Aunque para ello se necesita primeramente determinar las actividades que requiere la consecución de los objetivos. . El método PERT puede ser útil en la dirección por tres razones: 1) Hay una continua necesidad de comprobar la eficacia de las operaciones a través de controles más rápidos, directos y unidos y especialmente ver los resultados tangibles de las inversiones en la procesación de los datos. 2) La dirección desea comprobar su capacidad para detectar problemas en curso a largo plazo, discutir las desviaciones sufridas e intentar prevenir sus futuras consecuencias. 3) Los directores se enfrentan con la necesidad de reducir el tiempo y el coste de los programas de desarrollo. Es totalmente necesario que el director establezca un plan de sus actividades durante el curso.


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Aquesta tesi pretén respondre a la pregunta: Què pot fer la infermeria d'atenció primària i què és el què fa, en els problemes del peu en persones amb diabetis tipus 2 a Catalunya?. L'estat del tema exposa la importància de les complicacions en el peu i la possibilitat de reduir-les amb un paper rellevant de la infermeria d'atenció primària. La investigació s'ha centrat en conèixer de què disposa, les activitats que desenvolupa, i què li manca a la infermeria per desenvolupar el seu potencial. Els resultats observats són representatius i mostren clares desigualtats assistencials entre centres, regions sanitàries i tipus de gestió. Suggerint que en l'atenció primària convé organitzar i coordinar l'atenció als problemes del peu en la diabetis, millorar la formació i la capacitació infermera en el tema, fomentar i optimitzar la presència de professionals especialitzats, i potenciar l'educació en diabetis i la promoció de la salut.


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Aims. This article presents the results of an ethnographic study exploring how teenagers negotiated motherhood. The main aims of the study were to explore how the young women negotiated motherhood and how they constructed their own identities and relationships through teenage parenting.

Background. Approximately 10% of all births occur to teenage mothers worldwide. This phenomenon is of concern because teenage mothers are reported to be disadvantaged financially, educationally, and cognitively in both the short and long term. Many teenage mothers find strength and fulfillment in their motherhood role but this does not come without cost to themselves or their children, as many teenagers are considered unsuitable to be parents and do not have adequate support.

Design. This interpretive study incorporated ethnographic practices and was guided by feminist principles. After ethical approval from the university, data was collected over a 12-month period from five homeless Australian sole-supporting teenage mothers. Methods used included observation, interviews, field notes, journalling, and discussions with key informants.

Findings. The five participants described stories of disrupted lives, unhappiness in childhood, turmoil during adolescence and a need to find love and connection in their lives. Analysis of the data revealed four major themes; transforming lives and opportunities for change, accommodating the challenges, tolerating the abandonment of supports and living publicly examined lives.

Conclusions. It was concluded that becoming a sole-supporting mother during the teenage years was a difficult struggle for the young women, because of their youth, their lack of preparation for motherhood and their reliance on welfare supports. In addition, they experienced negative public attitudes directed towards them wherever they went, and this included their visits to community child health centres. Recommendations are made for nurses to take a different approach when working with teenage mothers to help ameliorate the negative impact of poor parenting.


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Information literacy is developing new meanings and importance in the online age of teaching and learning in higher education. Information literacy, as a highly prized graduate attribute, is related to the development of lifelong learning capacities. Its strong re-emergence in the form of digital literacy in the context of major online developments at Deakin University is considered through four cases. In each case the reader is asked to consider how the teaching staff members have conceived critical discipline-based information and digital literacies, how these conceptions are related to desired learning outcomes, the types of digital and online environments designed to support the development of these literacies, and how each one contributes to the development of lifelong learning capacities. Information and digital literacy is enlivened through being situated in broader understandings of new generations of learners, new forms of learning and new e-supported learning environments. Educational design, evaluation, research and technology implications of these new types of digital and online-based teaching and learning environments are finally examined.


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One of the most critical issues facing investigative organisations is how best to administer effective practice opportunities in investigative interviewing on a global scale. Interviewer evaluation research across the world has highlighted inadequacies in the adherence to and maintenance of best-practice interview approaches, and insufficient opportunities for practice and feedback are the major reasons attributed by experts for poor interviewer competency. “Unreal Interviewing: Virtual Forensic Interviewing of a Child” (an e-simulation created at Deakin University, Australia) was developed as a way to ‘expand the reach’ of trainers in the investigative interviewing area. The simulation enables trainers to provide ongoing professional development for forensic interviewers in dispersed work environments, without the financial burden on organisations of extracting large numbers of professionals from the workplace to the classroom. This chapter provides readers with: an overview of the key stages involved in the development of Unreal Interviewing and the education and technical decisions that needed to be made; and a review of the application of “Unreal Interviewing” in the training and continuing professional development of trainees in their workplace.


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Background Nurse‐patient communication in the hemodialysis context is unique given the amount of time spent together in a confined clinical room. Poor communication may lead to low-quality nursing care and undesirable patient outcomes.

Aim To explore the use of images as a visual communication technique for nurses and patients in the hemodialysis context.

Methods Descriptive qualitative design. Fifty-two cards containing specific photos, illustrations, and words were used to facilitate conversations about being on hemodialysis between patients (n = 9) and two nurse interviewers. Interview transcripts were thematically analysed.

Findings An overall theme titled ‘revealing the hidden struggles of living on dialysis’ conceptually captured three sub-themes: (1) the increased importance of relationships; (2) the struggle with money; and (3) quality over quantity of life. The cards assisted in uncovering these often covert (to nurses) aspects of dialysis patients' lives.

Conclusion Nurses may need to be aware of the dialysis patients' hidden struggles which include the importance of relationships, financial issues, and the importance of quality aspects such as travel. The use of images may assist in revealing the important issues for each patient struggling with the restrictive life that is imposed by dialysis.


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Consumer-directed care is increasingly becoming a mainstream option in community-based aged care. However, a systematic review describing how the current evaluation research translates into practise has not been published to date. This review aimed to systematically establish an evidence base of user preferences for and satisfaction with services associated with consumer-directed care programmes for older people. Twelve databases were searched, including MedLine, BioMed Central, Cinahl, Expanded Academic ASAP, PsychInfo, ProQuest, Age Line, Science Direct, Social Citation Index, Sociological Abstracts, Web of Science and the Cochrane Library. Google Scholar and Google were also searched. Eligible studies were those reporting on choice, user preferences and service satisfaction outcomes regarding a programme or model of home-based care in the United States or United Kingdom. This systematic narrative review retrieved literature published from January 1992 to August 2011. A total of 277 references were identified. Of these 17 met the selection criteria and were reviewed. Findings indicate that older people report varying preferences for consumer-directed care with some demonstrating limited interest. Clients and carers reported good service satisfaction. However, research comparing user preferences across countries or investigating how ecological factors shape user preferences has received limited attention. Policy-makers and practitioners need to carefully consider the diverse contexts, needs and preferences of older adults in adopting consumer-directed care approaches in community aged care. The review calls for the development of consumer-directed care programmes offering a broad range of options that allow for personalisation and greater control over services without necessarily transferring the responsibility for administrative responsibilities to service users. Review findings suggest that consumer-directed care approaches have the potential to empower older people.


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BACKGROUND: Society and some healthcare professionals often marginalise pregnant women who take illicit substances. Likewise the midwives who care for these women are often viewed as working on the edge of society. The aim of this research was to examine the lived world of these midwives to gain insight into the world of their work.

DESIGN: A phenomenological study informed by Heidegger, Gadamer and Merleau-Ponty was chosen to frame these lived experiences of the midwives. Using face-to-face phenomenological interviews data were collected from 12 midwives whose work is only caring for women who take illicit drugs.

RESULTS: The 3 fundamental themes that emerged from the study were: making a difference, establishing partnerships: and letting go and refining practice. Conclusions and impetus for this paper: Lived experiences are unique and can be difficult for researchers to grasp. The stories told by participants are sometimes intangible and often couched in metaphor. This paper aims to discuss lived experience and suggests that like an onion, several layers have to be peeled away before meaning can be exposed; and like peeling onions, each cover reveals another layer beneath that is different from before and different from the next. Exemplars from this midwifery study are used to explain lived experiences.


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O estudo tem como objetivo elaborar um instrumento de avaliação da efetividade do FUNDEC - Fundo de Desenvolvimento Comunitário, programa instituído pelo Banco do Brasil S. A. em 1981, hoje sob a condução da Fundação Banco do Brasil. Trata-se de pesquisa metodológica, uma vez que pretende construir um instrumento de captação da realidade. A estratégia da pesquisa consistiu, basicamente, na elaboração de quesitos que possibilitassem comprovar ou não o desenvolvimento das comunidades onde o FUNDEC atua. O estudo considerou como mais importantes os atributos relacionados à melhoria das condições de vida das populações atendidas pelo Programa, dando maior ênfase aos aspectos referentes ao aperfeiçoamento da prática participante. As dimensões, os indicadores e as variáveis de avaliação foram determinados a partir de pesquisa exploratória junto a comunidades atendidas pelo Programa. O instrumento de pesquisa elaborado foi aplicado na comunidade de Boaventura, localizada no município de Itaperuna, estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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No Brasil, na última década, vários programas de transferência de renda foram implantados, mas os níveis de pobreza não têm diminuído na mesma proporção do aporte de recursos investidos nos programas. Verifica-se, especialmente, a falta de coordenação entre poderes governamentais, entre órgãos gestores, financiadores e executores de políticas públicas. O programa Cheque Cidadão, dado ao grande volume de recursos distribuídos e à participação de instituições religiosas na seleção e distribuição de benefícios, foi objeto de inspeção realizada pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCERJ), em Campos dos Goytacazes em setembro de 2004. No ano de 2002, foi tema de pesquisa realizada pelo Instituto de Estudo do Trabalho e Sociedade (IETS), que visava conhecer o programa em seus processos e impacto junto ao público beneficiário. Este trabalho visa à contextualização destes dois eventos nos paradigmas da Nova Gestão Pública (NGP) com indicadores de desempenho de eficiência, eficácia, efetividade e eqüidade, esperando inserir o TCE-RJ no campo das Auditorias Operacionais, e favorecendo a avaliação de políticas públicas como uma forma de contribuição para corresponder à crescente demanda social por um governo orientado para resultados.


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Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Brazilian cities of the Northeast, expanding coverage, analyzing the progress, challenges and innovations. Methods: Multicentric Evaluation Research, Studies Baselines in urban centers, using as a case study method. Selected cases of Aracaju, being capital, advanced coverage with extended team, and Fortaleza, capital coverage incipient and minimal staff. In Fortaleza, purposive sample of 11 Units Primary (APS), 03 managers, 53 professionals and 109 users. In Aracaju, 09 units of APS, 02 managers, 36 professionals, and 90 users. Structured interviews for managers, and structured to professionals and users. Descriptive analysis focusing on the political and institutional dimensions, organization and comprehensive care. Results: There was consensus that the ESF is the preferred port users and acts as inducing changes in care. In the case of Fortaleza, the specificities were: care protocols and community activities aimed at chronic conditions (100%) , with greater participation of doctors and nurses (93%) ; conjunction with more complex services, but the teams reported difficulties with the examination center and experts, the long waits and poor access to local services were the main difficulties reported by users., As innovative practice, the therapeutic group of elderly caregivers mentioned by respondents; There was intersectoral initiatives and teams 87 % of users have participated in meetings about health problems. In the case of Aracaju, care protocols were directed to the lines of care and formulated locally, 85 % coverage of the population with FHS counterpart local financing; employees hired by public tender; 70 % of teams with expertise in public health center for continuing education acting; democratization in management; access technologies, welcoming and computerization in different integrated networks, and evaluation matrix. Conclusions: The ESF has promoted access to health care and inclusion of disadvantaged populations. Different perceptions and practices in the organization of care, with distinct trajectories of reorganization. In the case of Fortaleza, predominance of model programs valuing older, with evidence of advances in care practices and teamwork, but restricted to primary care practices and incipient in public policy perspective. In Aracaju, had network integration with technologies related to the family, in which the ESF is consolidated as public policy. It can be argued that the XII APS expanding coverage, exhibited efficacy, despite the challenges inherent to the different degrees of implementation


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Comprehending social representations of users relatives of Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) from Natal-RN, about their participation in the activities of these services, was the purpose of this study. The research instrument used was a semi-structured interview, led to 28 relatives of users of East and West CAPS II, East and North CAPS-ad, involved in the Relative Therapeutic Group, in Relative Meeting, in the Assembly of Users, Technicians and Relatives, according to the therapeutic schedule of each health services, between August to November 2007. Data obtained in family and users identification were characterized with the aid of charts and boards in absolute and/or percentage values. The discursive material from the guide from interviews was submitted to the informational resource ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble of Segments of Texte), and analyzed on the basis of the Theory of Social Representations and Central Nucleus Theory. Most of the relatives were women, married, aged over 50 years, who participated for more than two years in CAPS activities, and a coexistence of more than 11 years with the user. From the classification system of ALCESTE were selected categories, identified by: Category 1, Treatment Improvements and Expectations; Category 2, Living User Before and After; Category 3, Activities Relevance, Contradictions and Suggestions; Category 4, Guidelines -- Psychopharmacology and Medicalization; Category 5, Family Participation and Activities; and Category 6, Therapeutic Conditions Thanks, Tips and Vulnerability. The social representation of the family exists in the desire for change, identifying that we need to promote change by the continuity of therapeutic activities and overcome the detected inconsistencies, targeted by strengthening and by the stability of improvements in living and health conditions of users, experienced in CAPS treatment. The central nucleus had corresponded to positive changes in health and living conditions of users, and the peripheral elements were constituted by family conducts before and during treatment, and the expectations of changes in activities, especially in workshops. Despite this family participation be considered important, it still does not meet conditions to promote the inclusion of family, under an emancipating point of view, capable of causing in subject the hope for autonomy, initiative, individual and collective growths, a closer and active involvement in therapeutic activities, in workshops and discussions