967 resultados para numerical methods for ODEs


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Sloshing describes the movement of liquids inside partially filled tanks, generating dynamic loads on the tank structure. The resulting impact pressures are of great importance in assessing structural strength, and their correct evaluation still represents a challenge for the designer due to the high level of nonlinearities involved, with complex free surface deformations, violent impact phenomena and influence of air trapping. In the present paper, a set of two-dimensional cases, for which experimental results are available, is considered to assess the merits and shortcomings of different numerical methods for sloshing evaluation, namely two commercial RANS solvers (FLOW-3D and LS-DYNA), and two academic software (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and RANS). Impact pressures at various critical locations and global moment induced by water motion in a partially filled rectangular tank, subject to a simple harmonic rolling motion, are evaluated and predictions are compared with experimental measurements. 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Non-linear physical systems of infinite extent are conveniently modelled using FE–BE coupling methods. By the combination of both methods, suitable use of the advantages of each one may be obtained. Several possibilities of FEM–BEM coupling and their performance in some practical cases are discussed in this paper. Parallelizable coupling algorithms based on domain decomposition are developed and compared with the most traditional coupling methods.


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It is well known that the evaluation of the influence matrices in the boundary-element method requires the computation of singular integrals. Quadrature formulae exist which are especially tailored to the specific nature of the singularity, i.e. log(*- x0)9 Ijx- JC0), etc. Clearly the nodes and weights of these formulae vary with the location Xo of the singular point. A drawback of this approach is that a given problem usually includes different types of singularities, and therefore a general-purpose code would have to include many alternative formulae to cater for all possible cases. Recently, several authors1"3 have suggested a type independent alternative technique based on the combination of standard Gaussian rules with non-linear co-ordinate transformations. The transformation approach is particularly appealing in connection with the p.adaptive version, where the location of the collocation points varies at each step of the refinement process. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the technique in eference 3. We show that this technique is asymptotically correct as the number of Gauss points increases. However, the method possesses a 'hidden' source of error that is analysed and can easily be removed.


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La ecuación en derivadas parciales de advección difusión con reacción química es la base de los modelos de dispersión de contaminantes en la atmósfera, y los diferentes métodos numéricos empleados para su resolución han sido objeto de amplios estudios a lo largo de su desarrollo. En esta Tesis se presenta la implementación de un nuevo método conservativo para la resolución de la parte advectiva de la ecuación en derivadas parciales que modela la dispersión de contaminantes dentro del modelo mesoescalar de transporte químico CHIMERE. Este método está basado en una técnica de volúmenes finitos junto con una interpolación racional. La ventaja de este método es la conservación exacta de la masa transportada debido al empleo de la ley de conservación de masas. Para ello emplea una formulación de flujo basado en el cálculo de la integral ponderada dentro de cada celda definida para la discretización del espacio en el método de volúmenes finitos. Los resultados numéricos obtenidos en las simulaciones realizadas (implementando el modelo conservativo para la advección en el modelo CHIMERE) se han comparado con los datos observados de concentración de contaminantes registrados en la red de estaciones de seguimiento y medición distribuidas por la Península Ibérica. Los datos estadísticos de medición del error, la media normalizada y la media absoluta normalizada del error, presentan valores que están dentro de los rangos propuestos por la EPA para considerar el modelo preciso. Además, se introduce un nuevo método para resolver la parte advectivadifusiva de la ecuación en derivadas parciales que modeliza la dispersión de contaminantes en la atmósfera. Se ha empleado un método de diferencias finitas de alto orden para resolver la parte difusiva de la ecuación de transporte de contaminantes junto con el método racional conservativo para la parte advectiva en una y dos dimensiones. Los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del método a diferentes situaciones incluyendo casos académicos y reales han sido comparados con la solución analítica de la ecuación de advección-difusión, demostrando que el nuevo método proporciona un resultado preciso para aproximar la solución. Por último, se ha desarrollado un modelo completo que contempla los fenómenos advectivo y difusivo con reacción química, usando los métodos anteriores junto con una técnica de diferenciación regresiva (BDF2). Esta técnica consiste en un método implícito multipaso de diferenciación regresiva de segundo orden, que nos permite resolver los problemas rígidos típicos de la química atmosférica, modelizados a través de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias. Este método hace uso de la técnica iterativa Gauss- Seidel para obtener la solución de la parte implícita de la fórmula BDF2. El empleo de la técnica de Gauss-Seidel en lugar de otras técnicas comúnmente empleadas, como la iteración por el método de Newton, nos proporciona rapidez de cálculo y bajo consumo de memoria, ideal para obtener modelos operativos para la resolución de la cinética química atmosférica. ABSTRACT Extensive research has been performed to solve the atmospheric chemicaladvection- diffusion equation and different numerical methods have been proposed. This Thesis presents the implementation of an exactly conservative method for the advection equation in the European scale Eulerian chemistry transport model CHIMERE based on a rational interpolation and a finite volume algorithm. The advantage of the method is that the cell-integrated average is predicted via a flux formulation, thus the mass is exactly conserved. Numerical results are compared with a set of observation registered at some monitoring sites in Spain. The mean normalized bias and the mean normalized absolute error present values that are inside the range to consider an accurate model performance. In addition, it has been introduced a new method to solve the advectiondiffusion equation. It is based on a high-order accurate finite difference method to solve de diffusion equation together with a rational interpolation and a finite volume to solve the advection equation in one dimension and two dimensions. Numerical results obtained from solving several problems include academic and real atmospheric problems have been compared with the analytical solution of the advection-diffusion equation, showing that the new method give an efficient algorithm for solving such problems. Finally, a complete model has been developed to solve the atmospheric chemical-advection-diffusion equation, adding the conservative method for the advection equation, the high-order finite difference method for the diffusion equation and a second-order backward differentiation formula (BDF2) to solve the atmospheric chemical kinetics. The BDF2 is an implicit, second order multistep backward differentiation formula used to solve the stiff systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) from atmospheric chemistry. The Gauss-Seidel iteration is used for approximately solving the implicitly defined BDF solution, giving a faster tool than the more commonly used iterative modified Newton technique. This method implies low start-up costs and a low memory demand due to the use of Gauss-Seidel iteration.


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Since the advent of the computer into the engineering field, the application of the numerical methods to the solution of engineering problems has grown very rapidly. Among the different computer methods of structural analysis the Finite Element (FEM) has been predominantly used. Shells and space structures are very attractive and have been constructed to solve a large variety of functional problems (roofs, industrial building, aqueducts, reservoirs, footings etc). In this type of structures aesthetics, structural efficiency and concept play a very important role. This class of structures can be divided into three main groups, namely continuous (concrete) shells, space frames and tension (fabric, pneumatic, cable etc )structures. In the following only the current applications of the FEM to the analysis of continuous shell structures will be discussed. However, some of the comments on this class of shells can be also applied to some extend to the others, but obviously specific computational problems will be restricted to the continuous shells. Different aspects, such as, the type of elements,input-output computational techniques etc, of the analysis of shells by the FEM will be described below. Clearly, the improvements and developments occurring in general for the FEM since its first appearance in the fifties have had a significative impact on the particular class of structures under discussion.


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The purpose of this Project is, first and foremost, to disclose the topic of nonlinear vibrations and oscillations in mechanical systems and, namely, nonlinear normal modes NNMs to a greater audience of researchers and technicians. To do so, first of all, the dynamical behavior and properties of nonlinear mechanical systems is outlined from the analysis of a pair of exemplary models with the harmonic balanced method. The conclusions drawn are contrasted with the Linear Vibration Theory. Then, it is argued how the nonlinear normal modes could, in spite of their limitations, predict the frequency response of a mechanical system. After discussing those introductory concepts, I present a Matlab package called 'NNMcont' developed by a group of researchers from the University of Liege. This package allows the analysis of nonlinear normal modes of vibration in a range of mechanical systems as extensions of the linear modes. This package relies on numerical methods and a 'continuation algorithm' for the computation of the nonlinear normal modes of a conservative mechanical system. In order to prove its functionality, a two degrees of freedom mechanical system with elastic nonlinearities is analized. This model comprises a mass suspended on a foundation by means of a spring-viscous damper mechanism -analogous to a very simplified model of most suspended structures and machines- that has attached a mass damper as a passive vibration control system. The results of the computation are displayed on frequency energy plots showing the NNMs branches along with modal curves and time-series plots for each normal mode. Finally, a critical analysis of the results obtained is carried out with an eye on devising what they can tell the researcher about the dynamical properties of the system.


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Electromagnetic coupling phenomena between overhead power transmission lines and other nearby structures are inevitable, especially in densely populated areas. The undesired effects resulting from this proximity are manifold and range from the establishment of hazardous potentials to the outbreak of alternate current corrosion phenomena. The study of this class of problems is necessary for ensuring security in the vicinities of the interaction zone and also to preserve the integrity of the equipment and of the devices there present. However, the complete modeling of this type of application requires the three- -dimensional representation of the region of interest and needs specific numerical methods for field computation. In this work, the modeling of problems arising from the flow of electrical currents in the ground (the so-called conductive coupling) will be addressed with the finite element method. Those resulting from the time variation of the electromagnetic fields (the so-called inductive coupling) will be considered as well, and they will be treated with the generalized PEEC (Partial Element Equivalent Circuit) method. More specifically, a special boundary condition on the electric potential is proposed for truncating the computational domain in the finite element analysis of conductive coupling problems, and a complete PEEC formulation for modeling inductive coupling problems is presented. Test configurations of increasing complexities are considered for validating the foregoing approaches. These works aim to provide a contribution to the modeling of this class of problems, which tend to become common with the expansion of power grids.


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Friction in hydrodynamic bearings are a major source of losses in car engines ([69]). The extreme loading conditions in those bearings lead to contact between the matching surfaces. In such conditions not only the overall geometry of the bearing is relevant, but also the small-scale topography of the surface determines the bearing performance. The possibility of shaping the surface of lubricated bearings down to the micrometer ([57]) opened the question of whether friction can be reduced by mean of micro-textures, with mixed results. This work focuses in the development of efficient numerical methods to solve thin film (lubrication) problems down to the roughness scale of measured surfaces. Due to the high velocities and the convergent-divergent geometries of hydrodynamic bearings, cavitation takes place. To treat cavitation in the lubrication problem the Elrod- Adams model is used, a mass-conserving model which has proven in careful numerical ([12]) and experimental ([119]) tests to be essential to obtain physically meaningful results. Another relevant aspect of the modeling is that the bearing inertial effects are considered, which is necessary to correctly simulate moving textures. As an application, the effects of micro-texturing the moving surface of the bearing were studied. Realistic values are assumed for the physical parameters defining the problems. Extensive fundamental studies were carried out in the hydrodynamic lubrication regime. Mesh-converged simulations considering the topography of real measured surfaces were also run, and the validity of the lubrication approximation was assessed for such rough surfaces.


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Purpose: In this paper the authors aim to show the advantages of using the decomposition method introduced by Adomian to solve Emden's equation, a classical non‐linear equation that appears in the study of the thermal behaviour of a spherical cloud and of the gravitational potential of a polytropic fluid at hydrostatic equilibrium. Design/methodology/approach: In their work, the authors first review Emden's equation and its possible solutions using the Frobenius and power series methods; then, Adomian polynomials are introduced. Afterwards, Emden's equation is solved using Adomian's decomposition method and, finally, they conclude with a comparison of the solution given by Adomian's method with the solution obtained by the other methods, for certain cases where the exact solution is known. Findings: Solving Emden's equation for n in the interval [0, 5] is very interesting for several scientific applications, such as astronomy. However, the exact solution is known only for n=0, n=1 and n=5. The experiments show that Adomian's method achieves an approximate solution which overlaps with the exact solution when n=0, and that coincides with the Taylor expansion of the exact solutions for n=1 and n=5. As a result, the authors obtained quite satisfactory results from their proposal. Originality/value: The main classical methods for obtaining approximate solutions of Emden's equation have serious computational drawbacks. The authors make a new, efficient numerical implementation for solving this equation, constructing iteratively the Adomian polynomials, which leads to a solution of Emden's equation that extends the range of variation of parameter n compared to the solutions given by both the Frobenius and the power series methods.


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The new methods accurately integrate forced and damped oscillators. A family of analytical functions is introduced known as T-functions which are dependent on three parameters. The solution is expressed as a series of T-functions calculating their coefficients by means of recurrences which involve the perturbation function. In the T-functions series method the perturbation parameter is the factor in the local truncation error. Furthermore, this method is zero-stable and convergent. An application of this method is exposed to resolve a physic IVP, modeled by means of forced and damped oscillators. The good behavior and precision of the methods, is evidenced by contrasting the results with other-reputed algorithms implemented in MAPLE.


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Reports 2 and 3 by E. Isaacson, J. J. Stoker, and A. Troesch.


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In this work we discuss the effects of white and coloured noise perturbations on the parameters of a mathematical model of bacteriophage infection introduced by Beretta and Kuang in [Math. Biosc. 149 (1998) 57]. We numerically simulate the strong solutions of the resulting systems of stochastic ordinary differential equations (SDEs), with respect to the global error, by means of numerical methods of both Euler-Taylor expansion and stochastic Runge-Kutta type. (C) 2003 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose - In many scientific and engineering fields, large-scale heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent pore-fluid densities are commonly encountered. For example, heat transfer from the mantle into the upper crust of the Earth is a typical problem of them. The main purpose of this paper is to develop and present a new combined methodology to solve large-scale heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent pore-fluid densities in the lithosphere and crust scales. Design/methodology/approach - The theoretical approach is used to determine the thickness and the related thermal boundary conditions of the continental crust on the lithospheric scale, so that some important information can be provided accurately for establishing a numerical model of the crustal scale. The numerical approach is then used to simulate the detailed structures and complicated geometries of the continental crust on the crustal scale. The main advantage in using the proposed combination method of the theoretical and numerical approaches is that if the thermal distribution in the crust is of the primary interest, the use of a reasonable numerical model on the crustal scale can result in a significant reduction in computer efforts. Findings - From the ore body formation and mineralization points of view, the present analytical and numerical solutions have demonstrated that the conductive-and-advective lithosphere with variable pore-fluid density is the most favorite lithosphere because it may result in the thinnest lithosphere so that the temperature at the near surface of the crust can be hot enough to generate the shallow ore deposits there. The upward throughflow (i.e. mantle mass flux) can have a significant effect on the thermal structure within the lithosphere. In addition, the emplacement of hot materials from the mantle may further reduce the thickness of the lithosphere. Originality/value - The present analytical solutions can be used to: validate numerical methods for solving large-scale heat transfer problems; provide correct thermal boundary conditions for numerically solving ore body formation and mineralization problems on the crustal scale; and investigate the fundamental issues related to thermal distributions within the lithosphere. The proposed finite element analysis can be effectively used to consider the geometrical and material complexities of large-scale heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent fluid densities.


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Biologists are increasingly conscious of the critical role that noise plays in cellular functions such as genetic regulation, often in connection with fluctuations in small numbers of key regulatory molecules. This has inspired the development of models that capture this fundamentally discrete and stochastic nature of cellular biology - most notably the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA). The SSA simulates a temporally homogeneous, discrete-state, continuous-time Markov process, and of course the corresponding probabilities and numbers of each molecular species must all remain positive. While accurately serving this purpose, the SSA can be computationally inefficient due to very small time stepping so faster approximations such as the Poisson and Binomial τ-leap methods have been suggested. This work places these leap methods in the context of numerical methods for the solution of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by Poisson noise. This allows analogues of Euler-Maruyuma, Milstein and even higher order methods to be developed through the Itô-Taylor expansions as well as similar derivative-free Runge-Kutta approaches. Numerical results demonstrate that these novel methods compare favourably with existing techniques for simulating biochemical reactions by more accurately capturing crucial properties such as the mean and variance than existing methods.


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Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering