986 resultados para null mice


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Die TGFbeta/BMP Signaltransduktionskaskade ist wichtig für viele Entwicklungsprozesse fast aller embryonaler sowie extraembryonaler Gewebe und sie ist ebenso essentiell bei der Aufrechterhaltung der Homöostase im adulten Organismus. In vielen Mausmodellen und Zellkulturversuchen wurde gezeigt, dass Liganden dieses Signalweges in verschiedene Stadien der Knorpel- und Knochenentwicklung involviert sind. BMPs sind beispielsweise maßgeblich an der frühen Kondensation und Bildung des Knorpels und später an Proliferation und Hypertrophie der Chondrozyten beteiligt. BMPs können ektopisch Knochenbildung auslösen und das Expressionsmuster der Liganden und spezifischen Rezeptoren in der Wachstumsfuge lässt auf eine wichtige Rolle der BMPs in der Wachstumsfuge schließen. Der gezielte knock out der BMP-Rezeptoren Bmpr1a und Bmpr1b in proliferierenden Chondrozyten führt zur Ausbildung einer generellen Chondrodysplasie. Smad1, Smad5 und Smad8 sind die Mediatoren der BMP-Signalkaskade. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Rolle und Funktion der Smad1- und Smad5-Proteine in der Wachstumsfuge untersucht werden. Hierzu wurden konditionale Smad1-knock out-Mäuse mit einer transgenen Mauslinie gekreuzt, die die Cre-Rekombinase spezifisch in proliferierenden Chondrozyten exprimiert. Diese Mäuse wurden mit und ohne heterozygotem Smad5-Hintergrund charakterisiert. Bei einem knock out von Smad1 allein konnte ein leichte Verkürzung der Wachstumsfuge beobachtet werden, wobei prähypertrophe und hypertrophe Zone gleichermaßen betroffen waren. Dieser Phänotyp war verstärkt in Mäusen mit zusätzlichem heterozygotem Smad5-Hintergrund. Eine Verringerung der Proliferationsrate konnte zusammen mit einer verminderten Ihh-Expression nachgewiesen werden. Zusätzlich konnte anhand von Röntgenaufnahmen eine Dysorganisation der nasalen Region und ein fehlendes nasales Septum beobachtet werden. Produktion und Mineralisation der extrazellulären Matrix waren nicht beeinträchtigt. Um die Rolle der BMP- und TGFbeta-Signalkaskaden während der endochondralen Ossifikation zu vergleichen, wurden transgene Mäuse generiert, in denen die TGFbeta-Signalkaskade spezifisch in proliferierenden Chondrozyten gestört war. Zwei Mauslinien, die ähnliche Phänotypen zeigten, wurden untersucht. Esl1 ist ein TGFbeta-bindendes Protein, von dem man annimmt, dass es die TGFbeta-Signalkaskade inhibieren kann. Esl1-knock out-Mäuse sind kleiner als Wildtypmäuse und die Überexpression von Esl1 in proliferierenden Chondrozyten führt zu einer Verlängerung der Wachstumsfuge und einer verstärkten Proliferationsrate. Knorpelmarker, wie Col2a1 und Sox9 sind in diesen Mäusen herunterreguliert, während Col10a1 und Ihh als Marker für die hypertrophe und prähypertrophe Zone herunterreguliert waren. Dies führt zu der Annahme, dass mehr Zellen in die terminale Differenzierung eintreten. Bei transgenen Mäusen, in denen ein dominant-negativer (dn) TGFbeta-Rezeptor in proliferierenden Chondrozyten überexprimiert wurde, konnte eine verlängerte prähypertrophe Zone, eine erhöhte Ihh-Expression, sowie eine verstärkte Proliferationsrate beobachtet werden. Zusätzlich konnte in homozygoten Tieren ein craniofacialer Phänotyp beschrieben werden, der zu Problemen bei der Nahrungsaufnahme und damit zu einer starken Wachstumsbeeinträchtigung führte. Die BMP- und TGFbeta-Signalkaskaden haben möglicherweise antagonistische Effekte in der Wachstumsfuge. Während der Ausfall von BMP in proliferierenden Chondrozyten aufgrund einer gesunkenen Proliferationsrate zu einer Verkürzung der Wachstumsfuge führte, kann man in Mäusen mit einer Störung der TGFbeta-Signalkaskade eine verstärkte Proliferation in einer daher verlängerten Wachstumsfuge beobachten. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Generation einer transgenen Mauslinie, die die Cre-Rekombinase spezifisch in hypertrophen Chondrozyten exprimiert. Promoterstudien mit transgenen Mäusen weisen darauf hin, dass ein putatives AP1-Element, etwa 4 kb vor dem ersten Exon des Col10a1 gelegen, wichtig für die spezifische Expression in hypertrophen Chondrozyten ist. Ein Konstrukt, dass vier Kopien dieses Elements und den basalen Promoter enthält, wurde benutzt, um die Cre-Rekombinase spezifisch zu exprimieren. Diese Mauslinie befindet sich in der Testphase und erste Daten deuten auf eine spezifische Expression der Cre-Rekombinase in hypertrophen Chondrozyten hin.


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LRP4, member of the LDLR family, is a multifunctional membrane-bound receptor that is expressed in various tissues. The expression of LRP4 by osteoblasts, its novel interaction with Wnt-signaling inhibitors Dkk1 and SOST, and the lower levels of activated beta-catenin in different bone locations described here, adds another player to the long list of established factors that modulate canonical Wnt-signaling in bone. By demonstrating that in addition to Wise, LRP4 is able to interact with two additional important modulators of Wnt- and BMP-signaling, our perspective of the complexity of the integration of BMP and Wnt-signaling pathways on the osteoblast surface has expanded further. Nevertheless the recently described association of both the SOST and LRP4 genes with BMD in humans, together with our findings suggest that LRP4 plays a physiologically important role in the skeletal development and bone metabolism not only in rodents, but in humans as well. The efficiency with which LRP4 binds both SOST and Dkk1, presumably at the osteoblastic surface, LRP4 may act as a sink and competes with LRP5/6 for the binding of these Wnt antagonists, which then are no longer available for suppression of the signal through the LRP5/6 axis. rnApoE, a 299 amino acid glycoprotein, is a crucial regulator in the uptake of triglyceride, phospholipids, cholesteryl esters, and cholesterol into cells. ApoE has been linked to osteoporosis, and such a role is further strengthened by the present of a high bone mass phenotype in ApoE null mice. Until recently, the effects of respective ApoE isoforms E2, E3, and E4, and their impact on bone metabolism, have been unclear. Here we report that respective human ApoE knockin mice display diverse effects on bone metabolism. ApoE2 mice show decreased trabecular bone volume per total volume in femoral bone and lumbar spine in comparison to ApoE3 and E4 animals. In this context, urinary bone resorption marker DPD is increased in these animals, which is accompanied by a low ratio of osteoclastogenesis markers OPG/RANKL. Interestingly, serum bone formation markers ALP and OCN are diminished in ApoE4 mice. In contrast to this finding, ApoE2 mice show the lowest bone formation of all groups in vivo. These findings cannot be explained by the low receptor-affinity of ApoE2 and subsequent decreased uptake of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins by osteoblasts, resulting in elevated levels of undercarboxylated osteocalcin. Thus, other crucial pathways relevant for bone metabolism, e. g. Wnt/beta-catenin-signaling pathways, must be, compared to the ApoE3/4 isoforms, more affected by the ApoE2 isoform.


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Dendritische Zellen der Haut, wie z.B. die Langerhanszellen (LC) der Epidermis, sind potente antigenpräsentierende Zellen (APC). Nach allogener Blutstammzelltransplantation (engl.: hematopoietic stemm cell transplantation, HSCT) persistieren Empfänger-APC und können Spender-T-Zellen aktivieren. Somit spielen dendritische Zellen eine kritische Rolle bei der Initiierung von akuter Transplantat-Gegen-Wirt-Reaktion (engl.: graft-versus-host-disease, GvHD).rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Modellsystem entwickelt, welches humane Haut in einem Xenotransplantationsmodell nutzt, um die Wechselwirkung dieser gewebsständigen APC mit alloreaktiven T-Zellen zu untersuchen. Dafür wurden humane Resthautpräparate von subkutanem Gewebe befreit und intraskaptulär auf immunsupprimierte NOD/LtSz-scid IL2R#-null Mäuse (NSG) transplantiert. Diesen Tieren fehlen funktionale T-, B- und NK-Zellen, und sie tolerieren somit ein xenogenes Transplantat. Im Vergleich zu anderen immundefizienten Stämmen, haben sie eine erhöhte Lebenserwartung und es ist zudem möglich humane Hämatopoese durch Stammzellgabe zu etablieren.rnPublizierte Methoden der Hauttransplantation wurden für diese Arbeit optimiert und weiterentwickelt. So konnte die Erfolgsrate von 44% auf bis zu 95% gesteigert werden. Erste Untersuchungen fokussierten den Einfluss der Wundheilung auf die Verteilung dermaler Zellpopulationen, wie z.B. CD11c positive APC, und die Population der LC in der Epidermis. Während der ersten Wochen der Wundheilung war ein vorübergehendes Verschwinden der LC aus der Epidermis zu beobachten. Im Gegensatz dazu waren CD11c positive dermale Zellen permanent detektierbar. Die zu späteren Zeitpunkten festgestellte Repopulation der Epidermis mit LC unterstützt die Hypothese einer lokalen Vorläuferzelle. Die vorgelegten Daten und die lokale proliferative Aktivität dieser Zellen unterstreichen ihre Unabhängigkeit vom peripheren Blut. Versuche, eine Depletion der LC mittels UVC-Bestrahlung zu erreichen, gelangen nicht. Auch dies spricht für das Vorhandensein eines lokalen Vorläufers.rnZur Induktion von GvHD in der transplantierten Haut wurden in vitro DC des Hautspenders generiert und damit HLA-disparate T-Zellen stimuliert. Auf diese Weise sollte eine maximale Alloreaktivität gegen das Hauttransplantat generiert werden. In allen vorgestellten Systemen ließ sich nach Infusion der T-Lymphozyten in transplantierte Tiere, eine T-Zellinduzierte inflammatorische Reaktion auslösen. Optisch war eine deutliche Rötung des Transplantats feststellbar. Diese war jedoch nur in den Proben besonders deutlich, welche T-Zellen mit vorheriger in vitro Stimulation durch DC des Hautspenders erhalten hatten. Histologisch konnten Anzeichen einer Entzündung nachgewiesen werden. Neben Akanthose und Hyperparakeratose, waren deutliche T-Zellinfiltrate detektierbar. Auch Spaltbildung und Ablösung der Epidermis, sowie vereinzelte Apoptosen der epidermalen Zellen wiesen auf eine GvHD artige Entzündung hin.rnEine weitere Beobachtung nach T-Zellgabe, war die Depletion der LC aus der Epidermis. Auch konnte durch spätere T-Zellgaben keine weitere Hautrötung ausgelöst werden. Dies belegt die Funktion der LC als primäre Zielzelle der alloreaktiven T-Zellen. Unterstrichen wird dies durch Verwendung einer LC defizienten Haut, welche keine Hautrötung oder Anzeichen einer Entzündung entwickelte.rnZusammenfassend wurde für diese Arbeit ein Modellsystem entwickelt, welches es erlaubt Untersuchungen entzündlicher Hautkrankheiten unter Berücksichtigung hautständiger APC durchzuführen. Dabei kann dieses Modell in Zukunft für die Untersuchung von APC modulierenden Agenzien genutzt werden, da präklinische Modelle für spezies-spezifische Therapien bislang fehlten. Das Entstehen einer Entzündung könnte so verhindert oder eine Behandlung ermöglicht werden.


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Fgfrl1 (fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1) is a transmembrane receptor that is essential for the development of the metanephric kidney. It is expressed in all nascent nephrogenic structures and in the ureteric bud. Fgfrl1 null mice fail to develop the metanephric kidneys. Mutant kidney rudiments show a dramatic reduction of ureteric branching and a lack of mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition. Here, we compared the expression profiles of wildtype and Fgfrl1 mutant kidneys to identify genes that act downstream of Fgfrl1 signaling during the early steps of nephron formation. We detected 56 differentially expressed transcripts with 2-fold or greater reduction, among them many genes involved in Fgf, Wnt, Bmp, Notch, and Six/Eya/Dach signaling. We validated the microarray data by qPCR and whole-mount in situ hybridization and showed the expression pattern of candidate genes in normal kidneys. Some of these genes might play an important role during early nephron formation. Our study should help to define the minimal set of genes that is required to form a functional nephron.


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PhIP carcinogenesis is initiated by N(2)-hydroxylation, mediated by several cytochromes P450, including CYP1A1. However, the role of CYP1A1 in PhIP metabolic activation in vivo is unclear. In this study, Cyp1a1-null and wild-type (WT) mice were used to investigate the potential role of CYP1A1 in PhIP metabolic activation in vivo. PhIP N(2)-hydroxylation was actively catalyzed by lung homogenates of WT mice, at a rate of 14.9 +/- 5.0 pmol/min/g tissue, but < 1 pmol/min/g tissue in stomach and small intestine, and almost undetectable in mammary gland and colon. PhIP N(2)-hydroxylation catalyzed by lung homogenates of Cyp1a1-null mice was approximately 10-fold lower than that of WT mice. In contrast, PhIP N(2)-hydroxylation activity in lung homogenates of Cyp1a2-null versus WT mice was not decreased. Pretreatment with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) increased lung Cyp1a1 mRNA and lung homogenate PhIP N(2)-hydroxylase activity approximately 50-fold in WT mice, where the activity was substantially inhibited (70%) by monoclonal antibodies against CYP1A1. In vivo, 30 min after oral treatment with PhIP, PhIP levels in lung were similar to those in liver. After a single dose of 0.1 mg/kg [(14)C]PhIP, lung PhIP-DNA adduct levels in Cyp1a1-null mice, but not in Cyp1a2-null mice, were significantly lower (P=0.0028) than in WT mice. These results reveal that mouse lung has basal and inducible PhIP N(2)-hydroxylase activity predominantly catalyzed by CYP1A1. Because of the high inducibility of human CYP1A1, especially in cigarette smokers, the role of lung CYP1A1 in PhIP carcinogenesis should be considered.


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NSC686288 [aminoflavone (AF)], a candidate chemotherapeutic agent, possesses a unique antiproliferative profile against tumor cells. Metabolic bioactivation of AF by drug-metabolizing enzymes, especially CYP1A monooxygenases, has been implicated as an underlying mechanism for its selective cytotoxicity in several cell culture-based studies. However, in vivo metabolism of AF has not been investigated in detail. In this study, the structural identities of 13 AF metabolites (12 of which are novel) in mouse urine or from microsomal incubations, including three monohydroxy-AFs, two dihydroxy-AFs and their sulfate and glucuronide conjugates, as well as one N-glucuronide, were determined by accurate mass measurements and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry fragmentation patterns, and a comprehensive map of the AF metabolic pathways was constructed. Significant differences between wild-type and Cyp1a2-null mice, within the relative composition of urinary metabolites of AF, demonstrated that CYP1A2-mediated regioselective oxidation was a major contributor to the metabolism of AF. Comparisons between wild-type and CYP1A2-humanized mice further revealed interspecies differences in CYP1A2-mediated catalytic activity. Incubation of AF with liver microsomes from all three mouse lines and with pooled human liver microsomes confirmed the observations from urinary metabolite profiling. Results from enzyme kinetic analysis further indicated that in addition to CYP1A P450s, CYP2C P450s may also play some role in the metabolism of AF.


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The ATP binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates cellular cholesterol and phospholipid efflux, and is implicated in phosphatidylserine translocation and apoptosis. Loss of functional ABCA1 in null mice results in severe placental malformation. This study aimed to establish the placental localisation of ABCA1 and to investigate whether ABCA1 expression is altered in placentas from pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia and antiphospholipid syndrome. ABCA1 mRNA and protein localisation studies were carried out using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Comparisons of gene expression were performed using real-time PCR and immunoblotting. ABCA1 mRNA and protein was localised to the apical syncytium of placental villi and endothelia of fetal blood vessels within the villi. ABCA1 mRNA expression was reduced in placentas from women with APS when compared to controls (p<0.001), and this was paralleled by reductions in ABCA1 protein expression. There were no differences in ABCA1 expression between placentas from pre-eclamptic pregnancies and controls. The localisation of ABCA1 in human placenta is consistent with a role in cholesterol and phospholipid transport. The decrease in ABCA1 protein in APS may reflect reduced cholesterol transport to the fetus affecting the formation of cell membranes and decreasing the level of substrate available for steroidogenesis.


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Ca2+ is essential for numerous physiological functions in our bodies. Therefore, its homeostasis is finely maintained through the coordination of intestinal absorption, renal reabsorption, and bone resorption. The Ca2+-selective epithelial channels TRPV5 and TRPV6 have been identified, and their physiological roles have been revealed: TRPV5 is important in final renal Ca2+ reabsorption, and TRPV6 has a key role in intestinal Ca2+ absorption. The TRPV5 knockout mice exhibit renal leak hypercalciuria and accordingly upregulate their intestinal TRPV6 expression to compensate for their negative Ca2+ balance. In contrast, despite their severe negative Ca2+ balance, TRPV6-null mice do not display any compensatory mechanism, thus resulting in secondary hyperparathyroidism. These results indicate that the genes for TRPV5 and TRPV6 are differentially regulated in human diseases associated with disturbed Ca2+ balance such as hypercalciuria, osteoporosis, and vitamin D-resistant rickets.


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New vessel formation and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) influence host responses to malignant tissues. Extracellular adenosine-mediated pathways promote both vascular endothelial cell proliferation and inhibit cytotoxic T cells, thereby potentiating cancer growth. CD39 is the dominant ectonucleotidase of vascular and T regulatory cells and has the potential to generate high levels of adenosine locally. We have previously shown that deletion of Cd39 results in angiogenic failure and T regulatory cell dysfunction with loss of immune suppressive functions. Aim: Investigate impact of CD39 upon development of hepatic metastases. Methods and Results: We studied the development of metastatic liver deposits following portal vein infusion of 1.5x105 melanoma B16/F10 cells, with luciferase expression, in wild type and Cd39-null C57BL/6 mice (n=24). Tumor formation in liver was directly examined and animals imaged at days 7-17 after tumor cell implantation. As predicted, the formation of hepatic malignant foci was markedly suppressed in Cd39-null mice, at all time points examined. To test whether the major impact of Cd39-deletion was upon neovasculature formation or immune responsiveness, adoptive transfer experiments were conducted. Bone marrow transplants (BMT) from Cd39-null or wild type BL/6 mice were placed in lethally irradiated control and/or null mice, in a crossover manner (total n=24 for each group, respectively). Eight weeks postadoptive transfer, melanoma cells were infused via portal vein as before and tumor growth studied. The Cd39-null mice that received wild type BMT mirrored the wild type phenotype with progressive tumor growth observed (n=8 per time point; p=0.015). In contrast, metastases were significantly inhibited in both number and size and ultimately became necrotic in the wild type mice that had received Cd39-null BMT. Conclusions: Bone marrow derived cells mediate the major inhibitory effects of CD39 deletion on tumor growth. Pharmacological inhibition of CD39 may find utility as an adjunct therapy in the management of hepatic malignancy.


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Acetaminophen (APAP) is safe at therapeutic levels but causes hepatotoxicity via N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine-induced oxidative stress upon overdose. To determine the effect of human (h) pregnane X receptor (PXR) activation and CYP3A4 induction on APAP-induced hepatotoxicity, mice humanized for PXR and CYP3A4 (TgCYP3A4/hPXR) were treated with APAP and rifampicin. Human PXR activation and CYP3A4 induction enhanced APAP-induced hepatotoxicity as revealed by hepatic alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities elevated in serum, and hepatic necrosis after coadministration of rifampicin and APAP, compared with APAP administration alone. In contrast, hPXR mice, wild-type mice, and Pxr-null mice exhibited significantly lower ALT/AST levels compared with TgCYP3A4/hPXR mice after APAP administration. Toxicity was coincident with depletion of hepatic glutathione and increased production of hydrogen peroxide, suggesting increased oxidative stress upon hPXR activation. Moreover, mRNA analysis demonstrated that CYP3A4 and other PXR target genes were significantly induced by rifampicin treatment. Urinary metabolomic analysis indicated that cysteine-APAP and its metabolite S-(5-acetylamino-2-hydroxyphenyl)mercaptopyruvic acid were the major contributors to the toxic phenotype. Quantification of plasma APAP metabolites indicated that the APAP dimer formed coincident with increased oxidative stress. In addition, serum metabolomics revealed reduction of lysophosphatidylcholine in the APAP-treated groups. These findings demonstrated that human PXR is involved in regulation of APAP-induced toxicity through CYP3A4-mediated hepatic metabolism of APAP in the presence of PXR ligands.


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Metabolic bioactivation, glutathione depletion, and covalent binding are the early hallmark events after acetaminophen (APAP) overdose. However, the subsequent metabolic consequences contributing to APAP-induced hepatic necrosis and apoptosis have not been fully elucidated. In this study, serum metabolomes of control and APAP-treated wild-type and Cyp2e1-null mice were examined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and multivariate data analysis. A dose-response study showed that the accumulation of long-chain acylcarnitines in serum contributes to the separation of wild-type mice undergoing APAP-induced hepatotoxicity from other mouse groups in a multivariate model. This observation, in conjunction with the increase of triglycerides and free fatty acids in the serum of APAP-treated wild-type mice, suggested that APAP treatment can disrupt fatty acid beta-oxidation. A time-course study further indicated that both wild-type and Cyp2e1-null mice had their serum acylcarnitine levels markedly elevated within the early hours of APAP treatment. While remaining high in wild-type mice, serum acylcarnitine levels gradually returned to normal in Cyp2e1-null mice at the end of the 24 h treatment. Distinct from serum aminotransferase activity and hepatic glutathione levels, the pattern of serum acylcarnitine accumulation suggested that acylcarnitines can function as complementary biomarkers for monitoring the APAP-induced hepatotoxicity. An essential role for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) in the regulation of serum acylcarnitine levels was established by comparing the metabolomic responses of wild-type and Ppara-null mice to a fasting challenge. The upregulation of PPARalpha activity following APAP treatment was transient in wild-type mice but was much more prolonged in Cyp2e1-null mice. Overall, serum metabolomics of APAP-induced hepatotoxicity revealed that the CYP2E1-mediated metabolic activation and oxidative stress following APAP treatment can cause irreversible inhibition of fatty acid oxidation, potentially through suppression of PPARalpha-regulated pathways.


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Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is an important nuclear receptor xenosensor that regulates the expression of metabolic enzymes and transporters involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics and endobiotics. In this study, ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled with electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS), revealed altered urinary metabolomes in both Pxr-null and wild-type mice treated with the mouse PXR activator pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN). Multivariate data analysis revealed that PCN significantly attenuated the urinary vitamin E metabolite alpha-carboxyethyl hydroxychroman (CEHC) glucuronide together with a novel metabolite in wild-type but not Pxr-null mice. Deconjugation experiments with beta-glucuronidase and beta-glucosidase suggested that the novel urinary metabolite was gamma-CEHC beta-D-glucoside (Glc). The identity of gamma-CEHC Glc was confirmed by chemical synthesis and by comparing tandem mass fragmentation of the urinary metabolite with the authentic standard. The lower urinary CEHC was likely due to PXR-mediated repression of hepatic sterol carrier protein 2 involved in peroxisomal beta-oxidation of branched-chain fatty acids (BCFA). Using a combination of metabolomic analysis and a genetically modified mouse model, this study revealed that activation of PXR results in attenuated levels of the two vitamin E conjugates, and identification of a novel vitamin E metabolite, gamma-CEHC Glc. Activation of PXR results in attenuated levels of the two vitamin E conjugates that may be useful as biomarkers of PXR activation.


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Accumulating evidence indicates that agrin, a heparan sulphate proteoglycan of the extracellular matrix, plays a role in the organization and maintenance of the blood-brain barrier. This evidence is based on the differential effects of agrin isoforms on the expression and distribution of the water channel protein, aquaporin-4 (AQP4), on the swelling capacity of cultured astrocytes of neonatal mice and on freeze-fracture data revealing an agrin-dependent clustering of orthogonal arrays of particles (OAPs), the structural equivalent of AQP4. Here, we show that the OAP density in agrin-null mice is dramatically decreased in comparison with wild-types, by using quantitative freeze-fracture analysis of astrocytic membranes. In contrast, anti-AQP4 immunohistochemistry has revealed that the immunoreactivity of the superficial astrocytic endfeet of the agrin-null mouse is comparable with that in wild-type mice. Moreover, in vitro, wild-type and agrin-null astrocytes cultured from mouse embryos at embryonic day 19.5 differ neither in AQP4 immunoreactivity, nor in OAP density in freeze-fracture replicas. Analyses of brain tissue samples and cultured astrocytes by reverse transcription with the polymerase chain reaction have not demonstrated any difference in the level of AQP4 mRNA between wild-type astrocytes and astrocytes from agrin-null mice. Furthermore, we have been unable to detect any difference in the swelling capacity between wild-type and agrin-null astrocytes. These results clearly demonstrate, for the first time, that agrin plays a pivotal role for the clustering of OAPs in the endfoot membranes of astrocytes, whereas the mere presence of AQP4 is not sufficient for OAP clustering.


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Colorectal cancer is a complex disease that is thought to arise when cells accumulate mutations that allow for uncontrolled growth. There are several recognized mechanisms for generating such mutations in sporadic colon cancer; one of which is chromosomal instability (CIN). One hypothesized driver of CIN in cancer is the improper repair of dysfunctional telomeres. Telomeres comprise the linear ends of chromosomes and play a dual role in cancer. Its length is maintained by the ribonucleoprotein, telomerase, which is not a normally expressed in somatic cells and as cells divide, telomeres continuously shorten. Critically shortened telomeres are considered dysfunctional as they are recognized as sites of DNA damage and cells respond by entering into replicative senescence or apoptosis, a process that is p53-dependent and the mechanism for telomere-induced tumor suppression. Loss of this checkpoint and improper repair of dysfunctional telomeres can initiate a cycle of fusion, bridge and breakage that can lead to chromosomal changes and genomic instability, a process that can lead to transformation of normal cells to cancer cells. Mouse models of telomere dysfunction are currently based on knocking out the telomerase protein or RNA component; however, the naturally long telomeres of mice require multiple generational crosses of telomerase null mice to achieve critically short telomeres. Shelterin is a complex of six core proteins that bind to telomeres specifically. Pot1a is a highly conserved member of this complex that specifically binds to the telomeric single-stranded 3’ G-rich overhang. Previous work in our lab has shown that Pot1a is essential for chromosomal end protection as deletion of Pot1a in murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) leads to open telomere ends that initiate a DNA damage response mediated by ATR, resulting in p53-dependent cellular senescence. Loss of Pot1a in the background of p53 deficiency results in increased aberrant homologous recombination at telomeres and elevated genomic instability, which allows Pot1a-/-, p53-/- MEFs to form tumors when injected into SCID mice. These phenotypes are similar to those seen in cells with critically shortened telomeres. In this work, we created a mouse model of telomere ysfunction in the gastrointestinal tract through the conditional deletion of Pot1a that recapitulates the microscopic features seen in severe telomere attrition. Combined intestinal loss of Pot1a and p53 lead to formation of invasive adenocarcinomas in the small and large intestines. The tumors formed with long latency, low multiplicity and had complex genomes due to chromosomal instability, features similar to those seen in sporadic human colorectal cancers. Taken together, we have developed a novel mouse model of intestinal tumorigenesis based on genomic instability driven by telomere dysfunction.


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Mutations in cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), a large extracellular glycoprotein expressed in musculoskeletal tissues, cause two skeletal dysplasias, pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. These mutations lead to massive intracellular retention of COMP, chondrocyte death and loss of growth plate chondrocytes that are necessary for linear growth. In contrast, COMP null mice have only minor growth plate abnormalities, normal growth and longevity. This suggests that reducing mutant and wild-type COMP expression in chondrocytes may prevent the toxic cellular phenotype causing the skeletal dysplasias. We tested this hypothesis using RNA interference to reduce steady state levels of COMP mRNA. A panel of shRNAs directed against COMP was tested. One shRNA (3B) reduced endogenous and recombinant COMP mRNA dramatically, regardless of expression levels. The activity of the shRNA against COMP mRNA was maintained for up to 10 weeks. We also demonstrate that this treatment reduced ER stress. Moreover, we show that reducing steady state levels of COMP mRNA alleviates intracellular retention of other extracellular matrix proteins associated with the pseudoachondroplasia cellular pathology. These findings are a proof of principle and the foundation for the development of a therapeutic intervention based on reduction of COMP expression.